2024-2032 年按晶片類型、資料中心規模、垂直產業和地區分類的資料中心晶片市場報告Data Center Chip Market Report by Chip Type, Data Center Size, Industry Vertical, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球資料中心晶片市場規模達109億美元。該市場主要由不斷擴大的資訊技術(IT)行業、持續的技術進步、領先企業的廣泛研發(R&D)努力以及半導體製造五奈米製程的引入所推動。
主要市場趨勢:整合專用硬體加速器(例如 GPU(圖形處理單元)、TPU(張量處理單元)和 FPGA(現場可編程閘陣列))以最佳化 AI 工作負載的效能正在推動資料中心晶片市場的發展趨勢。此外,先進半導體製程節點(例如 7 奈米和 5 奈米)的日益普及,可實現更高的電晶體密度、更高的性能和更低的功耗,也正在催化全球市場。
競爭格局:資料中心晶片產業的一些主要市場參與者包括Achronix Semiconductor Corporation、Advanced Micro Devices Inc.、Arm Limited、Broadcom Inc.、Fujitsu Limited、GlobalFoundries Inc.、華為技術有限公司、英特爾公司、 Marvell Technology Inc. 、Nvidia Corporation、台灣積體電路製造有限公司等。
Microsoft Azure、Amazon Web Services (AWS) 和 Google Cloud 等雲端服務供應商不斷擴展的基礎架構正在推動市場成長。除此之外,資料中心儲存、管理和處理大量資訊的需求不斷成長,進一步刺激了資料中心晶片市場的成長。例如,亞馬遜網路服務公司推出了供應鏈管理應用程式,該應用程式將消除企業利用多個系統和供應商存取關鍵網路資料的要求。 AWS Supply Chain 是一款由機器學習驅動的應用程式,可自動組合和分析眾多供應鏈系統中的資料,從而創建「統一資料湖」。此外,2023 年 5 月,IBM 推出了 IBM 混合雲端 Mesh,這是一款 SaaS 產品,旨在協助企業管理其混合多雲端基礎架構。
邊緣資料中心日益普及,用於即時處理和分析智慧型穿戴裝置、感測器和連網裝置等物聯網裝置產生的資料,這對資料中心晶片市場需求產生了積極影響。此外,廣泛利用這些元件來增強資料安全性、減少延遲並實現更快的決策是另一個重要的成長誘導因素。例如,根據 GSMA Intelligence 的資料,全球 5G 市場滲透率預計將從 2020 年的 3% 成長到 2030 年的 64%。政府已撥款 700 億印度盧比資金在該國開發 100 個由物聯網設備驅動的智慧城市。政府打算控制交通,有效利用水和電力,並使用物聯網感測器收集資料以用於醫療保健和其他服務。
人工智慧和機器學習演算法中對先進資料中心晶片處理和分析大量資料集的需求不斷成長,對市場成長產生了積極影響。除此之外,人工智慧和機器學習在醫療保健、零售、金融和自動駕駛汽車等各行業的結合,以提高效率並做出數據驅動的決策,也促進了市場的成長。例如,2023 年 4 月,Oracle Corporation 和 GitLab Inc. 宣布推出擴展 ML 和 AI 功能的新產品。客戶可以在 Oracle 雲端基礎架構 (OCI) 上使用支援 GPU 的 GitLab 執行程式執行 AI 和 ML 工作負載,並可在任何需要的地方(包括本機和多雲環境)部署雲端服務。此外,Inflection AI 獲得了最大的人工機器學習融資輪之一,總額達 2.25 億美元。它被稱為機器學習和人工智慧新創公司。預計它將改進機器學習,在不久的將來實現直覺的人機介面。
IMARC Group提供了每個細分市場的主要趨勢的分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據晶片類型、資料中心規模和垂直行業對市場進行了分類。
該報告根據晶片類型對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括 GPU、ASIC、FPGA、CPU 等。根據該報告,GPU 代表了最大的部分。這些處理器廣泛應用於資料中心的人工智慧、資料分析、機器學習和科學模擬。此外,GPU 還可以有效處理神經網路所需的矩陣運算和運算。例如,宏碁在印度推出了新型 NVIDIA Tesla GPU 驅動的伺服器。此伺服器最多可託管八個 NVIDIA Tesla V100 32GB SXM2 GPU 加速器。 GPU 對包含一個用於高速互連的外圍組件互連 (PCIe) 插槽。此外,在日本,著名電信公司之一的 KDDI 已與 NVIDIA 合作,為客戶提供 GeForce Now 遊戲串流服務。它將把 NVIDIA 的 RTX 遊戲伺服器放置在東京的一個新資料中心。
該報告根據資料中心規模對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括小型、中型和大型。報告稱,大尺寸佔據最大的細分市場。大型資料中心廣泛用於管理大量資料、基礎設施要求和運算能力。例如,Power Grid Corporation India Ltd 和Tele India Datacenter(也稱為「Datasamudra」)是印度第一個按需和按需資料中心,位於班加羅爾,提供全球統一的託管、託管和雲端服務,簽署了一份合作備忘錄整合資源,提升使用者體驗。此外,在未來幾年,各種新的資料中心營運商將透過提供跨城市的創新概念和可擴展性來改變印度資料中心的格局。此外,在其最新的專用資料中心 (DC) 策略的支持下,卡納塔克邦預計將成為印度首要的資料中心目的地,並成為印度領先的數位經濟體之一。
該報告根據垂直行業對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括 BFSI、製造業、政府、IT 和電信、零售、運輸、能源和公用事業等。報告顯示,BFSI 佔據最大的市場佔有率。 BFSI 產業廣泛利用資料中心來安全地分析和處理金融交易、客戶資料和敏感資訊。例如,線上安全領域的全球領導者麥克菲宣布與萬事達卡建立合作夥伴關係,為持卡人提供線上安全軟體。此次合作將使萬事達卡持卡人能夠購買麥克菲網路安全軟體。此外,義大利最大的銀行集團之一BPER Banca Group宣布與IBM公司建立為期四年的合作夥伴關係,以協助該銀行加速發展成為一家完全數位化的公司。這項為期四年的協議將擴展該銀行的混合雲端策略,透過將IBM Cloud for Financial Services 的安全性、可擴展性和可靠性與IBM z16 和Red Hat OpenShift(領先的Kubernetes 平台)的彈性相結合,實現其技術基礎設施和應用程式的現代化。
該報告還對所有主要區域市場進行了全面分析,其中包括北美(美國和加拿大);歐洲(德國、法國、英國、義大利、西班牙、俄羅斯等);亞太地區(中國、日本、印度、韓國、澳洲、印尼等);拉丁美洲(巴西、墨西哥等);以及中東和非洲。報告稱,由於城市化和工業化活動的不斷增加以及高效可靠的電信基礎設施的發展,北美佔據了最大的市場佔有率。除此之外,消費者和企業對資料隱私和安全標準的嚴格遵守也推動了該地區資料中心晶片市場的成長。例如,隨著更快的網路替代方案(例如 5G)和廣泛的光纖連接支援技術(例如 FWA)的引入,智慧型手機的資料消耗從 1.8 GB 增加到約 8.5 GB。預計到 2029 年,這項消耗將進一步增加到資料 GB 以上。據 eStruxture 稱,此次合作將使客戶能夠透過網際網路隧道 (ToI) 直接從 eStruxture 的任何一個資料中心存取NetIX 的所有全球位置、網際網路交換點(IXP) 和NetIX 的全球網際網路交換(GIX) 對等解決方案服務。
市場研究報告也對市場競爭格局進行了全面分析。報告涵蓋了市場結構、關鍵參與者定位、最佳制勝策略、競爭儀表板和公司評估象限等競爭分析。此外,也提供了所有主要公司的詳細資料。資料中心晶片產業的一些主要市場參與者包括 Achronix Semiconductor Corporation、Advanced Micro Devices Inc.、Arm Limited、Broadcom Inc.、Fujitsu Limited、GlobalFoundries Inc.、華為技術有限公司、英特爾公司、Marvell Technology Inc. .、Nvidia公司、台灣積積電路製造有限公司等。
2023年1月:華為技術有限公司推出業界首個針對下一代Wi-Fi 7園區網路的50G POL原型機。它將園區網路從10G PON升級為50G PON,讓園區客戶享受超寬頻網路體驗。同時,客戶可以按需建網,未來可以平滑升級到50G PON,保護初期網路建置投資。
2023 年 3 月:Marvell Technology Inc. 推出 Marvell Nova 1.6 Tbps PAM4 電光平台。它可在雲端人工智慧 (AI)/機器學習 (ML) 和資料中心網路中實現最高速度的資料移動。
2024 年 3 月:ORCA Computers、Pixel Photonics、Sparrow Quantum 和 Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) 宣佈在 Eurostars 計畫「SupremeQ」上進行合作。這項具有里程碑意義的舉措匯集了來自英國、德國和丹麥的量子專家,他們的共同目標是加速光子量子運算技術的開發和商業化,以提供量子優勢。
The global data center chip market size reached US$ 10.9 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 17.8 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% during 2024-2032. The market is primarily driven by the expanding information technology (IT) industry, the continuous technological advancements, the extensive research and development (R&D) efforts by the leading players, and the introduction of the five-nanometer process for semiconductor manufacturing.
Major Market Drivers: The extensive utilization of cloud computing services by businesses and consumers is among the primary factors driving the data center chip market outlook. Moreover, the escalating demand for powerful and energy-efficient chips to support virtualization, storage, networking, and other critical workloads is also catalyzing the market growth.
Key Market Trends: The integration of specialized hardware accelerators, such as GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), TPUs (Tensor Processing Units), and FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) to optimize the performance of AI workloads is propelling the data center chip market trends. Additionally, the growing popularity of advanced semiconductor process nodes, such as 7nm and 5nm, to enable higher transistor density, improved performance, and lower power consumption is also catalyzing the global market.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the data center chip industry include Achronix Semiconductor Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Arm Limited, Broadcom Inc., Fujitsu Limited, GlobalFoundries Inc., Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Intel Corporation, Marvell Technology Inc., Nvidia Corporation, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, among many others.
Geographical Trends: North America accounted for the largest share in the data center chip market analysis, owing to the development of advanced telecommunications infrastructure and reliable power supply. Besides this, the increasing number of leading companies, the inflating investments in cloud computing, and the extensive utilization of data-intensive applications are stimulating the data center chip market statistics in the region.
Challenges and Opportunities: The extensive processing of complex workloads, including AI/ML, high-performance computing, and big data analytics, while minimizing power consumption and latency poses challenges for the market. However, the development of customized chip solutions, including application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and domain-specific architectures (DSAs) for specific uses presents significant growth opportunities for the data center chip market share.
The Increasing Demand for Cloud Services and Big Data Analytics
The expanding infrastructure of cloud service providers, such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud is propelling the market growth. Besides this, the escalating demand for data centers to store, manage, and process large amounts of information is further stimulating the data center chip market growth. For instance, Amazon Web Services Inc. has launched a supply chain management application that would eliminate the requirement for businesses to utilize multiple systems and vendors to access critical network data. AWS Supply Chain is a machine learning-powered application that automatically combines and analyzes data across numerous supply chain systems, creating a "unified data lake." Moreover, in May 2023, IBM unveiled IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh, a SaaS offering that was developed to facilitate enterprises to obtain management to their hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure.
Expanding IoT and Edge Computing
The growing popularity of edge data centers to process and analyze the data generated from IoT devices, such as smart wearables, sensors, and connected appliances in real-time is positively influencing the data center chip market demand. Moreover, the extensive utilization of these components to enhance data security, reduce latency, and enable faster decision-making is acting as another significant growth-inducing factor. For instance, according to the data from GSMA Intelligence, the 5G market penetration worldwide is expected to increase from 3% in 2020 to 64% in 2030. Additionally, as part of the Digital India initiative, the Government of India has planned to give IoT a push in the country. The government has allocated INR 7,000-crore funds to develop 100 smart cities in the country powered by IoT devices. The government intends to control traffic, efficiently use water and power, and collect data using IoT sensors for healthcare and other services.
Growth of AI and Machine Learning Applications
The escalating demand for advanced data center chips in AI and ML algorithms to process and analyze vast amounts of datasets is positively influencing the market growth. Besides this, the incorporation of AI and ML across various industries, such as healthcare, retail, finance, and autonomous vehicles to improve efficiency and make data-driven decisions is also bolstering the market growth. For instance, in April 2023, Oracle Corporation and GitLab Inc. announced the availability of a new offering that expands ML and AI functionalities. Customers can run AI and ML workloads with GPU-enabled GitLab runners on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and get access to deploy cloud services wherever needed, including on-premises and multi-cloud environments. Moreover, Inflection AI secured one of the largest artificial machine learning funding rounds, totaling US$ 225 Million. It is referred to as a machine learning and AI startup. It is expected to improve machine learning, allowing for intuitive human-computer interfaces in the near future.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on chip type, data center size, and industry vertical.
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the chip type. This includes GPU, ASIC, FPGA, CPU, and others. According to the report, GPU represented the largest segment. These processors are widely used in data centers for artificial intelligence, data analytics, machine learning, and scientific simulations. Moreover, GPUs handle matrix operations and calculations required by neutral networks effectively. For instance, Acer has launched new NVIDIA Tesla GPU-powered servers in India. The server can host up to eight NVIDIA Tesla V100 32GB SXM2 GPU accelerators. GPU pair includes one Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCIe) slot for high-speed interconnect. Additionally, in Japan, KDDI, one of the prominent telecom companies, has partnered with NVIDIA to offer GeForce Now game-streaming service to customers. It would place NVIDIA's RTX gaming servers in a new data center in Tokyo.
Small and Medium Size
Large Size
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the data center size. This includes small and medium size and large size. According to the report, the large size accounted for the largest market segment. Large data centers are extensively utilized for managing huge amounts of data, infrastructure requirements, and computing power. For instance, Power Grid Corporation India Ltd and Tele India Datacenter, also known as "Datasamudra," India's first On-demand and On-requirement datacenter based in Bangalore, offering globally aligned colocation, hosting & cloud services, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to combine their resources to improve user experience. Moreover, in the upcoming years, a wide variety of new data center operators will transform the Indian data center landscape by offering innovative concepts and scalability across cities. Additionally, Karnataka is projected to become a premier data center destination in India and take the lead as one of the leading digital economies in the nation, supported by its most recent dedicated data center (DC) strategy.
IT and Telecom
Energy and Utilities
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the industry vertical. This includes BFSI, manufacturing, government, IT and telecom, retail, transportation, energy and utilities, and others. According to the report, BFSI accounted for the largest market share. The extensive utilization of data centers in the BFSI industry to analyze and process financial transactions, customer data, and sensitive information securely. For instance, McAfee, a global leader in online security, announced a partnership with Mastercard to provide online security software to cardholders. The collaboration will allow Mastercard Cardholders to purchase McAfee internet security software. Moreover, BPER Banca Group, one of Italy's largest banking groups, announced a four-year partnership with IBM Corporation to assist in accelerating the bank's development into a completely digital corporation. The four-year agreement will expand the bank's hybrid cloud strategy to modernize its technology infrastructure and applications by combining the security, scalability, and reliability of IBM Cloud for Financial Services with the resiliency of IBM z16 and Red Hat OpenShift, a leading Kubernetes platform, to help meet the compliance requirements of the heavily regulated industry.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America accounted for the largest market share, owing to the increasing urbanization and industrialization activities and the development of efficient and reliable telecommunications infrastructure. Besides this, the strict adherence of consumers and businesses to data privacy and security standards is also propelling the data center chip market growth in this region. For instance, with the introduction of faster network alternatives, such as 5G and extensive fiber connectivity supporting technologies like FWA, data consumption through smartphones increased from 1.8 GB to about 8.5 GB. This consumption is expected to further increase to more than 64 GB by 2029. Moreover, NetIX, the Bulgarian global platform, partnered with data center company eStruxture to provide global connectivity solutions in Canada. According to eStruxture, the collaboration would enable customers to access all of NetIX's global locations, Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), and NetIX's Global Internet Exchange (GIX) peering solutions directly from any one of eStruxture's data centers through the Tunnelling over Internet (ToI) service.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Competitive analysis such as market structure, key player positioning, top winning strategies, competitive dashboard, and company evaluation quadrant has been covered in the report. Also, detailed profiles of all major companies have been provided. Some of the major market players in the Data Center Chip industry include Achronix Semiconductor Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Arm Limited, Broadcom Inc., Fujitsu Limited, GlobalFoundries Inc., Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Intel Corporation, Marvell Technology Inc., Nvidia Corporation, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, among many others.
January 2023: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. launched Industry-First 50G POL Prototype for Next-Generation Wi-Fi 7 Campus Networks. It upgrades campus networks from 10G PON to 50G PON and allows campus customers to enjoy an ultra-broadband network experience. Also, customers can build networks on demand and smoothly upgrade networks to 50G PON in the future, protecting initial network construction investments.
March 2023: Marvell Technology Inc. launched the Marvell Nova 1.6 Tbps PAM4 electro-optics platform. It enables the highest speed of data movement in cloud artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) and data center networks.
March 2024: ORCA Computing, Pixel Photonics, Sparrow Quantum, and the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) announce their collaboration on the Eurostars project 'SupremeQ.' This landmark initiative brings together quantum experts from the United Kingdom, Germany, and Denmark with a shared goal of accelerating the development and commercialization of photonic quantum computing technologies to deliver quantum advantage.