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2024-2032 年按類型、原料(豬肉、牛肉、骨頭、羥丙基甲基纖維素等)、功能、治療應用、最終用戶和地區分類的空膠囊市場報告Empty Capsules Market Report by Type, Raw Material (Pig Meat, Bovine Meat, Bone, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, and Others), Functionality, Therapeutic Application, End User, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球空心膠囊市場規模達31億美元。確保患者胃腸道安全的膠囊中膠囊技術的日益普及,加上醫療保健行業的眾多進步,主要推動了空心膠囊市場的發展。
競爭格局:全球市場上一些知名的公司包括 ACG Associated Capsules Pvt. Ltd.、Bright Pharma Caps Inc.、CapsCanada Corporation、HealthCaps India Limited、Lonza Group AG、Medicaps Limited、Qualicaps Co. Ltd.(三菱化學控股株式會社)、Nectar Lifesciences Limited、Roxlor LLC、山西廣生藥用膠囊有限公司、 Snail Pharma Industry Co. Ltd、Suheung Co. Ltd 和 Sunil Healthcare Limited 等。
挑戰與機會:空心膠囊市場的主要挑戰之一是確保膠囊與各種活性藥物成分(API)的穩定性和相容性。然而,材料科學的不斷改進,開發創新的膠囊材料和配方,提高穩定性並減少與不同 API 的相互作用,預計將在未來幾年推動市場發展。
容易患相關慢性病的老年人口不斷增加,對生產治療有效的膠囊藥物的需求不斷增加,因為與其他口服劑型相比,膠囊易於吞嚥且溶解時間更快。據世界衛生組織 (WHO) 稱,預計 2020 年至 2050 年間,80 歲及以上的人口數量將增加兩倍,達到約 4.26 億。除此之外,據美國人口資料局《人口老化公報》稱,到2060 年,65 歲及以上的美國人預計將增加近一倍,從2018 年的5,200 萬增加到9,500 萬。血管疾病(CVD)在全球範圍內非常流行。根據世界衛生組織2019年公佈的資料,預計每年有1,790萬人因心血管疾病發生率上升而死亡,預計到2030年這一數字將成長至約2,360萬人以上。 ,2021 年,英國各地約有760 萬人患有心臟病和循環系統疾病。因此,這些病例發病率的上升促進了心血管治療藥物的有效治療,這為空心膠囊市場前景提供了積極的前景。
製藥業先進封裝解決方案的引入正在推動市場發展。主要參與者正在開發增強型空膠囊變體,例如 HPMC 膠囊,作為硬明膠膠囊的素食替代品,並滿足某些飲食和文化需求。例如,Capsugel 是著名的空膠囊製造商之一,在硬明膠膠囊製造等技術方面擁有 20 多年的經驗,提供一系列用於吸入和口服藥物應用的羥丙基甲基纖維素 (HPMC) 膠囊。另一個例子是 ACG 於 2022 年 3 月開發的 ACGcaps NTone,它提供源自可食用來源的天然色素選擇,吸引了注重健康的個人。此外,Suheung Capsule 是合約 HPMC 和硬明膠膠囊製造服務的主要參與者之一,為製藥業提供高度穩定的硬明膠膠囊殼材料。除此之外,歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)和美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)越來越多的監管批准正在簡化新配方的流程,這反過來又是空心膠囊市場的近期機會之一。例如,2020年4月,硬膠囊和製藥相關設備製造商之一的Qualicaps在與多家在該地區營運的領先公司簽署代理商和分銷合作夥伴協議後,擴大了在中東和非洲的業務。同樣,2020 年 8 月,Dr. Reddy Laboratories 獲得美國 FDA 批准開發仿製青黴胺膠囊,可用於治療胱胺酸尿症和威爾森氏症。
膠囊形式的藥妝品和營養品(例如 CosmoPod 膠囊和魚肝油膠囊)越來越受歡迎,它們是重要的生長誘導因素。根據IMARC Group發布的報告,2023年全球營養保健品市場規模達4,685億美元。 。因此,膠囊形式的補充劑的推出為新配方帶來了利潤豐厚的機會,從而推動了空膠囊市場的需求。例如,2023 年12 月,總部位於孟買的膠囊製造供應商之一ACG 透過使用並排技術開發了一種新穎的營養保健品設計,將膠囊分成兩個隔間,從而使兩種不同形式的成分成為可能,例如液體和粉末,製成一粒膠囊。除此之外,膳食補充劑標籤資料庫 (DSLD) 的資料顯示,大約有 50,000 種膳食補充劑膠囊、軟膠囊、片劑、粉末、液體、軟糖和包裝產品可供選擇。這些產品大多是單一維生素、多種維生素、胺基酸、草藥、多種礦物質等多種資料。的百分比。這反過來又推動了全球市場。
IMARC Group提供了每個細分市場的主要趨勢分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的空心膠囊市場預測。我們的報告根據類型、原料、功能、治療應用和最終用戶對市場進行了分類。
明膠膠囊,也稱為凝膠帽,代表了營養保健品和製藥行業中使用的一種流行的口服劑量形式,因為它們易於使用、用途廣泛,並且能夠掩蓋封閉物質的不良味道和氣味。此外,它們通常有硬質和軟質兩種形式。硬明膠膠囊廣泛用於乾燥、粉狀成分和丸劑,而軟明膠膠囊則非常適合油和液體配方。具有最佳特性(例如改進的穩定性和改進的釋放曲線)的明膠膠囊的推出正在促進該領域的成長。例如,Suheung 等公司提供 EMBO CAPS 膠囊,其製造目的是為了最佳化穩定性。這些膠囊也採用高級原料生產,其中包括來自Suheung子公司Geltech的明膠。此外,嚴格的規範合規性和電腦化的原料交叉混合確保只有滿足確切要求的粉末才能到達膠囊機。除此之外,2023 年 2 月,Vivion, Inc. 推出了多種空明膠膠囊。
羥丙基甲基纖維素 (HPMC)
該報告根據原料對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括豬肉、牛肉、骨頭、羥丙基甲基纖維素 (HPMC) 等。報告稱,豬肉是最大的細分市場。
豬肉,特別是豬肉明膠,由於其廣泛的可用性和優異的凝膠特性(這對於膠囊製造至關重要)在市場佔有率中表現出明顯的主導地位。豬肉明膠因其穩定的品質和形成堅固且柔韌的膠囊且易於在胃中溶解的能力而受到青睞。例如,Capsugel 在其廣泛使用的膠囊中採用了豬肉明膠,從而確保了可靠的性能。此外,2021 年 11 月,國際明膠製造商協會報告稱,用於製藥應用(包括膠囊)的明膠約 85% 來自豬肉。這種主導地位也是由完善的供應鏈以及與其他來源(例如牛明膠或魚明膠)相比較低的豬肉明膠相關生產成本所推動的。儘管由於飲食限制和道德問題,人們對替代來源越來越感興趣,但豬肉明膠仍然是業界的首選。
對需要快速起效的藥物的不斷成長的需求正在促進這一領域的成長。速釋膠囊在胃中快速溶解,迅速釋放其內容物,從而實現快速治療效果,這使得它們成為各種藥品和營養保健品的理想選擇。例如,2022 年 8 月,ACG 推出了速釋膠囊系列 ACGcaps IR,該膠囊專門用於最佳化活性成分的釋放曲線,提高其功效和患者依從性。同樣,2023 年 1 月,Capsugel 推出了具有立即釋放特性的 Vcaps Plus 膠囊,專為高速填充過程量身定做,並確保快速溶解和生物利用度。這些創新滿足了對有效和速效藥物不斷成長的需求,從而提高了空膠囊市場的近期價格。
由於膠囊易於吞嚥且劑型可控,因此在阿莫西林等抗生素中擴大使用膠囊,有助於提高患者的依從性。此外,在消費者對健康和保健日益關注的推動下,維生素和膳食補充劑也佔據了很大一部分市場。膠囊提供了一種便捷的方式來消耗必需營養素,例如 Omega-3 脂肪酸和維生素 D(這些物質通常以膠囊形式存在)。制酸劑和抗氣脹製劑可受益於膠囊能夠快速緩解消化問題的能力。在心血管治療中,它們確保準確地輸送他汀類藥物和抗高血壓藥物,這對於治療慢性心臟病至關重要。除此之外,其他治療領域,包括疼痛管理和荷爾蒙治療,都利用膠囊的多功能性和藥物傳遞功效,預計這將在未來幾年增加空膠囊市場的收入。
根據空膠囊市場統計數據,對患者友善的給藥方式不斷成長的需求正在刺激市場。空膠囊為封裝各種類型的藥物(從粉末和顆粒到液體和半固體)提供了可靠的形式。例如,2023 年 9 月,Lonza 報告稱,由於其 Capsugel 硬明膠膠囊在新型藥物配方和臨床試驗中的使用,其需求顯著增加。這些膠囊因其一致的性能以及與多種活性藥物成分 (API) 的兼容性而受到青睞。同樣,Qualicaps 開發了新的 Quali-G 硬明膠膠囊系列,該膠囊專為需要精確劑量和增強穩定性的高效藥物而設計。製藥業的主要參與者也利用空膠囊進行控釋製劑,提高治療效果和患者遵從性。
慢性病發病率的增加以及美國老年人口的增加正在刺激該地區市場。根據美國人口資料局的人口老化公報,預計到2060 年,65 歲及以上的人口數量將從2018 年的5,200 萬增加到9,500 萬,幾乎翻倍。不斷增加營養製劑也是另一個重要的生長誘導因子。根據 CRN 消費者調查,77% 的美國人表示在 2019 年食用了膳食補充劑。 。除此之外,加拿大結構良好的醫療保健系統也鼓勵對研發活動的投資,預計這將在預測期內推動北美空膠囊市場的發展。
The global empty capsules market size reached US$ 3.1 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 5.5 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% during 2024-2032. The emerging popularity of capsule-in-capsule technology to ensure the gastrointestinal safety of patients, coupled with numerous advancements in the healthcare industry, are primarily fueling the empty capsules market.
Major Market Drivers: The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases is primarily driving the global market. Moreover, the rising adoption of non-gelatin capsules, such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), due to its transparency, moderate strength, resistance to oil and fat properties, etc., is also acting as another significant growth-inducing factor.
Key Market Trends: The widespread investments by key players in the healthcare sector for introducing innovative therapeutics and pharmaceutical drugs are among the emerging trends bolstering the market. Furthermore, the development of immediate-release capsules is also positively influencing the market growth.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the prominent companies in the global market include ACG Associated Capsules Pvt. Ltd., Bright Pharma Caps Inc., CapsCanada Corporation, HealthCaps India Limited, Lonza Group AG, Medicaps Limited, Qualicaps Co. Ltd. (Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation), Nectar Lifesciences Limited, Roxlor LLC, Shanxi Guangsheng Medicinal Capsules Co. Ltd, Snail Pharma Industry Co. Ltd, Suheung Co. Ltd, and Sunil Healthcare Limited, among many others.
Geographical Trends: North America exhibits a clear dominance in the market, owing to the increasing inclination among health-conscious individuals towards dietary supplements. Besides this, various strategic collaborations between empty capsule suppliers and gelatin manufacturers are contributing to the growth of the regional market.
Challenges and Opportunities: One of the major challenges in the empty capsules market is ensuring the stability and compatibility of capsules with a wide range of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). However, continuous improvements in material science to develop innovative capsule materials and formulations that enhance stability and reduce interactions with diverse APIs are expected to fuel the market in the coming years.
Occurrence of Chronic Diseases
The expanding geriatric population who are susceptible to developing associated chronic conditions is escalating the demand for the production of therapeutically effective medicines in the form of capsules, as they are easy to swallow and have faster dissolution times compared to other oral dosage forms. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of individuals aged 80 years or older is anticipated to triple between 2020 and 2050, reaching roughly about 426 million. Besides this, as stated by the Population Reference Bureau's Population Bulletin-Aging in the United States, the Americans aged 65 years and older are expected to nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060. Additionally, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are highly prevalent globally. As per the data published by the World Health Organization in 2019, an estimated 17.9 million people die each year due to the elevating incidences of cardiovascular diseases, and the number is projected to grow approximately to more than 23.6 million by 2030. Moreover, according to the British Heart Foundation Centre, around 7.6 million individuals were living with heart and circulatory diseases in 2021 across the United Kingdom. As a result, the rising incidences of these cases are bolstering the adoption of cardiovascular therapy drugs for effective treatment, which is providing a positive empty capsules market outlook.
Novel Product Launches
The introduction of advanced encapsulation solutions in the pharmaceutical industry is fueling the market. Key players are developing enhanced empty capsule variants, such as HPMC capsules, that serve as vegetarian alternatives to hard gelatin capsules and satisfy certain dietary and cultural needs. For example, Capsugel, one of the prominent empty capsules manufacturers with more than 20 years of experience in hard gelatin capsule manufacturing, amongst other technologies, provides a range of hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) capsules for inhalation and oral pharmaceutical applications. Another instance is the development of ACGcaps NTone by ACG in March 2022, which offers natural color options derived from edible sources, appealing to health-conscious individuals. Moreover, Suheung Capsule, one of the key players in contract HPMC and hard gelatin capsule manufacturing services, offers highly stable hard gelatin capsule shell materials for the pharmaceutical industry. Apart from this, the increasing number of regulatory approvals from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are simplifying the process of new formulations, which, in turn, is one of the empty capsules market recent opportunities. For example, in April 2020, Qualicaps, one of the manufacturers of hard capsules and pharmaceutical-related equipment, expanded its presence in the Middle East and Africa after signing agency and distribution partnership agreements with a number of leading companies operating in the region. Similarly, in August 2020, Dr. Reddy Laboratories received USFDA approval for the development of generic Penicillamine capsules that can be used for the treatment of cystinuria and Wilson's disease.
Adoption of Dietary Supplements
The inflating popularity of cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals that are preferred in capsule forms, such as CosmoPod capsules and cod liver oil capsules, respectively, is acting as a significant growth-inducing factor. According to the report published by IMARC, the global nutraceuticals market size reached US$ 468.5 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group anticipated the market to reach US$ 856.3 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% during 2024-2032. Consequently, the introduction of supplements in the form of capsules that allow lucrative opportunities for new formulations is propelling the empty capsules market demand. For instance, in December 2023, ACG, one of the Mumbai-based capsule manufacturing providers, developed a novel design for nutraceuticals by using side by sides technology that separates capsules into two compartments, thereby enabling ingredients of two different forms, such as liquid and powder, to be made into one capsule. Apart from this, the data from the Dietary Supplements Label Database (DSLD) revealed that roughly 50,000 dietary supplement capsules, softgel, tablet, powder, liquid, gummy, and packet products are available. Most of these products are numerous dosage forms of single vitamins, multi-vitamins, amino acids, herbals, multi-minerals, etc. Moreover, the DSLD data stated that more than 17,000 products are available as capsules under several categories, accounting for a 34 % share among all dosage forms. This, in turn, is driving the global market.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with the empty capsules market forecast at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on the type, raw material, functionality, therapeutic application, and end user.
Gelatin Capsule
Non-gelatin Capsule
Currently, gelatin capsule accounts for the largest market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type. This includes gelatin capsule and non-gelatin capsule. According to the report, gelatin capsule represented the largest segmentation.
Gelatin capsules, also called gel caps, represent a popular form of oral dosage used in the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries due to their ease of use, versatility, and ability to mask unpleasant tastes and odors of enclosed substances. Moreover, they are commonly available in both hard and soft forms. Hard gelatin capsules are widely used for dry, powdered ingredients and pellets, while soft gelatin capsules are ideal for oils and liquid-based formulations. The introduction of gelatin capsules with optimal properties, such as improved stability and modified release profiles, is augmenting the segment's growth. For instance, companies, such as Suheung, offer EMBO CAPS capsules that are manufactured to optimize stability. These capsules are also produced by adopting high-grade raw materials, including gelatine, which is sourced from Geltech, a subsidiary of Suheung. In addition, stringent specification compliance and computerized raw material cross-blending ensure only powders that meet the exact requirements can reach the capsulation machines. Apart from this, in February 2023, Vivion, Inc. introduced a wide range of empty gelatin capsules.
Pig Meat
Bovine Meat
Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)
Among these, pig meat exhibits a clear dominance in the empty capsules market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the raw material. This includes pig meat, bovine meat, bone, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), and others. According to the report, pig meat represented the largest segmentation.
Pig meat, specifically pork-derived gelatin, exhibits a clear dominance in the market share, owing to its widespread availability and excellent gelling properties, which are crucial for capsule manufacturing. Pork gelatin is favored for its consistent quality and ability to form strong and flexible capsules that dissolve readily in the stomach. For example, Capsugel adopts pork-derived gelatin in their widely used capsules, thereby ensuring reliable performance. Additionally, in November 2021, the International Gelatin Manufacturers Association reported that approximately 85% of the gelatin used in pharmaceutical applications, including capsules, is derived from pork. This dominance is also driven by the well-established supply chains and lower production costs associated with pork gelatin compared to other sources, such as bovine or fish gelatin. Despite the growing interest in alternative sources due to dietary restrictions and ethical concerns, pork gelatin remains the preferred choice in the industry.
Immediate-release Capsules
Sustained-release Capsules
Delayed-release Capsules
Currently, immediate-release capsules account for the majority of the global market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the functionality. This includes immediate-release capsules, sustained-release capsules, and delayed-release capsules. According to the report, immediate-release capsules represented the largest segmentation.
The inflating need for delivering medications that require rapid onset of action is augmenting the growth in this segment. Immediate-release capsules dissolve quickly in the stomach, releasing their contents promptly for fast therapeutic effects, which makes them ideal for a broad range of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. For example, in August 2022, ACG launched its line of immediate-release capsules, ACGcaps IR, which are specifically designed to optimize the release profile of active ingredients, enhancing their efficacy and patient compliance. Similarly, in January 2023, Capsugel introduced their Vcaps Plus capsules with immediate-release properties, tailored for high-speed filling processes and ensuring quick dissolution and bioavailability. These innovations cater to the escalating demand for effective and fast-acting medications, which is elevating the empty capsules market's recent price.
Antibiotic and Antibacterial Drugs
Vitamins and Dietary Supplements
Antacid and Antiflatulent Preparations
Cardiovascular Therapy Drugs
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on therapeutic application. This includes antibiotic and antibacterial drugs, vitamins and dietary supplements, antacid and antiflatulent preparations, cardiovascular therapy drugs, and others.
The rising usage of capsules in antibiotics like amoxicillin helps to improve patient adherence due to their ease of swallowing and controlled dosage forms. Additionally, vitamins and dietary supplements also comprise a large portion of the market, driven by the growing consumer focus on health and wellness. Capsules offer a convenient way to consume essential nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which are often found in capsule form. Antacid and antiflatulent preparations benefit from the ability of capsules to deliver fast-acting relief from digestive issues. In cardiovascular therapy, they ensure the accurate delivery of drugs like statins and antihypertensives, which are crucial for managing chronic heart conditions. Besides this, other therapeutic areas, including pain management and hormonal therapies, utilize capsules for their versatility and efficacy in drug delivery, which is expected to bolster the empty capsules market revenue in the coming years.
Pharmaceutical Industry
Nutraceutical Industry
Cosmetics Industry
Currently, the pharmaceutical industry account for the majority of the global market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end user. This includes pharmaceutical industry, nutraceutical industry, cosmetics industry, and others. According to the report, the pharmaceutical industry represented the largest segmentation.
As per the empty capsules market statistics, the escalating demand for patient-friendly delivery methods is stimulating the market. Empty capsules provide a reliable form for encapsulating various types of medications, from powders and granules to liquids and semisolids. For instance, in September 2023, Lonza reported a significant increase in demand for its Capsugel hard gelatin capsules, driven by their use in novel drug formulations and clinical trials. These capsules are favored for their consistent performance and compatibility with a wide range of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Similarly, Qualicaps developed its new line of Quali-G hard gelatin capsules, which is designed specifically for high-potency drugs, which require precise dosing and enhanced stability. Key players in the pharmaceutical industry also leverage empty capsules for controlled-release formulations, enhancing therapeutic efficacy and patient compliance.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
According to the empty capsules market overview, North America currently dominates the global market share
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America accounted for the largest market share.
The increasing incidences of chronic diseases, along with the expanding geriatric population in the United States, are stimulating the regional market. According to the Population Reference Bureau's Population Bulletin-Aging in the United States, the number of individuals aged 65 years and older is expected to nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060. Besides this, the escalating demand for capsule-based nutraceutical formulations is also acting as another significant growth-inducing factor. As per the CRN Consumer Survey, 77% of Americans reported consuming dietary supplements in 2019. Moreover, the survey revealed that vitamins and minerals were the most common supplements consumed by the population across the United States in the same year, accounting for 76% of total dietary supplement consumption. Apart from this, the well-structured healthcare systems in Canada are also encouraging investments in R&D activities, which are anticipated to fuel the empty capsules market in North America over the forecasted period.
ACG Associated Capsules Pvt. Ltd.
Bright Pharma Caps Inc.
CapsCanada Corporation
HealthCaps India Limited
Lonza Group AG
Medicaps Limited
Qualicaps Co. Ltd. (Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation)
Nectar Lifesciences Limited
Roxlor LLC
Shanxi Guangsheng Medicinal Capsules Co. Ltd
Snail Pharma Industry Co. Ltd
Suheung Co. Ltd
Sunil Healthcare Limited
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
May 2024: Roquette, one of the global leaders in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical excipients, developed its LYCAGEL Flex hydroxypropyl pea starch premix for nutraceutical and pharmaceutical softgel capsules.
April 2024: Lupin Ltd launched the first generic version of doxycycline capsules, Oracea, in the United States after receiving approval from the U.S. FDA.
February 2023: Vivion, Inc., one of the brands of the Operio Group, announced the introduction of optimal product ranges of empty gelatin, HPMC, and pullulan capsules.
December 2023: One of the health brands of Darling Ingredients, Rousselot, received a U.S. Patent for gelatin technology that improves soft gel capsule stability and efficacy.