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2024-2032 年按類型、功能、配方、應用和地區分類的塗料添加劑市場報告Coating Additives Market Report by Type, Function, Formulation, Application, and Region 2024-2032 |
2023年全球塗料添加劑市場規模達103億IMARC Group。人們對創新和永續發展的日益關注,以及建築、汽車和工業領域對環保和高性能塗料添加劑的需求不斷成長,是推動市場成長的主要動力。
競爭格局:塗料添加劑市場的一些公司包括 Altana AG、Arkema SA、Ashland Global、BASF SE、Clariant AG、Dow Inc.、Eastman Chemical Company、Elementis plc、Evonik Industries AG、Huntsman Corporation、Momentive Performance Materials Inc.、和索爾維SA 等。
由於消費者對環境問題的日益關注,消費者的偏好從低揮發性或高揮發性有機溶劑轉向排放較少的完全無溶劑塗料,這是促進市場成長的關鍵因素之一。此外,嚴格的化學品註冊、評估、授權和限制 (REACH) 以及環境保護署 (EPA) 關於溶劑型添加劑中 VOC 和有毒成分的法規正在推動性能增強的水溶性替代品的商業化。為此,德國的監管機構之一(包括 Technische Anleitung (TA) Luft)以及英國的《環境保護法》提供了最大限度減少油漆和塗料中 VOC 含量的指南。此外,用於抗菌、自修復和自清潔表面的智慧功能性塗料在建築、汽車和消費品等多個領域受到關注,從而推動了市場成長。例如,2023 年 6 月,贏創宣佈在其客製化設計的有機矽丙烯酸酯 TEGO Rad 系列中添加一種可自由基交聯的消泡滑爽添加劑。此創新變體由低黏度透明液體組成,可顯著降低典型 LED 和紫外線固化配方中的靜態和動態表面張力。因此,包括阿科瑪、艾仕得塗料系統、佐敦和RPM International Inc. 在內的公司現在正致力於引入環保塗料,例如水性塗料和粉末塗料,以減少其生態足跡,預計這將有有助於減少生態足跡。
政府當局正在對有害空氣污染物和揮發性有機化合物排放實施嚴格的規定,這反過來又影響了塗料製造商的配方策略。此外,它還鼓勵業界傾向於使用低揮發性有機化合物和生物基添加劑,以最大限度地減少塗料的環境足跡。除此之外,消費者意識的提高也支持了此類永續解決方案的日益普及,從而鼓勵企業採用更環保的做法。例如,生產商必須遵守環境保護局 (EPA)、職業安全與健康管理局 (OSHA) 和加州空氣資源委員會 (CARB) 等環境和安全法規,以限制有害影響這些化合物對人類健康有益,從而提振了塗料添加劑的市場前景。除此之外,確保其複雜產品配方在所有相關應用地區和領域的合規性對各個製造商來說也是一個挑戰。因此,作為油漆、塗料和油墨行業特種添加劑領先供應商之一的贏創推出了全面的電子學習模組 COATINO,以傳達基本的監管理解。
IMARC Group提供了每個細分市場的主要趨勢分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據類型、功能、配方和應用對市場進行了分類。
由於其效率和多功能性,丙烯酸添加劑代表了市場上最大的部分。這些添加劑透過改善保色性、光澤增強、整體耐久性等性能來提高塗料的性能。 、並且能夠隨著時間的推移保持透明度,使其成為眾多應用的理想選擇,包括建築塗料、汽車塗料和工業飾面。這反過來又刺激了塗料添加劑市場的收入。此外,丙烯酸添加劑與多種基材相容且易於應用,這使其成為塗料行業的熱門選擇。例如,2022 年 12 月,工程聚合物解決方案 (EPS) 推出了 EPS 2436,這是一種新型自交聯丙烯酸分散體,可用作高品質木器塗料的黏合劑。
根據塗料添加劑市場概況,流變改質添加劑正在獲得廣泛的關注,因為它們用於控制塗料的流動性能。除此之外,丙烯酸流變改質劑的廣泛採用是另一個主要的成長誘導因素,因為它們能夠在高剪切黏度和低剪切黏度之間提供最佳平衡,從而實現更好的流平性、增強的成膜性、改善的光澤度等。它們可用於多種塗料配方中,以達到所需的厚度、鋪展性和抗流掛性。例如,2023 年 5 月,塗料、油漆和工業水性應用流變改質劑的特種化學品供應商之一 Elementis 宣布透過最新添加的 RHEOLATE 擴大其在美國市場的 100% 固體聚氨酯流變產品組合PHX 7025 。
由於消費者對環境問題的日益關注以及政府機構限制揮發性有機化合物 (VOC) 使用的嚴格法規,水性塗料添加劑越來越受到關注。與此相適應,採用水性助劑,因為它們具有低可燃性、對環境影響小、低毒性等優點。塗料添加劑市場預測。此外,轉向更永續的做法是另一個重要的成長誘導因素。例如,2024年2月,科思創宣布開發用於工業塗料應用的水性高性能樹脂,包括櫥櫃、木製家具和建築產品。
根據塗料添加劑市場統計,由於工業化水平的提高、建築活動的增加以及汽車行業的不斷擴大,亞太地區是最大的地區。此外,政府機構的眾多舉措,包括全民住房,也是另一個重要的成長誘導因素。他們的重點是根據「十三五」規劃最大限度地減少中國等國家的揮發性有機化合物排放。除此之外,印度快速消費品組織數量的不斷增加將持續提高對塗料添加劑的需求。此外,亞太地區的 DLF Limited、Vinci SA、Bechtel Corporation、Larsen & Toubro Limited 和 Balfour Beatty plc 等建築公司正在刺激市場成長,因為它們廣泛投資於研發活動。
目前,市場主要參與者正專注於策略性舉措,以保持競爭優勢並利用新興機遇,這代表了塗料添加劑市場的近期機會。它包括旨在創新新添加劑配方的研發 (R&D) 工作,以滿足不斷變化的客戶對增強性能、永續性和法規遵循的需求。此外,公司正在投資擴大生產能力和地理分佈,以滿足新興市場和多樣化最終用途行業不斷成長的需求。除此之外,策略合作、夥伴關係和收購也是領先企業為鞏固市場地位、取得新技術和擴大產品組合所採取的常見策略。此外,我們也致力於產品差異化、強調獨特銷售主張的行銷活動以及以客戶為中心的方法,以在競爭激烈的塗料添加劑市場中提高品牌知名度和客戶忠誠度。
2024年4月:贏創塗料添加劑推出兩款創新消泡劑TEGO Foamex 11和TEGO Foamex 16。
2024 年 3 月:Syensqo(原索爾維集團旗下公司)在其 Rhodoline 特種塗料添加劑產品組合中添加了一種名為 Rhodoline HBR 的新解決方案。它的開發是為了逐步淘汰建築塗料配方中的含氟表面活性劑。
2024 年 2 月:巴斯夫塗料與英力士汽車簽署全球合作夥伴協議,專注於永續修補漆解決方案。
The global coating additives market size reached US$ 10.3 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 14.7 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4% during 2024-2032. The rising focus on innovation and sustainability, along with the escalating demand for eco-friendly and high-performance coating additives across the construction, automotive, and industrial sectors, is primarily driving the market growth.
Major Market Drivers: The market is experiencing steady growth, owing to the escalating demand for high-performance and sustainable coatings. Moreover, novel advancements in eco-friendly formulations are also acting as significant growth-inducing factors.
Key Market Trends: One of the primary trends in the market includes the development of novel product variants, including multifunctional coating additives, by producers. Apart from this, the rising investments by key players in R&D activities to expand their manufacturing capabilities are also bolstering the global market.
Geographical Trends: Asia-Pacific is leading the market growth, fueled by the inflating levels of industrialization, the rising number of construction activities, and the expanding automotive industry, particularly in India and China, which are major consumers of coating additives.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the coating additives market companies include Altana AG, Arkema S.A., Ashland Global, BASF SE, Clariant AG, Dow Inc., Eastman Chemical Company, Elementis plc, Evonik Industries AG, Huntsman Corporation, Momentive Performance Materials Inc., and Solvay S.A., among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: Some of the challenges hampering the global market include the elevating need for continuous innovation, stringent environmental regulations, and fluctuating raw material prices, which can impact production costs. However, smaller specialized companies and large multinational corporations are focusing on enhancing product portfolios and technological capabilities, which is anticipated to stimulate the market growth in the coming years.
Increasing Sustainability Trends
The shifting preferences among consumers from low or high-volatility organic solvents to complete solvent-free coatings that have fewer emissions, on account of the elevating consumer environmental concerns, are among the key factors augmenting the market growth. Moreover, stringent Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations regarding VOC and toxic content in solvent-based additives are leading to the commercialization of water-soluble alternatives with enhanced performance. In line with this, one of the regulatory bodies in Germany, which includes Technische Anleitung (TA) Luft, along with the Environmental Protection Act in the UK, provides guidelines for minimizing VOC content in paints and coatings. Moreover, smart and functional coatings for anti-microbial, self-healing, and self-cleaning surfaces are traction in several sectors, including construction, automotive, and consumer goods, thereby propelling the market growth. For example, in June 2023, Evonik announced the inclusion of a radically cross-linkable defoaming slip additive to their TEGO Rad line of custom-designed silicone acrylates. The innovative variant comprises a transparent liquid with low viscosity that significantly minimizes both static and dynamic surface tension in typical LED and UV-cured formulations. As such, companies, including Arkema S.A., Axalta Coating Systems, Jotun, and RPM International Inc., are now focusing on introducing eco-friendly coatings, such as water- and powder-based, to reduce their ecological footprints, which is anticipated to augment the coating additives market demand over the forecasted period.
Escalating Demand in Numerous Sectors
Coating additives are extensively utilized in several industries, including automotive and construction. In addition to this, they are widely adopted in industrial applications. Key manufacturers in the automotive industry use these additives to improve the appearance, durability, and longevity of vehicles, thereby positively influencing consumer satisfaction. For instance, BYK, one of the leading global suppliers of specialty chemicals, provides additive solutions, such as primers, cathodic electrodeposition, monolayer topcoats, clearcoat systems, basecoats, etc., for solvent-borne and aqueous coatings. In line with this, the company also provides suitable solutions to prevent foam and the associated defects. Similarly, BASF offers additives for automotive OEM and refinish coatings, thereby driving the coating additives market recent price. Furthermore, continuous advancements across the construction industry are fueling the need for these additives for both protective and decorative purposes, representing another growth-inducing factor. For example, CHT Germany GmbH introduced smart additives for architecture paints, coatings, printing inks, graphic arts, etc. Additionally, these additives are highly effective in adjusting desired product properties. As a result, the elevating residential constructions will continue to propel the market outlook in the coming years. For instance, according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in China, the construction industry will maintain a 6% share of the country's GDP by 2025.
Regulatory Compliance
Government authorities are imposing strict regulations regarding hazardous air pollutants and VOC emissions, which, in turn, is shaping the formulation strategies of coating manufacturers. Moreover, it is encouraging industries to incline toward low-VOC and bio-based additives that minimize the environmental footprint of coatings. Besides this, the rising popularity of such sustainable solutions is also supported by increasing consumer awareness, thereby encouraging companies to adopt greener practices. For instance, compliance with environmental and safety regulations, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the California Air Resource Board (CARB), is necessary for producers to limit the harmful effects of these compounds on human health, thereby bolstering the coating additives market outlook. Besides this, it is a challenge for various manufacturers to ensure the compliance of their complex product formulations in all relevant application regions and areas. Consequently, Evonik, one of the leading suppliers of specialty additives for the paints, coatings, and inks industry, launched a comprehensive e-learning module, COATINO, to convey a basic regulatory understanding.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on the type, function, formulation, and application.
Metallic Additives
Acrylic accounts for the majority of the coating additives market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type. This includes acrylic, fluoropolymers, urethanes, metallic additives, and others. According to the report, acrylic coating additives represented the largest segment.
Acrylic additives represent the largest segment in the market, owing to their efficiency and versatility. These additives increase the performance of coatings by improving properties, such as color retention, gloss enhancement, overall durability, etc. In line with this, the escalating demand for acrylics can be attributed to their resistance to ultraviolet (UV) light, excellent weatherability, and ability to maintain clarity over time, thereby making them ideal for numerous applications, including architectural coatings, automotive paints, and industrial finishes. This, in turn, is stimulating the coating additives market revenue. Additionally, acrylic additives are compatible with several substrates and are easy to apply, which makes them a popular choice in the coatings industry. For instance, in December 2022, Engineered Polymer Solutions (EPS) launched EPS 2436, a new self-crosslinking acrylic dispersion that can be utilized as a binder for high-quality wood coatings.
Wetting and Dispersion
Rheology Modification
Impact Modification
Rheology modification holds the largest share in the industry
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the function. This includes anti-foaming, wetting and dispersion, rheology modification, biocides, impact modification, and others. According to the report, rheology modification accounted for the largest segmentation.
According to the coating additives market overview, rheology modification additives are gaining extensive traction, as they are used to control the flow properties of coatings. Apart from this, the elevating adoption of acrylic rheology modifiers, on account of their ability to provide optimal balance between high and low shear viscosity, thereby allowing better leveling, enhanced film build, improved gloss, etc., represents another major growth-inducing factor. They can be adopted in numerous coating formulations to achieve the desired thickness, spreading, and sag resistance. For example, in May 2023, Elementis, one of the specialty chemical suppliers of rheology modifiers for coatings, paints, and industrial aqueous applications, announced the expansion of its 100% solid urethane rheology portfolio in the U.S. market with its latest addition of the RHEOLATE PHX 7025.
Water-borne Coating
Solvent-borne Coating
Solventless Coating
Water-borne coating represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the formulation. This includes water-borne coating, solvent-borne coating, solventless coating, and others. According to the report, water-borne coating accounted for the largest market segmentation.
Water-borne coating additives are gaining traction, owing to the elevating consumer environmental concerns and stringent regulations by government bodies to limit the usage of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In line with this, water-borne additives are adopted, as they have low flammability, minimized environmental impact, low toxicity, etc. Furthermore, water-borne coating additives find extensive applications, including automotive finishes, architectural coatings, and industrial coatings, which validate the coating additives market forecast. Furthermore, the shift toward more sustainable practices is acting as another significant growth-inducing factor. For instance, in February 2024, Covestro announced the development of water-borne high-performing resins for industrial coating applications, including cabinetry, wood furniture, and building products.
Wood and Furniture
Architectural exhibits a clear dominance in the market
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application. This includes architectural, industrial, automotive, wood and furniture, and others. According to the report, architectural accounted for the largest market segmentation.
The architectural segment holds the predominant share in the coating additives market growth due to the extensive use of these additives in commercial, residential, and infrastructural projects. In line with this, coating additives enhanced the performance of paints and coatings, offering benefits, such as weather resistance, improved durability, and aesthetic appeal, thereby driving the market. Furthermore, the architectural application is essential in the formulation of coatings used for exterior and interior walls, floorings, roofing, etc., meeting the demand for functionality and decorative aesthetics. Apart from this, the introduction of eco-friendly architectural coatings, owing to regulations such as the National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards, is anticipated to propel the segment's growth over the forecasted period.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Asia Pacific exhibits a clear dominance in the market
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, Asia Pacific accounted for the largest market share.
According to the coating additives market statistics, the Asia Pacific represents the largest region, owing to the elevating levels of industrialization, the increasing number of construction activities, and the expanding automotive sector. Additionally, numerous initiatives by government bodies, including Housing for All, are also acting as another significant growth-inducing factor. They are focusing on minimizing VOC emissions in countries, such as China, under the 13th Five-Year Plan. Apart from this, the rising number of FMCG organizations in India will continue to elevate the demand for coating additives. Moreover, construction companies, including DLF Limited, Vinci SA, Bechtel Corporation, Larsen & Toubro Limited, and Balfour Beatty plc, in the Asia Pacific are stimulating the market growth, as they are extensively investing in R&D activities.
At present, key players in the market are focusing on strategic initiatives to maintain their competitive edge and capitalize on emerging opportunities, which represent the coating additives market's recent opportunities. It includes research and development (R&D) efforts aimed at innovating new additive formulations that meet evolving customer demands for enhanced performance, sustainability, and regulatory compliance. Moreover, companies are investing in expanding their production capacities and geographic presence to cater to growing demand from emerging markets and diverse end-use industries. Besides this, strategic collaborations, partnerships, and acquisitions are also common strategies adopted by leading players to strengthen their market position, gain access to new technologies, and broaden their product portfolios. Furthermore, efforts toward product differentiation, marketing campaigns emphasizing unique selling propositions, and customer-centric approaches are being employed to enhance brand visibility and customer loyalty in the highly competitive coating additives market.
Altana AG
Arkema S.A.
Ashland Global
Clariant AG
Dow Inc.
Eastman Chemical Company
Elementis plc
Evonik Industries AG
Huntsman Corporation
Momentive Performance Materials Inc.
Solvay S.A.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
April 2024: Evonik Coating Additives launched two innovative defoamers, TEGO Foamex 11 and TEGO Foamex 16. These new additives are specifically designed to enhance the performance and sustainability of water-borne architectural coatings.
March 2024: Syensqo, formerly part of Solvay Group, added a new solution called Rhodoline HBR to its portfolio of Rhodoline specialty coating additives. It is developed to enable the phase-out of fluorosurfactants in architectural paint formulations.
February 2024: BASF Coatings signed a global partnership agreement with INEOS Automotive to focus on sustainable refinish solutions.