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2024-2032 年按類型(亞甲基二苯基二異氰酸酯、甲苯二苯基二異氰酸酯、脂肪族異氰酸酯等)、製造程序、應用、最終用途行業和地區分列的異氰酸酯市場報告Isocyanates Market Report by Type (Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate, Toluene Diphenyl Diisocyanate, Aliphatic Isocyanates, and Others), Manufacturing Process, Application, End-Use Industry, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球異氰酸酯市場規模達304億美元。各種應用對聚氨酯的需求不斷增加、技術進步、建築和汽車行業的使用不斷增加、能源效率標準不斷提高、新興市場的經濟發展、快速城市化、基礎設施發展和工業化的不斷發展是刺激全球市場的一些關鍵因素用於火災警報和偵測系統。
競爭格局:全球異氰酸酯產業的主要市場參與者包括Anderson Development Company、Asahi Kasei Corporation、BASF SE、Bayer AG、滄州大化Group Limited(中國農化總公司)、Covestro AG、Evonik Industries AG、亨斯曼公司、三井化學公司、陶氏化學公司和萬華化學Group Limited等。
異氰酸酯在建築汽車、塗料、家具和電子等各行業中的廣泛使用是影響全球異氰酸酯市場成長的關鍵因素之一。在汽車產量不斷成長和對輕質耐用材料的需求的推動下,汽車行業不斷發展,進一步推動了對異氰酸酯的需求。根據貿易經濟數據,美國汽車產量從2024 年1 月的1058 萬輛增至2 月的1078 萬輛。產品使用異氰酸酯作為關鍵原料,從而促進了市場成長。根據建築協會的數據,2023 年第一季美國有超過 919,000 個建築場所。
不斷成長的技術進步和創新正在成為全球市場的主要成長誘導因素。旨在提高異氰酸酯產品的性能和性能的研發(R&D)活動不斷增加,導致新應用和配方的引入,從而促進了市場成長。例如,2023年,拜耳股份公司投資2.2億歐元在蒙海姆基地建造新的研發(R&D)中心,加強對永續農業的承諾。這進一步推動了異氰酸酯市場的近期發展。例如,2024 年 3 月,科思創在比利時安特衛普工廠開設了第一家能夠以工業規模生產聚碳酸酯共聚物的工廠。該公司的新平台技術基於創新的無溶劑熔融製程與新的反應器概念相結合。預計這將進一步推動市場成長。
人們對永續性和環境保護的日益關注也推動了市場的發展,這推動了向源自植物油和生質能等可再生原料的生物基異氰酸酯的轉變。全球各國政府擴大實施嚴格的法規來限制排放和促進永續實踐,這正在推動生物基異氰酸酯的採用。消費者對傳統異氰酸酯對環境影響的認知不斷提高,推動了對綠色替代品的需求,從而促進了市場的成長。例如,2022年,巴斯夫擴大了亞甲基二苯基二異氰酸酯(MDI)產品組合,並推出了首款溫室氣體中性芳香族異氰酸酯Lupranat ZERO(零排放,可再生來源)。 Lupranat ZERO 的「從搖籃到大門」1 產品碳足跡2 (PCF) 的核算為零,這意味著在離開巴斯夫工廠大門到達客戶之前,所有與產品相關的溫室氣體排放和生物基碳在產品中的排放量均為零。這進一步提高了異氰酸酯在全球的市場佔有率。
IMARC Group提供了對每個細分市場的主要趨勢的分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據類型、製造流程、應用和最終用途行業對市場進行了分類。
亞甲基二苯基二異氰酸酯 (MDI)
甲苯二苯基二異氰酸酯 (TDI)
該報告根據類型提供了詳細的市場細分和分析。這包括亞甲基二苯基二異氰酸酯 (MDI)、甲苯二苯基二異氰酸酯 (TDI)、脂肪族異氰酸酯等。報告稱,亞甲基二苯基二異氰酸酯(MDI)是最大的細分市場。
生產聚氨酯(PU)泡沫和材料對二苯基甲烷二異氰酸酯(MDI)的需求不斷成長,推動了該市場的成長。 MDI 以其卓越的黏合性能和多功能性而聞名,因此可用於汽車、消費品和建築等行業的不同應用。建築業擴大使用基於 MDI 的聚氨酯泡沫進行隔熱,這有助於提高永續性和能源效率,從而推動異氰酸酯市場的成長。 MDI 也用於生產汽車行業的輕質耐用零件,從而提高車輛燃油效率。例如,2024年,中國石化生產商萬華化學宣布,其位於中國東部浙江省的寧波工廠重啟了年產40萬噸的二苯基甲烷二異氰酸酯(MDI)裝置。
硬質泡沫在建築和冷凍系統隔熱材料中的廣泛使用正在推動其市場需求。硬質泡棉具有卓越的隔熱性能,且重量輕、耐用且強度高,使其成為提高建築和工業應用能源效率的理想材料。根據 2020 年住宅能源消耗調查,88% 的美國家庭使用空調 (AC)。 2/3 的美國家庭使用中央空調或中央熱泵作為主要空調設備。發展中國家建築業的不斷成長以及對節能冷卻系統的需求不斷增加,導致剛性形式在異氰酸酯市場前景中佔據主導地位。
異氰酸酯在建築和建築應用中的廣泛使用正在推動該市場的成長。這主要是由於異氰酸酯的多功能性和優越性能推動了建築業對異氰酸酯的需求。由於使用異氰酸酯作為密封劑和黏合劑為各種建築材料提供堅固耐用的黏合,建築業對異氰酸酯的需求也在成長。例如,2021 年,阿科瑪的黏合劑解決方案部門 Bostik 實施了一項雄心勃勃的開發計劃,加強其聚氨酯 (PU) 密封劑,特別關注建築市場的密封和黏合應用。
該地區快速的工業化和城市化正在導致汽車和建築行業的顯著成長,這進一步促進了亞太地區市場的成長。據聯合國人居署稱,城市化仍然是亞太地區的一個決定性的大趨勢。全球城市人口的54%,超過22億人居住在亞洲。到 2050 年,亞洲城市人口預計將成長 50%,新增 12 億人口,這可能會推動該地區的市場成長。對廣泛用於塗料、絕緣材料、密封劑和黏合劑的聚氨酯產品的需求不斷成長,推動了市場的擴張。化學工業投資的增加以及當地製造業的進步正在促進該地區市場的成長。例如,2024 年 2 月,三井化學宣布,決定提高大牟田工廠內間苯二甲撐二異氰酸酯 (XDI) 工廠的產能,以滿足耐黃變塗料中使用的固化劑日益成長的需求。這進一步創造了異氰酸酯市場機會。
市場研究報告也對市場競爭格局進行了全面分析。報告涵蓋了市場結構、關鍵參與者定位、最佳制勝策略、競爭儀表板和公司評估象限等競爭分析。此外,也提供了所有主要公司的詳細資料。全球異氰酸酯產業的主要市場參與者包括安德森開發公司、旭化成公司、巴斯夫公司、拜耳公司、滄州大化Group Limited(中國農化總公司)、科思創公司、贏創工業公司、亨斯曼公司、三井物產化學品、陶氏化學公司、萬華化學集團股份有限公司
2023 年 1 月:旭化成宣布其位於日本岡山倉敷市水島工廠的第二家 Ceolus(TM) 微晶纖維素 1 (MCC) 工廠竣工。該公司強調其致力於透過新設施滿足 MCC 大幅成長的需求。
2022 年 4 月:旭化成開始在其日本子公司旭化成色彩技術有限公司的工程塑膠化合物生產工廠購買再生能源(綠色電力)產生的電力。工程塑膠化合物用作製造汽車和電子產品零件的材料。
2023 年8 月:繼2022 年夏季破土動工後,科思創上海聚氨酯彈性體系統新廠開始生產。 。
The global isocyanates market size reached US$ 30.4 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 49.8 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% during 2024-2032. The increasing demand for polyurethane in various applications, technological advancements, rising use in construction and automotive industries, growing energy efficiency standards, economic development in emerging markets, rapid urbanization, infrastructure development, and rising industrialization are some of the key factors stimulating the global market for fire alarm and detection systems.
Major Market Drivers: The increasing demand for polyurethane products in the various end-use industries such as automotive, construction, and consumer goods industries, coupled with technological innovations enhancing product applications, global economic growth, particularly in emerging markets, and the rising focus on energy-efficient materials leading to increased use of isocyanate-based insulations and foams.
Key Market Trends: The widespread adoption of green and sustainable manufacturing processes, the rising development of non-toxic and low-emission isocyanate products, the increasing demand for bio-based polyurethanes, and the rising shift towards energy-efficient construction materials are the key trends in the isocyanates market. There's also a growing focus on innovation in recycling and reusing polyurethane materials which represents one of the key market trends.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the global isocyanates industry include Anderson Development Company, Asahi Kasei Corporation, BASF SE, Bayer AG, Cangzhou Dahua Group Co. Ltd. (China National Agrochemical Corporation), Covestro AG, Evonik Industries AG, Huntsman Corporation, Mitsui Chemicals, The Dow Chemical Company, and Wanhua Chemical Group Co. Ltd., among many others.
Geographical Trends: Asia Pacific accounted for the largest region for the isocyanates market, on account of rapid urbanization and industrialization. The increasing construction activities, along with the automotive and construction sectors are acting as major growth-inducing factors in the market.
Challenges and Opportunities: The market is experiencing several challenges, such as rising environmental and health concerns, regulatory compliance, fluctuation in the prices of raw materials, and competition from bio-based alternatives. However, innovations and technological advancements, the growing demand in emerging markets, and the rising shift toward energy efficiency and sustainability are creating opportunities for the market growth.
Growing Demand from Various End-Use Industry
The extensive use of isocyanates in various industries, including construction automotive, coatings, furniture, and electronics represents one of the key factors influencing the growth of the isocyanates market across the globe. The growing automotive sector, driven by the rising vehicle production and demand for lightweight, durable materials, is further driving the demand for isocyanates. According to the trading economy, car production in the United States increased to 10.78 million units in February from 10.58 million units in January of 2024. The increasing construction activities, especially in emerging economies, are fueling the demand for polyurethane-based products, which use isocyanates as a key raw material, thus bolstering the market growth. According to the Construction Association, there were more than 9,19,000 construction establishments in the United States in the first quarter of 2023. The industry employs 8.0 million employees and creates nearly $2.1 trillion worth of structures each year which is expected to drive the isocyanates market statistics.
Significant Advancements and Innovations in Technologies
The rising technological advancements and innovations are acting as major growth-inducing factors in the market across the globe. The increasing research and development (R&D) activities directed at enhancing the properties and performance of isocyanate-based products are leading to the introduction of new applications and formulations which is boosting the market growth. For instance, in 2023, Bayer AG invested 220 million euros to build a new research and development (R&D) center at the Monheim site, which is strengthening its commitment to sustainable agriculture. This is further driving the isocyanates market recent developments. For instance, in March 2024, Covestro inaugurated its first plant that can produce polycarbonate copolymers on an industrial scale at its Antwerp, Belgium site. The company's new platform technology is based on an innovative, solvent-free melt process in combination with a new reactor concept. This is further expected to fuel the market growth.
Rising Demand for Bio-Based Isocyanates
The market is also driven by the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental conservation which is boosting a shift towards bio-based isocyanates derived from renewable feedstocks, such as vegetable oils and biomass. The increasing implementation of strict regulations by governments in various countries across the globe to limit emissions and promote sustainable practices is driving the adoption of bio-based Isocyanates. The rising consumer awareness regarding the environmental impact of conventional isocyanates is driving the demand for greener alternatives, which is facilitating the growth of the market. For instance, in 2022, BASF expanded the portfolio of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and introduced Lupranat ZERO (Zero Emission, Renewable Origin) the first greenhouse gas-neutral aromatic isocyanate. Lupranat ZERO has an accounting Cradle-to-Gate1 Product Carbon Footprint2 (PCF) of zero, which means that on its way until it leaves the BASF factory gate for the customer - all product-related greenhouse gas emissions and the biobased carbon bound in the product taken together - it does not carry a CO2 backpack. This is further boosting the isocyanates market share across the globe.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on type, manufacturing process, application, and end-use industry.
Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI)
Toluene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (TDI)
Aliphatic Isocyanates
Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) dominates the market
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type. This includes methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), toluene diphenyl diisocyanate (TDI), aliphatic isocyanates, and others. According to the report, methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) represented the largest segment.
The rising demand for methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) in producing polyurethane (PU) foams and materials is driving the segment growth in the market. MDI is well known for its exceptional bonding properties and versatility, thereby allowing for different applications across industries like automotive, consumer goods, and construction. The increasing use of MDI-based polyurethane foams for insulation in the construction industry is contributing to sustainability and energy efficiency which is boosting the isocyanates market growth. MDI is also used in producing lightweight and durable parts in the automotive industry, thereby enhancing vehicle fuel efficiency. For instance, in 2024, Chinese petrochemical producer Wanhua Chemical announced it had restarted a 400,000 t/yr methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) unit at its Ningbo complex in east China's Zhejiang province.
Phosgenation Process
Nonphosgenation Process
The Phosgenation Process holds the largest share in the market
The isocyanates market report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the manufacturing process. This includes the phosgenation process and nonphosgenation process. According to the report, phosgenation process accounted for the largest market share.
The phosgenation process is an essential stage in producing isocyanates such as MDI and TDI. The demand for polyurethane products, which rely on isocyanates as a primary raw material, significantly fuels the need for phosgenation. This process's ability and efficiency to produce high-purity isocyanates at a large scale make it indispensable, despite concerns over phosgene's toxicity. Significant advancements in technology aiming to enhance the environmental performance and safety of phosgenation processes also contribute to its continued use. The growth of end-use industries such as automotive and construction, which broadly depend on polyurethane materials, sustains the demand for phosgenation in isocyanate production, thus supporting the isocyanates market demand.
Rigid Foam
Flexible Foam
Paints and Coatings
Adhesives and Sealants
Rigid Foam dominates the market
The isocyanates market research report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application. This includes rigid foam, flexible foam, paints and coatings, adhesives and sealants, elastomers, binders, and others. According to the report, rigid foam represented the largest segment.
The widespread use of rigid foam in insulation for buildings and refrigeration systems is driving its demand in the market. The remarkable thermal insulation properties of rigid foam, along with its lightweight, durability, and strength, make it an ideal material for enhancing energy efficiency in construction and industrial applications. According to the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey, 88% of United States households use air conditioning (AC). 2/3rd of U.S. households use central AC or a central heat pump as their main AC equipment. The rising construction in developing countries and the increasing need for energy-efficient cooling systems are contributing to the dominance of rigid form in the isocyanates market outlook.
Building and Construction
Building and Construction dominates the market
The isocyanates market research report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end-use industry. This includes building and construction, automotive, healthcare, furniture, and others. According to the report, building and construction represented the largest segment.
The extensive use of isocyanates in construction and building applications is driving the segment growth in the market. This is primarily due to the versatility and superior properties of isocyanates which is boosting the demand for isocyanates in the construction industry. The demand for isocyanates in the construction industry is also driving due to the use of isocyanates as sealants and adhesives providing strong durable bonds for various construction materials. For instance, in 2021, Bostik, the adhesive solution division of Arkema, implemented an ambitious development program strengthening its polyurethane (PU) sealants with a particular focus on sealing and bonding applications for the construction market.
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Asia Pacific dominates the market
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, Asia Pacific accounted for the largest market share.
Rapid industrialization and urbanization in the region are leading to significant growth in the automotive and construction sectors which is further contributing to the growth of the market in the Asia Pacific region. According to UN-Habitat, urbanization continues to be a defining megatrend in the Asia Pacific region. 54% of the global urban population, more than 2.2 billion people live in Asia. By 2050, the urban population in Asia is expected to grow by 50% and an additional 1.2 billion people which is likely to fuel the market growth in the region. The increasing demand for polyurethane products utilized widely in coatings, insulation, sealants, and adhesives is driving the market expansion. The increasing investment in the chemical sector along with local manufacturing advancements is facilitating the growth of the market in the region. For instance, in February 2024, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., announced it had decided to increase production capacity at the meta-Xylylene Diisocyanate (XDI) plant within its Omuta Works in response to the growing demand for hardeners used in hardly yellowing coatings. This is further creating isocyanates market opportunities.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Competitive analysis such as market structure, key player positioning, top winning strategies, competitive dashboard, and company evaluation quadrant has been covered in the report. Also, detailed profiles of all major companies have been provided. Some of the major market players in global isocyanates industry include Anderson Development Company, Asahi Kasei Corporation, BASF SE, Bayer AG, Cangzhou Dahua Group Co. Ltd. (China National Agrochemical Corporation), Covestro AG, Evonik Industries AG, Huntsman Corporation, Mitsui Chemicals, The Dow Chemical Company, Wanhua Chemical Group Co. Ltd.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
January 2023: Asahi Kasei announced the completion of the construction of its second plant for Ceolus(TM) microcrystalline cellulose1 (MCC) at its Mizushima Works in Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan. The company underlines its commitment to meet the substantially growing demand for its MCC with the new facility.
April 2022: Asahi Kasei began purchasing electric power produced from renewable energy (green power) at the plant for manufacturing engineering plastic compounds by its subsidiary Asahi Kasei Color Tech Co., Ltd. in Japan. Engineering plastic compounds are used as material to make parts for automobiles and electronic products.
August 2023: Covestro began production in its new Shanghai plant for polyurethane elastomers systems following the groundbreaking in the summer of 2022. The investment, in the double-digit million Euro range, is part of a series of investments in the elastomers raw materials taken by the business in the past years with sites in Thailand and Spain.