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2025-2033 年按設備類型、平台、收入類型、類型、年齡層和地區分類的日本遊戲市場報告Japan Gaming Market Report by Device Type, Platform, Revenue Type, Type, Age Group, and Region 2025-2033 |
2024 年日本遊戲IMARC Group規模達到 263 億美元。社交遊戲(多人遊戲與社交媒體平台整合)的日益普及,以及電子競技需求的不斷成長,是市場的主要推動力。
專業遊戲玩家數量的增加推動了對機械鍵盤、耳機、滑鼠、操縱桿等遊戲周邊設備的需求。根據IMARC Group發布的報告,2023 年日本遊戲周邊市場規模達到 2.419 億美元。 。此外,支援臉部辨識、高品質圖形、基於手勢的遊戲等創新功能的個人電腦的開發也是另一個重要的成長因素。例如,2024年2月,Nick Falzone推出了一款木製遊戲PC,配備基於日本Kumiko木工技術的硬質水冷系統。除此之外,千禧世代對高品質圖形、臉部辨識和基於手勢的遊戲的日益青睞,進一步對日本遊戲市場前景產生積極影響。例如,2022 年 6 月,總部位於日本東京的跨國集團索尼推出了 PC 遊戲設備,為使用者提供互動式遊戲環境。此外,知名企業為擴大產品組合而進行的廣泛合作將在未來幾年繼續推動全國市場的發展。例如,2024 年 4 月,Animoca Brands Japan 宣布與 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. 簽署合作備忘錄 (MoU),以加強 SQUARE ENIX 旗下遊戲 SYMBIOGENESIS 的行銷以及與 SQUARE ENIX 相關的 10,000 個 NFT 遊戲集合。 。
VR 和 AR 應用不斷興起
遊戲與擴增實境和虛擬實境等新興技術的日益融合正在擴大市場。根據日本經濟產業省 (METI) 管理的非營利組織 JETRO 的資料,日本 AR/VR 相關市場支出從 2018 年的 12.9 億美元增加到2019 年為17.8 億美元,2023 年為34.2 億美元。現實遊戲是透過使用各種VR 遊戲周邊設備來玩的,例如耳機、手控器、智慧眼鏡、配備感測器的手套等,這日本遊戲市場需求不斷升級。根據富士經濟(東京/中央)調查顯示,2018年智慧眼鏡等工業AR/MR顯示設備的國內市場規模為21億日元,預計到2025年將成長至25億日元。在積極的行銷活動中增加投資,以擴大其現有的消費者基礎並在該國推廣其產品,從而刺激了市場。例如,2024 年 5 月,日本 VR 開發工作室之一 Thirdverse, Co., Ltd 宣布推出新的發行支援服務,專為旨在進入日本市場的國際 VR 遊戲發行商量身打造。此外,基於位置的娛樂(LBE)的日益普及預計將在未來幾年推動市場發展。例如,2024 年 5 月,虛擬世界和自由漫遊 4D VR 競技場的設計者之一 DIVR Labs 在日本橫濱的熱門購物中心 Yokohama World Porters 開發了一個 VR 競技場。此外,DIVR沉浸式競技場也提供驚心動魄的原創遊戲,並結合4D效果,為遊客帶來難忘的體驗。
由於全國千禧世代人口的不斷增加,漫畫遊戲越來越受歡迎,從而提高了日本遊戲市場的近期價格。根據 Statista 研究部門 2024 年 1 月發布的資料,約 5% 的受訪者(主要是千禧世代)將日本漫畫和動畫系列命名為《押之子》。此外,社群媒體平台的使用不斷增加,擴大了講故事的可能性,從而展示了動漫和遊戲在日本娛樂領域的無縫融合。例如,根據2022 年1 月在日本進行的一項調查,77.6% 的Z 世代年輕人使用通訊應用程式LINE。正在推動這一趨勢。例如,2024 年 4 月,KLab Inc. 在日本開發了一款基於 Haruichi Furudate 的漫畫《排球》的智慧型手機遊戲。此外,遊戲中還包含原始動畫系列中的著名場景和台詞,這將推動未來幾年的市場。
日本遊戲產業的偏好從基於單位銷售的商業模式轉向基於參與的模式,這正在推動遊戲機的銷售不斷升級。 2023 年 8 月,Geo Holdings 在日本各地開發了復古遊戲電腦控制台。例如,2024 年 2 月,任天堂宣布該公司僅在日本就售出了超過 700 萬台 Nintendo Switch OLED 設備。此外,行動裝置的便利性和可近性使其成為廣大人群的首選遊戲平台,這是另一個重要的成長誘導因素。國內常見的一些可以在智慧型手機上玩的遊戲包括《薩爾達傳說》、《最終幻想》、《勇者鬥惡龍》、《索尼克》、《瑪利歐》、《潛龍諜影》、《太空侵略者》等。
對多人線上遊戲 (MMO) 的需求不斷成長正在推動市場跨越細分市場。例如,BitSummit 成立的目的是為日本的獨立遊戲製作者提供向世界展示他們的遊戲的機會。此外,它還獲得了任天堂、索尼、微軟和 Valve 等領先產業公司的支持。相比之下,日本的線下遊戲仍然強勁,尤其是在遊戲機和街機領域。 Nintendo Switch 上的《薩爾達傳說:王國之淚》等遊戲提供了身臨其境的離線體驗,在全國範圍內非常受歡迎。這反過來又增加了日本遊戲市場佔有率。
遊戲內購買,尤其是手機遊戲內的購買,在《原神》和《烏瑪娘 Pretty Derby》等熱門遊戲的推動下,佔了收入的很大一部分。這些遊戲利用扭蛋機制和季節性活動來激勵玩家花錢購買虛擬物品和角色。遊戲購買(包括主機遊戲和電腦遊戲的實體和數位銷售)也發揮關鍵作用。此外,廣告提供了穩定的收入來源。開發者將廣告無縫整合到遊戲玩法中,為觀看廣告或在遊戲關卡之間展示廣告提供獎勵,從而無需直接購買即可從龐大的玩家群中獲利。這種多樣化的收入結構迎合了不同玩家的喜好和消費習慣,推動了日本遊戲市場的成長。
冒險和角色扮演遊戲是一個重要的細分市場,因為它們為用戶提供了深刻的敘事和互動體驗。此外,《智龍迷城》和《Line: Disney Tsum Tsum》等益智遊戲因其引人入勝且令人上癮的遊戲玩法而在該國非常受歡迎。另一方面,策略遊戲提供複雜的戰術挑戰,從而吸引喜歡策略規劃和競技遊戲的玩家。此外,其他類型,包括動作、恐怖、運動等,也正在提升日本遊戲市場的收入。
成年人越來越傾向於深入的敘事和複雜的遊戲機制,這推動了該細分市場的成長。例如,2023 年 9 月,任天堂日本推出了一款用於遊戲機訂閱服務的應用程式 Nintendo Switch Online,該應用程式僅適用於 18 名以上的用戶。除此之外,根據日本遊戲市場概況,教育遊戲和應用程式在全國範圍內廣受歡迎,因為它們是專門為培養兒童認知技能並為兒童提供娛樂而設計的。
日本的主要遊戲開發商都專注於使用web3技術,致力於與新興技術相結合的遊戲項目,並與web3公司建立合作夥伴關係。他們正在引入區塊鏈遊戲,這是另一個重要的成長誘導因素。除此之外,知名公司之間的策略合作使日本成為 Web3 遊戲創新的關鍵中心。
2024 年 5 月:總部位於日本京都的跨國電玩公司任天堂宣布推出紅極一時的 Switch 遊戲機。
2024 年 5 月:專注於遊戲的區塊鏈網路 Oasys 與金融集團 SBI 集團子公司營運的 NFT 平台 SBINFT 合作,擴大日本的加密遊戲領域。
2024 年 2 月:Akili 推出遊戲療法 EndeavorRx,該療法已獲得美國 FDA 批准,用於治療日本的 ADHD 兒科患者。
The Japan gaming market size reached USD 26.3 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach USD 60.5 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% during 2025-2033. The inflating popularity of social gaming, where multiplayer games are integrated with social media platforms, along with the rising demand for e-sports, is primarily driving the market.
Major Market Drivers: In Japan, the inflating popularity of mobile gaming, owing to its ease of access and affordability, is propelling the market. Besides this, the widespread demand for gaming as a mainstream form of entertainment is also acting as another significant growth-inducing factor.
Key Market Trends: The introduction of state-of-the-art gaming facilities, along with the increasing support from both public and private entities, is positively influencing the market across the country. Moreover, the rising integration of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies can revolutionize the gaming industry by allowing secure as well as transparent transactions, which will continue to stimulate the market in Japan over the forecasted period.
Challenges and Opportunities: Intense competition among key players, along with changing consumer preferences, are among the key challenges hampering the market across the country. However, companies in Japan are focusing on diversifying their game portfolios to cater to a broader audience, which, in turn, is bolstering the market. In line with this, they are investing in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies, thereby catalyzing the market.
Demand for Gaming Peripherals
The increasing number of professional gamers is propelling the demand for gaming peripherals, such as mechanical keyboards, headsets, mice, joysticks, etc. This, in turn, is augmenting the market across the country. According to the report published by IMARC, the Japan gaming peripherals market size reached US$ 241.9 Million in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group projects the market to reach US$ 462.6 Million by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2% during 2024-2032. Additionally, the development of PCs that support innovative features, such as facial recognition, high-quality graphics, gesture-based gaming, etc., is also acting as another significant growth-inducing factor. For example, in February 2024, Nick Falzone launched a wooden gaming PC with a hardline water-cooling system based on the Japanese Kumiko woodworking technique. Besides this, the growing inclination among the millennial population towards high-quality graphics, facial recognition, and gesture-based gaming is further positively influencing the Japan gaming market outlook. For instance, in June 2022, Sony, a multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, introduced a PC gaming gear that provides an interactive game environment to users. Moreover, extensive collaborations by prominent players to expand the product portfolios will continue to fuel the market across the country in the coming years. For example, in April 2024, Animoca Brands Japan announced that it entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD., to strengthen the marketing of SYMBIOGENESIS, a SQUARE ENIX's game and associated collection of 10,000 NFT characters with game utility.
Rising VR and AR Applications
The growing integration of games with emerging technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, is augmenting the market. As per the data stated by JETRO, a non-profit organization that is managed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in Japan, the AR/VR-related market spending in Japan increased from US$ 1.29 Billion in 2018 to US$1.78 Billion in 2019 and US$ 3.42 Billion in 2023. Moreover, virtual reality games are played by using a wide array of VR gaming peripherals, such as headsets, hand controllers, smart glasses, sensor-equipped gloves, etc., which is escalating the Japan gaming market demand. According to a survey by Fuji Keizai (Tokyo/Chuo), the domestic market size for industrial AR/MR display equipment, such as smart glasses, was ¥ 2.1 Billion in 2018 and is expected to grow to ¥ 2.5 Billion by 2025. Apart from this, the elevating investments by primary companies in aggressive marketing campaigns to expand their existing consumer base and promote their products in the country are catalyzing the market. For instance, in May 2024, Thirdverse, Co., Ltd, one of the VR development studios in Japan, announced the introduction of its new publishing support services, tailored specifically for international VR game publishers aiming to enter the market across the country. Furthermore, the increasing popularity of location-based entertainment (LBE) is expected to drive the market in the coming years. For example, in May 2024, DIVR Labs, one of the designers of virtual worlds and free-roam 4D VR arenas, developed a VR arena at the Yokohama World Porters, a popular shopping mall in Yokohama, Japan. Moreover, the DIVR immersive arena provides thrilling original games that are integrated with 4D effects to offer a memorable experience to visitors.
Development of Anime-Based Games
The inflating popularity of manga-based games, owing to the expanding millennial population across the country, is elevating the Japan gaming market's recent price. According to the data published by the Statista Research Department in January 2024, around 5% of respondents, mainly the millennials, named the manga and anime series Oshi no Ko in Japan. Furthermore, the rising usage of social media platforms is expanding the storytelling possibilities, thereby showcasing the seamless integration of anime and gaming in Japan's entertainment landscape. For instance, as per a survey conducted in Japan in January 2022, the messaging app LINE was used by 77.6 % of young individuals belonging to Gen Z. Apart from this, the launch of anime-based games with stunning visuals and engaging gameplay is catalyzing the market. For example, in April 2024, KLab Inc. developed a smartphone game in Japan based on Haruichi Furudate's manga, Haikyu. Furthermore, famous scenes and quotes from the original animation series are included in the game, which will fuel the market in the coming years.
Mobiles and Tablets
The shifting preferences from unit-sales-based business models towards engagement-based models across the gaming industry in Japan are escalating the sales of consoles. In August 2023, Geo Holdings developed its retro game computer console across Japan. For instance, in February 2024, Nintendo announced that the company sold over 7 million Nintendo Switch OLED devices in Japan alone. Moreover, the convenience and accessibility of mobile devices make them the preferred gaming platform for a wide demographic, which is acting as another significant growth-inducing factor. Some of the common games across the country that can be played over smartphones include Zelda, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Sonic, Mario, Metal Gear Solid, Space Invaders, etc. Apart from this, the launch of computers with higher internet speed represents one of the Japan gaming market's recent opportunities.
The rising demand for multiplayer online games (MMOs) is driving the market across the segmentation. For instance, BitSummit was founded with the goal of giving independent game makers in Japan a chance to show their games to the world. Additionally, it receives support from leading industry companies like Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and Valve. In contrast, offline gaming in Japan remains robust, particularly in the console and arcade segments. The Nintendo Switch, with games like "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom," provides immersive offline experiences that are highly popular among individuals across the country. This, in turn, is increasing the Japan gaming market share.
In-Game Purchase
Game Purchase
In-game purchases, particularly within mobile games, represent a substantial portion of the revenue, driven by popular titles, such as "Genshin Impact" and "Uma Musume Pretty Derby." These games utilize gacha mechanics and seasonal events to incentivize players to spend on virtual items and characters. Game purchases, encompassing physical and digital sales of console and PC games, also play a critical role. Additionally, advertising provides a steady income stream. Developers integrate ads seamlessly into gameplay, offering rewards for watching ads or presenting them between game levels, thereby monetizing a vast player base without direct purchases. This diverse revenue structure caters to different player preferences and spending habits, which is driving the Japan gaming market growth.
Adventure/Role Playing Games
Social Games
Adventure and role-playing games are a significant segment, as they offer deep narratives and interactive experiences to users. Additionally, puzzle games, such as Puzzle & Dragons and Line: Disney Tsum Tsum, are extremely popular in the country due to their engaging and addictive gameplay. On the other hand, strategy games provide complex tactical challenges, thereby appealing to players who enjoy strategic planning and competitive gameplay. Moreover, other genres, including action, horror, sports, etc., are also elevating the Japan gaming market revenue.
The increasing inclination among adults toward deep narratives and intricate gameplay mechanics is propelling the segment's growth. For instance, in September 2023, Nintendo Japan introduced an app for the console's subscription service, Nintendo Switch Online, that is available to only 18+ users. Besides this, according to the Japan gaming market overview, educational games and apps are gaining widespread popularity across the country, as they are specifically designed to develop cognitive skills and provide entertainment to children.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Competitive analysis such as market structure, key player positioning, top winning strategies, competitive dashboard, and company evaluation quadrant has been covered in the report. Also, detailed profiles of all major Japan gaming market companies have been provided.
Major game developers in Japan are focusing on using web3 technologies, working on gaming projects that are integrated with emerging technologies, and forming partnerships with web3 companies. They are introducing blockchain gaming, which is acting as another significant growth-inducing factor. Apart from this, strategic collaborations among prominent companies position Japan as a key hub for web3 gaming innovation.
May 2024: Nintendo, a multinational video game company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, announced the launch of its smash-hit switch console.
May 2024: Oasys, a blockchain network focused on gaming, partnered with SBINFT, an NFT platform operated by a subsidiary of the financial conglomerate SBI Group, to expand the crypto gaming sector in Japan.
February 2024: Akili introduced gaming therapy EndeavorRx, which is approved by the U.S. FDA to treat pediatric patients with ADHD in Japan.