連網型物流市場:按產品、運輸方式和行業分類 - 2024-2030 年全球預測Connected Logistics Market by Offering (Hardware, Services, Software), Transport Mode (Airways, Railways, Roadways), Vertical - Global Forecast 2024-2030 |
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連網型物流市場融合了人工智慧 (AI)、物聯網 (IoT) 和先進的物流供應鏈業務分析等最尖端科技。這種整合有助於物流過程中的即時監控、高效管理和智慧決策,提高業務效率、透明度和客戶滿意度。連網型物流正在應用於各個領域,包括製造、零售、食品和飲料、製藥和汽車。用於車輛管理、倉庫管理、貨運經紀、庫存管理等。該市場的最終用戶是希望改善物流業務並提高供應鏈可視性的第三方物流提供者、倉儲公司和運輸公司。連網型物流市場範圍包括廣泛的智慧系統和解決方案,例如資產追蹤、即時交通管理、智慧道路、自動化貨運和貨物管理系統等。由於工業成長的加速和電子商務活動的激增,這些技術已在全球市場廣泛採用,特別是在新興國家。影響連網型物流市場開拓的因素包括供應鏈業務中對即時資料分析的需求、物聯網設備的普及、人工智慧和機器學習的進步、電子商務快速成長導致的物流業擴張和跨境的例子包括改善貿易便利化。此外,對快速交付服務的需求不斷成長以及物流過程可見性的提高進一步推動了市場的成長。然而,市場面臨著限制和挑戰,包括高昂的初始投資和實施成本,以及對資料安全和隱私的擔憂。同時,連網型物流的最新潛在機會包括擴大永續供應鏈實踐的可能性、應用預測分析進行主動物流管理以及提高資料安全性和透明度,其中包括區塊鏈技術的整合。
主要市場統計 | |
基準年[2023] | 326.7億美元 |
預測年份 [2024] | 372.2億美元 |
預測年份 [2030] | 921.4億美元 |
複合年成長率(%) | 15.96% |
在連網型物流市場中,硬體由整合物流系統所需的感測器、RFID 標籤、GPS 和遠端資訊處理單元等實體組件組成。閘道器充當不同通訊技術之間的橋樑,允許 RFID 標籤和感測器等各種設備與中央管理系統高效通訊。這些設備將收集的資料發送到雲端基礎的系統或本地伺服器,從而實現即時洞察和決策。 RFID 標籤提供唯一的識別碼來追蹤資產的整個生命週期,從而在連網型物流中發揮著至關重要的作用。感測器對於監測運輸過程中影響貨物完整性的各種條件(例如溫度、濕度和衝擊)至關重要。連網型物流中的服務是指各種支援和維護功能、網路安全、系統整合和諮詢服務,以確保硬體和軟體元件得到有效實施和維護。諮詢服務可協助公司了解連網型物流的複雜性,並使他們的營運與當前的技術最佳實踐保持一致。整合和部署服務專注於將連網型物流解決方案無縫引入現有業務框架。連網型物流託管服務為您公司的物流營運提供第三方管理,包括網路管理、應用程式支援和安全增強功能,以簡化流程並提高執行時間。持續的支援和維護服務對於確保連網型物流解決方案的有效性和壽命至關重要。連網型物流軟體包括資料分析、庫存管理、車隊管理和運輸管理系統 (TMS) 平台,可提供可行的見解並促進物流業務的決策、協調和營運。資產追蹤和管理軟體為企業提供即時監控資產的可見性,提高庫存追蹤準確性並降低被盜或遺失的可能性。資料管理和分析軟體允許公司集中和分析物流網路內各種來源的資料。車隊管理軟體使物流提供者能夠透過路線最佳化、維護計劃和駕駛員績效追蹤來控制其車隊,從而提高營運效率並降低營運成本。該軟體專門用於最佳化運輸流程。我們透過承運人選擇、貨運審核和付款處理等功能幫助您規劃、執行和最佳化貨物運輸。倉庫管理系統是連網型 物流產品的核心,提供管理和控制從庫存管理到訂單履行等倉庫業務的工具,確保流程更加簡化。該軟體為硬體和服務提供了可擴展性和彈性,允許根據用戶回饋和資料不斷迭代和改進。服務是提供者持續的收益來源,並向客戶提供持續的支持,而不是一次性銷售硬體。服務還可以比硬體更動態地適應客戶需求。
安全和即時資料在航太和國防領域非常重要。該領域的連網型物流解決方案必須以最高的可靠性支援關鍵任務運作。航太和國防領域嚴重依賴物流來運輸設備、備件和人員。此細分市場中連網型物流的利用描述了即時追蹤、維護預測分析以及提高供應鏈可視性,以確保及時、安全地交付關鍵材料。隨著國防系統變得越來越複雜,連網型物流將在高效庫存管理、網實整合系統安全以及全球營運綜合支援方面發揮關鍵作用。在汽車領域,連網型物流被用來最佳化供應鏈營運和及時庫存管理。在汽車領域,連網型物流促進製造商、供應商和經銷商之間的無縫整合。在這一領域,先進的追蹤系統和感測器有助於監控組件品質、管理存量基準和準時 (JIT) 交付,以降低管理成本。對於電子和半導體而言,連網型物流對於處理運輸過程中需要精確條件的精密零件至關重要。即時資料分析和物聯網解決方案有助於監控溫度、濕度和處理程序,以最大限度地降低損壞風險。此外,隨著產品生命週期越來越短,消費者需求迅速變化,供應鏈協調的敏捷性變得至關重要,連網型物流的角色也變得越來越重要。能源部門包括各種資源,包括石油和天然氣、可再生能源和核能。該行業的連網型物流可確保遵守嚴格的法規,促進危險材料的運輸,並支援偏遠地區的基礎設施維護。在醫療領域,連網型物流支援藥品、醫療器材與設備的受控配送。即時追蹤和溫度控制環境對於安全運輸敏感產品至關重要。個人化醫療的出現和快速交付醫療樣本的需求凸顯了連網型物流服務對於提供可靠、高效的物流解決方案的重要性。由於網路購物的增加和客戶對更快運輸的期望,零售和電子商務行業可能是受連網型物流影響最大的行業。連網型物流透過無人機和機器人等技術最佳化庫存管理、倉庫運作和最後一哩交付。
由於先進的自動化和成熟的IT基礎設施支援整個供應鏈中連網型物流的整合,北美連網型物流市場正在經歷強勁成長。美國在智慧交通和數位貨運經紀解決方案方面進行了大量投資,在市場上處於領先地位。在加拿大,隨著加拿大消費者越來越意識到其對環境的影響,擴大推動永續和高效的物流業務,這影響了他們的購買行為,使他們對擁有環保供應鏈的公司產生了興趣。在南美洲,隨著人們越來越意識到數位供應鏈最佳化的好處,連網型物流市場正在不斷發展。巴西和阿根廷等國家擴大採用連網型物流解決方案來處理廣泛物流網路的複雜管理。在亞太地區,中國、日本、韓國和印度等國家走在前列,政府計畫推動了智慧城市和智慧交通系統的發展。由於其作為製造大國的地位,中國的連網型物流市場是最大的市場之一。日本非常注重創新,在機器人和物流自動化系統方面擁有多項專利。印度的連網型物流領域正在蓬勃發展,由於其龐大的消費群、網際網路普及的提高、基礎設施的改善以及電子商務的興起,具有巨大的成長潛力。由於物流業務中減少碳排放和提高能源效率的嚴格規定,歐洲連網型物流市場呈現顯著成長。歐盟 (EU) 鼓勵包括物流整體的各行業數位化是一個關鍵驅動力。德國和荷蘭等擁有強大汽車和製造業的國家是擁抱連網型物流的領先國家。在中東,最先進的物流中心、智慧港口和自由區的建設正在促進連網型物流的成長。非洲的連網型物流市場尚處於起步階段,但隨著非洲大陸行動連線和網路普及的提高,預計將成長。大規模基礎設施的開發和零售業的擴張正在增加對先進物流解決方案的需求。
FPNV定位矩陣對於評估連網型物流市場至關重要。我們檢視與業務策略和產品滿意度相關的關鍵指標,以對供應商進行全面評估。這種深入的分析使用戶能夠根據自己的要求做出明智的決策。根據評估,供應商被分為四個成功程度不同的像限。最前線 (F)、探路者 (P)、利基 (N) 和重要 (V)。
1. 市場滲透率:提供有關主要企業所服務的市場的全面資訊。
2. 市場開拓:我們深入研究利潤豐厚的新興市場,並分析其在成熟細分市場的滲透率。
3. 市場多元化:包括新產品發布、開拓地區、最新發展和投資的詳細資訊。
4. 競爭評估和情報:對主要企業的市場佔有率、策略、產品、認證、監管狀況、專利狀況和製造能力進行全面評估。
5. 產品開發與創新:包括對未來技術、研發活動和突破性產品開發的智力見解。
[191 Pages Report] The Connected Logistics Market size was estimated at USD 32.67 billion in 2023 and expected to reach USD 37.22 billion in 2024, at a CAGR 15.96% to reach USD 92.14 billion by 2030.
The connected logistics market incorporates cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced logistics and supply chain operations analytics. This integration facilitates real-time monitoring, efficient management, and intelligent decision-making in logistics processes, thereby enhancing operational efficiency, transparency, and customer satisfaction. Connected logistics has applications across various sectors, including manufacturing, retail, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and automotive. It is utilized in fleet management, warehouse management, freight brokerage, and inventory control. The end-users of this market are third-party logistics providers, warehouse operators, and transportation firms striving to improve logistics operations and improve supply chain visibility. The market scope of connected logistics includes an extensive range of intelligent systems and solutions such as asset tracking, real-time traffic management, smart roads, and automated freight and cargo management systems. These technologies are widely adopted across global markets, with particular expansion noted in emerging economies due to increased industrial growth and a surge in e-commerce activities. Factors that influence the development of the connected logistics market include the need for real-time data analysis in supply chain operations, the proliferation of IoT devices, advancements in AI and machine learning, expansion of the logistic industry due to rapid E-commerce growth, and improving cross-border trade facilitations. Additionally, the rise in demand for quick delivery services and heightened visibility in logistics processes further propel market growth. However, the market faces limitations and challenges, such as high initial investment and implementation costs and data security and privacy concerns. On the other hand, the latest potential opportunities in connected logistics include growing potential for sustainable supply chain practices, application of predictive analytics for proactive logistics management, and integration of blockchain technology for advanced data security and transparency.
Base Year [2023] | USD 32.67 billion |
Estimated Year [2024] | USD 37.22 billion |
Forecast Year [2030] | USD 92.14 billion |
CAGR (%) | 15.96% |
Offering: Rising usage of asset tracking & management software in connected logistics
In the connected logistics market, hardware comprises the physical components such as sensors, RFID tags, GPS, and telematics units required for an integrated logistic system. Gateways serve as a bridge between different communication technologies, allowing various devices, such as RFID tags and sensors, to communicate effectively with central management systems. These devices transmit collected data to a cloud-based system or local servers, enabling real-time insights and decision-making. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags play a pivotal role in connected logistics by providing unique identifiers for tracking assets throughout their lifecycle. Sensors are crucial in monitoring various conditions, including temperature, humidity, or impact, which can affect the integrity of goods in transit. Services in connected logistics refer to various support and maintenance functions, cybersecurity, system integration, and consultancy services, ensuring that the hardware and software components are effectively implemented and maintained. Consulting services are offered to help businesses understand the intricacies of connected logistics and align their operations with current technological best practices. Integration and deployment services focus on seamlessly implementing connected logistics solutions within existing business frameworks. Managed services in connected logistics encompass third-party management of a company's logistics operations, including network management, application support, and security enforcement to streamline processes and improve uptime. Continuous support and maintenance services are essential in ensuring the longevity and efficacy of connected logistics solutions. Software in connected logistics includes platforms for data analytics, inventory management, fleet management, and transportation management systems (TMS), providing actionable insights and facilitating decision-making, coordination, and operation of logistics tasks. Software for asset tracking and management grants companies the visibility to monitor their assets in real time, increasing the accuracy of inventory tracking and reducing the potential for theft or loss. Data management and analytics software allow companies to aggregate and analyze data from various sources within the logistics network. Fleet management software gives logistics providers control over vehicle fleets by enabling route optimization, maintenance scheduling, and driver performance tracking, leading to more efficient operations and reduced operating costs. This software is specialized in optimizing the shipment process. It supports the planning, execution, and optimization of the movement of goods with features such as carrier selection, freight auditing, and payment processing. Warehouse management systems are central to the connected logistics offering, providing tools to control and manage the warehousing operations from inventory management to order fulfillment and beyond, ensuring a more streamlined process. The software offers scalability and flexibility over hardware and services, with the potential for constant iteration and advancement based on user feedback and data. Services provide a recurring revenue stream for providers and offer customers continuous support, contrasting to the one-time sale of hardware. Services can also adapt to client needs more dynamically than hardware.
Transport Mode: Increasing preference for roadways in connected logistics
Air transport is often used for high-value, time-sensitive goods due to its speed and efficiency. It is a critical mode for emergency shipments and just-in-time supply chain strategies. Preference for air logistics is typically seen in industries requiring rapid, international delivery, such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, and perishables. Rail transport is an energy-efficient mode for long-distance transportation of heavy and bulk commodities. It is generally preferred for commodities, including coal, steel, and automobiles, for its reliability and large shipment capacity. Road transportation is the most widespread mode, offering flexibility, door-to-door service, and an essential link to other transport modes. This mode is favored for short to moderate distances and is essential for the first and last legs of the shipping journey, ideal for consumer goods, retail, and e-commerce. Seaborne trade handles the largest volume of global trade, transporting the bulk of raw materials, oil and gas, or agricultural produce. It is perfectly suited for heavy, non-perishable commodities transported in large quantities over long distances. Waterways are the most cost-efficient mode for large quantities but suffer from the slowest speed and can be susceptible to piracy and weather-related disruptions. Railways are less expensive than airways but have limitations in terms of flexibility and speed. They are more environmentally friendly and have a substantial capacity.
Vertical: Growing adoption of connected logistics across automotive sector for seamless integration between manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors
The aerospace & defense sector highly prioritizes security and real-time data. Connected logistics solutions in this field must support mission-critical operations with utmost reliability. The aerospace & defense sector relies heavily on logistics for the movement of equipment, spare parts, and personnel. The application of connected logistics in this vertical provides real-time tracking, predictive analytics for maintenance, and enhanced supply chain visibility to ensure timely and secure delivery of critical materials. As defense systems become more complex, connected logistics will play a pivotal role in efficient inventory management, cyber-physical systems security, and integrated support across global operations. In the automotive segment, connected logistics are leveraged for optimizing supply chain operations and just-in-time inventory management. In the automotive vertical, connected logistics facilitate seamless integration between manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors. Advanced tracking systems and sensors within this field help in monitoring component quality, managing inventory levels, and ensuring Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery to reduce overhead costs. For electronics & semiconductors, connected logistics are crucial in handling delicate components that demand precise conditions during transport. Real-time data analytics and IoT solutions assist in monitoring temperature, humidity, and handling procedures, which minimizes the risk of damage. Moreover, as product life cycles shorten and consumer demand changes rapidly, agility in supply chain adjustment becomes imperative, making the role of connected logistics ever more important. The energy sector encompasses a diverse array of resources, including oil & gas, renewables, and nuclear power. Connected logistics in this vertical ensures compliance with stringent regulations, facilitates the transport of hazardous materials, and support remote infrastructure maintenance. In healthcare, connected logistics support the controlled distribution of drugs, medical devices, and equipment. Real-time tracking and temperature-controlled environments are vital for the safe transportation of sensitive products. The emergence of personalized medicine and the need for rapid delivery of medical samples accentuate the importance of connected logistics services that offer reliable and efficient logistics solutions. Retail & e-commerce industries are perhaps the most influenced by connected logistics due to the rise in online shopping and customer expectations for fast delivery times. Connected logistics optimize inventory management, warehouse operations, and last-mile delivery through technologies such as drones and robots.
Regional Insights
The connected logistics market in North America is experiencing robust growth due to high levels of automation and a well-established IT infrastructure supporting the integration of connected logistics across the supply chain. The United States leads the market with significant investments in smart transportation and digital freight brokerage solutions. Canada shows a growing interest in sustainable and efficient logistics operations as Canadian consumers display a heightened awareness of environmental impacts, influencing purchasing behaviors to favor companies with a greener supply chain. In South America, the connected logistics market is progressing with growing awareness about the benefits of digital supply chain optimizations. Countries such as Brazil and Argentina are pioneering the adoption of connected logistics solutions, primarily to tackle the complexity of managing extensive logistic networks. In APAC, Countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and India are at the forefront, with government programs helping the development of smart cities and intelligent transportation systems. China's connected logistics market is one of the largest due to its manufacturing powerhouse status. In Japan, technological innovation is highly prioritized, with the country holding several patents in robotics and automated systems for logistics. India's connected logistics sector is burgeoning, with significant growth potential due to its large consumer base, increasing internet penetration improvements in infrastructure, and the rise of e-commerce, which are catalysts for advanced logistics systems. Europe's connected logistics market demonstrates significant growth with stringent regulations for reducing carbon emissions and promoting energy efficiency in logistics operations. The European Union's encouragement of digitalization across industries, including logistics, is a major growth driver. Countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, with their strong automotive and manufacturing sectors, have become prominent adopters of connected logistics. In the Middle East, the focus on building state-of-the-art logistics hubs, smart ports, and free zones has been instrumental in the growth of connected logistics. Africa's connected logistics market is in the nascent stages but is anticipated to grow with the continent's increasing mobile connectivity and internet penetration. With significant infrastructure developments and the expansion of the retail sector, the demand for sophisticated logistics solutions is rising.
FPNV Positioning Matrix
The FPNV Positioning Matrix is pivotal in evaluating the Connected Logistics Market. It offers a comprehensive assessment of vendors, examining key metrics related to Business Strategy and Product Satisfaction. This in-depth analysis empowers users to make well-informed decisions aligned with their requirements. Based on the evaluation, the vendors are then categorized into four distinct quadrants representing varying levels of success: Forefront (F), Pathfinder (P), Niche (N), or Vital (V).
Market Share Analysis
The Market Share Analysis is a comprehensive tool that provides an insightful and in-depth examination of the current state of vendors in the Connected Logistics Market. By meticulously comparing and analyzing vendor contributions in terms of overall revenue, customer base, and other key metrics, we can offer companies a greater understanding of their performance and the challenges they face when competing for market share. Additionally, this analysis provides valuable insights into the competitive nature of the sector, including factors such as accumulation, fragmentation dominance, and amalgamation traits observed over the base year period studied. With this expanded level of detail, vendors can make more informed decisions and devise effective strategies to gain a competitive edge in the market.
Key Company Profiles
The report delves into recent significant developments in the Connected Logistics Market, highlighting leading vendors and their innovative profiles. These include AT&T Inc., Cisco System Inc., Cisco Systems, Inc., Freightgate Inc., HCL Technology Limited, Honeywell International Inc., IBM Corporation, Infosys Limited, Intel Corporation, NEC Technologies, Nippon Express Co., Ltd., One Network Enterprises, Inc., Oracle Corporation, ORBOCMM Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, SAP SE, Senko Co., Ltd., Siemens AG, SIFFOX, The EuroTech Group PLC, XPO, Inc., YUSEN LOGISTICS CO., LTD., and Zebra Technology Corp..
Market Segmentation & Coverage
1. Market Penetration: It presents comprehensive information on the market provided by key players.
2. Market Development: It delves deep into lucrative emerging markets and analyzes the penetration across mature market segments.
3. Market Diversification: It provides detailed information on new product launches, untapped geographic regions, recent developments, and investments.
4. Competitive Assessment & Intelligence: It conducts an exhaustive assessment of market shares, strategies, products, certifications, regulatory approvals, patent landscape, and manufacturing capabilities of the leading players.
5. Product Development & Innovation: It offers intelligent insights on future technologies, R&D activities, and breakthrough product developments.
1. What is the market size and forecast of the Connected Logistics Market?
2. Which products, segments, applications, and areas should one consider investing in over the forecast period in the Connected Logistics Market?
3. What are the technology trends and regulatory frameworks in the Connected Logistics Market?
4. What is the market share of the leading vendors in the Connected Logistics Market?
5. Which modes and strategic moves are suitable for entering the Connected Logistics Market?