
危機有社群影音平台 - AV產業嗎

Social Video Platforms - Is the Audiovisual Industry in Danger?

出版日期: | 出版商: IDATE | 英文 41 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告研究和分析社群影片平台市場,提供數位廣告收入的主要趨勢、主要參與者的服務和定位、市場前景和課題等資訊。它還提供了 2029 年之前數位視訊廣告市場的預測。


第1章 摘要整理

第2章 市場動態

  • 數位影片廣告市場
  • 社群影音的使用

第3章 企業簡介

  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Facebook - Instagram - Meta
  • Snapchat
  • Twitch

第4章 課題及預測

  • 平台視訊格式標準化
  • YouTube 和 TikTok 加強開發智慧電視
  • 社群影片平台作為內容創作者的媒介
  • 數位視訊廣告市場的統一
  • 電視台和版權所有者的機會
  • 社群影片平台的動態如何?
  • 數位(影片)廣告市場預測(截至 2029 年)
Product Code: M00135

This report examines the market for social video platforms and their impact on the audiovisual entertainment sector, integrating the 'creator economy'* into the study.

The first part presents the main trends in digital advertising revenues, focusing on video and the growing use of social video.

Next, the offerings and positioning of the major players in this environment (YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch) are presented in the form of detailed profiles. Case studies illustrate the strategies employed by the most popular creators and audiovisual industry professionals, platform by platform.

Finally, the market outlook and challenges are discussed in terms of the evolution of video formats, the growing role of Smart TV, the development of the creative economy, and the opportunities and threats in the market-particularly for professional entertainment players. Forecasts for the digital video advertising market up to 2029 are also provided

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary

2. Market dynamics

  • 2.1. Digital video advertising market
  • 2.2. The uses of social video

3. Player profiles

  • 3.1 YouTube
  • 3.2. TikTok
  • 3.3. Facebook - Instagram - Meta
  • 3.4. Snapchat
  • 3.5. Twitch

4. Challenges and prospects

  • 4.1. Standardization of video formats for platforms
  • 4.2 YouTube and TikTok step up their Smart TV initiatives
  • 4.3. Social video platforms as a medium for content creators
  • 4.4. Unification of the digital video advertising market
  • 4.5. Opportunities for TV channels and rights holders
  • 4.6. What are the dynamics for social video platforms?
  • 4.7. Digital (video) advertising market forecasts to 2029