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安全繼電器市場 - 2023 年至 2028 年預測Safety Relays Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
主要的市場促進因素是安全繼電器在眾多工業最終用途中的廣泛應用,推動了全球需求。考慮到工業工作和工人安全,OSHA 和機械指令等嚴格法規顯著增加了市場需求。工業4.0帶來的工業自動化程度提高、汽車行業新興市場銷量的成長、都市化帶來的人口快速成長以及製造活動的市場開拓預計將在預測期內推動全球安全繼電器市場的擴張。
汽車中的安全繼電器應用於汽車後部、前部、乘客、引擎、車身控制、動力傳動系統、車頂、座椅、車門、風扇模組等線束和箱體模組。根據美國能源部的一份報告,新型小型插電式電動車(包括全電動車(EV)和插電式混合動力電動車(PHEV))的銷量將從2020 年的308,000 輛增加到2021 年的600,000 輛. 數量將增加一倍,達到 8,000 台。 2021 年插電式電動車銷量的 73% 是電動汽車銷量。與 2021 年相比,插電式混合動力汽車銷量成長了 138%,而 2020 年至 2021 年電動汽車銷量成長了 85%。
美國勞工統計局的報告顯示,2021年美國登記的致命工作場所事故為5,190起,比2020年的4,764起增加了8.9%。致命工傷率從2020年的每10萬名全職當量(FTE)工人3.4人上升至2019年的3.6人,高於疫情前同年的3.5人。工業環境中更先進的自動化和機械技術的普及可能會導致極其危險的工作環境,並對工業自動化中安全繼電器的成長產生重大影響。例如,TE Connectivity 的 SRL7 6A 額定 7 極強制引導安全繼電器具有兩個常閉極和五個常開極,觸點電路之間具有增強的隔離。
對化石燃料枯竭的日益擔憂以及對可再生能源的不斷探索進一步增強了預測期內的市場成長潛力。例如,根據國際可再生能源機構的數據,2021年底總設備容量為310.6GW,而中國擁有全球最大的陸上風力發電容量,總設備容量(310.6GW)的40%。佔據到2021年底,我們將擁有全球最大的離岸風力發電佔有率,達到48%(27.7GW)。該國還計劃建設世界上最大的風電場,裝機容量為4430萬千瓦。該風電場將在台灣海峽近海75至185公里處運作。預計將於 2025 年開始施工。
此外,隨著能源消耗持續飆升,配電網路的規模和複雜性持續成長。電力需求急劇增加,特別是在工業領域。例如,2021年5月,ABB發布了REX610,這是Relion產品系列的新成員,旨在促進安全、智慧和環保的電氣化。 REX610融合了ABB的可編程多功能繼電器和保護算法,創建了一個解決方案,為所有常見的配電應用提供最佳保護,從而更輕鬆地保護電網、工業過程和人員。
The main market driver is the safety relays extensive end-use applications across numerous end-use industrial verticals, boosting the demand globally. With the safety of industrial operations and workers in mind, strict rules like the OSHA and Machinery Directive are significantly increasing market demand. Industry 4.0's increased industrial automation, rising sales in the automotive industry, urbanization's rapid population rise, and the development of manufacturing activities are expected to propel the worldwide safety relay market's expansion over the forecast period.
Safety relays in automobiles are used in harnesses and box modules in the back and front, passenger and engine sections, body control, powertrain, roof, seat, door, and fan modules of a car. The US Department of Energy reports that sales of new light-duty plug-in electric vehicles, including all-electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), doubled from 308,000 in 2020 to 608,000 in 2021. 73% of all plug-in electric car sales in 2021 comprised EV sales. While PHEV sales increased 138% over 2021, EV sales increased by 85% between 2020 and 2021.
Industrial automation is anticipated to increase significantly during the forecast period as people become more inclined to accept digital technology. Rising labor costs fuel the market demand during the projection period and the growing desire to lower the risk of accidents at industrial sites. Automation will play a crucial role in assisting manufacturing facilities to increase productivity levels and decrease waste. Quick-acting safety systems are being installed to safeguard priceless machinery against damage and manufacturing workers from potential harm.
The U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics reports that 5,190 fatal work injuries were registered in the country in 2021, an 8.9% rise from 4,764 in 2020. The fatal work injury rate increased from 3.4 per 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers in 2020 to 3.6 in 2019, above the 3.5 pre-pandemic figure from that year. The proliferation of more sophisticated automation and machine technologies in industrial settings might result in extremely risky working conditions and significantly impact the growth of safety relays in industry automation. For instance, the SRL7 6A-rated 7-pole force-guided safety relay from TE Connectivity includes reinforced insulation between the contact circuits and has two normally closed and five normally open poles.
the growing worries over the depletion of fossil fuels and increased research into renewable energy sources are further boosting the market's potential for growth during the forecast period. For instance, as per the International Renewable Energy Agency, with a total installed capacity of 310.6 GW at the end of 2021, China has the world's greatest onshore wind power capacity, making up 40% (310.6 GW) of the total installed capacity. It will be the largest with a 48% (27.7 GW) global share by the end of 2021 in installed offshore wind power capacity. The nation also has plans to construct the 44.3 GW largest wind farm in the world. The wind farm is expected to operate between 75 and 185 kilometers offshore on the Taiwan Strait. The project's construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.
Moreover, power distribution networks continue to expand in size and complexity as energy consumption rises rapidly. Electricity demand has increased dramatically, especially in industry. For instance, in May 2021, ABB introduced REX610, a new member of the Relion product family developed to facilitate safe, intelligent, and environmentally friendly electrification. Incorporating ABB's legacy of programmable multifunctional relays and protection algorithms, REX610 creates a solution that offers the best protection for all common power distribution applications, making it easier to protect grids, industrial processes, and people.
The largest markets for industrial safety relays are China and India, which can be attributed to the expanding construction, automotive, and energy sectors. India is one of the countries with the greatest energy and power sectors, and it has a long history of deadly explosions in the power sector. The governments in the APAC region were forced to pass OHS legislation due to this and numerous other incidents. These nations are also promoting the use of locally produced goods and lowering import rates, driving growth rates in the manufacturing sectors and proportionally raising the risk of industrial accidents. Safety relay demand is fueled by Chinese government rules and standards implemented to increase worker safety. The development of the safety relays market in China is mostly due to expansion in the automotive sector and the expanding use of industrial automation.