全球語音辨識市場 – 2024 年至 2029 年預測Global Voice and Speech Recognition Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
預計到 2029 年,語音辨識市場規模將達到 872 億美元,整個預測期內的複合年成長率為 17.91%。這比 2022 年的 275.27 億美元大幅成長。
由於多種因素,預計該市場將出現顯著成長。一個關鍵因素是 Alexa、Siri 和 Google Assistant 等虛擬助理在家庭和職場中越來越受歡迎。這些數位助理正在成為日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,推動語音辨識工具的普及。語音辨識技術提供的更多可訪問性也是該市場的一個顯著特徵。隨著連網裝置數量的不斷成長,語音辨識將成為控制智慧家庭、穿戴式裝置和各種其他連網裝置的重要介面。語音命令與這些技術的無縫整合正在改善用戶體驗,並促進對基於語音的互動的日益依賴。
Siri、Google Assistant 和 Alexa 等主要虛擬助理整合到智慧型手機作業系統中,大大擴展了它們的可訪問性,使廣大用戶可以輕鬆使用它們。這種可訪問性導致對語音辨識軟體的需求顯著增加。智慧型手機作為這些虛擬助理的主要平台發揮著重要作用。 GPS 等高階智慧型手機功能可實現基於位置的提醒和語音指令導航輔助等功能。虛擬助理和智慧型手機技術的整合為日常業務增添了便利性和實用性。此外,您的智慧型手機充當可攜式中心,將您的虛擬助理連接到家中和汽車中無數其他智慧型裝置。這個互連系統為使用者創建了一個中央控制中心,使他們能夠透過語音命令管理其環境的各個方面,從而創造更整合和簡化的使用者體驗。
USITC資料顯示,2021年,美國行動電話進口額大幅成長,達598億美元,與前一年同期比較增110億美元(22.5%)。這一上升趨勢在 2022 年持續,美國行動電話進口量增加 28 億美元(4.7%),達到 626 億美元。在此期間行動電話進口量的快速成長被認為是由於5G相容行動電話的需求增加所致。整體而言,虛擬助理和智慧型手機的結合徹底改變了個人與科技互動的方式。這種整合使技術比以往任何時候都更加直覺、方便和個人化。隨著智慧型手機在一般人群中的不斷普及,虛擬助理的普及和使用也不斷增加,反映出數位領域更廣泛的變革。
根據國家教育統計中心的數據,到 2021 年,97% 的 3 至 18 歲兒童在家可以上網,高於 2016 年的 92%。同樣,與 2019 年冠狀病毒爆發之前相比,2021 年在家上網的人數 (95%) 有所增加。隨著行動電話變得普及流行,它們為語音啟動服務和應用程式提供了更廣泛的平台。由於文字轉語音、語音指令和虛擬助理等功能,語音辨識技術的需求量大。國防安全保障部科學技術局 (S&T) 正在與約翰霍普金斯大學應用物理實驗室 (JHU/APL) 合作,識別並整合潛在的自動語音辨識(ASR) 技術解決方案。此外,醫療產業正在採用語音辨識進行臨床記錄和轉錄服務,以提高效率。 Google Assistant 和 Amazon Alexa 等虛擬助理的普及也做出了巨大貢獻。此外,提高準確性和可靠性,以及擴大商業環境中的應用以提高效率,都進一步推動了市場的成長。
The voice and speech recognition market is expected to experience a CAGR of 17.91% throughout the forecast period, reaching a market size of US$87.200 billion by 2029. This represents a substantial increase from US$27.527 billion recorded in 2022.
The market is anticipated to experience significant growth, driven by various factors. The rising popularity of virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant in both homes and workplaces is a key contributor. These digital assistants are becoming integral parts of daily life, fostering increased adoption of voice recognition tools. One notable aspect proposing the market is the enhanced accessibility provided by voice recognition technology. As the number of internet-connected devices continues to proliferate, voice recognition is to become a pivotal interface for controlling smart homes, wearables, and various other connected devices. The seamless integration of voice commands into these technologies enhances user experience and contributes to the growing reliance on voice-based interactions.
Rising demand for virtual assistants in smartphones propels the market
The integration of major virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa with smartphone operating systems has significantly expanded their accessibility, making them easily available to a broad user base. This accessibility, in turn, has contributed to a substantial increase in their demand for speech and voice recognition software.Smartphones play a crucial role as they serve as the primary platform for these virtual assistants. The advanced features of smartphones, such as GPS, enable functionalities like location-based reminders and voice-commanded navigation assistance. This integration of virtual assistants with smartphone technologies adds a layer of convenience and practicality to everyday tasks. Furthermore, smartphones function as portable hubs, connecting virtual assistants to a myriad of other smart devices in homes or cars. This interconnected system creates a centralized control hub for users, enabling them to manage various aspects of their environment with voice commands and creating a more integrated and streamlined user experience.
According to data by USITC, in 2021, U.S. imports of cellular phones experienced a notable increase, rising by $11 billion (22.5 percent) to reach $59.8 billion from previous year. This upward trend continued in 2022, with U.S. imports of cellular phones growing by $2.8 billion (4.7 percent) to reach $62.6 billion. The surge in the import value of cellular phones during these years is likely attributed to the increased demand for 5G-enabled phones. Overall, the combination of virtual assistants and smartphones has led to a revolutionary shift in the way individuals interact with technology. This integration has made technology more intuitive, convenient, and personalized than ever before. With the continued rise in smartphone adoption among the general population, there is a corresponding increase in the ubiquity and utilization of virtual assistants, reflecting a broader transformation in the digital landscape.
North America is projected for significant growth in the market.
The voice and speech recognition industry in the United States has grown rapidly due to several factors. Voice recognition technology's popularity has been driven by the growing need for hands-free gadgets, especially in the automobile and consumer electronics sectors. The accuracy and efficiency of these systems have greatly increased due to advancements in natural language processing, which has encouraged integration in virtual assistants, customer support applications, and communication devices. Furthermore, voice commands are being widely used to operate linked devices due to the rise of smart home gadgets and the trend towards home automation.
As per the National Center of Education Statistics, in 2021, the proportion of 3- to 18-year-olds who had access to the internet at home was 97%, compared to 92% in 2016. In a similar vein, the proportion of people with home internet connection in 2021 was greater than it was in 2019 (95%), before the coronavirus pandemic. As cell phones proliferate, they provide a broad platform for voice-activated services and apps. Voice recognition technology is becoming more in demand due to features like speech-to-text capabilities, voice-activated commands, and virtual assistants. The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has partnered with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) to develop potential Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) technology solutions as part of its mission to support the identification and integration of existing and emerging technologies. Additionally, speech recognition has been adopted by the healthcare industry for clinical documentation and transcribing services, which has improved efficiency. The widespread use of virtual assistants, like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, has been greatly aided by their popularity. Moreover, improved precision and dependability, together with growing applications in business environments to boost efficiency, have further propelled the market's growth.
Market Key Developments