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全球飼料添加劑市場:預測(2024-2029)Feed Additives Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
動物添加劑市場成長的主要動力之一是全球對畜產品和肉類的需求不斷成長。使用維生素和營養素等動物飼料添加劑可以幫助牲畜所有者自然地實現更高的產量和更高的品質。根據經濟複雜性觀察站 (OEC) 的數據,全球畜牧產品需求從 2021 年的約 4,210 億美元增加到 2022 年的約 4,550 億美元。同樣,乳製品及其製品的全球貿易近年來也有所成長。根據InvestIndia公佈的資料,2022-23年,印度總合出口乳製品67,572.99噸,價值約2.8465億美元。
全球動物飼料市場的成長動力之一是全球畜產品和肉類貿易的成長。肉類和乳製品、乳酪和雞蛋等產品的全球貿易大幅增加,因此需要透過使用維生素和抗氧化劑等添加劑來提高產量。根據經濟複雜性觀察站的數據,2022 年全球冷凍無骨牛肉貿易額達到約 353 億美元,較 2021 年的 286 億美元大幅成長。
同樣,乳製品貿易近年來有所增加,主要是由於世界素食人口的增加。根據相同資料,2022 年全球牛奶貿易額達到 115 億美元,高於 2021 年的 104 億美元。全球牛奶需求的增加顯著增加了對飼料添加劑的需求,因為它們自然且非保守地提高了牛的生產能力。
全球飼料添加劑市場擴大的另一個主要因素是牲畜和牛的增加。根據愛爾蘭中央統計局的數據,該國家牛的數量從 2021 年增加了約 37,300 頭,到 2023 年增加了約 7,396,200 頭。
全球水產品的增加預計將增加全球對飼料添加劑的需求。印度貿易門戶網站發布的報告顯示,印度水產養殖出口增加了17%左右。 2021-2022年,美國海運出口額約77.6億美元,出口量約136萬噸。 InvestIndia進一步表示,印度在2022-23會計年度出口了約1,313萬噸內陸漁業產品,在2021-22會計年度出口了約413萬噸海洋漁業產品。
與飼料添加劑產業相關的主要風險之一是全球對抗生素等各類添加劑的禁令不斷增加。美國和歐盟一些國家對各類飼料添加劑的使用實施了多種禁令和限制。例如,2022 年 3 月,歐洲食品安全局 (EFSA)提案禁止在動物飼料化合物中預防性使用Ethoxyquin。
The feed additives market will reach US$38.839 billion in 2029 at a CAGR of 6.81% from US$27.934 billion in 2024.
Feed additives are the type of extra nutrients and medicated drugs, like vitamins, calcium, and other microorganisms, which are prepared for the livestock to supply them with a nutrient-filled diet. These products are also mixed in the animal feed to increase its nutritional value. Animal feed is generally of various categories, like feed manufacturing, performance-enhancing, nutritional feeds, and feed additives. Feed manufacturing additives are the type of additives, that are used during the manufacturing of animal feeds. These additives indirectly influence the nutritional value of the feed by improving its hygienic and handling components. The feed manufacturing additives include components like antifungal agents, antioxidants, and pellet binders.
The feed additives result in multiple benefits to the livestock owners, like increased feed utilization, along with improving the quality of the livestock products. These additives also improve the feed processing by the livestock. They contain various classes of molecules and compounds that increase the productivity of the livestock naturally. The feed additives promote ingestion in the livestock and faster absorption of nutrients in the animal body.
One of the major drivers for the animal additive market growth is the increase in the global demand for animal products and meats. The use of animal feed additives like vitamins and nutrients helps the owner of the livestock to achieve more production naturally, with improvement in quality. The global animal products demand increased from about US$421 billion in 2021 to about US$455 billion in 2022, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). Similarly, the global trade of dairy and its products has also grown in the recent few years. According to the data published by InvestIndia, India in 2022-23 exported a total of 67572.99 MT of dairy products, which were valued at about US$284.65 million.
One of the major drivers for the growth of the animal feed market in the globe can be the increase in the global trade in animal products and meats. The global trade of animal meat and its products like dairy, cheese, eggs, and others is increasing significantly, giving the need for a boost in production by the use of additives, like vitamins and antioxidants. According to the Observatory of Economic Complexity, the global trade of beef, frozen and boneless, reached about US$ 35.3 billion in 2022, which observed a significant increase from US$ 28.6 billion in 2021.
Similarly, the dairy trade has also increased in recent years, mainly because of the increase in the global vegetarian population. According to the same data, the global milk trade reached US$11.5 billion in 2022, up from US$10.4 billion in 2021. The increase in global milk demand significantly boosted the demand for feed addictive, as it offers a natural and non-preservative increase in the production capability of the cattle.
Another major driver for the increase in the global animal additive market is the increase in the livestock and cattle population. According to the Central Statistics Office of Ireland, the nation's cattle population increased by about 37,300 from 2021 to about 7,396,200 in 2023.
Feed additives are important components for aquatic or fish production. They help to improve the growth of marine life, along with improving their immunity against allergies and diseases. Some feed additives, such as probiotics, prebiotics, microalgae, and enzymes, are given to aquatic animals, like fish, shrimp, shellfish, etc., to increase their productivity.
The increase in the global aquatic product is expected to increase the global demand for feed additives. According to the report published by the Indian Trade Portal, India's aquaculture exports increased by about 17%. In 2021-2022, the nation's marine exports accounted for about US$7.76 billion and about 1.36 million MT in volume. InvestIndia further stated that in 2021-22, the nation exported about 13.13 million MT of inland fisheries in 2022-23 and about 4.13 million MT of marine fisheries in 2021-22.
One of the major risks associated with the feed additive sector is the increasing global ban on various types of additives, like antibiotics. Countries like the USA and some nations of the EU have imposed various types of bans and restrictions on the use of various types of feed additives. For instance, in March 2022, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) proposed a precautionary ban on the use of ethoxyquin in animal feed compounds.
The North American market is anticipated to hold a major share of the global feed additive market, as the region offers a huge animal husbandry landscape globally. Countries like the US, Canada, and Mexico are also among the biggest consumers of animal meat and other products like cheese, poultry, eggs, and dairy. The increase in the animal husbandry industry in the region is sure to push the regional market for animal feed additives.
The North American region is one of the biggest among the biggest exporters of animal feed nutrients to the world, supplying various types of nutrients, that help in increasing the productivity of cattle and other livestock. The USA is among the top suppliers of animal food in the global market, giving a boost to animal additives in the region.