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電動車電池熱感介面解決方案市場 - 2024 年至 2029 年預測Thermal Interface Solutions Market for EV Battery - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
包括特斯拉、比亞迪和大眾在內的許多製造商都宣稱,他們的目標是從一個電池組中的大量模組轉向單一電池組。這消除或減少了對電池組中多種材料的需求,例如模組外殼、冷卻水管線和模組互連件。儘管可以移除許多部件,但仍需要熱感界面材料 (TIM),因為始終需要某種形式的熱量從電池傳輸到溫度控管系統。即使每輛車的 TIM 用量減少,對溫度控管的整體關注和電動車行業的快速崛起將推動對 TIM 的需求,從而成為最有前途的市場之一。
此外,Loctite TLB 9300 APSi是漢高的雙組分聚氨酯導熱黏劑,具有3W/mK的高導熱率、適中的黏度和自流平性能。非常適合粘合電池單元和模組或直接粘合到冷卻系統。除了散熱性能外,它還提供良好的電絕緣性和對多種基材的黏合力。它是一種在室溫下固化且無需能源的綠色解決方案,可幫助客戶實現更低排放、更高效率和改善工作場所安全的永續發展目標。
此外,杜邦還提供BETATECH TIM,這是一種1K或2K溶劑型導熱聚氨酯材料,塗布電池模組和散熱器之間。該產品為汽車電氣化、無人駕駛汽車、連接和架構提供單一包裝解決方案。這些發展提高了可用性並提高了電動車電池的標準。
同時,中國汽車電池的需求成長了70%以上,電動車銷量從2022年到2021年成長了80%。然而,電池需求的成長被插電式混合動力汽車佔有率的成長部分抵消。 2022年美國汽車電池消費量成長近80%,但電動車銷量成長近55%。純電動車和插電式混合動力車的全球銷量正在超過混合動力車,因此純電動車和插電式混合動力車的電池性能正在提高,從而推動了電池需求。
此外,根據國際能源總署(IEA)的數據,2022年全球將銷售約6.6萬輛電動客車和6萬輛中重型卡車,約佔客車總銷量的4.5%,約佔客車銷量的1.2%。銷量。中國繼續主導電動(和燃料電池)卡車和巴士的製造和銷售。 2022年,中國將銷售5.4萬輛新電動客車和5.2萬輛電動中重型卡車,分別佔總銷量的18%和4%,約佔全球銷量的80%和85%。此外,中國品牌被列為拉丁美洲、北美和歐洲客車和卡車市場的領導品牌。
中國和印度等亞太地區的大多數電動車市場預計將推動未來電動車電池熱感介面解決方案的需求。可再生能源政策,特別是永續能源,以及溫度控管方面令人印象深刻的創新正在受到政府獎勵的推動。同時,電動車電池生產的投資對成長階段產生了重大影響。例如,全資電動車子公司 GFCL EV Products Ltd 計劃從 2024 年 2 月開始的未來四到五年內投資 600 億印度盧比。這將使該公司每年生產約200 GWh的電動車電池系統和能源儲存系統。
The global thermal interface solutions market for EV batteries is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 12.65% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
The electric car industry is expanding, and battery temperature management has emerged as a critical issue that must be addressed. Heat is generated within the battery pack while the battery is charged and discharged. Keeping the battery pack at a normal temperature can significantly increase its performance. This incorporates two key concerns: operating efficiency and charging speed.
Interface materials remove excess heat from battery pack cells, which regulates battery temperature, improves battery functioning, and extends battery life. These thermally conductive gap fillers that can be tailored to each application act as heat sinks to conduct heat away from the battery. Since hardness, surface tack, and liner are suitable for various applications, several companies offer product lines and solutions to provide the ideal thermal interface solutions for EV battery modules. Precision die-cut thermal interface materials can also assist in regulating and guiding heat movement between and out of EV battery components.
Many manufacturers, including Tesla, BYD, and Volkswagen, have declared their aim to transition away from many modules in a pack and towards cell-to-pack choices. This eliminates or decreases the requirement for several of the materials found in battery packs, including module housings, coolant lines, and module interconnects. While numerous components may be deleted, thermal interface materials (TIMs) remain necessary because transporting heat from the cells to the thermal management system is always required in some manner. Even if the amount of TIM per vehicle decreases, the overall emphasis on thermal management and the rapidly rising EV industry will boost demand for TIMs, resulting in one of the greatest prospective markets.
Besides this, Loctite TLB 9300 APSi is a two-component polyurethane thermally conductive adhesive with a high thermal conductivity of 3 W/mK, moderate viscosity, and self-leveling properties offered by Henkel. It is ideal for gluing battery cells to modules or directly to cooling systems. Apart from the heat dissipation characteristic, it provides fine electrical insulation and adhesion to several substrates. Since it is a green solution that cures at room temperature and does not require energy, it helps the clients achieve their sustainable development goal of low emissions, high efficiency, and enhanced workspace safety.
Additionally, DuPont offers BETATECH TIM, a 1K or 2K solvent-based thermal-conductive polyurethane material to be applied between the battery module and the heatsink. The product offers one package solution for the following sectors: vehicle electrification, driverless cars, connectivity, and mobility architecture. Altogether, these developments contribute to increased usability and raise the bar in the context of the batteries of electric vehicles.
Along with this, the battery demand for cars expanded by over 70% in China, and electric car sales increased by 80 % from 2022 to 2021. However, the battery demand rise was partially compensated by a greater share of PHEVs. Battery consumption for automobiles in the United States rose by nearly 80% in 2022, when electric car sales only managed a rise of nearly 55%. The global sales of BEV and PHEV are overtaking HEV, and because of this, the battery capabilities of BEV and PHEV are increasing, which in turn fuels the battery requirement.
Commercial vehicles are among the most rapidly developing categories in the thermal interface solutions market for EV batteries. This expansion is driven by increased global use of electric buses, lorries, and delivery vehicles. The government approved Phase II of the FAME India Scheme for five years, beginning April 1, 2019, and ending March 31, 2024, with a total budgetary contribution of INR 10,000 crore, as stated by the PIB. This phase focuses on promoting public and shared transport electrification by offering incentives for acquiring electric vehicles (2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers, and electric buses).
In addition to this, as per the International Energy Agency, in 2022, almost 66,000 electric buses and 60,000 medium- and heavy-duty trucks were sold globally, accounting for around 4.5% of total bus sales and 1.2% of total truck sales. China continues to dominate the manufacture and sales of electric (and fuel cell) trucks and buses. In 2022, 54,000 new electric buses and 52,000 electric medium- and heavy-duty trucks were sold in China, accounting for 18% and 4% of overall sales and about 80% and 85% of global sales, respectively. Additionally, it was stated that Chinese brands are market leaders in Latin America, North America, and Europe's bus and truck markets.
As a consequence of the expansion, the commercial electric vehicle industry demands advanced heat management technologies in the shape of thermal conductive layers to properly address heat from the bigger batteries. These solutions are rather essential for increasing productivity, ensuring quality, and adherence to industry standards regarding safety. This development suggests that there could be huge opportunities for those companies that deal in thermal interface materials, which are most suitable for commercial EVs.
Most of the electric car markets, like China and India in the Asia-Pacific region, are expected to boost the thermal interface solutions demand in the future. Policies on renewable energy, especially on sustainable energy, and the impressive technological innovations in thermal management are being propelled by incentives from the government. Along with this, investment in EV battery production has remarkably influenced growth aspects. For instance, in the case of its wholly owned electric vehicle subsidiary GFCL EV Products Ltd has planned to invest INR 6000 Crores over the next 4-5 years from February 2024. This would enable the production of battery systems for electric vehicles and energy storage systems to about 200 GWh annually.
Nonetheless, as per the IEA, about 95% of the lithium-ion phosphate batteries for electric LDVs (Light-Duty Vehicles) were sourced from China, and BYD holds the largest market share of 50%. Tesla contributed 15%, with its proportion of LFP batteries rising from 20% in 2021 to 30% in 2022. Thus, about 85% of cars equipped with LFP batteries are Tesla cars, most of which were produced in China. This has further proven that efforts to increase battery performance and safety by dissipating heat can bring innovation and investment to the industry. Comprehensively, several factors in Asia Pacific raise the demand for thermal interface technology development, such as environmental issues and the construction of the related electric car infrastructure.