

Acetone Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence | 英文 144 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



丙酮,也稱為丙酮,是一種無色液體。它通常被認為是安全的,因為它的含量極低,毒性低,並且具有自燃性。這種化學物質極易溶於水,並且乾燥速度非常快,因此在家庭和工業中受到重視。丙酮的常見用途包括油漆稀釋劑、汽車和家具清漆、紡織品脫脂和塑膠製造。此外,美國食品藥物管理局已確定丙酮可以安全地用作黏劑和食品接觸被覆劑的間接添加劑。一些政府機構和研究機構正在歐洲化學品管理局的 REACH 計劃、世界衛生組織的國際化學品安全計劃以及美國環保署的綜合風險和資訊系統評估計劃下調查丙酮的影響。


  • 丙酮市場的產品創新和開拓透過提供新應用並增強現有應用來推動成長。在產品開發中,例如環保丙酮的生產,使用更純的等級來回應不斷變化的環境要求和客戶需求。例如,LG Chem 宣布將於 2022 年 7 月開始出貨首款生物平衡苯酚丙酮。這是國際永續性和碳認證PLUS(ISCC PLUS),是全球公認的使用生質能和廢棄煎炸油等可再生生物原料的環保材料的永續性認證。


  • 丙酮是一種用於油漆和被覆劑的溶劑。它溶解油漆中的樹脂和顏料等其他成分,形成易於塗抹到表面的平滑流動,並加速油漆表面的乾燥。它比其他溶劑蒸發得更快,因此適合平滑表面。



  • 丙酮在汽車工業中經常用作油漆和清漆的溶劑,以提高耐用性和表面品質。我們高效的聚合物混合能力也幫助我們生產用於各種汽車零件的聚碳酸酯塑膠。此外,隨著汽車產業的成長,丙酮市場也預計將受到正面影響。根據 PIB(新聞資訊局)的數據,2021-22 年的主要市場佔有率是二輪車、馬達和乘用車。摩托車市佔率為77%,乘用車市佔率為18%。搭乘用產業很大一部分屬於中小型汽車產業。同樣,汽車出口量從 2020-21 年的 4,134,047 輛增加到 2021-22 年的 5,617,246 輛。

除此之外,贏創的新型 VESTA eCO 牌號因其機械強度、耐用性、耐化學性、優異的附著力和低二氧化碳排放而成為現代塗料系統的理想塗料,預計將用作油漆、塗料和塗料中的永續成分。它還具有用於高性能複合材料的潛力,例如風力發電機葉輪和汽車內部裝潢建材,以生產更高品質的儀錶面板和裝飾,以及先進的化學合成方法。


  • 從最終用戶來看,電子電氣行業是最受歡迎的領域。

在電子和電氣工業中,丙酮用於清洗電路基板和電子元件,以去除助焊劑和其他物質。它還用於生產電子元件組裝所需的特殊黏劑和被覆劑,以確保最大的性能和耐用性。根據《2020 年世界電子更新》,電子產業價值超過 2.9 兆美元。

此外,丙酮經常用於半導體裝置製造中,以從矽晶片上去除光阻劑材料,這是微影製程中的關鍵步驟。它也用於半導體表面的清洗和脫脂,從而可以製造高品質的裝置。 2022 年 1 月,商務部發布了一份資訊請求,以幫助引導 CHIPS 法案資助的計劃,以支持強勁的國內半導體產業。此外,印度等國家的大部分半導體需求都依賴進口。據國際貿易局稱,印度95%的半導體從中國、台灣、韓國和新加坡進口。由於半導體和電子設備需求的增加,丙酮市場預計將成長。

  • 亞太丙酮市場預計將出現顯著成長。


推動丙酮市場的另一個重要因素是電子產業的成長。印度投資局表示,到 2023 年,印度電子產業的產值預計將達到 1,550 億美元(約 15 兆日圓),其中本土製造商佔 65%。不過,根據上海市人民政府公告,2023年中國家電業零售額將成長4%,達3,050億美元,2024年成長率將上升至5%。

同時,Semicon India 計劃設立了 100 億美元的激勵措施,永續印度展示該行業的技術領先地位鋪平道路。因此,這種材料可作為基石,確保各種電子產品的性能並影響市場成長。



  • 2022年3月,贏創在化工產業實現了一個重要的里程碑。我們生產了世界上第一個由 100%可再生丙酮製成的永續異佛爾酮產品。

得益於可再生丙酮,贏創提供的異佛爾酮產品在整個異佛爾酮生產鏈中的二氧化碳排放顯著減少。新的eCO產品透過贏創交聯劑的知名品牌系列提供:用於異佛爾酮的VESTASOL IP eCO、用於異佛爾酮二胺的VESTAMIN IPD eCO和用於異佛爾酮二異二異氰酸鹽的VESTANAT IPDI eCO。

  • 2022年2月,科思創與三井化學簽署協議,從ISCC Plus認證的物料平衡來源供應原料苯酚和丙酮。這兩種組件將用於科思創位於中國上海和泰國 Map Ta Phut 的亞洲工廠的聚碳酸酯生產。



  • 溶劑
  • 雙酚A
  • 甲基丙烯酸甲酯
  • 其他


  • 油漆/塗料
  • 塑膠
  • 黏劑
  • 藥品
  • 化妝品
  • 電氣/電子設備
  • 其他


  • 北美洲
  • 美國
  • 加拿大
  • 墨西哥
  • 南美洲
  • 巴西
  • 阿根廷
  • 南美洲其他地區
  • 歐洲
  • 英國
  • 德國
  • 法國
  • 義大利
  • 西班牙
  • 其他歐洲國家
  • 中東/非洲
  • 沙烏地阿拉伯
  • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
  • 其他中東/非洲
  • 亞太地區
  • 中國
  • 印度
  • 日本
  • 韓國
  • 台灣
  • 泰國
  • 印尼
  • 其他亞太地區


第1章 簡介

  • 市場概況
  • 市場定義
  • 調查範圍
  • 市場區隔
  • 貨幣
  • 先決條件
  • 基準年和預測年時間表
  • 相關人員的主要利益


  • 研究設計
  • 調查過程


  • 主要發現
  • 分析師觀點


  • 市場促進因素
    • 各個最終用戶產業對丙酮的需求增加
    • 增加用作化學合成原料
  • 市場限制因素
    • 丙酮價格波動
    • 替代品的可用性
  • 波特五力分析
  • 產業價值鏈分析


  • 介紹
  • 溶劑
  • 雙酚A
  • 甲基丙烯酸甲酯
  • 其他


  • 介紹
  • 油漆和塗料
  • 塑膠
  • 黏劑
  • 藥品
  • 化妝品
  • 電氣/電子設備
  • 其他


  • 世界概況
  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 南美洲其他地區
  • 歐洲
    • 英國
    • 德國
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 西班牙
    • 其他歐洲國家
  • 中東/非洲
    • 沙烏地阿拉伯
    • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
    • 其他中東/非洲
  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 韓國
    • 台灣
    • 泰國
    • 印尼
    • 其他亞太地區


  • 主要企業及策略分析
  • 市場佔有率分析
  • 合併、收購、協議和合作
  • 競爭對手儀表板

第9章 公司簡介

  • Ineos
  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • Altivia
  • Cepsa Chemicals
  • Borealis AG
  • Covestro
  • Formosa Chemicals and Fibre Corporation
  • Mitsui Chemicals. Inc.
  • Prasol Chemicals
  • Glentham Life Sciences
  • Chemical Packaging Company
Product Code: KSI061616974

The global acetone market is anticipated to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.85% during the projection period (2024 and 2029).

Acetone, which is also known as propanone is a type of liquid that is colorless in nature. It is generally considered safe as it exists in minimum quantities, has low toxicity, and is naturally inflammable. This chemical dissolves very well in water and tends to dry up very quickly, making it useful in homes and industries. Some common uses of acetone are as paint thinner, automobile or furniture varnish, deglaze or degrease of textile products, and in plastics production. Moreover, the US Food and Drug Administration has decided that acetone is safe to use as an indirect additive in adhesives and food-contact coatings. Several governmental and research bodies have looked into the impacts of acetone under the REACH program of the European Chemicals Agency, the WHO International Program on Chemical Safety, and the EPA's Integrated Risk and Information System Assessment program.


  • Product innovation and development in the acetone market drive growth by offering new applications while enhancing existing ones. Product developments such as the environmentally friendly production of acetone use higher purity grades to meet changing environmental demands and customer needs. LG Chem, for instance, announced in July 2022 that it is starting to ship its first bio-balanced phenol and acetone. It is a product that has achieved the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification PLUS (ISCC PLUS), an eco-friendly material sustainability certificate widely recognized worldwide using renewable bio-feedstock like biomass or waste frying oil.

In formulations and derivations, the versatility of acetone products expands its utilization in industries like medicals, electronics, and automotive coatings. Additionally, changes in the more specialized and specific sub-segments, for example, advances in acetone in forming high-performance adhesives or solvents for specific industries, open up new avenues for consumption and market potential. This leads to total consumption across different uses while enhancing the performance of acetone, thus expanding the market.

  • Acetone is a solvent used in paints and coatings. It dissolves other components, such as resins and pigments, in paints to provide a smooth flow for easy application on the surface and to increase the rate of drying of the paint's surface. It evaporates faster than other solvents, which is good for obtaining a level surface.

With the growth in building construction around the globe, the acetone market is being utilized immensely. According to new residential construction figures released by the United States Census Bureau and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in April 2024, the number of building permits was 1,440,000, while housing completions were 1,623,000.

In building and construction, acetone as a solvent for paints and coatings offers value addition, especially in processes related to the development of painting surfaces. This enhances the architectural beauty of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure developments. For instance, the secretariat of infrastructure in the planning commission is engaged in practicing the formation of world-class infrastructure in India by implementing multiple policies. These policies focus on bridges, dams, power, roads, and urban infrastructure development.

  • Acetone is largely utilized in the automobile industry as a solvent in paints and varnishes to improve durability and surface quality. Still, it also serves in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics for different vehicle components due to its efficient polymer mixing abilities. Furthermore, with the growth in the automobile industry, the acetone market is anticipated to be positively impacted. As per the PIB (Press Information Bureau), two-wheelers, motors, and passenger automobiles took the major market shares for FY 2021-22. The market share was 77% of two-wheeler motors and 18% of passenger automobiles. A significantly large percentage of the passenger automobile divisions can be classified as small and medium. Similarly, the export of autos increased to 5,617,246 in 2021-22 from 4,134,047 in 2020-21.

Alongside this, due to their mechanical strength, durability, and other features such as chemical resistance, excellent adhesion, and low CO2 emissions, the new VESTA eCO grades offered by Evonik are expected to be used as a sustainable component in paint, lacquer, and binder materials for modern coating systems. They may also be used in high-performance composite materials such as wind turbine rotor blades or vehicle interiors to manufacture higher quality instrument panels and trims, as well as in the most recent chemical synthesis methods.


  • By end-user, electronics and electrical are among the most popular segments.

In the electronics and electrical industry, acetone is used to clean circuit boards and electronic components to remove flux and other substances on the surface. It is also used to create special types of adhesive and coatings necessary for electronic assembly, which provides maximum performance and durability in use. According to the World Electronics Update 2020, the electronics sector crossed $2.9 trillion.

Moreover, acetone is largely used in semiconductor device manufacturing to remove photoresist materials from silicon wafers, a critical step in photolithography procedures. It is also used to clean and degrease semiconductor surfaces, which ensures high-quality device production. In January 2022, the Department of Commerce released a Request for Information to assist steer CHIPS Act-funded programs to support a robust domestic semiconductor sector. Moreover, countries like India depend on imports for almost all their semiconductor demands. The International Trade Administration further states that India imports 95 percent of its semiconductors from China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. Owing to the increased demand for semiconductors and electronics, the acetone market is expected to grow.

  • Asia Pacific's acetone market is anticipated to grow significantly.

The Asia Pacific acetone market is being boosted by rising industrialization in industries such as automotive, electronics, and chemicals in nations like India and China. Acetone is used to produce plastics, adhesives, coatings, and solvents, which helps the region's manufacturing growth. Increased acetone usage in products like polycarbonates by the plastics and polymers industry also increases demand. For instance, the Indian plastic industry is one of the significant industries in the country. The history of the plastic industry in India dates back to as early as 1957 with the production of polystyrene. As per the latest data reported by India Brand Equity Foundation in April 2024, the Indian government aims to boost the plastic industry's economic activity from Rs. 3 lakh crore (US$ 37.8 billion) to Rs. 10 lakh crore (US$ 126 billion) within the upcoming 4-5 years' time span.

Another significant factor upsurging the acetone market is the growth in the electronics industry. In 2023, India's electronics sector was estimated at $155 billion, with local manufacturers accounting for 65%, as stated by Invest India. Nevertheless, as per Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the retail sales of China's consumer electronics sector expanded by 4% to US$305 billion in 2023, with the growth rate increasing to 5% in 2024.

Alongside this, to pave the way for India's technological leadership in the industry, the Semicon India Program was established with an incentive outlay of US$10 Billion to develop a sustainable semiconductor and display ecosystem in the nation. This material thus serves as a cornerstone and ensures the performance of a wide array of electronic products, which impacts market growth.

Technological developments and increased research spending further help drive innovation and sustainability in Asia Pacific's acetone industry. The use of acetone in the electronics and electrical sector, coupled with its usage in the automotive industry interior, fuels the demand for the product in the Asia Pacific region.

Global Acetone Market Key Developments:

  • In March 2022, Evonik achieved a significant milestone in the chemical industry. It produced the world's first sustainable isophorone product manufactured from 100% renewable acetone.

Evonik offers isophorone-based products with a much lower CO2 footprint across the isophorone manufacturing chain due to renewable acetone. The new eCO products are accessible through Evonik Crosslinkers' well-known brand families: VESTASOL IP eCO for isophorone, VESTAMIN IPD eCO for isophorone diamine, and VESTANAT IPDI eCO for isophorone diisocyanate.

  • In February 2022, Covestro signed a deal with Mitsui Chemicals to supply raw materials phenol and acetone from ISCC Plus certified mass-balanced sources. Both components were utilized to manufacture polycarbonate in Covestro's Asian facilities in Shanghai, China, and Map Ta Phut, Thailand.

The global acetone market is segmented and analyzed as follows:

By Application

  • Solvent
  • Bisphenol A
  • Methyl Methacrylate
  • Others

By End-Use

  • Paints & Coatings
  • Plastic
  • Automotive
  • Adhesives
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Cosmetics
  • Electrical & Electronics
  • Others

By Geography

  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Rest of South America
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Rest of Europe
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Rest of Middle East and Africa
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Rest of Asia-Pacific



  • 1.1. Market Overview
  • 1.2. Market Definition
  • 1.3. Scope of the Study
  • 1.4. Market Segmentation
  • 1.5. Currency
  • 1.6. Assumptions
  • 1.7. Base and Forecast Years Timeline
  • 1.8. Key benefits for the stakeholders


  • 2.1. Research Design
  • 2.2. Research Process


  • 3.1. Key Findings
  • 3.2. Analyst View


  • 4.1. Market Drivers
    • 4.1.1. Growing Demand for Acetone in various End-User Industries
    • 4.1.2. Rise in Utilization as Feedstock for Chemical Synthesis
  • 4.2. Market Restraints
    • 4.2.1. Price Fluctuations of Acetone
    • 4.2.2. Availability of Substitutes
  • 4.3. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3. The Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4. Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry
  • 4.4. Industry Value Chain Analysis


  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. Solvent
  • 5.3. Bisphenol A
  • 5.4. Methyl Methacrylate
  • 5.5. Others


  • 6.1. Introduction
  • 6.2. Paints & Coatings
  • 6.3. Plastic
  • 6.4. Automotive
  • 6.5. Adhesives
  • 6.6. Pharmaceuticals
  • 6.7. Cosmetics
  • 6.8. Electrical & Electronics
  • 6.9. Others


  • 7.1. Global Overview
  • 7.2. North America
    • 7.2.1. United States
    • 7.2.2. Canada
    • 7.2.3. Mexico
  • 7.3. South America
    • 7.3.1. Brazil
    • 7.3.2. Argentina
    • 7.3.3. Rest of South America
  • 7.4. Europe
    • 7.4.1. United Kingdom
    • 7.4.2. Germany
    • 7.4.3. France
    • 7.4.4. Italy
    • 7.4.5. Spain
    • 7.4.6. Rest of Europe
  • 7.5. Middle East and Africa
    • 7.5.1. Saudi Arabia
    • 7.5.2. United Arab Emirates
    • 7.5.3. Rest of Middle East and Africa
  • 7.6. Asia-Pacific
    • 7.6.1. China
    • 7.6.2. India
    • 7.6.3. Japan
    • 7.6.4. South Korea
    • 7.6.5. Taiwan
    • 7.6.6. Thailand
    • 7.6.7. Indonesia
    • 7.6.8. Rest of Asia-Pacific


  • 8.1. Major Players and Strategy Analysis
  • 8.2. Market Share Analysis
  • 8.3. Mergers, Acquisitions, Agreements, and Collaborations
  • 8.4. Competitive Dashboard


  • 9.1. Ineos
  • 9.2. Honeywell International Inc.
  • 9.3. Altivia
  • 9.4. Cepsa Chemicals
  • 9.5. Borealis AG
  • 9.6. Covestro
  • 9.7. Formosa Chemicals and Fibre Corporation
  • 9.8. Mitsui Chemicals. Inc.
  • 9.9. Prasol Chemicals
  • 9.10. Glentham Life Sciences
  • 9.11. Chemical Packaging Company