設計中的人工智慧市場:未來預測(2024-2029)AI in the Design Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
設計中的人工智慧市場預計將以 36.57% 的複合年成長率成長,從 2024 年的 898,546,000 美元增至 2029 年的 4,268,869,000 美元。
設計中的人工智慧是一種軟體技術,它為媒體和通訊、製造和建築等行業的多種類型計劃的設計和支出提供電腦智慧協助並結合人工輸入。 AI(人工智慧)正被納入計劃的設計階段,包括圖形設計、產品設計、架構和使用者體驗(UX)設計。設計市場廣泛採用機器學習等基於人工智慧的技術和應用,以幫助提高設計過程中的創造力、效率和生產力。該市場的關鍵方面包括人工智慧驅動的設計工具、衍生設計解決方案、圖像和影片編輯軟體以及模擬和視覺化軟體。這些公司提供的工具和平台使用機器學習、電腦視覺和自然語言處理等人工智慧技術來自動化設計過程、產生新想法並支援設計師的工作流程。
預計北美地區的人工智慧設計全球市場佔有率將增加。北美國家尤其是美國是技術創新的領先國家。該地區擁有多家頂級人工智慧和設計公司,包括 Autodesk、Adobe、Google、Nvidia 和 OpenAI,這些公司正在推動人工智慧驅動的設計解決方案的開發。北美公司,特別是科技、汽車、航太和娛樂產業的公司,已迅速採用人工智慧驅動的設計解決方案。早期採用有助於該地區保持市場領先地位。北美市場規模龐大且多元化,涵蓋了可以從設計中的人工智慧中受益的眾多行業,包括建築、工程、圖形設計、遊戲和娛樂。
The AI in the design market is forecasted to witness a growth of CAGR of 36.57%, to reach US$4,268.869 million by 2029, from US$898.546 million in 2024.
AI in design is a software technology that offers the assistance of computer intelligence with the combination of human input into the designing and outlaying of multiple types of projects for industries like media & communication, manufacturing, architecture, and others. Artificial intelligence is integrated into the design stages of projects, such as graphic design, product design, architecture, and user experience (UX) design. The AI in the design market incorporates a wide range of AI-based technologies and applications like machine learning, which help enhance creativity, efficiency, and productivity in the designing process. Some key aspects of this market are AI-powered design tools, generative design solutions, image and video editing software, and simulation and visualization software. Companies provide tools and platforms that use artificial intelligence techniques, including machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing, to automate design processes, produce new ideas, and help designers with their workflow.
In the designing sector, generative AI tool is commonly used across multiple industries to create designs based on individuals' text or image inputs. Generative design software uses algorithms to create or generate multiple design alternatives based on specified parameters provided by humans; it allows designers to explore innovative and unique solutions to further optimize their designs.
Various types of AI tools are available across the market, like picture & video editing tools and simulation & visualization tools. The AI-powered picture and video editing platform utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to automate various types of designing processes like image enhancement, object removal, color correction, and video stabilization, allowing designers to generate visually attractive material more rapidly. The AI-powered simulation and visualization tools allow the designers to virtually model the physical environment and analyze design performance, allowing them to optimize designs suitably.
AI in the design market drivers
A major factor boosting the global AI in the design market is the development of AI technologies and the optimum performance offered by such tools. AI programs use multiple algorithms and machine learning tools, which help them produce fresh and unique design concepts, introduce innovative solutions to projects, and investigate new design procedures or methods that human intelligence may lack. The availability of such capabilities encourages widespread innovation in the sector.
Various companies and research organizations introduced and integrated various tools and algorithms, further boosting the capabilities of the AI design platform. For instance, NVIDIA, a global technological leader, developed its design platform, Canvas. It employs AI-based tools to convert brushstrokes into realistic landscape pictures, enabling speedy background creation and concept development. This platform offers nine design styles, allowing the users to paint on distinct layers for each element.
AI in the design market geographical outlooks
The North American region is forecasted to witness a greater global AI design market share. The North American countries, especially the USA, are among the leading nations in technical innovation. This region is home to several top AI and design organizations, including Autodesk, Adobe, Google, Nvidia, and OpenAI, who are pushing developments in AI-powered design solutions. Companies in North America, particularly in the technology, automotive, aerospace, and entertainment industries, have been early adopters of AI-powered design solutions. Early adoption has helped the area maintain its market leadership. The North American market is large and diverse, encompassing a wide range of industries that benefit from AI in design, including architecture, engineering, graphic design, gaming, and entertainment.
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