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臨床實踐中的人工智慧:預測(2025-2030)AI in Clinical Settings Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
醫療費用上漲是醫療保健系統面臨的全球性問題。這些與多種因素有關,包括人口老化、技術創新、行政複雜性、藥物成本、防禦性醫療以及醫療保健效率低下。此外,根據“2030願景”計劃,沙烏地阿拉伯政府將投資超過650億美元發展醫療基礎設施,重組和私有化保險和醫療服務,並在全國建立21個“健康叢集”,並打算提高電子健康服務。同樣,其目標到 2030 年將私部門的參與率從 40% 提高到 65%。此舉將導致 290 家醫院和 2,300 家初級衛生中心私有化,為投資沙烏地阿拉伯不斷擴大的醫療保健市場的美國公司創造重大商機。
根據地區,臨床環境中的人工智慧市場細分為北美、南美、歐洲、中東和非洲以及亞太地區。北美臨床環境中的人工智慧市場主要受到強大的醫療保健基礎設施、對醫療保健技術和研究的大量投資以及鼓勵創新和採用人工智慧解決方案的有利法規環境的推動。根據美國醫學會預測,2022年美國在醫療保健方面的支出將達到44644億美元,其中醫院佔30.4%,醫生服務佔14.5%,臨床服務佔5.3%,居家醫療佔3%。 4.3%)、處方藥(9.1%)、其他個人照護(16.5%)、醫療保險淨成本(6.3%)、政府行政(1.2%)和政府公共衛生活動(4.7%)以及投資(4.9%)。
同時,亞太地區臨床人工智慧市場受到多種因素推動,包括快速成長的醫療保健產業、龐大的人口和不斷上漲的醫療成本。慢性病發病率的上升以及政府支持人工智慧應用的措施和政策正在推動市場成長。例如,印度2016年報告了37,416例前列腺癌病例,2020年增加到41,532例。到 2025 年,前列腺癌病例數預計將增加到 47,000 多例。這一數字約佔全國所有癌症患者的3%。此外,印度前列腺癌的平均發病年齡為 69.7 歲。此外,可支配收入的增加以及醫療專業人士和患者對人工智慧益處的認知不斷提高,也促進了該地區市場的擴張。
The AI in clinical settings market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 37.5%.
The AI in clinical settings market is growing significantly due to the enhanced requirements for improving patient outcomes and diagnostic efficiency and the large volume of data in health care.
It is also transforming health care from different fronts, such as medical image analysis, drug development, precision medication, diagnostic and treatment administration, and clinical image processing.
Moreover, AI promotes prescribing the right treatment by identifying patient characteristics to suit the required treatment. AI-aided systems also bring clinical decision support for practical uses, enabling healthcare professionals to arrive at decisions.
The high cost of health care is a global problem for the healthcare system. These are associated with various factors such as the aging population, technological innovation, administrative complexities, cost of drugs, defensive medicine, and healthcare delivery inefficiency. In addition to this, the Saudi Arabian government intends to invest more than $65 billion under Vision 2030 to build its healthcare infrastructure, restructure and privatize insurance and health services, establish 21 "health clusters" nationwide, and increase the availability of e-health services. Similarly, private sector participation is aiming to increase from 40% to 65% by 2030. This would entail the privatization of 290 hospitals and 2300 primary health centers, thus creating considerable business opportunities for American companies investing in Saudi Arabia's expanding healthcare market.
With the aging population, demand for healthcare services expands, mainly in chronic diseases and age-related conditions. This increase in demand can strain healthcare resources while raising costs. Moreover, administrative costs such as healthcare insurance claims, billing, and regulatory compliance will increase the cost burden.
Geography-wise, the market of AI in clinical settings is divided into North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. The North American AI in clinical settings market is largely driven by a strong healthcare infrastructure, large-scale investment in healthcare technology and research, and an excellent regulatory environment that fosters innovation and adoption of AI-enabled solutions. According to the American Medical Association, the United States spent $4,464.4 billion on health care in 2022 which was divided into different segments out of which hospital care accounted for 30.4% share, followed by physician service (14.5%), clinical services (5.3%), home health care (3%), nursing care facilities (4.3%), prescription drugs (9.1%), other personal health care (16.5%), the net cost of health insurance (6.3%), government administration (1,2%), government public health activities (4.7%), and investment (4.9%).
On the other hand, several factors drive the Asia Pacific AI in the clinical settings market, including a rapidly growing healthcare sector, a large population, and rising healthcare costs. The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and government initiatives and policies supporting AI adoption are accelerating market growth. For instance, India reported 37,416 cases of prostate cancer in 2016, and by 2020, that number had risen to 41,532 cases. By 2025, the incidence of prostate cancer is predicted to rise to over 47,000 cases. This figure represents approximately 3% of all cancer cases in the nation. Additionally, in India, the average age at which prostate cancer occurs is 69.7 years. Moreover, rising disposable incomes and growing awareness of AI's benefits among healthcare providers and patients are contributing to the regional market expansion.
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