智慧建築新創公司(2024):對 Protech 新創公司的併購/創投與策略投資

智慧建築新創公司(2024):對 Protech 新創公司的併購/創投與策略投資

StartUps in Smart Buildings 2024: M&A, VC Funding & Strategic Investments in Proptech StartUp Companies

出版日期: | 出版商: Memoori | 英文 215 Pages, 46 Slides, 2 Spreadsheets | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告是評估智慧建築房地產科技領域新興公司的最新(2024 年)資源。

全球約有 1,221 家新創企業活躍在智慧商業建築領域的管理和營運階段。與去年相比,這一數字僅下降了 3%。自2013年以來,共收購了419家新創公司,佔總數的35%。 67家新創公司關閉或不活躍,佔總數的6%。

新創公司的定義是 "成立時間不超過10年、專門從事商業和工業建築市場、不是大公司的子公司或收購、並得到創投支持的私人公司" 資本(VC)或私募股權( PE) "大部分資金來自" 。

本報告包​​括兩個電子錶格,列出了2023 年和2024 年(迄今為止)的新創公司併購(M&A),以及本報告中發佈的高解析度圖像。演示文件位於。該報告也包含在 2024 年高級訂閱服務中。


  • 自 2023 年 1 月以來的 16 個月內,Memoori 已確認智慧建築領域的 284 輪新創公司融資,總金額約為 55 億美元。
  • 2023 年是一個轉捩點,與 2022 年相比,投資額下降了 44%,融資輪數下降了 33%。
  • Memoori 也證實 2023 年的併購活動水準較低。揭露的收購事項為 48 起,較 2022 年減少 38%。

本報告中的資訊是基於對智慧建築市場的嚴格分析,包括人工智慧佔用分析工作體驗應用 b>基於我們先前對>、物聯網(IoT)視訊監控存取控制的研究。


本報告由215 頁本文字和46 簡報投影片組成,旨在識別所有重要事實並得出結論,以便您瞭解新創公司如何塑造市場。

本報告闡明了最近與現有公司的合作夥伴關係,包括建築系統供應商、物聯網和 IT 供應商、照明供應商、設施管理服務公司和安全系統供應商。 此外,現有14 家主要公司(ABB、Alarm.com、Allegion、Belimo、Carrier、CBRE、Cushman & Wakefield、Honeywell、JLL、Johnson Controls、Panasonic、Scheider Electric、Siemens、Trane Technologies) > 我們正在詳細評估生態系。

本報告提供了有關新創公司如何透過併購 (M&A) 和聯盟擴展業務的寶貴資訊。


  • 120Water
  • 1X
  • ABB
  • Accacia
  • Accenta
  • Accessy
  • Acreto Security
  • Adaptis
  • aedifion
  • Aeria
  • Aetos Imaging
  • Airvine
  • Akia
  • Alarm.com
  • Allegion
  • Alpinov X
  • Ambient.ai
  • Ampeers Energy
  • Amperon
  • Andorix
  • Antrum
  • Apaleo
  • Arcadia
  • Ariadne Maps
  • Artisight
  • Ascento
  • Assert AI
  • Asylon Robotics
  • Autarc
  • Axiom Cloud
  • Axle Energy
  • Banyan Infrastructure
  • Bedrock Energy
  • Belimo
  • BetterSpace
  • BIMSense
  • Binamod
  • Bisly
  • Bitpool
  • Bitwards
  • Blackpoint Cyber
  • BlocPower
  • Blue Frontier
  • Bluewave-ai
  • Bob W
  • Brainbox AI
  • Bright Spaces
  • BuildOps
  • Butlr Technologies
  • Cactos
  • Cambio
  • Carbyne
  • Carrier
  • Cartesian
  • CBRE
  • Clairco
  • Claroty
  • ClearTrace
  • ClimateView
  • CloudMinds
  • Cohesion
  • Conservation Labs
  • Coram AI
  • Crezes
  • Cushman & Wakefield
  • Dayta AI
  • Debos
  • Deep Sentinel
  • Deepki
  • Defigo
  • Demand Logic
  • Desana
  • Deskbird
  • Digital Spine
  • Direct Energy PartnersvDoongji
  • Ecotrak
  • Elyos Energy
  • Emitwise
  • Encentive
  • Enerdrape
  • Energiency
  • Enersee
  • Enlite Research
  • Enteligent
  • Enviria
  • Epishine
  • Equium
  • Fever Energy
  • Finite State
  • Flyability
  • Freesi
  • Fuergy
  • Fyma
  • Green Fusion
  • Greenly
  • GreenWaves Technologies
  • Greyparrot
  • GridCog
  • Guesty
  • Hakimo
  • HeatTransformers
  • Helixintel
  • Hive Power
  • Honeywell
  • HqO
  • HT Materials Science
  • Igor
  • Inbalance grid
  • Incident IQ
  • Infogrid
  • Infrared City
  • Infraspeak
  • InnerSpace
  • Inspace
  • IntelliSee
  • Intenseye
  • IonicBlue
  • IOTech
  • Ivy Energy
  • Izix
  • JetCool Technologie
  • JLL
  • Johnson Controls
  • Kestrix
  • Kibsi
  • KODE Labs
  • kontakt.io
  • KoolLogix
  • Korelock
  • Kumux
  • Landways
  • Latchel
  • Leap
  • learnd
  • LEDCity
  • Limble
  • Lumana
  • Lumen Energy
  • Lumoview Building Analytics
  • lun
  • LuxWall
  • MaintainX
  • MapMortar
  • Mapped
  • Mapxus
  • Maxem
  • Mclimate
  • Measurabl
  • Measurable.Energy
  • Meterz
  • Metrikus
  • Metris Energy
  • Modern Hydrogen
  • Mojave Energy Systems
  • Monaire
  • Montana Technologies
  • Munjz
  • Myrspoven
  • nami
  • Navenio
  • neoom
  • Next Sense
  • NineID
  • Novacene
  • Nozomi Networks
  • nZero
  • Occuspace
  • OfficeRnD
  • On.Energy
  • OneTrust
  • Openvolt
  • Operto Guest Technologies
  • Opt-E
  • Optimise AI
  • Optiml
  • Origin AI
  • Panasonic
  • Paraspot AI
  • Parity
  • Peak Power
  • PearlX
  • Percepto
  • Phaidra
  • Phosphorus Cybersecurity
  • Pluxity
  • Pratexo
  • Predium
  • Preflet
  • Prengi
  • Preoptima
  • promiseQ
  • Propify
  • Proprli
  • ProptechOS
  • ProSentry
  • Pudu Robotics
  • qbiq
  • QEA Tech
  • Qio Technologies
  • Quandify
  • R-Zero
  • R8 Technologies
  • Redaptive
  • RENEW Energy Partners
  • Responsibly
  • Rhombus Systems
  • Rice Robotics
  • Satellite Vu
  • Schneider Electric
  • SecurityGate
  • Secury360
  • SeeChange Technologies
  • SenArch
  • Sensorfact
  • Sentry Interactive
  • Shifted Energy
  • Shuwei
  • Siemens
  • Site Technologies
  • Skedda
  • Skydio
  • Skyline Robotics
  • Smart Joules
  • Soly fka Enie
  • SparkMeter
  • Specifx Data
  • Spectral
  • Spintly
  • Spotr.ai
  • Stabl Energy
  • Strategic Thermal labs
  • Stuf
  • Suena
  • SwiftConnect
  • Swiftlane
  • Swtch Energy
  • TablePointer
  • Tallarna
  • Terion
  • Terminus Technologies
  • Thinxtra
  • tibo energy
  • Torus
  • Trane Technologies
  • Treon
  • Upciti
  • Uplight
  • UrbanVolt
  • Utopi
  • Veckta
  • Venturous Group
  • Verity
  • Viboo
  • Wavelynx
  • Waymap
  • WeMaintain
  • Wevo Energy
  • Woltair
  • Xage Security
  • XNRGY Climate Systems
  • xWatts
  • Yotta Energy
  • Zeitview
  • ZeroEyes







  • 新創公司的 VC/PE 融資趨勢(2015-2023 年)
  • 已揭露融資總額排名前 20 的新創公司
  • 哪些產業和新創企業吸引了投資者?
    • 商業建築物連網平台
    • 智慧互聯照明
    • BIM/數位孿生/建築數位化解決方案
    • 網路和連接
    • 網路安全解決方案
    • 建築能源管理軟體
    • 永續發展/碳管理
    • 能源效率服務
    • 分散式能源管理
    • 分散式能源儲存 (DES)
    • 建築能源管理硬體
    • 職缺分析/工作場所管理
    • 資產管理/維護管理
    • 無人機/機器人
    • 工業市場的技術解決方案
    • 室內空氣質量
    • 供水管理
    • 室內地圖/位置資訊服務
    • 存取控制/ID 管理
    • 視訊監控/電腦視覺/視訊分析
    • 大規模通知/嚴重事件管理


  • 收購智慧建築領域的新創公司
  • 關於 2023 年收購的新創公司
    • 建築物物聯網平台
    • 建築能源管理軟體與服務
    • 建築內太陽能管理、電力儲存和電動車充電
    • 工作場所管理/工作場所經驗
    • 資源調度與訪客管理
    • 視訊分析和 PSIM(實體安全資訊管理)
    • 存取控制/ID 管理


  • 特殊收購目的公司 (SPAC) 和新創公司交易
    • CXAI
    • learnd
    • Veea
    • Quanergy
    • Electriq Power
    • 結論
  • 首次公開發行 (IPO)
    • CloudMinds
    • Simpple
    • Thinxtra


  • 樓宇自動化公司
    • ABB
    • Belimo
    • Honeywell
    • Johnson Controls
    • Schneider Electric
    • Siemens
  • 房地產服務公司
    • CBRE
    • Cushman & Wakefield
    • JLL
  • 暖通空調設備公司
    • Carrier
    • Trane Technologies
    • Panasonic
  • 實體保全公司
    • Alarm.com
    • Allegion

第 6 章新創企業投資展望(2024 年)


  • A1. 智慧建築新創企業的 VC/PE 融資(2023 年 1 月至 2024 年 4 月)
  • A2.智慧建築新創企業的併購(2023年1月至2024年4月)

This Report is a New 2024 Definitive Resource for Evaluating Startups in the Smart Building & PropTech Space.

Around 1,221 startups are active in the management and operations phase of the global smart commercial buildings space. This is just a 3% decrease compared with our analysis last year. In total 419 startups have been acquired since 2013, 35% of the total landscape. 67 are closed or inactive startups, 6% of the total.

Our definition of a Startup is "a private company formed for no more than 10 years, that is focused on the commercial and industrial buildings market, is not a subsidiary or an acquisition of a larger company, and is often financed by venture capital or private equity funding."

The report INCLUDES at no extra cost, 2 spreadsheets that list all Startup acquisitions and investments in 2023 & 2024 (to date) AND a presentation file with high-resolution charts from the report. This report is also included in our 2024 Premium Subscription Service.

What does this Startups Report tell You?

  • Memoori has identified 284 funding rounds for startup companies, amounting to around $5.5 billion across the smart buildings sector in the 16 months since January 2023.
  • 2023 marked a turning point, with 44% less investment and 33% fewer funding rounds than 2022.
  • Memoori also identified a lower level of M&A activity in 2023 with 48 disclosed acquisitions, a decrease of 38% on 2022.

The information in this report is based on a rigorous analysis of the smart building market and builds on our previous research into artificial intelligence, occupancy analytics, workplace experience apps, the Internet of Things, video surveillance, and access control.

It demonstrates that technology investment remains a key driver for the digital transformation of commercial real estate, as innovation continues to enable smarter buildings, aligned with global sustainability goals and the increasing demand for flexible user-centric property solutions.

Within its 215 Pages and 46 Presentation Slides, The Report Sieves out all the Key Facts and Draws Conclusions, so you can understand how StartUp Companies are Shaping the Future of PropTech.

The report identifies recent partnerships with established players including building systems vendors, IoT and IT vendors, lighting suppliers, facilities management service firms, and security systems vendors. There is also a detailed assessment of the ecosystems of 14 incumbent players ABB, Alarm.com, Allegion, Belimo, Carrier, CBRE, Cushman & Wakefield, Honeywell, JLL, Johnson Controls, Panasonic, Scheider Electric, Siemens, Trane Technologies.

This report provides valuable information into how startup companies are developing their businesses through Acquisitions, Partnerships, and Alliances.

Who Should Buy This Report?

The information contained in this report will be of value to all those engaged in managing, operating, and investing in smart building companies around the world. In particular, those wishing to invest in or acquire startups will find it particularly useful.

Companies Mentioned Include (BUT NOT LIMITED TO):

  • 120Water
  • 1X
  • ABB
  • Accacia
  • Accenta
  • Accessy
  • Acreto Security
  • Adaptis
  • aedifion
  • Aeria
  • Aetos Imaging
  • Airvine
  • Akia
  • Alarm.com
  • Allegion
  • Alpinov X
  • Ambient.ai
  • Ampeers Energy
  • Amperon
  • Andorix
  • Antrum
  • Apaleo
  • Arcadia
  • Ariadne Maps
  • Artisight
  • Ascento
  • Assert AI
  • Asylon Robotics
  • Autarc
  • Axiom Cloud
  • Axle Energy
  • Banyan Infrastructure
  • Bedrock Energy
  • Belimo
  • BetterSpace
  • BIMSense
  • Binamod
  • Bisly
  • Bitpool
  • Bitwards
  • Blackpoint Cyber
  • BlocPower
  • Blue Frontier
  • Bluewave-ai
  • Bob W
  • Brainbox AI
  • Bright Spaces
  • BuildOps
  • Butlr Technologies
  • Cactos
  • Cambio
  • Carbyne
  • Carrier
  • Cartesian
  • CBRE
  • Clairco
  • Claroty
  • ClearTrace
  • ClimateView
  • CloudMinds
  • Cohesion
  • Conservation Labs
  • Coram AI
  • Crezes
  • Cushman & Wakefield
  • Dayta AI
  • Debos
  • Deep Sentinel
  • Deepki
  • Defigo
  • Demand Logic
  • Desana
  • Deskbird
  • Digital Spine
  • Direct Energy PartnersvDoongji
  • Ecotrak
  • Elyos Energy
  • Emitwise
  • Encentive
  • Enerdrape
  • Energiency
  • Enersee
  • Enlite Research
  • Enteligent
  • Enviria
  • Epishine
  • Equium
  • Fever Energy
  • Finite State
  • Flyability
  • Freesi
  • Fuergy
  • Fyma
  • Green Fusion
  • Greenly
  • GreenWaves Technologies
  • Greyparrot
  • GridCog
  • Guesty
  • Hakimo
  • HeatTransformers
  • Helixintel
  • Hive Power
  • Honeywell
  • HqO
  • HT Materials Science
  • Igor
  • Inbalance grid
  • Incident IQ
  • Infogrid
  • Infrared City
  • Infraspeak
  • InnerSpace
  • Inspace
  • IntelliSee
  • Intenseye
  • IonicBlue
  • IOTech
  • Ivy Energy
  • Izix
  • JetCool Technologie
  • JLL
  • Johnson Controls
  • Kestrix
  • Kibsi
  • KODE Labs
  • kontakt.io
  • KoolLogix
  • Korelock
  • Kumux
  • Landways
  • Latchel
  • Leap
  • learnd
  • LEDCity
  • Limble
  • Lumana
  • Lumen Energy
  • Lumoview Building Analytics
  • lun
  • LuxWall
  • MaintainX
  • MapMortar
  • Mapped
  • Mapxus
  • Maxem
  • Mclimate
  • Measurabl
  • Measurable.Energy
  • Meterz
  • Metrikus
  • Metris Energy
  • Modern Hydrogen
  • Mojave Energy Systems
  • Monaire
  • Montana Technologies
  • Munjz
  • Myrspoven
  • nami
  • Navenio
  • neoom
  • Next Sense
  • NineID
  • Novacene
  • Nozomi Networks
  • nZero
  • Occuspace
  • OfficeRnD
  • On.Energy
  • OneTrust
  • Openvolt
  • Operto Guest Technologies
  • Opt-E
  • Optimise AI
  • Optiml
  • Origin AI
  • Panasonic
  • Paraspot AI
  • Parity
  • Peak Power
  • PearlX
  • Percepto
  • Phaidra
  • Phosphorus Cybersecurity
  • Pluxity
  • Pratexo
  • Predium
  • Preflet
  • Prengi
  • Preoptima
  • promiseQ
  • Propify
  • Proprli
  • ProptechOS
  • ProSentry
  • Pudu Robotics
  • qbiq
  • QEA Tech
  • Qio Technologies
  • Quandify
  • R-Zero
  • R8 Technologies
  • Redaptive
  • RENEW Energy Partners
  • Responsibly
  • Rhombus Systems
  • Rice Robotics
  • Satellite Vu
  • Schneider Electric
  • SecurityGate
  • Secury360
  • SeeChange Technologies
  • SenArch
  • Sensorfact
  • Sentry Interactive
  • Shifted Energy
  • Shuwei
  • Siemens
  • Site Technologies
  • Skedda
  • Skydio
  • Skyline Robotics
  • Smart Joules
  • Soly fka Enie
  • SparkMeter
  • Specifx Data
  • Spectral
  • Spintly
  • Spotr.ai
  • Stabl Energy
  • Strategic Thermal labs
  • Stuf
  • Suena
  • SwiftConnect
  • Swiftlane
  • Swtch Energy
  • TablePointer
  • Tallarna
  • Terion
  • Terminus Technologies
  • Thinxtra
  • tibo energy
  • Torus
  • Trane Technologies
  • Treon
  • Upciti
  • Uplight
  • UrbanVolt
  • Utopi
  • Veckta
  • Venturous Group
  • Verity
  • Viboo
  • Wavelynx
  • Waymap
  • WeMaintain
  • Wevo Energy
  • Woltair
  • Xage Security
  • XNRGY Climate Systems
  • xWatts
  • Yotta Energy
  • Zeitview
  • ZeroEyes

Table of Contents


Research Scope and Methodology

Executive Summary

1. The Global Smart Buildings Landscape of Startups

2. Venture Capital and Private Equity Funding

  • 2.1. Development of VC & PE Funding for Startups 2015 - 2023
  • 2.2. Top 20 Startups by Total Disclosed Funding
  • 2.3. Which Sectors and Startups Have Attracted Investors?
    • 2.3.1. IoT Platforms for Commercial Buildings
    • 2.3.2. Smart Connected Lighting
    • 2.3.3. BIM, Digital Twin & Digitization Solutions for Buildings
    • 2.3.4. Networking and Connectivity
    • 2.3.5. Cybersecurity Solutions
    • 2.3.6. Building Energy Management Software
    • 2.3.7. Sustainability and Carbon Management
    • 2.3.8. Energy Efficiency Services
    • 2.3.9. Distributed Energy Resource Management
    • 2.3.10. Distributed Energy Storage
    • 2.3.11. Building Energy Management Hardware
    • 2.3.12. Occupancy Analytics and Workplace Management
    • 2.3.13. Asset & Maintenance Management
    • 2.3.14. Drones and Robotics
    • 2.3.15. Technology Solutions for Vertical Markets
    • 2.3.16. Indoor Air Quality
    • 2.3.17. Water Management
    • 2.3.18. Indoor Mapping and Location Services
    • 2.3.19. Access Control and Identity Management
    • 2.3.20. Video Surveillance, Computer Vision and Video Analytics
    • 2.3.21. Mass Notification and Critical Incident Management

3. Mergers and Acquisitions of Emerging Players

  • 3.1. Startup Acquisitions in the Smart Buildings Space
  • 3.2. Which Startups Have Been Acquired in 2023?
    • 3.2.1. Building IoT Platforms
    • 3.2.2. Building Energy Management Software and Services
    • 3.2.3. Solar Energy Management, Storage and EV Charging in Buildings
    • 3.2.4. Workplace Management and Workplace Experience
    • 3.2.5. Resource Scheduling and Visitor Management
    • 3.2.6. Video Analytics and Physical Security Information Management (PSIM)
    • 3.2.7. Access Control and Identity Management

4. SPACs and IPOs of Emerging Players

  • 4.1. Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC) Transactions with Startups
    • 4.1.1. CXAI
    • 4.1.2. learnd
    • 4.1.3. Veea
    • 4.1.4. Quanergy
    • 4.1.5. Electriq Power
    • 4.1.6. Conclusions
  • 4.2. Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
    • 4.2.1. CloudMinds
    • 4.2.2. Simpple
    • 4.2.3. Thinxtra

5. Corporate VC, M&A and Partnerships with Established Players

  • 5.1. Building Automation Firms
    • 5.1.1. ABB
    • 5.1.2. Belimo
    • 5.1.3. Honeywell
    • 5.1.4. Johnson Controls
    • 5.1.5. Schneider Electric
    • 5.1.6. Siemens
  • 5.2. Real Estate Service Firms
    • 5.2.1. CBRE
    • 5.2.2. Cushman & Wakefield
    • 5.2.3. JLL
  • 5.3. HVAC Equipment Companies
    • 5.3.1. Carrier
    • 5.3.2. Trane Technologies
    • 5.3.3. Panasonic
  • 5.4. Physical Security Companies
    • 5.4.1. Alarm.com
    • 5.4.2. Allegion

6. Investment Outlook for Startups in 2024


  • A1. VC and PE Funding for Smart Building Startups Jan 2023 to April 2024
  • A2. Smart Building Startups M&A Jan 2023 to April 2024

List of Charts and Figures

  • The Global Smart Building Landscape of Startups
  • Development of Startups VC and PE Funding 2015 - 2023
  • Highest Funded Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Technology Sectors in the Smart Buildings Space Attracting Investors
  • Investments in IoT Platforms for Buildings Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • IoT Platforms for Smart Buildings
  • Investments in Connected Lighting Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Smart Connected Lighting
  • Investments in BIM, Digital Twin, and Digitization Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • BIM, Digital Twin, and Digitization Solutions
  • Investments in Networking and Connectivity Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Networking and Connectivity for Buildings
  • Investments in Cybersecurity Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Cybersecurity Solutions for Buildings
  • Investments in Building Energy Management Software Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Building Energy Management Software
  • Investments in Sustainability and Carbon Management Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Sustainability and Carbon Management in Buildings
  • Investments in Energy Efficiency Services Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Energy Efficiency Services
  • Investments in DERMS, DR, and VPP Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Distributed Energy Resource Management
  • Investments in Distributed Energy Storage Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Distributed Energy Storage
  • Investments in Energy Management Hardware Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Building Energy Management Hardware
  • Investments in Occupancy Analytics and Workplace Management Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Occupancy Analytics and Workplace Management
  • Investments in Asset & Maintenance Management Software Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Asset & Maintenance Management
  • Investments in Drones and Robotics Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Investments in Vertical Market Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Investments in Indoor Air Quality Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Investments in Water Management Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Investments in Indoor Location and Mapping Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Investments in Access Control & Identity Management Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Access Control
  • Investments in Video Surveillance and Computer Vision Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Video Surveillance & Video Analytics
  • Investments in Emergency Response Startups January 2023 - April 2024
  • Startup Acquisitions in the Smart Building Space 2013 - 2024
  • IoT Platforms for Buildings
  • Energy Management Software and Services
  • Solar Energy Management, Storage and EV Charging in Buildings
  • Workplace Management & Workplace Experience
  • Resource Scheduling & Visitor Management
  • Video Analytics & PSIM
  • Access Control & Identity Management
  • ABB Partnerships with Startups
  • Belimo Partnerships with Startups
  • Honeywell Partnerships with Startups
  • Johnson Controls Partnerships with Startups
  • Schneider Electric Partnerships with Startups
  • Siemens Partnerships with Startups
  • CBRE Partnerships with Startups
  • Cushman & Wakefield Partnerships with Startups
  • JLL Partnerships with Startups
  • Carrier Partnerships with Startups
  • Trane Technologies Partnerships with Startups
  • Panasonic Partnerships with Startups
  • Alarm.com Partnerships with Startups
  • Allegion Partnerships with Startups