日本電動汽車充電站市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)Japan Electric Vehicle Charging Station Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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日本電動汽車充電站市場將顯著增長,到 2021 年將達到 2 億美元,到 2027 年將達到 17.9 億美元,在 2022 年至 2027 年的預測期內,價值基礎將增長 44.92%,預計複合年增長率為
市場受到 COVID-19 大流行的爆發的負面影響。 國內電動汽車銷售受阻,電動汽車市場佔有率很低。 嚴厲的封鎖措施是銷售下滑的主要原因,因為年內經濟活動長時間停滯。
為了到 2050 年實現碳中和,政府為鼓勵使用電動汽車而提供的一項重大補貼已促成了對該國充電站的補貼。 這可能會在預測期內推動市場增長。
全國各地的政府都在推動綠色燃料汽車的銷售,制定了雄心勃勃的計劃,到 2035 年銷售的所有新車都將由電動和混合動力電動汽車提供動力。 因此,預計在預測期內對電動汽車充電站的需求將會增加。
交通部門二氧化碳排放量激增引發了日本的環境問題,日本政府正在通過鼓勵引入電動汽車(HEV、PHEV、BEV)來審視這一問題。 與此同時,道路上的電動汽車數量將繼續增加,推動對相關充電基礎設施的需求。
乘用車的五個最大市場是中國、美國、德國、印度和日本。 日本與世界上其他幾個國家一樣,致力於銷售零排放乘用車。
通過這樣做,我們旨在減少交通部門的排放負荷,以實現基於《巴黎協定》的 GHG(溫室氣體)減排目標。
與其他發達國家相比,日本的充電站密度非常低,表明未來幾年的增長潛力巨大。 例如,到 2021 年,日本每 100 公裡道路將只有 1.7 個充電站,而韓國將達到約 75.2 個。 2020年,日本共有充電站29,855個(淺充21,916個,快充7,939個)。 然而,日本以1310多項充電技術專利申請居世界第二。
東京都制定了“零排放東京戰略”,目標是到 2025 年底將汽車的二氧化碳排放量降至零。 日本在中國、美國、印度和俄羅斯之後排名第五,佔全球二氧化碳排放量的3.4%。 以東京為例,僅日本的污染就佔5.3%。 二氧化碳排放量的增加已成為電動汽車在全球和日本普及的主要推動力,預計將影響日本各地的充電站。
2021 年 11 月,SUBARU Co., Ltd. 發布了首款純電動汽車 (EV)“Solterra”,但使用家用充電器從零充滿至 100% 大約需要 13 小時。 而Solterra使用level 3直流快充,一小時內可充至80%,續航裡程預估超過320km。
2021 年 10 月,豐田公佈了新型 BEV(純電動汽車)“bZ4X”的詳細信息。 bZ4X 是豐田 bZ 系列中的首款中級 SUV 型 BEV。 它使用與斯巴魯公司共同開發的專用 BEV 平台。 使用隨附的家用壁式充電器可在 10 小時內充滿電。
這種趨勢已經在一些大型房地產項目中出現,在未來幾年,房地產公司可能會為其客戶提供充電解決方案。 例如:
2021 年 12 月,野村不動產控股株式會社在神奈川縣相模原市建設高層豪華住宅樓,宣布車庫內還將安裝訪客備用充電器。
Japan Electric Vehicle Charging Station Market is witnessing major growth at the value of USD 0.2 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at the value of USD 1.79 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 44.92% in terms of value during the forecast period 2022-2027.
The market has been negatively impacted by the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19. The sales of electric vehicles in the country were hampered, and the market share of electric vehicles is very low. The major reason for the low sales during the year was the strict lockdown measures, as economic activities were stopped for a long time during the year.
The high number of plug-in hybrids and the growing demand for battery electric vehicles and their usage in the country significantly boosted the demand for electric vehicle charging stations and increased the market opportunities for the industry.
Major subsidies offered by the country's government to promote the use of electric vehicles as an effort to become carbon neutral by 2050 led to subsidizing the charging stations in the country. This is likely to drive the market's growth during the forecast period.
The government across the country is boosting the sales of green fuel vehicles and has an ambitious plan that all the new vehicles sold by 2035 would be powered by electricity, both electric and hybrid electric vehicles. This will enhance the demand for electric vehicle charging stations during the forecast period.
Surging carbon emission by the transportation sector has propelled the environmental concern across Japan, which is scrutinized by Japan government by encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles, i.e., HEVs, PHEVs, and BEVs. With this, the number of electric vehicles on the road is constantly increasing, which is likely to drive the demand for associated charging infrastructure.
The five largest passenger car market includes China, the United States, Germany, India, and Japan. Along with several other countries across the world, Japan has committed to net zero-emission passenger car sales.
With these implementations, Japan seeks to reduce the emission impact from the transportation sector to achieve the GHG (Green House Gas) reduction goals under the Paris agreement.
The concentration of charging stations in Japan is quite less in comparison to other developed countries, which indicates massive growth potential in coming years. For instance, in 2021, Japan had only 1.7 charging stations per 100 km of roadways, whereas South Korea had around 75.2. In 2020, Japan had a total of 29,855 charging stations (21,916 sallow chargers and 7,939 fast chargers). Although, Japan accounts for the second position in charging technology patents across the world, with more than 1,310 patent filings.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government has formulated the initiative zero-emission Tokyo strategy with a vision to achieve net-zero CO2 emission through vehicles by the end of 2025. Japan is positioned at fifth rank behind China, the United States, India, and Russia accounting for 3.4% of global CO2 emissions. In Tokyo, standalone contributes 5.3% of total Japan Pollution. Increasing CO2 emission is the prominent driving factor for electric vehicles across the globe and in Japan, which would have a subsequent impact on charging stations across the country.
Private charging stations are gradually increased in the past few years as EV owners are inclining toward installing their personnel chargers at home to decrease their dependence on public charging stations.
Various automakers are also providing home charging solutions to their customers, along with electric vehicles, for instance.
In November 2021, Subaru Corp unveiled its first all-electric vehicle (EV), the Solterra, which takes almost 13 hours to fully charge from zero to 100 percent with the residential charger. However, Solterra also gets an 80% charge in under an hour from a Level 3 DC fast charger giving out an estimated range to be greater than 320 km.
In October 2021, Toyota Motor Corporation announced the details of bZ4X, its all-new model BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle). The bZ4X, a medium-segment SUV-type BEV, is the first model in the Toyota bZ series. The model adopts a BEV-dedicated platform jointly developed with Subaru Corporation. With provided home wall mount charger, the car can reach full recharge in 10 hours.
It is a possibility that in the coming years, real estate companies will provide their properties with charging solutions to their customers, as this trend has already been witnessed in some major real estate projects. For instance,
In December 2021, Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc said that it is constructing a high-rise luxury residential tower in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, where every parking spot in the building's three-level basement will have its own electric-car charging point, and the garage will also feature spare chargers for visitors.
Based on the all-aforementioned factors, it is anticipated that the market for home charging stations is likely to grow rapidly during the forecast period.
Japan's EV Charging Station Market is fairly consolidated, with a major market share being covered by a few companies. Some of the major players in the market are ABB, Delta Electronics Inc., Toyota, and others. The major players in the country are entering into joint ventures with other players to develop the latest technology.