

Crowdfunding - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 124 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內







  • 群眾集資涉及從稱為人群的未指定群體籌集大量小額資金。群眾集資平台可以充當捐贈者和受益者之間的中介。該中介可以利用大量的行銷技巧來影響潛在捐贈者的行為。因此,尋找社群媒體平台等群眾集資平台資金籌措的影響因素非常重要。
  • 近年來,對於那些透過傳統方法籌集群眾集資面臨資金籌措的企業家和新興企業來說,眾籌被譽為一個尚未開發的巨大新機會。有專用的群眾集資平台來籌集資金來支持Start-Ups生態系統。例如,今年8月,荷蘭投資群眾集資公司Symbid被位於布加勒斯特的軟體公司聯合投資平台SeedBlink收購。此次收購擴大了 SeedBlink 的業務範圍,擴大了風險合作夥伴在西歐的業務,並在每個階段做好準備,整合和開發歐洲數位Start-Ups股權投資的基礎設施。
  • 根據管理眾群眾集資工作並追蹤統計數據的共和國擁有的入口網站 Arora 計劃 的數據,截至今年 5 月底,股權群眾集資平台上的Start-Ups已獲得超過2.15 億美元的投資。這比去年的約2 億美元有所增加。年。去年同一時間。去年,群眾集資項目共籌集了 5.02 億美元。
  • 今年晚些時候,來自世界各地的企業家、發行人和投資者將齊聚 2020 年推出的按需商業教育平台 StartupStarter 主辦的第二屆年度群眾集資眾籌週會。股權群眾集資週由三項活動組成。為期一天的身臨其境型活動,展示美國、加拿大及其他地區最具創新的私募融資公司。包括 Black on the Block (BOTB) 在內的這種完全身臨其境型的體驗將為希望在股權群眾集資。
  • 使用宣傳活動作為群眾集資平台來增加市場佔有率非常重要。一般人群中慢性病盛行率的增加是推動群眾集資擴張的主要因素之一。此外,世界各地的許多參與者已經開始投資新興企業公司和成長型公司。
  • 去年 12 月,總部位於倫敦的教育科技公司 Mind Stone 在一次激動人心的群眾集資宣傳活動中獲得了 170 萬美元,超出了其融資目標,成為 Seedrs 平台上最大的教育科技資金籌措宣傳活動之一。此外,去年5月,電動自行車開發技術先驅Seizer Motors發起了官方Wefunder宣傳活動,以支持電動機車的開發和製造。
  • 該公司現在第一次可以與所有歐洲成員國的潛在投資者建立聯繫。可轉讓證券、貸款或類似有限責任公司股票的金融工具可以用來吸引投資者,透過群眾外包每年最多可以產生5​​00萬美元的資金。
  • 全球金融和經濟問題為許多國家帶來沉重打擊,導致各國政府難以應對當地民眾的迫切需求。在這種危機情況下,傳統的融資來源很難調動,因為流動性缺乏影響到所有參與者,包括政府、企業、家庭和金融機構。
  • 結果,他作為企業家的經歷發現很難籌集資金來實現他的目標。透過傳統資金籌措管道籌集資金所面臨的這些挑戰使得群眾集資成為企業資金籌措的重要組成部分。 COVID-19 情況極大地加速了群眾集資的成長,而這種變化在疫情後的情況下仍在繼續。



  • 當公司(通常是新興企業)透過線上平台尋求預種子資金和種子資金並向投資者提供禮物或「福利」以換取財務貢獻時,就會發生基於獎勵的眾群眾集資。預售是個人、計劃或公司從銀行家籌集資金以換取非貨幣獎勵的交易。這使得組織能夠在現有網路上進行互動和構建,並請求使用網路。這種類型的群眾外包通常適合早期企業或專業計劃。
  • 此次疫情導致捐款和獎勵型群眾集資案例增加,旨在支持世界各地受疫情影響的人們。由整個非洲大陸的各種人士(包括公民、商業組織、基金會、慈善機構和信託機構)發起的針對 COVID-19 的基於獎勵的群眾集資宣傳活動數量顯著增加。
  • 據 Indiegogo, Inc. 稱,硬體和技術的群眾集資預計將在日本越來越受歡迎。去年,Indieogo 與大大小小的活動人士合作,幫助創業品牌接觸新受眾並小批量測試新產品。
  • 根據《富比士日本》報道,日本創業家去年籌集了近 70 億美元,預計未來幾年每年將增至 100 億美元。
  • 不涉及對公司進行投資或融資的基於獎勵的群眾集資會帶來風險。它很快就開始向支持者對事業和呼籲的支持表示感謝。在許多情況下,銷售管道已經轉變為將捐贈購買的物品作為禮物退回,並支付禮物作為回報。


  • 隨著該地區更多政府為群眾集資模式製定規則,歐洲群眾集資市場的佔有率和成長可能會增加。據說歐盟國家還計劃頒布立法,允許該地區的群眾集資網站在全部區域運作。
  • 德國的各種群眾集資平台為初學者和經驗豐富的投資者提供私人投資機會。德國的群眾外包網站受到最嚴格的監管並遵循最佳實踐。德國群眾集資網站提供小型企業和房地產的投資選擇,讓用戶累積財富。
  • 據thecrowdspace.com稱,德國有112個專用P2P借貸、股權、債務、捐贈、獎勵和迷你債券的平台。德國還有 25 個股票群眾外包網站。這些為私人和合格投資者提供了各種投資機會,重點關注房地產、綠色能源、新興企業、藝術、小型企業、健康和科學、社會行動、教育或農業。馬蘇。最低投資金額因平台而異,取決於特定平台的行業或用途。
  • 歐洲群眾集資市場近期取得了重大進展。歐洲的技術進步和房地產科技業務的興起為房地產、銀行和其他行業創造了新的群眾集資機會。
  • 例如,Heura 今年 4 月的第二次 Equity for Good Rebels群眾集資宣傳活動在短短 12 小時內籌集了約 422 萬美元,鞏固了其作為歐洲發展最快的植物性公司的聲譽。 Crowdcube宣傳活動吸引了來自歐洲各地的 4,500 名投資者加入 Good Rebel 社群。 Good Rebel 社群的使命是加速向蛋白質的轉變。
  • 德國已成為群眾集資的主要市場,一些外國平台正在積極吸引德國投資者或試圖擴大在德國的業務。然而,直到最近,德國對私人群眾集資公司的法規環境還可以更好。提供跨境服務的主要障礙之一是缺乏統一的立法。因此,當歐盟眾群眾集資服務供應商法規(ECSPR)制定時,德國最初似乎需要幫助才能像其他歐盟國家一樣輕鬆地實施該法規。因此,2021 年 6 月,德國議會通過了一項法案,制定國家立法,實施歐盟針對群眾集資服務供應商的法規。



2022 年 10 月,韓國圖板遊戲製造商 Bad Comet 宣布將為其最新圖板遊戲發起 Kickstarter宣傳活動。

2022 年 4 月,Crowdcube推出了法國網站。 Crowdcube 是英國和整個歐洲的群眾外包證券平台。最近的監管變化將使長期以來活躍在歐洲的 Crowdcube 更容易幫助發行人在歐洲成員國籌集高達 500 萬歐元(527 萬美元)的資金。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持


第1章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代產品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對的強度
  • 評估新型冠狀病毒感染疾病(COVID-19)對市場的影響


  • 市場促進因素
    • 使用社群媒體作為免費促銷的來源
    • 增加投資者之間的前瞻性策略行為和社交互動
  • 市場限制因素
    • 耗時的流程和嚴格的法規遵循


  • 依產品類型
    • 基於獎勵的群眾集資
    • 股票群眾集資
    • 捐贈和其他產品類型
  • 按最終用戶使用情況
    • 文化板塊
    • 科技
    • 產品
    • 衛生保健
    • 其他最終用戶用途
  • 地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 中東和非洲
    • 拉丁美洲

第7章 競爭形勢

  • 公司簡介
    • Kickstarter PBC
    • Indiegogo Inc.
    • GoFundMe Inc.
    • Fundable LLC
    • Crowdcube Limited
    • GoGetFunding
    • Crowdfunder Inc.
    • Alibaba Group Holding Limited
    • Wefunder Inc.
    • Fundly
    • Jingdong Inc.
    • Suning.com Co. Ltd
    • Owners Circle
    • Realcrowd Inc.



Product Code: 70122

The Crowdfunding Market size is estimated at USD 1.5 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 3.11 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 15.70% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Crowdfunding - Market

Key Highlights

  • Crowdfunding entails soliciting many small amounts of money from an undefined group known as the crowd. Crowdfunding platforms could be intermediaries between donors and beneficiaries. This intermediary could exploit a plethora of marketing techniques to influence the behavior of the potential donor. Therefore it is essential to look for the influencing factors that are being used on crowdfunding platforms such as social media platforms for raising funds.
  • In recent years, crowdfunding has been acclaimed as an untapped and vast new opportunity for entrepreneurs and startups that face challenges in obtaining funding from traditional methods. There is a dedicated crowdfunding platform for raising funds to support the startup ecosystem. For instance, in August this year, Dutch investment crowdfunding company, Symbid, was bought by SeedBlink, a co-investment platform for software firms situated in Bucharest. By expanding the venture partners' operations in Western Europe, the acquisition will expand SeedBlink's reach as it prepares to consolidate and develop the infrastructure for equity investment in European digital startups at all stages.
  • According to the Arora Project, a Republic-owned portal that curates crowdfunding initiatives and tracks statistics, more than USD 215 million was invested in startups on equity crowdfunding platforms in the current year until the end of May, up from about USD 200 million in the same period last year. Last year, crowdfunding programs raised a total of USD 502 million.
  • Later this year, entrepreneurs, issuers, and investors from around the world will gather in person for the second annual Equity Crowdfunding Week Conference, organized by StartupStarter, an on-demand business education platform that began in 2020. Equity Crowdfunding Week is a three-day immersive event that showcases the most creative firms raising private financing in the United States, Canada, and beyond. With the inclusion of black on the block (BOTB), this fully immersive experience will now focus on offering access and opportunities to the BOTB audience wanting to make a mark in the world of entrepreneurs and equity crowdfunding.
  • Using campaigns as crowdfunding platforms is crucial in expanding the market share. The increased prevalence of chronic illnesses among the general population is one of the primary causes encouraging the expansion of crowdfunding. Furthermore, various players across the globe started investing in startups and growth companies.
  • In December last year, Mind Stone, a London-based edtech firm, received USD 1.7 million in an exciting crowdfunding campaign, exceeding its funding goal and becoming one of the most extensive edtech financing campaigns on the Seedrs platform. Further, in May last year, Zaiser Motors, a technological pioneer in developing the Electrocycle, launched an official Wefunder campaign to support developing and manufacturing of its electric motorbike.
  • Companies can now connect with potential investors across all Europe member states for the first time. To entice investors, they can employ transferrable securities, loans, or financial products that resemble shares of limited liability corporations to generate up to USD 5 million each year through crowdsourcing.
  • The global financial and economic problems have hurt many nations, making it extremely difficult for governments to address the urgent needs of local populations. Traditional sources of finance are challenging to mobilize in this crisis scenario as lack of liquidity impacts all agents, including the government, businesses, families, and financial institutions.
  • As a result, the entrepreneurial experience found itself challenging to raise money to fulfill its goal. Due to these challenges in obtaining finance through conventional fundraising channels, crowdfunding has become a significant factor in business financing. The COVID-19 situation dramatically accelerated the growth of crowdfunding, and the change is continuing in the post-pandemic scenario.

Crowdfunding Market Trends

Reward-Based Crowdfunding is Anticipated to Augment the Growth of the Market

  • Reward-based crowdfunding occurs when a firm (often a start-up) seeks pre-seed and seed money via an online platform and provides investors with a gift or "perk" in exchange for their financial contribution. Pre-sales are transactions in which people, initiatives, or businesses raise funds from bankers in exchange for a non-monetary incentive. It allows organizations to interact and build on an existing network and solicit that can be used. This type of crowdsourcing is typically appropriate for early-stage businesses or specialized projects.
  • The pandemic resulted in increased contributions and reward-based crowdfunding incidents targeted at assisting those impacted by the worldwide pandemic. The number of COVID-19 reward-based crowdfunding campaigns created by various persons (including citizens, commercial organizations, foundations, charities, and trusts) throughout the European continent increased significantly.
  • According to Indiegogo, Inc., hardware and technology crowdfunding is expected to gain popularity in Japan. Last year, Indieogo collaborated with small and large campaigners to assist entrepreneurial brands in reaching new audiences and testing small batches of new goods.
  • According to Forbes Japan, Japanese entrepreneurs raised almost USD 7,000 million last year, expected to rise to USD 10,000 million annually in a few years.
  • Reward-based crowdfunding, which does not include making an investment in or a loan to a company, carries inherent risks. It soon advanced from giving supporters a token of thanks for their support of a cause or an appeal. In many instances, it has transformed into a sales channel where the gift is the product bought with the contribution, thereby giving the gift's price in return.

Europe is Expected to Hold Significant Share

  • The European crowdfunding share of the market and growth is likely to increase as more governments in the area organize rules for the crowdfunding model. The European Union nations are also allegedly going to establish laws to allow crowdfunding sites in the region to operate across other EU regions.
  • Different crowdfunding platforms in Germany give novice and experienced investors access to private investment opportunities. German crowdsourcing sites are among the most well-regulated and adhere to best practices. German crowdfunding websites provide choices for investment in SME and real estate and let users accumulate wealth.
  • In Germany, there are 112 platforms dedicated to P2P lending, equity, debt, donations, rewards, and mini-bonds, according to thecrowdspace.com. Retail and accredited investors can invest through them in several company sectors, including logistics, real estate, green energy, startups, personal loans, art, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), health & science, social causes, education, farming, sport, and maritime. Additionally, Germany has 25 sites for equity crowdsourcing. They provide various investment possibilities for retail and accredited investors, emphasizing real estate, green energy, startups, art, SME, health & science, social causes, education, or farming. The minimum investment amount varies from platform to platform depending on the sector or specific platform objectives.
  • The European crowdfunding market has recently made tremendous strides. Technology advancements and increasing proptech businesses in Europe have created new crowdfunding opportunities in real estate, banking, and other industries.
  • For instance, In April this year, Heura's second Equity for Good Rebels crowdfunding campaign raised almost USD 4.22 million in just 12 hours, cementing its reputation as Europe's fastest-growing plant-based firm. The Crowdcube campaign saw 4,500 investors from all over Europe join the Good Rebel community, which is on a mission to speed the protein transition.
  • Germany is a key market for crowdfunding, as evidenced by the several foreign platforms aggressively courting German investors or trying to extend their operations there. However, until recently, Germany's regulatory climate for private crowdfunding enterprises could have been better. One of the main barriers to cross-border service provision was the absence of unified law, so when the EU regulation on Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSPR) was created, it initially seemed that Germany would need help to implement it as easily as other EU nations. As a result, on June 2021, the German Parliament passed a bill into national legislation that implements the EU regulation on Crowdfunding Service Providers.
  • Even though the local level of the German crowdfunding regulation has some shortcomings, it is anticipated that the robust German FinTech industry, in general, and crowdfunding, in particular, will not be negatively impacted by the new rule, and the German crowdfunding platforms will witness a steady rise in the study period.

Crowdfunding Industry Overview

The global crowdfunding market is moderately consolidated due to the presence of a few companies dominating the market with the presence of many other companies competing between themselves. Also, these companies are investing extensively in offering customers a wide range of technologies for industry-specific end-user applications. Some of the recent developments in the market are:

In October 2022, Bad Comet, a South Korean board game manufacturer, announced the launch of their newest board game as a Kickstarter campaign.

In April 2022, Crowdcube launched a France-facing website. Crowdcube is a platform for crowdsourcing securities in the UK and throughout Europe. Recent regulatory changes will make it easier for Crowdcube, which has been active in Europe for some time, to support issuers in raising up to Euro 5 million (USD 5.27 million) throughout European member states.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Assessment on the Impact of COVID-19 on the market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Use of Social Media as a Free of Cost Promotion Source
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Investor Forward looking Strategic Behaviour and Social Interactions among Investors
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Time Consuming Process and Stringent Regulatory Compliance


  • 6.1 By Product Type
    • 6.1.1 Reward-based Crowdfunding
    • 6.1.2 Equity Crowdfunding
    • 6.1.3 Donation and Other Product Types
  • 6.2 By End-User Application
    • 6.2.1 Cultural Sector
    • 6.2.2 Technology
    • 6.2.3 Product
    • 6.2.4 Healthcare
    • 6.2.5 Other End-User Applications
  • 6.3 Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-pacific
    • 6.3.4 Middle East & Africa
    • 6.3.5 Latin America


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Kickstarter PBC
    • 7.1.2 Indiegogo Inc.
    • 7.1.3 GoFundMe Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Fundable LLC
    • 7.1.5 Crowdcube Limited
    • 7.1.6 GoGetFunding
    • 7.1.7 Crowdfunder Inc.
    • 7.1.8 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
    • 7.1.9 Wefunder Inc.
    • 7.1.10 Fundly
    • 7.1.11 Jingdong Inc.
    • 7.1.12 Suning.com Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.13 Owners Circle
    • 7.1.14 Realcrowd Inc.