
Micro LED:市場佔有率分析、行業趨勢和統計、成長預測(2024-2029)

Micro LED - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 143 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




Micro LED市場規模預計到2024年為7.4億美元,預計到2029年將達到14.8億美元,在預測期內(2024-2029年)複合年成長率為81.80%。

Micro LED市場

MicroLED 是一種使用微型 LED(發光二極體)來創建單一像素的顯示技術。提供高亮度、高對比度和能源效率。 Micro LED 顯示器以其卓越影像品質的潛力而聞名,可用於多種應用,包括電視、顯示器和穿戴式裝置。


  • 近年來,Micro LED 市場成長顯著。這主要得益於AR/VR等技術進步以及各地區終端用戶產業的擴張。例如,向 5G 的過渡將加速對先進行動裝置的需求。
  • Micro-LED技術在亮度、解析度、對比、消費量、壽命和熱穩定性方面比LCD和OLED具有優勢,為顯示器產業開啟了新的可能性。
  • 2023 年 5 月,全球大型公司的遠距無線充電解決方案供應商 Wi-Charge 將為零售商、品牌和負責人推出業界最節能、高效能的無線可充電視訊顯示器。 Wi-Charge 開發了新一代視訊顯示器,大型 Wi-Spot 7"。
  • Micro-LED 技術正在消費性電子產業掀起波動,並有望在顯示器技術方面取得重大進步。憑藉其獨特的功能和優勢,Micro-LED 有潛力顛覆使用者在各種裝置上體驗視覺內容的方式。
  • 近年來,Micro-LED技術因其比其他顯示技術表現出優越性能的潛力而備受關注。 Micro LED 具有更高的像素密度、更低的功耗、更快的反應時間、陽光直射下更高的亮度以及更寬的視角。這些特性使它們適合各種應用,包括手持設備和近眼顯示器。
  • COVID-19 大流行減緩了生產,導致許多公司暫時關閉其設施並擾亂了供應鏈,導致該行業的幾個新計畫被推遲。在這項挑戰中,新技術的發展也可能受到影響。 LEDinside共用了在全球不確定性背景下 micro-LED 技術發展的見解。他指出,下一代顯示技術可能是向前邁出一步的機會。

Micro LED市場趨勢


  • 交通運輸業擴大使用數位雙胞胎技術,預計這將推動對虛擬感測器的需求。數位雙胞胎已成為交通運輸領域的最新技術現象。透過在供應鏈中實施數位雙胞胎,我們正在提高本地和全球供應鏈網路的效率。資料使運輸公司能夠極其準確地預測業務。這項創新技術也有助於產生寶貴的見解,以增強企業策略。
  • 虛擬感測器因其多樣化的應用而對汽車行業變得越來越重要。在預測期內,虛擬感測器在行業中的日益普及可能會受到關注。在昂貴的感測器不斷膨脹的背景下,虛擬感測器的採用得到了廣泛的應用。虛擬感測器涉及用車輛電控系統中嵌入的軟體替換實體感測器。其目的是無需物理組件即可獲取必要的資訊。此虛擬感測器嵌入到許多車輛部件中,包括輪胎、引擎和駕駛室。虛擬感測廣泛應用於汽車應用,例如乘員熱舒適度、輪胎壓力監測系統、動力傳動系統應用和彈簧質量狀態估計。
  • 汽車產業嚴重依賴感測技術來實現安全、娛樂、交通管理、導航和引導等各種功能。隨著我們向自動駕駛汽車邁進,感測設備的使用預計將會擴大。雖然汽車中的實體感測器可能高成本且不可靠,但虛擬感測器正在成為汽車製造商的一種經濟高效的解決方案。這些虛擬感測器可作為實體感測器的輔助安全措施,在增強駕駛員輔助系統 (ADAS) 並最終實現自動駕駛功能方面發揮關鍵作用。
  • 汽車產業對 ADAS 功能的需求不斷成長預計將推動該細分市場的成長。世界各國政府已採取各種措施來促進 ADAS 技術的採用,以確保車輛安全。此外,自動駕駛和自動駕駛汽車的成長趨勢也有助於擴大市場。例如,英特爾預測,到 2030 年,全球汽車銷售將超過 1.014 億輛,其中自動駕駛汽車約佔同年汽車註冊量的 12%。
  • 此外,人工智慧(AI)已在包括汽車行業在內的各個行業中變得至關重要。該領域的一項關鍵創新是 ADAS(高級駕駛員輔助系統)的創建,旨在提高車輛安全性並在各種駕駛情況下為駕駛員提供協助。 ADAS 技術具有減少事故和促進道路安全的潛力,因此德國、中國和印度等國家擴大採用該技術。這些驅動 ASAD 技術的因素可能會在市場上創造重大機會。


  • 隨著數位電子看板需求的增加,對高品質顯示器的需求也在增加。由於顯示、連接和監控空間方面的技術進步,數位電子看板在美國越來越受歡迎。此外,由於採用率的提高,顯示面板的價格也大幅下降。
  • 教育機構在建築物的迎賓區和大廳區域的大型顯示器上使用數位指示牌,在整個建築物內廣播活動訊息。
  • 例如,2022 年 4 月,Busix 宣布威奇托州立大學為其 Metroplex 會議中心選擇 AxisTV Signage Suite數位電子看板系統,擴大了其高等教育計劃組合。完整的解決方案包括一個雲端託管的 CMS、三個 Nano數位電子看板播放器和 10 個電子紙室 (E-Paper) 標牌,用於動態顯示活動和會議。
  • 隨著行銷和促銷策略的發展,廣告商更喜歡數位化促銷而不是傳統行銷,這使得美國和加拿大成為市場相關人員的熱門目的地。數位化指示牌還提供諸如提高觀眾參與度、減少紙張消費量、透過增加消費者影響力增加銷售額以及具有成本效益的廣告等優勢,使其成為該地區實施的一個有吸引力的選擇。
  • 隨著開拓供應商透過合作夥伴關係不斷創新新的解決方案,該地區正在見證各種發展。

Micro LED產業概況

Micro LED 市場高度分散。主要廠商有群創光電、Sony Corporation、LG Display、Aledia SA、晶元光電等。公司正在採用合作夥伴關係和收購等策略來豐富其產品供應並獲得永續的競爭優勢。

  • 2024 年 1 月 - 群創光電 (Innolux) 推出全球首款 53 吋 QD 色彩轉換 AM-Micro LED 無縫拼接顯示器,可使用無縫拼接模組技術組裝成任何尺寸的顯示器。該技術可滿足市場對110英寸至200英寸尺寸的高品質、超寬、超高顯示器不斷成長的需求。無縫拼接解決方案的飽和度和色彩均勻度比 OLED 高 1.07 倍。環境對比也比OLED高8倍。即使在正常照明條件下,這也是可以實現的。
  • 2023 年 9 月SONY推出 VERONA,這是一款專為滿足虛擬製作應用需求而打造的全新水晶 LED 顯示器。這款新型顯示器專為電影製作人量身定做,為機內視覺特效應用帶來高水準的品質和效率。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買家/消費者的議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對關係的強度
  • COVID-19 和其他宏觀經濟因素對市場的影響


  • 市場促進因素
    • 對更亮、更節能的顯示器的需求不斷成長
    • 擴大 Micro LED 在家用電子電器的應用
  • 市場限制因素
    • 巨量轉移是Micro LED商業化的瓶頸
    • 高成本,產能有限

第6章 市場細分

  • 按用途
    • 智慧型手錶
    • 近視設備(AR 和 VR)
    • 電視機
    • 智慧型手機/平板電腦
    • 顯示器/筆記型電腦
    • 抬頭顯示器
    • 數位電子看板
  • 按最終用戶
    • 消費性電子產品
    • 航太/國防
    • 其他最終用戶
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 世界其他地區

第7章 競爭格局

  • Vendor Positioning Analysis
  • 公司簡介
    • Innolux Corporation
    • Sony Corporation
    • LG Display Co. Ltd
    • Aledia SA
    • Epistar Corporation
    • Optovate Limited
    • Rohinni LLC
    • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • JBD Inc.
    • Plessey Semiconductors Limited
    • Ostendo Technologies Inc.
    • VueReal Inc.
    • Allos Semiconductors


第9章 未來趨勢

Product Code: 63606

The Micro LED Market size is estimated at USD 0.74 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 1.48 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 81.80% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Micro LED - Market

Micro LED is a display technology that uses microscopic LEDs (light-emitting diodes) to create individual pixels. It offers high brightness, contrast, and energy efficiency. Micro LED displays are known for their potential to deliver superior picture quality and can be used in various applications, including TVs, monitors, and wearable devices.

Key Highlights

  • The micro LED market has grown significantly over the years. This is primarily due to the advancement of technologies such as AR/VR and the expansion of end-user industries across various regions. For instance, the transition toward 5G accelerates the demand for advanced mobile devices.
  • Micro LED technology provides advantages over LCDs and OLEDs in brightness, resolution, contrast ratio, energy consumption, lifetime, and thermal stability, opening new possibilities in the display industry.
  • In May of 2023, the world's leading provider of long-distance wireless power solutions, Wi-Charge, introduced the industry's most energy-efficient and high-performance wirelessly charged video display solutions for retailers, brands, and marketers to deliver directly to consumers at the point-of-sale (POS) on store shelves, in queue lines, and at restaurant tables. Wi-Charge developed the larger Wi-Spot 7", its new generation of video displays, which is available immediately in response to growing worldwide customer demand.
  • Micro LED technology has been making waves in the consumer electronics industry, promising significant advancements in display technology. With its unique features and advantages, micro LED can potentially disrupt how users experience visual content on various devices.
  • Micro LED technology has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential for superior performance compared to other display technologies. Micro LEDs offer higher pixel density, lower power consumption, faster response time, higher luminance in direct sunlight, and wider viewing angles. These attributes make them suitable for various applications, including handheld devices and near-eye displays.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic delayed production, and some new projects in the industry were delayed as many companies temporarily closed their facilities and the supply chain was interrupted. New technological developments might be affected during the challenging time as well. LEDinside shares its insights toward Micro LED technology development in such global uncertainty. It points out that next-generation display technology might be a chance to move a step forward.

Micro LED Market Trends

Consumer Electronics to be the Largest End-user Industry

  • The increasing usage of digital twin technology in the transportation industry is expected to drive the demand for virtual sensors. Digital twins have emerged as the most recent technological phenomenon in the transportation sector. Implementing digital twins in supply chains is enhancing the efficiency of supply chain networks on both local and global scales. By utilizing the data, transportation companies are able to predict their operations with exceptional precision. Significantly, this innovative technology also aids in generating valuable insights to enhance corporate strategies.
  • Virtual sensors are increasingly becoming crucial for the automotive industry due to their wide variety of applications. The growing adoption of virtual sensors in the industry will enable the market to gain traction over the forecast period. Amidst this costly sensory inflation, the adoption of virtual sensors has become prevalent. Virtual sensors entail replacing a physical sensor with software embedded in the vehicle's electronic control unit. The objective is to acquire essential information without the need for a physical component. Numerous vehicle parts, including tires, engines, and cabins, are embedded with these virtual sensors. Virtual sensing is widely employed in automotive applications, such as passenger thermal comfort, tire pressure monitoring systems, powertrain applications, estimation of sprung mass state, and others.
  • The automotive sector depends significantly on sensing technology for various functions such as safety, entertainment, traffic management, navigation, and guidance. With the advancement toward autonomous vehicles, sensing device usage is expected to grow. Despite the high cost and occasional unreliability of physical sensors in vehicles, virtual sensors are emerging as a cost-effective solution for car makers. These virtual sensors serve as a secondary safety measure to physical sensors and play a crucial role in enhancing driver assistance systems (ADAS) and ultimately achieving autonomous driving capabilities.
  • The growing demand for ADAS features in the automotive industry is expected to drive the segment's growth. Several governments worldwide are implementing various measures to boost the adoption of ADAS technology to ensure vehicle safety. Furthermore, the increasing trend of autonomous or self-driving vehicles is also playing a role in the expansion of the market. As an illustration, Intel predicts that worldwide car sales will exceed 101.4 million units by 2030, with autonomous vehicles projected to make up approximately 12% of car registrations by the same year.
  • Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become vital in various industries, including the automotive sector. A significant innovation in this field is the creation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), designed to enhance vehicle safety and assist drivers in different driving situations. The adoption of ADAS technology is increasing in countries such as Germany, China, and India, as it has the potential to reduce accidents and promote road safety. Such factors in boosting ASAD technology may present significant opportunities for the market.

North America to Hold Significant Market Share

  • The increasing demand for digital signage creates a need for high-quality displays. Digital signage is becoming popular in the United States with technological advancements in display, connectivity, and monitoring space. Furthermore, the increasing adoption has decreased the prices of display panels significantly.
  • Educational institutions are adopting digital signages for huge displays in the building's pre-function and lobby areas to broadcast building-wide event messaging, with directional navigation arrows to direct people to the appropriate conference rooms.
  • For instance, in April 2022, Visix Inc. expanded its portfolio of higher education projects by announcing that Wichita State University has chosen an AxisTV Signage Suite digital signage system for its Metroplex convention center. The entire solution includes a cloud-hosted CMS, three Nano digital signage players, and ten Electronic Paper Room (E-Paper) Signs, which dynamically display events and meetings as they happen.
  • As marketing and promotional strategies evolve, advertisers favor digitized promotion over traditional marketing, and the United States and Canada are popular destinations for market players. Other advantages of digitized signage, such as higher audience engagement, reduced paper consumption, increased sales due to improved consumer influence, and cost-effective advertising, drive their implementation in the region.
  • The region is witnessing various developments as vendors operating in the market are continuously innovating new solutions through partnerships.

Micro LED Industry Overview

The micro LED market is highly fragmented. Some major players are Innolux Corporation, Sony Corporation, LG Display Co. Ltd, Aledia SA, and Epistar Corporation. Companies are adopting strategies such as partnerships and acquisitions to improve their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

  • January 2024 - Innolux Corp (Innolux) introduced the world's first 53-inch QD color conversion AM-Micro LED seamless tiling displays that can be used to assemble displays of any size using seamless tiling module technology. This technology can meet the growing market demand for high-quality, ultra-wide, and ultra-tall displays measuring 110-200 inches in size. The seamless tiling solution offers high color saturation and color uniformity, which is 1.07 times higher than OLED. It also has a higher ambient contrast ratio, which is eight times higher than OLED. This, among other benefits, can be achieved even under normal lighting conditions.
  • September 2023 - Sony launched the VERONA, a new Crystal LED display built to meet the needs of virtual production applications. The new displays are tailored for filmmakers, bringing higher levels of quality and efficiency to in-camera VFX applications.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 Aftereffects and Other Macroeconomic Factors on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Demand For Brighter and More Power-efficient Displays
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Applications of Micro-LED In Consumer Electronics
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Mass Transfer to be a Bottleneck for Commercialization of Micro LED
    • 5.2.2 High Cost of Manufacturing, Implementation and Limited Production Capacities


  • 6.1 By Application
    • 6.1.1 Smartwatch
    • 6.1.2 Near-to-eye Devices (AR and VR)
    • 6.1.3 Television
    • 6.1.4 Smartphone and Tablet
    • 6.1.5 Monitor and Laptop
    • 6.1.6 Head-up Display
    • 6.1.7 Digital Signage
  • 6.2 By End User
    • 6.2.1 Consumer Electronics
    • 6.2.2 Automotive
    • 6.2.3 Aerospace and Defense
    • 6.2.4 Other End Users
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Vendor Positioning Analysis
  • 7.2 Company Profiles*
    • 7.2.1 Innolux Corporation
    • 7.2.2 Sony Corporation
    • 7.2.3 LG Display Co. Ltd
    • 7.2.4 Aledia SA
    • 7.2.5 Epistar Corporation
    • 7.2.6 Optovate Limited
    • 7.2.7 Rohinni LLC
    • 7.2.8 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • 7.2.9 JBD Inc.
    • 7.2.10 Plessey Semiconductors Limited
    • 7.2.11 Ostendo Technologies Inc.
    • 7.2.12 VueReal Inc.
    • 7.2.13 Allos Semiconductors