

Pouch Packaging - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 160 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內







  • 袋是食品和飲料行業中使用最廣泛的包裝產品之一,包括寵物食品、嬰兒食品和液體包裝(茶、咖啡、果汁)。其各種功能使其易於打開(例如撕裂口和雷射穿孔)、易於使用(拉鍊和表格)並且可重新密封。
  • 近年來,袋子取得了長足的進步,重點是永續性、創新和設計靈活性。此外,它具有化學惰性,使其廣泛應用於製藥、寵物食品和化妝品等多種行業。
  • 例如,2023年8月,美國化學公司陶氏公司與中國乳製品公司蒙牛合作推出了可回收的全聚乙烯(PE)優格袋。該新產品的推出將使兩家公司在中國實現循環經濟。
  • 由於永續性考量、智慧包裝技術和印刷技術的進步,立式袋正在經歷重大轉變。使用生物分解性和可堆肥材料的品牌表明了他們對環境的承諾,並促進了具有環保意識的消費者。例如,家樂氏推出了一系列由植物來源塑膠製成的穀物袋。這些袋子是可回收的,該公司的目標是到 2025 年使所有穀物包裝 100% 可回收。
  • 袋包裝市場的成長歸因於多種因素,包括對適合消費者忙碌生活方式的方便、攜帶式單份食品和飲料產品的需求不斷成長。小袋包裝以其輕質且易於重新密封的特性滿足了這種不斷成長的需求。
  • 包裝行業最重要的趨勢之一是轉向環保和永續材料。消費者和監管機構都越來越重視包裝廢棄物對環境的影響。此外,製造商正在探索傳統塑膠袋的替代品,例如生物分解性和可堆肥袋。 2023 年 7 月,Wolkki 和 Robema 設計了一種用於糖果零食的紙袋來取代塑膠。該公司開發了加固的 Eurohole 袋,以保持包裝完整且環境永續。



  • 世界各地消費者生活方式的變化增加了對即食食品的需求,其數量創歷史新高。隨著新時代勞動力日以繼夜地工作,Z 世代希望一切都方便,即食食品正成為首選的解決方案。
  • 此外,袋包裝製造商開始整合新技術和先進技術,提供卓越的阻隔功能並有效保護產品免受濕氣和氧氣的影響。這種方便的包裝對於長期儲存已調理食品至關重要,因為產品完整性至關重要。
  • 軟質袋為烘焙點心和零嘴零食的消費者和生產商提供了便利。在過去的十年中,忙碌的生活方式、勞動力中女性數量的增加以及工業化的不斷發展等方面增加了全球對即食零食包裝食品和零食的需求。
  • 零嘴零食產業的成長以及各種零嘴零食對軟質解決方案的需求不斷增加正在推動市場成長。這些公司專注於滿足不斷變化的消費者偏好的零食包裝設計,專用為零食袋提供創新且靈活的包裝解決方案。例如,2023 年 10 月,英國休閒食品公司 Walkers 宣佈為其烘焙多包裝零食系列推出紙袋。
  • 此外,2024 年 1 月,Nomadic Snacks 為生活方式忙碌的人們推出了即食袋裝食品。這些袋子方便攜帶、營養豐富,非常適合經常忙碌的人。預計這種持續的技術創新將在預測期內增強市場。
  • 由於消費者生活方式的變化以及不同環境下不同口味的零食越來越受歡迎,鹹味零食的消費量在北美呈上升趨勢。預計這將對市場產生積極影響。根據美國SNAC International 的數據,美國在 2023 年超級盃週期間消費了約 1.18 億磅鹹味零食,與前一年同期比較增加了 29%。
  • 根據加拿大政府機構農業和食品部的資料,加拿大零食零售額從 2022 年的 123.8 億美元增加到 2023 年的 134 億美元。預計到2025年終將達到150億美元。由於對方便的包裝解決方案的需求,零嘴零食銷量的成長預計將推動袋裝包裝市場的成長。


  • 袋包裝被廣泛應用於各地區產業,具有多種用途。由於飲料製造商產能的增加、長期需求以及國家政府採取的採用可回收塑膠的舉措,食品和飲料行業是小袋包裝的主要採用者之一。
  • 拉丁美洲袋包裝市場越來越關注永續性這一新興趨勢。為了解決環境問題,製造商在袋包裝中使用可回收材料。此外,世界各地越來越重視生態良好實踐,並且正在開發減少水消費量和碳排放的製造流程。
  • 巴西加工商 Plastrela 於 2023 年 11 月為 Adimax 開發了零食大小的 PET立式袋。這種立式袋比傳統的 PET/PE SUP 結構更容易回收。我們以更易於回收的新型單一材料 PE(聚乙烯)包裝取代了傳統的多層 PET 基材和聚乙烯(PE)密封劑。
  • 此外,寵物飼養和照顧是一種高度都市化的現象,在拉丁美洲國家也逐漸增加。與世界其他國家相比,阿根廷的人均寵物擁有率最高。推動寵物食品需求的關鍵因素包括寵物擁有率上升、人均可支配收入增加以及核心家庭的增加,尤其是在都市區。
  • 立式袋因其較高的包裝性能而成為包裝高品質寵物食品的首選。一些製造商不斷增加對複雜寵物食品包裝的投資。隨著即時普及,便利性將在該行業的發展中發揮至關重要的作用。


袋包裝市場由全球多個市場參與企業細分。主要參與企業包括 Bischof+Klein SE &Co.KG、Amcor Group GmbH、Aluflexpack Group、ProAmpac Intermediate Inc.、Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH、Mondi Group 和 Coveris Management GmbH。市場參與企業預計將利用多個最終用戶垂直領域的成長帶來的機會並進行創新,以擴大其在市場中的影響力。

  • 2024 年 2 月 - Amcor Group GmbH 與北美優格和起司包裝及袋包裝製造商 Stonyfield Organic 和 Cheer Pack 合作,推出首款全聚乙烯 (PE) 吸嘴袋。新包裝袋採用 Amcor 的聚乙烯 (PE) 薄膜 Amprima Plus,該薄膜設計可回收。 Amcor 的研發團隊與 Cheer Pack 的裝袋團隊密切合作,以檢驗包裝。
  • 2024 年 2 月 - ProAmpac Intermediate Inc. 推出高阻隔纖維永續包裝袋,適用於多種產品,包括冷凍已烹調、冷切雞肉和魚。本產品符合OPRL法規,纖維含量超過90%。這種永續袋包裝的推出和開發預計將對肉類、家禽和魚貝類製造商產生重大影響,從而推動預測期內的產品需求。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買家/消費者的議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係


  • 市場促進因素
    • 對具有成本效益的包裝解決方案和品牌提升的需求不斷成長
    • 對方便即食食品的需求不斷成長
  • 市場限制因素
    • 對環境議題和回收的興趣日益濃厚

第6章 市場細分

  • 按類型
    • 標準
    • 無菌的
    • 蒸餾
    • 熱填充
  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 食品
      • 糖果零食/零嘴零食
      • 加工過的食品
      • 生鮮食品
      • 起司
      • 寵物食品
      • 肉類、家禽、魚貝類
      • 其他
    • 飲料
    • 醫療藥品
    • 消費性產品
    • 其他
  • 按地區*
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
    • 歐洲
      • 英國
      • 德國
      • 法國
      • 義大利
    • 亞洲
      • 中國
      • 印度
      • 日本
      • 澳洲/紐西蘭
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Amcor Group Gmbh
    • Bischof+Klein SE & Co. KG
    • Aluflexpack Group
    • ProAmpac Intermediate Inc.
    • Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH
    • Coveris Management GmbH
    • FLAIR Flexible Packaging Corporation
    • Gualapack SpA
    • Hood Packaging Corporation
    • Mondi Group
    • Scholle IPN
    • Sealed Air Corporation
    • Sonoco Products Company
    • Toppan Printing Co. Ltd
    • Toyo Seikan Co. Ltd
    • Huhtamaki Oyj



Product Code: 57341

The Pouch Packaging Market size in terms of shipment volume is expected to grow from 518.13 Billion units in 2024 to 631.27 Billion units by 2029, at a CAGR of 4.03% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Pouch Packaging - Market

Key Highlights

  • Pouches are among the most widely used packaging products in the food and beverage industry, including pet food, baby food, and liquid packaging (tea, coffee, and juices). Owing to their different features, they are easy to open (like a tear notch and laser perforation), easy to use (with zippers and shapes), and reclosable.
  • Pouches have experienced significant advancements in recent years, fueled by a growing emphasis on sustainability, technological innovation, and design flexibility. Moreover, as they are chemically inert, they are widely used in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, pet food, and cosmetics.
  • For instance, in August 2023, Dow Inc., a United States-based chemicals company, partnered with Mengniu, a China-based dairy company, to launch an all-polyethylene (PE) yogurt pouch designed for recyclability. The new product launch enables both companies to achieve a circular economy in China.
  • Stand-up pouches are experiencing a remarkable transformation driven by sustainability concerns, intelligent packaging technologies, and printing advancements. Brands that use biodegradable and compostable materials demonstrate their commitment to the environment while promoting eco-conscious consumers. For instance, Kellogg's has launched a range of cereal pouches made from plant-based plastic. Pouches are recyclable, and the company aims to make all of its cereal packaging 100% recyclable by 2025.
  • The pouch packaging market growth can be attributed to several factors, such as the rising demand for convenient, portable, and single-serve food and beverage products that align well with consumers' on-the-go lifestyles. Pouche packaging caters to this increasing demand with its lightweight and easily resealable features.
  • One of the most significant trends in the packaging industry is the shift toward eco-friendly and sustainable materials. Consumers and regulators alike are increasingly concerned about the environmental consequences of packaging waste. In addition, manufacturers are exploring alternatives to traditional plastic pouches, such as biodegradable and compostable pouches. In July 2023, Walki and Rovema designed a paper pouch for confectionery to replace plastic. The company developed a reinforced euro-hole pouch to keep the packaging intact and environmentally sustainable.

Pouch Packaging Market Trends

The Candy and Snack Foods Segment is Expected to Drive the Demand for Pouch Packaging

  • The changing lifestyles of consumers worldwide have resulted in increased demand for ready-to-eat foods, which are at an all-time high. With the new-age working population working round the clock and Gen Z looking for everything handy, ready-to-eat foods have emerged as the best solution.
  • In addition, pouch packaging manufacturers have started integrating new and advanced technologies that offer superior barrier capabilities and effectively protect the product from moisture and oxygen. This convenient packaging is essential for the long shelf life of ready-to-eat food products, where the integrity of the product is of prime importance.
  • Flexible pouches offer convenience to consumers and producers of baked goods and snack foods. Over the past decade, aspects such as busy lifestyles, more women in the workforce, and growing industrialization have strengthened the need for ready-to-eat snack packaged foods and snacks globally.
  • The growing snack food industry and the increasing demand for flexible packaging solutions for various snack foods boost the market's growth. Companies focus on snack packaging designs that cater to evolving consumer preferences and provide innovative, flexible packaging solutions specifically for snack pouches. For instance, in October 2023, Walkers, a British snack food firm, announced launching paper pouches for its baked multipacks snacks range.
  • Additionally, in January 2024, Nomadic Snacks introduced ready-to-go pouches for people with busy lifestyles. These pouches are portable, nourishing filling, and ideal for people constantly moving. Such constant innovations are expected to bolster the market during the forecast period.
  • The increasing consumption of savory snacks in North America is due to the changing consumer lifestyle and the growing popularity of different flavors of snacks for various occasions. This is expected to have a positive impact on the market. According to SNAC International, a United States-based organization, Americans consumed around 118 million pounds of savory snacks during Super Bowl Week in 2023, which increased by 29% compared to the previous year.
  • According to data by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, a government agency, the retail sales of snacks in Canada reached USD 13.40 billion in 2023 from USD 12.38 billion in 2022. They are projected to reach USD 15 billion by the end of 2025. The increasing sales of snacks are expected to aid the growth of the pouch packaging market owing to the need for convenient packaging solutions.

The Latin American Pouch Packaging Market is Shifting Toward Sustainability and Pet-Friendly Trends

  • Pouch packaging is widely adopted across regional industries for varied purposes. One of the primary adopters of pouch packs is the food and beverage industry, owing to the beverage companies increasing production capacities, long-term demand, and adaptation of recyclable plastics through government initiatives in different countries.
  • The Latin American pouch packaging market has increasingly emphasized sustainability as an emerging trend. To address environmental concerns, manufacturers use recycled and recyclable materials for the pouch packaging. Production processes are also developing to reduce water consumption and carbon emissions, according to the increasing emphasis on ecological good practices worldwide.
  • Plastrela, a Brazilian converter, developed a snack-size PET standup pouch for Adimax in November 2023. The standup pouch is more easily recycled than the conventional PET/PE SUP structure. It replaces the traditional multilayer PET substrate and polyethylene (PE) sealant with a new mono-material PE (polyethylene) packaging that is easier to recycle.
  • Additionally, owning and caring for pets is a very urban phenomenon and is gradually increasing in Latin American countries. Argentina has the highest rate of pet ownership per capita compared to other countries in the world. The major factors driving the demand for pet food included increasing pet ownership, rising per capita disposable income, and increasing nuclear families, particularly in urban areas.
  • A standup pouch is preferred for packing high-quality pet food as it delivers high packaging performance. Several manufacturers are constantly increasing their investments in sophisticated pet food packaging. As the popularity of instant pet food grows, convenience will play an essential role in developing this industry.

Pouch Packaging Industry Overview

The pouch packaging market is fragmented, with the presence of several market players globally. Some major players are Bischof + Klein SE & Co. KG, Amcor Group GmbH, Aluflexpack Group, ProAmpac Intermediate Inc., Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH, Mondi Group, and Coveris Management GmbH. The market players are expected to leverage the opportunity posed by the growth of several end-user verticals and are innovating to expand their market presence.

  • February 2024 - Amcor Group GmbH collaborated with Stonyfield Organic, a maker of yogurt and cheese packs and pouch packaging in North America, and Cheer Pack to launch the first all-polyethylene (PE) spouted pouch. The new pouch is made with Amcor's AmPrima Plus, a polyethylene (PE) film designed for recyclability. Amcor's research and development team worked closely with Cheer Pack's pouching team to validate the packaging.
  • February 2024 - ProAmpac Intermediate Inc. introduced a high-barrier fiber-based sustainable pouch for several products, including chilled cooked meats, cold-cut chicken, and fish. The product complies with OPRL regulations and has over 90% fiber content. Such sustainable launches and developments in pouch packaging would thereby significantly impact the meat, poultry, and seafood manufacturers to enhance the products' demand during the forecast period.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/consumers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Requirements for Cost-effective Packaging Solutions and Brand Enhancement
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Demand for Convenience and Ready-to-eat Food
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Increasing Environmental Concerns and Recycling


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Standard
    • 6.1.2 Aseptic
    • 6.1.3 Retort
    • 6.1.4 Hot-fill
  • 6.2 By End-user Industry
    • 6.2.1 Food
      • Candy and Snack Foods
      • Processed Food
      • Fresh Produce
      • Cheese
      • Pet Food
      • Meat, Poultry, and Seafood
      • Other Food Products
    • 6.2.2 Beverage
    • 6.2.3 Medical and Pharmaceutical
    • 6.2.4 Consumer Products
    • 6.2.5 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Geography***
    • 6.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.3.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
      • Italy
    • 6.3.3 Asia
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • Australia and New Zealand
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles*
    • 7.1.1 Amcor Group Gmbh
    • 7.1.2 Bischof + Klein SE & Co. KG
    • 7.1.3 Aluflexpack Group
    • 7.1.4 ProAmpac Intermediate Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH
    • 7.1.6 Coveris Management GmbH
    • 7.1.7 FLAIR Flexible Packaging Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Gualapack SpA
    • 7.1.9 Hood Packaging Corporation
    • 7.1.10 Mondi Group
    • 7.1.11 Scholle IPN
    • 7.1.12 Sealed Air Corporation
    • 7.1.13 Sonoco Products Company
    • 7.1.14 Toppan Printing Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.15 Toyo Seikan Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.16 Huhtamaki Oyj