
中東和非洲 SSD 快取:市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢、統計和成長預測(2025-2030 年)

Middle East and Africa SSD Caching - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內







  • SSD 快取需要 SSD 硬碟和相關軟體的組合才能正常運作。由於SSD硬碟價格昂貴,因此它們與常規硬碟結合使用以提高效能效率。市場不斷擴大,企業正在實施這些解決方案以降低成本並提高生產力。組織必須探索來自不同資料來源的大量資料。 SSD 解決方案簡化了流程,無需對高功率驅動器或解決方案進行大量投資。
  • 基於NAND快閃記憶體的 SSD 提供超快速的儲存效能和快速的投資回報,使其成為巨量資料應用的理想選擇。 SSD可用作主機快取、網路快取、全SSD儲存陣列或混合儲存陣列中的SSD層。
  • 據經合組織稱,流入非洲經濟體及其人口的外部資金正在增加。在就業方面,雖然成長有所增加,但就業創造率仍然較低。根據網路世界統計,截至去年12月,非洲網路使用者數為6.0132億,中東網路使用者數為2.0502億。
  • SSD 硬碟價格昂貴,必須與傳統硬碟結合使用才能提高效能效率。市場持續成長,許多公司正在實施這些解決方案以降低成本並提高效率。這些公司必須分析來自各種資料來源的龐大資料集。 SSD 解決方案可簡化您的任務,而無需大量投資於高功率驅動器和解決方案。
  • COVID-19 的疫情對市場產生了重大影響。原料供應受到影響。因此,價值鏈被擾亂,為產品帶來通膨風險。一旦中國和韓國的電子產品供應鏈在疫情後恢復,供應鏈差距預計將縮小。



  • 伺服器通常由一組硬碟 (HDD) 組成,或連接到由大量硬碟組成的儲存區域網路 (SAN)。在商業儲存網路中,伺服器技術的改進造成了 I/O 效能的差距。基於 SSD 的快取透過減少 I/O 延遲和提高 IOPS 效能來縮小 I/O 效能差距。基於伺服器的快取無需升級儲存陣列或在關鍵網路資料路徑中安裝其他設備。伺服器 SSD 快取透過處理網路邊緣關鍵伺服器的大部分 I/O 需求,有效降低儲存網路和陣列要求。這種需求的減少可以提高其他關聯伺服器的儲存效能並延長儲存基礎設備的使用壽命。
  • 在企業環境中,SSD 快取會在資料穿越網路時保存先前要求的資料,以便在需要時快速檢索。將先前要求的材料放入臨時儲存中可以減少對公司頻寬的需求並加快對最新資訊的存取。企業級 SSD 將資料永久或暫時快取並儲存在非揮發性半導體記憶體中。這些 SSD 使用NAND快閃記憶體,聲稱比旋轉 HDD 具有更好的性能和更低的功耗。隨著中東和非洲各產業對運算速度的需求不斷增加,SSD 快取變得越來越重要。於是,不少企業紛紛進入SSD快取市場。因此,SSD快取的成本有所下降。
  • 各種企業的資料中心應用程式正在處理不斷成長的資料集。頁快取的快取有效性因其容量低而受到限制。與硬碟和 DRAM 相比,新興的基於快閃記憶體的 SSD 具有更低的延遲和成本。因此,基於SSD的快取在資料中心中普遍使用。根據世界雲端指數,資料中心流量正在增加資料儲存需求。由於SSD的高效能,高流量資料中心對SSD快取的需求可能會增加。 SSD 快取允許資料中心和雲端運算環境以更快的輸入/輸出操作 (IOP) 和更低的延遲來容納更多使用者並每秒處理更多交易。
  • 另一方面,維持投資是最困難的挑戰。由於大流行,企業和客戶的工作負載急劇增加,他們必須仔細平衡保護現有投資與購買合適的雲端儲存以滿足不斷成長的需求。此外,企業在提高現有員工技能方面面臨新的挑戰,因為雲端的採用需要特定的技能和知識來確保有效遷移到新平台。
  • 連接網路的用戶數量迅速增加,小型企業和雲端服務供應商數量不斷增加,正在為整個全部區域創造巨大的成長機會。據阿拉伯聯合大公國電信監管局(UAE)稱,截至今年3月,阿拉伯聯合大公國寬頻網路用戶數約為367萬人。


  • 混合雲端技術在業界已經達到了很高的成熟度,讓客戶在混合環境中運行工作負載,同時利用雲端而不中斷業務(例如AWS Outpost、Azure Stack、Google Anthos等)。近年來,雲端平台正在支援新的複雜經營模式,並在全球範圍內組織更整合的網路。在雲端上部署儲存解決方案可以提高便利性並降低整體擁有成本,因為服務供應商負責提供最長的執行時間、資料安全性和定期更新。
  • 透過將資料移近客戶來減少延遲的需求,以及要求資料在不同地區本地儲存的政府和企業法規,預計將推動中東和非洲的雲端儲存成長。該地區部署複雜雲端基礎架構的公司需要能夠快速儲存、搜尋、處理和分析大量業務關鍵資料的系統。由於這種需求,中東和非洲的許多企業正在從基於 SATA 的 SSD 轉向基於 NVMe 的 SSD 作為主儲存。最新的 NVMe SSD 具有快取功能。資料中心產業正在迅速擴張,並且越來越注重效率和最大運作。
  • 此外,雲端還充當 IT 轉型的催化劑,讓您可以靈活地將您的首選雲端與現有的本地基礎設施按照最適合您工作負載的比例進行混合和匹配。據Cisco稱,今年中東和非洲的雲端流量預計將達到 304Exabyte。
  • 此外,對成本最佳化和業務敏捷性的日益關注也導致了雲端資料中心的擴張。雲端服務還可以輕鬆適應不斷變化的條件,以滿足新的要求。這使得客戶公司能夠專注於他們的核心競爭力,進而帶來整體成長。
  • 非結構化資料每年成長超過 50%,託管服務供應商正在轉向雲端儲存作為領先商機。對儲存管理的需求持續成長。先進技術的發展促使公司專注於更新其儲存系統以跟上競爭的步伐。混合雲端就是這樣一種趨勢,將顯著促進市場成長。然而,安全和資料傳輸對更多網路頻寬的需求可能會為市場發展帶來挑戰。


中東和非洲 SSD 快取市場因英特爾公司、三星電子、美光科技公司、西部數據公司和 QNAP 系統公司等主要企業的存在而得到鞏固。市場參與企業正在採取夥伴關係、併購、創新和收購等策略來增強其產品供應並獲得永續的競爭優勢。

2022 年 11 月,運算、網路和儲存解決方案的創新者 QNAP Systems, Inc. 推出了高效能 TVS-hx74 QuTS Hero NAS 系列。該系列包括4盤位TVS-h474、6盤位TVS-h674和8盤位TVS-h874型號,均配備第12代Intel多核心/多執行緒處理器。 TVS-hx74 運行基於 ZFS 的 QuTS Hero 作業系統,可確保資料完整性並實現內聯重複資料刪除和壓縮、近乎無限的簡介以及即時 SnapSync。可靠的 TVS-hx74 為儲存、備份、虛擬和應用伺服器等業務應用提供 PCIe Gen 4(傳輸速度高達 Gen3 的 2 倍)可擴充性、M.2 NVMe SSD 快取和 2.5GbE 網路。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 評估 COVID-19 對產業的影響


  • 採用市場動態
  • 市場促進因素
    • SSD 相對於傳統 HDD 的改進
    • 雲端儲存需求推動市場成長
  • 市場問題
    • SSD高產品成本與低時延的矛盾

第6章 市場細分

  • 目的
    • 企業儲存
    • 個人儲存

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Intel Corporation
    • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • Micron Technology Inc.
    • Western Digital Corporation
    • QNAP Systems Inc.
    • NetApp Inc.
    • Kioxia(Toshiba Memory Corporation)
    • SK Hynix Inc.
    • ADATA Technology Co. Ltd
    • Seagate Technology LLC
    • Transcend Information Inc.
    • Inspur Group
    • Microsemi(Microchip Technology Inc.)



Product Code: 56570

The Middle East and Africa SSD Caching Market is expected to register a CAGR of 7.89% during the forecast period.

Middle East and Africa SSD Caching - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • SSD Caching requires a combination of an SSD drive and associated software to work properly. Because SSD drives are expensive, they are used with regular hard drives to improve performance efficiency. The market is constantly expanding, with businesses implementing these solutions to save costs and enhance productivity. Organizations should examine massive data sets obtained from diverse data sources. SSD solutions simplify the process without requiring a large investment in high-powered drives and solutions.
  • SSDs based on NAND flash memory is ideal for Big Data applications because they provide ultra-fast storage performance and a quick return on investment. SSDs can be used as host cache, network cache, all-SSD storage arrays, or as the SSD layer in hybrid storage arrays.
  • According to OECD, the external financial flows to African economies and its population are increasing. In terms of employment, growth has been increasing, but the rate of job creation remains slow. According to the Internet World Stats, as of December last year, the number of internet users in Africa is 601.32 million, and 205.02 million in the Middle East.
  • SSD drives are costly; hence a combination of them needs to be used with traditional hard drives to enhance performance efficiency. The market is still growing, and many enterprises are deploying these solutions to cut costs and improve efficiency. These enterprises must analyze huge data sets coming from various data sources. SSD solutions simplify the task without investing too much in high-powered drives and solutions.
  • The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a significant effect on the market. The raw materials supply is affected. Hence the value chain is disrupted, causing an inflationary risk on products. The supply chain gap is projected to narrow as the electronics supply chains in China and South Korea recover after the pandemic.

MEA SSD Caching Market Trends

Enterprise Storage Expected to Hold Major Share

  • Servers are typically configured with banks of hard disc drives (HDD) or connected to storage area networks (SANs), which are large banks of hard drives. In the business storage network, improvements in server technology caused an I/O performance gap. SSD-based caching closes the I/O performance gap by lowering I/O latency and enhancing IOPS performance. Server-based caching does not necessitate storage array upgrades or the installation of any other appliances in the data path of important networks. SSD caching in servers effectively reduces the requirement for storage networks and arrays by servicing large percentages of the I/O demand of important servers at the network edge. This decrease in demand improves storage performance for other associated servers, potentially extending the storage infrastructure's useful life.
  • In a corporate environment, SSD caching stores previously requested data as it passes through the network, allowing it to be retrieved fast when needed. Placing previously requested material in temporary storage lessens the demand on an enterprise's bandwidth and speeds up access to the most up-to-date information. Enterprise SSDs store data permanently or momentarily cache data in nonvolatile semiconductor memory. NAND flash memory is used in these SSDs, providing better performance and less power than spinning HDDs. SSD caching is becoming more important as the demand for computing speed rises across various industries in the MEA region. As a result, many companies have entered the SSD cache market. This resulted in a decrease in the cost of SSD caches.
  • Data-center applications in various businesses are processing an expanding volume of data sets. The page cache's caching impact is hampered by its low capacity. Compared to hard discs and DRAM, emerging flash-based SSDs provide lower latency and costs. As a result, SSD-based caching is commonly used in data centers. According to the worldwide cloud index, data center traffic has increased data storage requirements. Because of its high-performance features, the high-traffic data center will increase demand for SSD caching. SSD caching allows data centers and cloud computing environments to host more users and complete more transactions per second by accelerating input/output operations per second (IOPs) and reducing latency.
  • Maintaining investments, on the other hand, is the most difficult task. Due to the pandemic, company and customer workloads have increased dramatically, necessitating a careful balance between protecting existing investments and buying the appropriate cloud storage to meet the increasing demand. Furthermore, organizations have faced additional problems upskilling their current workforces, as cloud adoption necessitates certain skills and knowledge to ensure effective migrations to new platforms.
  • The rapid expansion of Internet-connected users and an expanding number of SMEs and cloud service suppliers has created tremendous growth opportunities across the region, where interconnection bandwidth is accelerating due to strong demand. According to Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (UAE), as of March this year, there were around 3.67 million broadband internet subscriptions in the United Arab Emirates.

Demand for the Cloud Storage Driving the Market Growth

  • Hybrid cloud technologies have reached a high level of maturity in the industry, allowing clients to operate workloads in a hybrid environment while guaranteeing that they are exploiting the cloud without disrupting business operations (e.g., AWS Outpost, Azure Stack & Google Anthos). Cloud platforms enabled new, complex business models and have been orchestrating more global-based integration networks in recent years. The deployment of storage solutions over the cloud offers greater convenience, as the service vendor is solely responsible for providing maximum uptime, data security, and periodic updates, thus, decreasing the total cost of ownership.
  • The need to reduce latency by moving data closer to the customer and governmental and business regulations for data to be kept locally within different areas are projected to drive growth in cloud storage in the MEA region. Enterprises in the region installing complex cloud infrastructures want systems that can quickly store, retrieve, process, and analyze large amounts of business-critical data. As a result of this demand, many firms in the Middle East and Africa are switching from SATA-based SSDs to NVMe-based SSDs for primary storage. The latest NVMe SSDs include caching capabilities. The data center sector is rapidly expanding, with a greater emphasis on efficiency and maximum uptime.
  • In addition, the cloud acts as a catalyst for IT transformation, providing the flexibility to combine the preferred clouds and existing on-premises infrastructure in the ratio best suited for the workload. According to Cisco Systems, This year, cloud traffic in the Middle East and Africa would amount to an estimated 304 exabytes.
  • Furthermore, the rising focus on cost optimization and business agility has led to the expansion of cloud data centers. Also, cloud services adapt easily to the changing landscape to meet new requirements. This allows the client organization to focus on its core competency, which, in turn, results in its overall growth.
  • With unstructured data expanding by more than 50% annually, managed service providers are looking at cloud storage as an upfront revenue opportunity. The greater need for storage control further augmented this. The foray into advanced technologies prompts companies to emphasize updating their storage system to match the competition. The hybrid cloud is one such trend that significantly boosts the market growth. However, security and the need for more network bandwidth for data transfer can challenge the development of the market.

MEA SSD Caching Industry Overview

The SSD Caching Market in the Middle East and Africa is consolidated with the presence of key players like Intel Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, Micron Technology Inc., Western Digital Corporation, and QNAP Systems Inc. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships, mergers, innovations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

In November 2022: QNAP Systems, Inc., a computing, networking, and storage solution innovator, launched the high-performance TVS-hx74 QuTS hero NAS series, which includes the 4-bay TVS-h474, 6-bay TVS-h674, and 8-bay TVS-h874 models, all of which feature 12th Gen Intel, multi-core/multi-thread processors. The TVS-hx74, which runs the ZFS-based QuTS hero operating system, assures data integrity and enables inline data deduplication and compression, near-infinite snapshots, and real-time SnapSync. The dependable TVS-hx74 handles tough business difficulties in storage, backup, virtualization, and application servers with PCIe Gen 4 (up to twice the transmission speed of Gen 3) expandability, M.2 NVMe SSD caching, and 2.5GbE networking.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of COVID-19 Impact on the Industry


  • 5.1 Introduction to Market Dynamics
  • 5.2 Market Drivers
    • 5.2.1 Improvements Offered by SSDs Over Conventional HDDs
    • 5.2.2 Demand for the Cloud Storage Driving the Market Growth
  • 5.3 Market Challenges
    • 5.3.1 High Cost of Products and Inconsistency regarding Low-rate Latency by SSDs


  • 6.1 Application
    • 6.1.1 Enterprise Storage
    • 6.1.2 Personal Storage


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Intel Corporation
    • 7.1.2 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.3 Micron Technology Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Western Digital Corporation
    • 7.1.5 QNAP Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.6 NetApp Inc.
    • 7.1.7 Kioxia (Toshiba Memory Corporation)
    • 7.1.8 SK Hynix Inc.
    • 7.1.9 ADATA Technology Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.10 Seagate Technology LLC
    • 7.1.11 Transcend Information Inc.
    • 7.1.12 Inspur Group
    • 7.1.13 Microsemi (Microchip Technology Inc.)