

In Mold Labels - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 110 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




套模標籤市場規模預計到 2025 年將達到 12.1 億美元,到 2030 年將達到 15.5 億美元,預測期內(2025-2030 年)複合年成長率為 5.09%。



  • 與其他方法相比,套模貼標為使用者提供了更廣泛的裝飾選擇。這些標籤經久耐用,可在運輸過程中耐受粗暴搬運和磨損,非常適合需要堅固包裝的產品。高品質印刷可實現複雜的設計和鮮豔的色彩,並在整個產品生命週期中保持完整。多種外觀和紋理選項使製造商能夠創造出在商店上脫穎而出的獨特且有吸引力的包裝。套模貼標還允許快速更改設計,這對於季節性或促銷包裝的更改特別有利。
  • 此外,該方法透過將貼標籤製程合併到容器製造中來減少製造時間和成本。無需單獨的貼標步驟,確保清潔並降低污染風險。此外,套模貼標非常環保,因為它通常使用可回收材料,並且比傳統貼標方法產生的廢棄物更少。
  • 消費者對精美包裝的日益偏好正在推動市場成長。色彩繽紛、美觀、無標籤的消費品提供了利潤豐厚的行銷機會,並可作為實用的品牌工具。因此,越來越多的製造商採用套模標籤進行產品包裝,提振了市場的正面前景。與壓敏貼標和套標貼標等傳統方法相比,套模貼標具有多種優勢,包括增強的耐用性、卓越的抗損壞性和改善的視覺吸引力。
  • 這些標籤具有彈性、防水性,並且可以承受濕度和極端溫度變化。套模標籤在使用後表現出卓越的抗衝擊、耐磨和刮痕能力。此外,這些標籤有助於納入補充產品資訊並提高公司的品牌聲譽。化工、食品飲料和製藥等行業需要高品質且具成本效益的標籤,進一步推動市場擴張。
  • 隨著各地區和細分市場探索套模貼標 (IML) 技術的眾多優勢,其潛力不斷擴大。推動這一成長的是 IML 提供耐用、高品質標籤的能力,這些標籤在製造過程中無縫整合到包裝中。根據其對本地業務和接近性客戶的承諾,中冶集團將在巴西聖保羅附近的盧韋拉建立一個新的 IML 生產設施。此次策略擴張預計將加強我們與區域客戶的關係,並以高效、永續的方式為他們提供高品質的 IML 標籤。
  • 這個新設施將加快交貨時間、降低運輸成本並提高對當地市場需求的應對力。全球領先的標籤公司 MCC 於 2024 年 7 月在巴西盧韋拉推出了IML 生產工廠。這項投資顯示了中冶集團對不斷成長的巴西市場的信心以及支持各地區行業包裝需求的承諾。
  • 由於生產成本上升和原料價格上漲,套模標籤市場面臨重大挑戰。這些因素可能會對製造商的利潤率帶來壓力並減緩市場擴張。套模製程中使用的塑膠、樹脂和其他重要材料的成本上漲可能會迫使公司承擔這些成本或將其轉嫁給消費者,從而可能影響需求。
  • 此外,有關特定材料標籤要求的政府法規因地區而異,也限制了市場的成長。這些不同的標準和合規措施正在影響標籤解決方案在全球市場的擴張。



  • 由於包裝美觀的重要性,預計飲料行業將廣泛採用套模標籤。正確的包裝有助於延長產品的保存期限並吸引潛在客戶。套模貼標具有多種優勢,包括耐用性、耐濕氣和溫度變化以及與容器的無縫整合。該技術可以將高品質、逼真的圖像直接融入包裝中,從而提高品牌知名度和產品吸引力。此外,從長遠來看,套模貼標可以消除單獨貼標步驟和材料的需要,從而降低包裝成本。
  • 飲料包裝中的套模貼標容器有幾個優點。設計靈活性使製造商能夠創造出獨特且引人注目的包裝解決方案。這些容器透過將高品質圖形直接融入包裝中來增強產品的美感。 IML 技術消除了與單獨的貼標流程和設備相關的額外成本。此外,IML 容器非常環保,因為它們通常使用可回收材料,並且不需要使用黏合劑。
  • 此外,IML 容器可實現獨特的形狀和設計,並帶有環繞式標籤,打造出在商店上脫穎而出的獨特最終產品。這種包裝方法還提高了耐用性和防潮性,使其適合各種飲料類型和儲存條件。
  • 套模標籤由夾在兩層聚丙烯之間的高阻隔材料組成。這種結構提供了出色的保護,使套模標籤適合飲料行業。此標籤可防止水分和氣體的傳播,從而延長碳酸飲料和果汁等產品的保存期限。多層結構也提高了耐用性和對環境因素的抵抗力,確保產品資訊和品牌在整個產品生命週期中保持完整。
  • 飲料產業,尤其是新興市場的飲料產業,是套模標籤採用的主要動力。 2023年,中國即飲飲料市場價值為171億美元,預計2027年將達230億美元。飲料市場的成長預計將推動該類別套模標籤的需求。消費者對便利性和行動消費的偏好推動了對包裝飲料的需求,並推動了對高品質、耐用的標籤解決方案(如模內標籤)的需求。
  • 此外,套模貼標在生產效率和永續性具有優勢。標籤在成型時貼上,無需單獨貼標操作並降低包裝成本。這種整合方法還最大限度地減少了材料廢棄物和能源消耗,符合飲料行業對永續包裝解決方案的日益重視。
  • 由於對環保高性能標籤的需求不斷增加以及製造技術的改進,套模標籤(IML)市場正在不斷成長。在飲料業,對包裝品牌產品的需求正在加速 IML 的採用。 IML 在軟性飲料和酒精飲料行業尤其受到重視,因為它具有視覺吸引力、耐用性和防偽功能等優點。


  • 對創新、個人化和高品質標籤的需求預計將受到套模標籤可用的廣泛客製化選項以及亞太地區最終用戶行業不斷成長的需求的推動。這些客製化選項使製造商能夠創造出獨特、引人注目的設計,並幫助他們的產品在商店中脫穎而出。隨著消費者越來越喜歡具有獨特包裝的產品,許多公司正在投資先進的標籤技術。
  • 此外,可支配收入的增加和生活方式的改變也促進了這一趨勢。隨著亞洲消費者經歷經濟成長,他們願意花更多錢購買包裝精美的奢侈品。消費行為的這些變化促使品牌專注於增強產品展示,包括使用高品質標籤。生活方式的改變,尤其是在都市區,也更加重視產品包裝的便利性和美觀性,進一步增加了對複雜標籤解決方案的需求。
  • 印度、中國、印尼和馬來西亞等新興經濟體為包裝產業提供了巨大的成長機會。隨著對各種包裝產品的需求增加,這些國家人均可支配收入的成長正在推動產業的顯著成長。這種趨勢在都市區尤其明顯,生活方式和消費模式的變化有利於方便的即食產品。
  • 此外,這些國家不斷壯大的中產階級對奢侈品和品牌商品的需求不斷增加,進一步推動了包裝產業的發​​展。這些經濟體電子商務和零售業的成長也導致對創新和永續標籤解決方案的需求不斷成長。隨著這些國家不斷工業化和都市化,包裝產業預計將在支持經濟發展和滿足不斷變化的消費者需求方面發揮關鍵作用。
  • 印度的標籤產業顯示出巨大的成長潛力,主要是由於各種產品類型的包裝解決方案的需求不斷成長。對高品質、高效貼標設備的需求正在推動貼標機械產業的擴張。
  • 此外,政府努力提高消費者對準確標籤的認知,也支持了產業的成長。該行業的公司注重技術創新以滿足市場需求。例如,2024 年 3 月,印度包裝行業的主要企業Mold-Tek Packaging Limited 安裝了一台帶有底漆和上光站的 Durst RSCi 510 mm 印刷機,以增強我投資的套模標籤的數位印刷能力。
  • 消費品(FMCG)是印度經濟的第四個部門。印度的快速消費品由三個主要部分組成:食品和飲料、家居用品和醫療保健。這些細分市場包括各種高需求產品且周轉率很高。
  • 2020年,中國快消品市場規模達1,100億美元。這一重大估值反映了該行業在印度經濟狀況中的重要性及其對該國 GDP 的重大貢獻。快速消費品市場的成長動力是都市化的加快、可支配收入的增加以及消費者偏好的變化。 2027年市場規模預計將達6,150億美元。這一顯著的成長預測證實了印度快速消費品產業的巨大潛力。人口成長、農村地區消費增加以及現代零售業態的採用預計將刺激市場擴張。
  • 快速消費品市場的擴張將對包裝和標籤的需求產生重大影響。該行業的成長直接轉化為對包裝解決方案的需求增加,因為快速消費品需要有吸引力且資訊豐富的包裝才能在零售貨架上脫穎而出。這一趨勢為該地區的各種包裝技術(包括套模標籤)帶來了巨大的機會。


套模標示市場的競爭格局較為分散。由於主要企業的存在,市場內參與者之間的企業間競爭非常激烈,例如:然而,Innovia Films (CCL Industries)、Multi-Color Corporation 和 Orianaa Decorpackand 透過廣泛的研發和擴張策略擁有更強大的市場足跡。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買家/消費者的議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對關係的強度
  • 產業價值鏈分析


  • 市場促進因素
    • 隨著終端用戶產業的不斷成長,新興經濟體越來越關注標籤解決方案
    • 塑造標籤市場的永續性趨勢
  • 市場限制因素
    • 高生產成本和原物料價格上漲抑制市場成長
    • 每個地區有關特定材料標籤解決方案的政府法規限制了市場成長

第6章 市場細分

  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 食物
    • 飲料
    • 化妝品
    • 家居用品
    • 藥品
    • 其他最終用戶產業
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞洲
    • 澳洲/紐西蘭
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Innovia Films(CCL Industries)
    • Multi-Color Corporation
    • Orianaa Decorpack
    • Letra Graphix Pvt. Ltd
    • Taghleef Industries
    • Inland Label and Marketing Services LLC
    • Cosmo Films
    • Nissha Metallizing Solutions


第9章 市場機會及未來趨勢

Product Code: 68035

The In Mold Labels Market size is estimated at USD 1.21 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 1.55 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.09% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

In Mold Labels - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • In-mold labeling gives users a broader range of decorative options than other methods. These labels are durable and resistant to rough handling and scuffing during transportation, making them ideal for products that require robust packaging. They offer high-quality printing capabilities, allowing for intricate designs and vibrant colors that remain intact throughout the product's lifecycle. The diverse appearance and texture options enable manufacturers to create unique, appealing packaging that stands out on store shelves. In-mold labeling also allows for quick design modifications, which is particularly beneficial for seasonal or promotional packaging changes.
  • Additionally, this method reduces production time and costs by integrating the labeling process into the container's manufacturing. The process maintains cleanliness by eliminating the need for separate labeling steps, reducing the risk of contamination. Furthermore, in-mold labeling is environmentally friendly, as it often uses recyclable materials and produces less waste than traditional labeling methods.
  • Consumers' rising preference for attractive packaging drives market growth. Colorful, aesthetically pleasing, no-label consumer goods offer lucrative marketing opportunities and serve as practical branding tools. Consequently, manufacturers are increasingly adopting in-mold labels for product packaging, bolstering the market's positive outlook. In-mold labeling boasts several advantages over traditional methods like pressure-sensitive or sleeve labeling, including enhanced durability, superior damage resistance, and heightened visual appeal.
  • These labels are resilient, waterproof, and capable of withstanding humidity and extreme temperature fluctuations. Once affixed, in-mold labels demonstrate remarkable resistance to impact, abrasion, and scratching. Additionally, these labels facilitate the inclusion of supplementary product information, bolstering a company's brand reputation. The demand for high-quality yet cost-effective labels across industries like chemicals, food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals further fuels the market's expansion.
  • The potential of in-mold labeling (IML) technology continues to expand as regions and market segments explore its numerous benefits. This growth is driven by IML's ability to provide durable, high-quality labels seamlessly integrated into the packaging during manufacturing. In line with its commitment to local presence and customer proximity, MCC is establishing a new IML production facility in Louveira, near Sao Paulo, Brazil. This strategic expansion is expected to strengthen relationships with regional customers, providing them with high-quality IML labels efficiently and sustainably.
  • The new facility will enable faster turnaround times, reduced shipping costs, and improved responsiveness to local market demands. In July 2024, MCC, a leading global label company, launched its IML production plant in Louveira, Brazil, scheduled to open in early 2025. This investment demonstrates MCC's confidence in the growing Brazilian market and its commitment to supporting the packaging needs of various regional industries.
  • The in-mold labels market faces significant challenges due to escalating production costs and increasing prices of raw materials. These factors may pressure manufacturers' profit margins and potentially slow market expansion. The rising costs of plastics, resins, and other essential materials used in the in-mold process are forcing companies to either absorb these expenses or pass them on to consumers, potentially affecting demand.
  • Additionally, government regulations concerning specific material labeling requirements across different regions pose constraints on market growth. These varying standards and compliance measures impact the expansion of labeling solutions in the global market.

In Mold Labels Market Trends

The Beverage Industry is Expected to Hold the Largest Share of the Market

  • The beverage industry is expected to widely adopt in-mold labeling due to the importance of packaging aesthetics. Adequate packaging helps extend product shelf life and attracts potential customers. In-mold labeling offers several advantages, including durability, resistance to moisture and temperature changes, and seamless integration with the container. This technology allows for high-quality, photorealistic images to be incorporated directly into the packaging, enhancing brand visibility and product appeal. Additionally, in-mold labeling can reduce packaging costs in the long run by eliminating the need for separate labeling processes and materials.
  • In-mold labeled containers in beverage packaging offer several advantages. They provide design flexibility, allowing manufacturers to create unique, eye-catching packaging solutions. These containers enhance product aesthetics by integrating high-quality graphics directly into the packaging material. IML technology reduces additional costs associated with separate labeling processes and equipment. Furthermore, IML containers are environmentally friendly, as they often use recyclable materials and eliminate the need for adhesives.
  • Additionally, IML containers allow for unique shapes and designs with wrap-around labels, creating distinctive end products that stand out on store shelves. This packaging method also offers improved durability and resistance to moisture, making it suitable for various beverage types and storage conditions.
  • In-mold labels comprise a high-barrier material layer between two polypropylene layers. This structure provides excellent protection, making in-mold labels suitable for the beverage industry. The labels enhance the shelf life of products such as carbonated soft drinks and juices by preventing moisture and gas permeation. The multi-layer construction also offers improved durability and resistance to environmental factors, ensuring that product information and branding remain intact throughout the product's lifecycle.
  • The beverage industry, especially in emerging markets, has been a significant driver for in-mold label adoption. In 2023, China's ready-to-drink beverage market was valued at USD 17.1 billion, with projections indicating it will reach USD 23 billion by 2027. This growth in the beverage market is expected to drive the demand for in-mold labels in this category. Consumer preference for convenience and on-the-go consumption has increased the demand for packaged beverages, fueling the need for high-quality, durable labeling solutions like in-mold labels.
  • Additionally, in-mold labeling offers advantages in production efficiency and sustainability. The labels are applied during molding, eliminating the need for separate labeling operations and reducing packaging costs. This integrated approach also minimizes material waste and energy consumption, aligning with the growing emphasis on sustainable packaging solutions in the beverage industry.
  • The in-mold labels (IML) market is growing due to increased demand for eco-friendly, high-performance labels and improved manufacturing technologies. The beverage industry is adopting IML at a faster rate, driven by the need for packaged and branded products. IML offers benefits such as visual appeal, durability, and anti-counterfeiting features, making it particularly valuable in the soft drink and alcoholic beverage industries.

Asia-Pacific is Expected to Register the Fastest Growth Rate

  • The demand for innovative, personalized, and high-quality labels is expected to be driven by the extensive customization options available for in-mold labels and the rising demand from end-user industries in Asia-Pacific. These customization options allow manufacturers to create unique, eye-catching designs to help products stand out on store shelves. The increasing consumer preference for products with distinctive packaging has led many companies to invest in advanced labeling technologies.
  • Furthermore, the increasing disposable income and changing lifestyles are also contributing to this trend. As Asian consumers experience economic growth, they are more willing to spend on premium products with attractive packaging. This shift in consumer behavior has prompted brands to focus on enhancing their product presentation, including using high-quality labels. The changing lifestyles, particularly in urban areas, have also emphasized convenience and aesthetics in product packaging, further driving the demand for sophisticated labeling solutions.
  • Developing economies like India, China, Indonesia, and Malaysia present substantial growth opportunities for the packaging industry. The rising per capita and disposable incomes in these countries drive significant industry growth as the demand for various packaged products increases. This trend is particularly evident in urban areas, where changing lifestyles and consumption patterns favor convenience and ready-to-eat products.
  • Additionally, the expanding middle class in these nations is fueling demand for premium and branded goods, further boosting the packaging industry. The growth of the e-commerce and retail industries in these economies also contributes to the increased need for innovative and sustainable label solutions. As these countries continue to industrialize and urbanize, the packaging industry is expected to play a crucial role in supporting economic development and meeting evolving consumer needs.
  • The labeling industry in India shows significant growth potential, primarily due to increasing demand for packaging solutions across various product categories. The need for high-quality, efficient labeling equipment fuels the expansion of the labeling machine industry.
  • Additionally, government initiatives to raise consumer awareness about accurate labeling are supporting the industry's growth. Companies in this industry are focusing on innovation to meet market demands. For example, in March 2024, Mold-Tek Packaging Limited, a prominent player in the Indian packaging industry, invested in a Durst RSCi 510 mm press with priming and varnishing stations to enhance digital printing capabilities for in-mold labels.
  • Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) is the fourth largest sector in the Indian economy. India's FMCG landscape comprises three main segments, namely food and beverage, household and personal care, and healthcare. These segments encompass a wide range of high-demand products and have a rapid turnover rate.
  • In 2020, the country's FMCG market was valued at USD 110 billion. This substantial valuation reflects the sector's importance in India's economic landscape and its significant contribution to the country's GDP. The FMCG market's growth is driven by increasing urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and changing consumer preferences. In 2027, the market is expected to be valued at USD 615 billion. This remarkable growth forecast underscores the immense potential of the Indian FMCG sector. The expansion is likely to be fueled by population growth, increased rural consumption, and the adoption of modern retail formats.
  • This expanding FMCG market significantly impacts the demand for packaging and labeling. As FMCG products require attractive and informative packaging to stand out on retail shelves, the growth in this sector directly translates to increased demand for packaging solutions. This trend creates substantial opportunities for various packaging technologies, including in-mold labeling, in the region.

In Mold Labels Industry Overview

The competitive landscape of the in-mold labels market is fragmented. The competitive rivalry among the players in the market is high owing to the presence of some key players such as Innovia Films (CCL Industries), Multi-Color Corporation, and Orianaa Decorpackand. However, these players have a stronger market footprint through extensive research and development and expansion strategies.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increased Focus on Label Solutions in Developing Economies with Growing End-user Industries
    • 5.1.2 Sustainability Trends Reshaping the Label Market
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Production Costs and Rising Raw Material Prices Constrain Market Growth
    • 5.2.2 Government Regulations Regarding Specific Material Labeling Solutions in Various Regions Restrict the Market's Growth


  • 6.1 By End-user Industry
    • 6.1.1 Food
    • 6.1.2 Beverage
    • 6.1.3 Cosmetics
    • 6.1.4 Household Care
    • 6.1.5 Pharmaceuticals
    • 6.1.6 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.2 By Geography
    • 6.2.1 North America
    • 6.2.2 Europe
    • 6.2.3 Asia
    • 6.2.4 Australia and New Zealand
    • 6.2.5 Latin America
    • 6.2.6 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Innovia Films (CCL Industries)
    • 7.1.2 Multi-Color Corporation
    • 7.1.3 Orianaa Decorpack
    • 7.1.4 Letra Graphix Pvt. Ltd
    • 7.1.5 Taghleef Industries
    • 7.1.6 Inland Label and Marketing Services LLC
    • 7.1.7 Cosmo Films
    • 7.1.9 Nissha Metallizing Solutions
    • 7.1.10 ITC PACKAGING SLU