

North America Human Machine Interface - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




北美人機介面市場規模預計到 2025 年為 12.9 億美元,預計到 2030 年將達到 19.9 億美元,預測期內(2025-2030 年)複合年成長率為 9.11%。


市場成長的關鍵驅動力是整個製造業擴大採用工業自動化。此外,對智慧自動化解決方案的需求不斷成長、工業物聯網 (IIoT) 技術的進步以及對製造設備監控和效率的需求迅速成長等其他因素也對市場成長做出了重大貢獻。


  • 該地區的製造商被認為是工業 4.0 最熱衷的採用者之一。物聯網和巨量資料等先進技術的業務優勢正在推動北美製造商擴大將物聯網技術整合到其流程中。此外,該地區中小型企業(SME)數量的不斷增加以及各大公司製造業數位化的提高也支持了該地區製造業市場物聯網的成長。因此,該地區的公司正在加大工業 4.0 營運的力度,預計這將推動該地區的需求。
  • 工業過程自動化的需求正在穩步成長。市場見證了自動化產業的顯著成長,推動了人機介面 (HMI) 產品的需求。 HMI 有助於提高使用者效率並保護資料。引進這些產品的高昂初始成本對市場成長構成了挑戰。此外,HMI不僅限於製造業。它們擴大應用於各種行業,包括能源、醫療和國防。
  • 人機介面與可程式邏輯控制器(PLC)和輸入/輸出感測器通訊,以獲取並顯示使用者可以查看的資訊。 HMI 螢幕可用於執行其他操作,例如追蹤和監視或控制機器。
  • 以前,操作員必須不斷地在地板上走動以檢查機器的進展並將其記錄在白板或紙上以供以後參考。透過允許PLC將即時資訊直接髮送到HMI顯示器上,HMI技術很大程度上消除了這種手動和過時的做法,消除了一些因缺乏資訊或人為錯誤而導致的問題。
  • 此外,HMI 還可以最佳化工業流程,因為它們允許資料數位化並集中顯示給檢視者。 HMI 允許操作員以圖表、圖形和數位儀表板的形式顯示重要資訊和資料。此外,您還可以透過一個主機查看和管理警報並連接到 MES 和 SCADA 系統。



  • 近年來,汽車工業取得了長足的進步。 ADAS(進階駕駛輔助系統)變得越來越重要。此外,該細分市場的客戶對功能齊全的車輛的要求越來越高,以便他們能夠更好地控制自己的車輛。
  • 此外,隨著時間的推移,資訊娛樂系統也發生了巨大的變化,汽車公司主要為他們的汽車配備大型觸控螢幕。特斯拉、通用汽車和福特汽車等公司擴大在其汽車中添加這些功能,以吸引更多客戶。
  • 此外,特斯拉等各種汽車公司正在不斷開發自動駕駛汽車,這些汽車可以自行駕駛,同時告知乘客路線、交通狀況、速度等資訊。在這裡,HMI技術在為乘客提供即時資訊方面發揮著重要作用。
  • 現代汽車已經採用了多種互動方式,這在幾年前還是不可想像的。駕駛員使用免持 HMI 系統與車輛、其連接系統以及車輛環境進行互動。汽車設計的這些進步將推動 HMI 在汽車領域的採用。
  • 例如,2022 年 11 月,福特汽車公司宣布推出一款全新超高規格 Ranger Platinum 皮卡,其外觀細節和飾面增強了 Ranger 的獨特設計。 Ranger Platinum 是一款 5 人座雙駕駛室車型,搭載福特 3.0 升 V6 渦輪柴油引擎。
  • 此外,近年來,智慧型手機和車輛 HMI 之間的協作在北美變得流行。 Apple CarPlay 和 Android Auto 可實現智慧型手機應用程式和車載顯示器之間的無縫整合,為駕駛員提供熟悉的介面。這最大限度地減少了使用車載系統的學習曲線,並促進了智慧型手機功能的安全使用。
  • 此外,具有自然語言處理功能的語音辨識系統允許駕駛員使用語音命令與汽車互動。這些系統正在不斷發展以理解上下文,從而允許更多的對話互動。駕駛者無需將手離開方向盤或眼睛注視路面即可調整設定、撥打電話和發送訊息。


  • 北美地區預計將迅速採用物聯網。這主要是由美國等國貢獻的。據GSMA稱,美國迫切需要開發物聯網計劃,據說這比其他國家更為重要。
  • 美國被認為是最早採用各種技術的國家之一。最近的世界事件促使許多重工業公司加速其數位轉型之旅,特別是在工程、採礦、石油和天然氣以及製造領域。
  • 此外,全球工業電腦硬體製造商和物聯網解決方案供應商OnLogic宣布計劃在佛蒙特州南伯靈頓開設佔地125,000平方英尺的新全球總部。這個新設施可以滿足公司不斷成長的生產需求,同時為當地團隊提供一個促進持續創新的環境。此外,這個耗資 5000 萬美元的計劃還將建造製造、測試、倉儲設施和所有其他業務,以支援該公司生產小型工業電腦。
  • 人機介面也向製造商描述了資產管理功能。即時資料和報告的準確性使管理員能夠更有效地規劃適合其企業的維護計劃。因此,越來越多的行業正在採用 HMI 來增強其資產管理能力。


北美人機介面(HMI)市場的特點是細分,有大量公司提供廣泛的硬體、軟體和相關服務。這些公司積極尋求策略夥伴關係、聯盟、產品開發和市場開發,以擴大基本客群並增加市場佔有率。該市場競爭激烈,ABB Ltd、羅克韋爾自動化公司、霍尼韋爾國際公司、西門子公司和施耐德電氣公司等主要企業紛紛進入市場。

2022 年 11 月,三菱電機宣布推出兩款新的圖形操作終端 (GOT),作為持續創新承諾的一部分。這些新發布的 GOT 是 GOT2,000 系列寬型型號的最新陣容。這些 GOT 專為滿足需要更大螢幕以在各種情況下實現更好的資料視覺化的客戶而設計,包括工廠、流程、公共產業和其他自動化應用。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 市場促進因素
    • 採用物聯網並轉向工業 4.0
    • 效率和資料安全的好處
  • 市場限制因素
    • 投資成本高
  • 價值鏈/供應鏈分析
  • 波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對關係的強度


  • 提供的表格
    • 硬體
    • 軟體
    • 服務
  • 最終用戶產業
    • 汽車工業
    • 飲食
    • 包裝
    • 製藥
    • 石油和天然氣
    • 金屬/礦業
    • 其他
  • 國家名稱
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大

第6章 競爭狀況

  • 公司簡介
    • ABB
    • Siemens
    • Schneider Electric Ltd
    • GE Ltd
    • Rockwell Automation, Inc.
    • Honeywell International Inc.
    • Panasonic Corporation
    • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
    • Omron Ltd
    • Eaton Corporation
    • Beijer Electronics, Inc.
    • Yokogawa Electric Corporation

第7章 投資分析


Product Code: 49121

The North America Human Machine Interface Market size is estimated at USD 1.29 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 1.99 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 9.11% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

North America Human Machine Interface - Market - IMG1

The key factor contributing to the growth of the market is the increasing adoption of industrial automation across the manufacturing sector. Moreover, other factors, such as the growing demand for smart automation solutions, advancements in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology, and the surging need to monitor and increase the efficiency of manufacturing units, are also significantly contributing to the growth of the market.

Key Highlights

  • The manufacturers in the region are considered to be one of the most fervent adopters of Industry 4.0. The operational benefits of advanced technologies, such as IoT and big data, have made North American manufacturers more inclined to integrate IoT technologies into their processes. Moreover, the growing number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region and increasing digitization in manufacturing by various large organizations have also propelled the growth of the IoT in the regional manufacturing market. Therefore, the increasing efforts of the companies in the region to move towards Industry 4.0 operations are expected to propel the demand in the region.
  • Demand for automating the industrial process has seen a steady increase. The market has seen significant growth in automation industries, facilitating the demand for Human Machine Interface (HMI) products. HMI helps increase the efficiency of the user and secures the data. The initial high cost associated with deploying such products acts as a challenge to the market's growth. Besides, HMIs are not limited to manufacturing enterprises. It is increasingly used by various enterprises operating in industry verticals like energy, healthcare, and defense.
  • Human-machine interfaces communicate with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and input/output sensors for obtaining and displaying information for the users to view. The HMI screens can be used for tracking and monitoring or performing other operations, such as controlling the machines.
  • Previously, operators were required to walk the floor constantly to review mechanical progress and record it on a whiteboard or a paper for future reference. By allowing PLCs to transmit real-time information straight on an HMI display, the HMI technology significantly eliminates the need for this manual and outdated practice, reducing several problems caused by lack of information or human error.
  • Further, HMIs optimize an industrial process as it allows digitization and centralization of data for a viewer. By leveraging HMI, operators can see crucial information and data displayed in charts, graphs, or digital dashboards. Further, it allows them to view and manage alarms and connect with MES and SCADA systems, all through one console.

North America Human Machine Interface Market Trends

Automotive is Expected to Hold Significant Share

  • The automotive industry has been witnessing significant advancements over the past several years. Increased emphasis is being given to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Moreover, customers in this segment increasingly demand feature-loaded vehicles that give them more control over the vehicle.
  • Additionally, infotainment systems have also witnessed drastic changes over time, with automotive companies increasingly providing large touch panels in vehicles, primarily cars, enabling the users to interact with the vehicle more efficiently. Companies such as Tesla, General Motors, and Ford Motor Company increasingly provide these features in their vehicles to attract more customers.
  • Moreover, various automotive companies, such as Tesla, are continuously developing autonomous vehicles that can drive by themselves while keeping the passengers informed about the routes, traffic conditions, speed, and other aspects. Herein, HMI technologies play a vital role in providing real-time information to passengers.
  • Modern vehicles already employ a variety of interaction methods that were inconceivable only a few years ago. Drivers use a hands-free HMI system to interact with their vehicle, connected systems within it, and the environment surrounding it. Such advancements in automotive designs promote the adoption of HMIs in the automotive segment.
  • For instance, in November 2022, Ford Motor Company announced the launch of a new ultra-high specification ranger platinum pickup with exterior detailing and finishes that enhance the Ranger's characterful design. Also, Ranger Platinum is available in five-seat, double cab specification and is powered by Ford's 3.0-liter V6 turbodiesel engine.
  • Also, in recent years, the integration of smartphones with vehicle HMIs has gained prominence in North America. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto allow seamless integration of smartphone apps with the car's display, providing familiar interfaces to drivers. This minimizes the learning curve for using in-car systems and promotes safer usage of smartphone features.
  • Furthermore, voice recognition systems, powered by natural language processing, enable drivers to interact with the vehicle using spoken commands. These systems have evolved to understand context, allowing for more conversational interactions. Drivers can adjust settings, make calls, and send messages, all while keeping their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.

United States To Hold The Largest Market Share

  • The North American region is expected to move towards adopting IoT in its operations quickly. This is majorly contributed by countries such as the US. According to the GSMA, the urgency to deploy IoT projects is significantly more substantial in the US than in other countries.
  • The US is considered to be an early adopter of various technologies. Many heavy industry companies are accelerating their digital transformation journeys due to recent global events, particularly in engineering, mining, oil & gas, and manufacturing fields.
  • Moreover, OnLogic, a global industrial computer hardware manufacturer and IoT solution provider, announced its plan to build a new 125,000-square-foot global headquarters in South Burlington, Vermont. The new facility accommodates the growing production needs of the company while also providing its local team with an environment fostering continued innovation. Moreover, the USD 50 million project aims to house manufacturing, testing, warehousing facilities, and all other business operations to support the production of the company's small form factor, industrial computers.
  • Human Machines Interfaces also provide manufacturers with asset management capabilities. Accuracy in real-time data and reports allows managers to be more efficient and make just the right maintenance plans for businesses. As such, industries are increasingly adopting HMIs to enhance their asset management capabilities.

North America Human Machine Interface Industry Overview

The North American human machine interface (HMI) market is characterized by fragmentation, as numerous companies offer a wide range of hardware, software, and related services. These companies actively pursue strategic partnerships, collaborations, product development, and geographic expansion to expand their customer base and enhance their market share. The market is highly competitive, with several prominent players, including ABB Ltd, Rockwell Automation Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Siemens AG, and Schneider Electric SE, among others.

In November 2022, Mitsubishi Electric introduced two new Graphic Operation Terminals (GOTs) as part of its ongoing commitment to innovation. These newly unveiled GOTs represent the latest additions to the GOT2000 Series Wide Model lineup. They have been specifically designed to cater to the needs of customers who require a larger screen for better data visualization in various contexts, including factory, process, utility, and other automation applications.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Adoption of IoT and Shift towards industry 4.0
    • 4.2.2 Benefits of Efficiency and Data Security
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 High Investment Cost
  • 4.4 Value Chain / Supply Chain Analysis
  • 4.5 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.5.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.5.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.5.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.5.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.5.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry


  • 5.1 Type of Offering
    • 5.1.1 Hardware
    • 5.1.2 Software
    • 5.1.3 Services
  • 5.2 End-User Industry
    • 5.2.1 Automotive
    • 5.2.2 Food and Beverage
    • 5.2.3 Packaging
    • 5.2.4 Pharmaceutical
    • 5.2.5 Oil and Gas
    • 5.2.6 Metal and Mining
    • 5.2.7 Other End-Users
  • 5.3 Country
    • 5.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 ABB
    • 6.1.2 Siemens
    • 6.1.3 Schneider Electric Ltd
    • 6.1.4 GE Ltd
    • 6.1.5 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
    • 6.1.6 Honeywell International Inc.
    • 6.1.7 Panasonic Corporation
    • 6.1.8 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
    • 6.1.9 Omron Ltd
    • 6.1.10 Eaton Corporation
    • 6.1.11 Beijer Electronics, Inc.
    • 6.1.12 Yokogawa Electric Corporation