
全球消費者識別及存取管理市場佔有率分析、行業趨勢和統計、成長預測(2025-2030 年)

Global Consumer Identity and Access Management - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




預測期內全球消費者識別及存取管理市場預計複合年成長率為 18.2%



  • 由於合規性要求、管理本地訪客等替代用戶群體的願望日益強烈以及對及時和安全訪問的關注,消費者識別及存取管理的需求正在迅速增加。您還可以管理員工、承包商、供應商等的身份驗證生命週期。
  • 當今世界日益數位化,幾乎所有商業交易都是以數位化方式進行的。這對於駭客來說有很大的吸引力。此外,資料外洩不僅是由駭客造成的,而且常常是由組織內有權存取網路或設備敏感部分的個人造成的。由於許多企業計劃增加資料安全預算,各個終端使用者群體對消費者識別及存取管理的需求正在成長
  • 此外,引入消費者識別及存取管理也是必要的,以保護系統免受詐欺的使用者等外部威脅。各種終端用戶產業,例如 BFSI、IT、電訊等,都具有擁有大量關鍵且高價值資訊和資產的特性。因此,這些最終用戶部門必須儘早意識到潛在威脅。
  • 此外,與消費者識別及存取管理相關的許多好處都圍繞著資料保護和網路安全。當組織部署消費者識別及存取管理系統時,會實施憑證管理的最佳實踐,透過要求員工頻繁更改密碼來消除這些問題和相關問題。
  • 然而,行動技術和雲端基礎服務的日益普及使得組織的業務流程變得更加靈活和更快回應。然而存取管理變得越來越複雜。此外,如果沒有適當採用創新的行動技術,企業客戶可能會面臨儲存在第三方和雲端服務中的資料安全方面的挑戰。這可能會阻礙市場成長。
  • 在新冠肺炎疫情期間,由於採取封鎖和嚴格措施來遏制病毒傳播,對線上業務的依賴顯著增加。各種終端用戶產業,如 BFSI、醫療保健、IT、電信等,都依賴網路生態系統提供消費者所需的服務。此外,在疫情期間,企業對消費者身分和存取管理系統的需求增加。


BFSI 部門預計將大幅成長

  • 銀行和其他金融機構 (BFSI) 受到越來越嚴格的審查,以確保它們採取了足夠的安全措施,尤其是在過去幾年發生多起備受矚目的資料外洩事件之後。此外,金融機構儲存了非常有價值的資料,其數位轉型努力增加了網路攻擊者存取這些資料的機會。
  • 例如,2022 年 2 月,房屋抵押貸款機構 Radius Financial Group 遭遇資料洩露,其伺服器遭到未授權存取,16,000 名客戶的個人資料被盜。此外,2022 年 4 月,T.A Square(現為 Block)遭遇資料洩露,影響了 820 萬名現任和前任員工。金融領域的這些資料外洩正在推動對消費者身分和存取管理解決方案的需求。
  • 此外,主要國家銀行詐騙的不斷增加推動了對更好的基礎設施和安全解決方案的需求,從而增加了 BFSI 領域對消費者識別及存取管理系統的需求。例如,印度儲備銀行發布的資料顯示,印度的銀行詐騙案件數量從2017會計年度的5,076起增加到2021會計年度的7,400起。
  • 許多銀行和金融機構都認知到保護客戶委託給他們的寶貴而敏感的金融資產的重要性。因此,大多數組織都投資了先進的技術,以防止可能對收益、業務成本和聲譽產生負面影響的安全漏洞。消費者識別及存取管理解決方案可以為銀行和其他金融機構帶來意想不到的投資回報,並有助於保護收益。


  • 預計北美將在全球消費者識別及存取管理市場中佔據最大的市場佔有率,這得益於各個終端用戶領域對消費者身份和識別及存取管理解決方案的採用日益廣泛,以及微軟公司、Salesforce Inc.和Broadcom Inc.等幾家主要參與者在該地區提供安全和消費者識別及存取管理市場佔有率。
  • 此外,美國各終端產業的資料外洩事件不斷增加,進一步增加了該地區對消費者識別及存取管理解決方案的需求。此外,網路犯罪分子一直在尋找利用威脅的新方法,該地區各個終端用戶部門發生的一系列重大資料外洩事件再次證明了安全系統往往出奇地脆弱。
  • 例如,根據身分盜竊資源中心(ITRC)發布的報告,美國在2021年經歷了創紀錄的1,862起資料外洩事件。 2021 年資料外洩事件數量打破了 2017 年記錄的 1,506 起的紀錄,與 2020 年的 1,108 起相比增加了 68%。銀行、金融服務和保險業、醫療保健、商業和零售業等行業最容易受到攻擊,每年影響數百萬美國。
  • 此外,《格雷姆-里奇-比利雷法案》(GLB)等嚴格的政府法規在美國採用消費者識別及存取管理解決方案方面發揮關鍵作用。該法案要求證券公司和金融機構實施嚴格的法規,透過建立評估資料風險和防範威脅的計畫來保護消費者資料的隱私。
  • 該地區對消費者識別及存取管理解決方案的需求日益成長,主要參與者都在努力搶佔更多的市場佔有率。例如,2021年11月,網路安全巨頭GBG宣布收購其前競爭對手Acuant。此次合併將使兩家產業巨頭合併為一個組織。收購 Acuant 將使 GBG 進一步擴展到美國全球最大且具有戰略意義最重要的位置、身分和詐騙服務市場。


全球消費者識別及存取管理市場似乎被分割開來,有許多參與企業。此外,頂級公司在研發方面的投資和資金籌措迅速增加,以推出消費者身分和存取管理市場產品的有效解決方案,從而加劇了全球市場的競爭。消費者識別及存取管理領域的全球領先公司包括微軟公司、博通公司、Salesforce 公司和 IBM 公司。

  • 2022 年 6 月-Verisk 企業與消費者身分管理專家 Infutor 今天宣布推出 Infutor Identity Resolution。該內建應用程式原生豐富並啟動來自 Snowflake 資料雲的第一方資料。 Infutor Identity Resolution 應用程式使用 Snowflake 的原生應用程式框架構建,目前處於私人預覽階段。這使得開發人員能夠使用 Snowflake 核心功能建立應用程式,在 Snowflake 市場中在全球範圍內分發它們,並將它們部署在客戶的 Snowflake 帳戶中。
  • 2022 年 4 月 - Zoho Alumni Securden 從 Tiger Global、Accel 和 Together Fund 籌集了 1050 萬美元的 A 輪融資,以擴展其統一平台的存取和身分管理方法。 Securden 正在尋求與存取安全和管治領域的大型公司競爭,包括 Cyber​​Ark、BeyondTrust、Delinea 和 Microsoft。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍



第4章 市場洞察

  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 競爭對手之間的競爭
    • 替代品的威脅
  • COVID-19 市場影響

第5章 市場動態

  • 市場促進因素
    • 嚴格遵守安全規定和政府法規
    • 現場訪客和承包商管理
  • 市場限制
    • 儲存在第三方(雲端)的資料的安全性

第6章 市場細分

  • 按組件
    • 解決方案
    • 按服務
  • 按部署
    • 雲端基礎
    • 本地
  • 按最終用戶產業
    • BFSI
    • 醫療
    • 資訊科技/通訊
    • 政府
    • 能源公共產業
    • 其他終端用戶產業(運輸、航太和國防、教育)
  • 地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東和非洲

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • Salesforce Inc.
    • IBM Corporation
    • HID Global(Assa Abloy AB)
    • Broadcom Inc.
    • AlertEnterprise Inc.
    • Micro Focus International PLC
    • Access Security Corporation
    • WIPRO Ltd
    • SAASPASS Inc.
    • IDCUBE Identification Systems(P)Ltd
    • Amazon Web Services Inc.
    • Convergint Technologies LLC



Product Code: 91099

The Global Consumer Identity and Access Management Market is expected to register a CAGR of 18.2% during the forecast period.

Global Consumer Identity and Access Management - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • The demand for consumer identity and access management is rapidly increasing due to compliance mandates, a growing desire to manage alternative user populations, like on-premises visitors, and an emphasis on timely and secure access. It also allows organizations to manage the lifecycle of identities, such as employees, contractors, and vendors.
  • Nowadays, with growing digitization across the world, nearly every business transaction is now processed digitally. This is a big attraction for hackers. Moreover, data breaches are not only committed by hackers, but individuals also commit many within an organization who have access to sensitive parts of networks or facilities. Many companies are planning to increase their data security budget, which will drive the need for consumer identity and access management across various end-user segments.
  • Moreover, consumer identity and access management deployments are needed to safeguard the system from outside threats, such as unauthorized users. Various end-user industries, such as BFSI, IT, Telecom, etc., are characterized by many critical and highly valuable information and assets; any breach or lapse in security can be disastrous and costly, with revenue loss. As a result, it is becoming essential for these end-user sectors to be able to recognize potential threats as soon as possible.
  • Moreover, The many benefits associated with consumer identity and access management revolve around data protection and cyber security. When an organization implements a consumer identity and access management system, best practices for credential management are put into place to eliminate these and related issues by requiring employees to frequently change their passwords, which mitigates the possibility of a password being stolen when better authentication methods are not available.
  • However, the growing adoption of mobile technologies and cloud-based services enables organizations to be more agile and quick in their business processes. Still, it makes managing access even more complex. And without proper adoption of innovative mobile technologies, enterprise customers may face the security of data stored in third-party or cloud services. This may hamper the growth of the market.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, when lockdowns and strict measures were adopted to stop the spreading of the virus, the dependency on online businesses increased significantly. Various end-user industries such as BFSI, healthcare, IT and telecom, etc., relied on the internet ecosystem to provide necessary services to consumers. Further, during the outbreak, businesses have experienced an increased demand for a consumer identity and access management system.

Consumer Identity & Access Management Market Trends

BFSI Segment is Expected to Gain Significant Traction

  • Banks and other financial institutes (BFSI )are under increasing scrutiny to ensure they have the appropriate security measures in place, especially in the wake of the numerous high-profile data breaches that have taken place over the last few years. In addition, financial institutions store highly valuable data, and their digital transformation efforts create greater opportunities for cyber attackers to access that data.
  • For instance, in February 2022, Mortgage lender, Radius Financial Group, fell victim to a data breach when an unauthorized party accessed its server and stole private data pertaining to 16,000 customers. Additionally, in April 2022, a data breach occurred at A Square (now known as Block), impacting 8.2 million current and former employees. These data breaches in the finance sector are growing the demand for consumer identity and access management solutions.
  • Furthermore, a growing number of banking frauds in major countries is increasing the need for better infrastructure and security solutions, thus increasing the demand for consumer identity and access management systems in the BFSI sector. For instance, as per data published by the Reserve bank of India, the number of bank fraud cases in India increased from 5,076 in FY 2017 to 7,400 in FY 2021.
  • Many banks and financial institutions have recognized the critical need to secure the valuable and sensitive financial assets their customers trust to keep them safe. Hence, most of these organizations have invested in advanced technologies to prevent lapses in security, which may negatively impact their revenues, operating costs, reputation, and much more. Consumer identity and access management solutions may provide unexpected ROI to banks and other financial institutions that help protect their bottom line.

North America is Anticipated to Hold the Largest Market Share

  • North America is anticipated to account for the largest market share in the global consumer identity and access management market owing to the growing adoption of consumer identity and access management solutions across various end-user sectors and the presence of several major players such as Microsoft Corporation, Salesforce Inc., Broadcom Inc., etc. that provide security and consumer identity and access management solutions in the region.
  • Furthermore, the growing number of data breaches across various end sectors in the United States is further driving the need for consumer identity and access management solutions in the region. Moreover, cybercriminals are constantly exploring new methods, and a series of major data breaches across the various end-user sectors in the region have again demonstrated that supposedly secure systems are often surprisingly vulnerable.
  • For instance, according to a report published by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), a record number of 1862 data breaches occurred in 2021 in the United States. The number of data breaches in 2021 broke the previous 1506 set in 2017 and represented a 68% increase compared to the 1108 breaches in 2020. Sectors like BFSI, healthcare, business, and retail are the most commonly attacked, impacting millions of Americans annually.
  • Additionally, stringent government regulations, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act, play a crucial role in adopting consumer identity and access management solutions in the United States. The act requires securities firms and financial institutions to implement strict regulations for protecting consumer data privacy by establishing a program that assesses risks to the data and protects against threats.
  • With the growing need for consumer identity and access management solutions in the region, major companies are making efforts to acquire more market share. For instance, in November 2021, the massive cybersecurity company GBG announced to acquire the Acuant, its erstwhile competitor. The merger brings two industry giants together within a single organization. The acquisition of Acuant enables GBG to expand further into the United States, the world's largest and most strategically important market for location, identity, and fraud services.

Consumer Identity & Access Management Industry Overview

The global consumer identity and access management market appears to be fragmented due to the presence of many players. Furthermore, the swift rise in investment and funding of top players in research and development for launching efficient solutions in consumer identity and access management market products is driving the competition in the global market. Major global consumer identity and access management companies include Microsoft Corporation, Broadcom Inc., Salesforce Inc., and IBM Corporation, among others.

  • June 2022 - Infutor, a Verisk business and consumer identity management expert, today announced that it is launching Infutor Identity Resolution. This embedded application will natively enrich and activate first-party data in the Snowflake Data Cloud. The Infutor Identity Resolution application is built using Snowflake's Native Application Framework, which is currently in private preview. It enables developers to build applications using Snowflake core functionalities, globally distribute them on Snowflake Marketplace and deploy them within a customer's Snowflake account.
  • April 2022 - Zoho Alumni's Securden Raised Series A funding of USD 10.5 million from Tiger Global, Accel, and the Together Fund to expand its unified platform approach to access and identity management. Securden is looking to take on the likes of CyberArk, BeyondTrust, Delinea, Microsoft, and other giants in the access security and governance space.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definitions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
  • 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Stringent Security Compliances and Government Regulations
    • 5.1.2 Management of On-site Visitors and Contractors
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Security of Data Stored with Third Party (Cloud)


  • 6.1 By Component
    • 6.1.1 Solutions
    • 6.1.2 Services
  • 6.2 By Deployment
    • 6.2.1 Cloud Based
    • 6.2.2 On-Premise
  • 6.3 By End-user Industries
    • 6.3.1 BFSI
    • 6.3.2 Healthcare
    • 6.3.3 IT and Telecom
    • 6.3.4 Government
    • 6.3.5 Energy and Utilities
    • 6.3.6 Other End-user Industries (Transporation, Aerospace and Defense, and Education)
  • 6.4 Geography
    • 6.4.1 North America
    • 6.4.2 Europe
    • 6.4.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.4.4 Latin America
    • 6.4.5 Middle-East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Microsoft Corporation
    • 7.1.2 Salesforce Inc.
    • 7.1.3 IBM Corporation
    • 7.1.4 HID Global (Assa Abloy AB)
    • 7.1.5 Broadcom Inc.
    • 7.1.6 AlertEnterprise Inc.
    • 7.1.7 Micro Focus International PLC
    • 7.1.8 Access Security Corporation
    • 7.1.9 WIPRO Ltd
    • 7.1.10 SAASPASS Inc.
    • 7.1.11 IDCUBE Identification Systems (P) Ltd
    • 7.1.12 Amazon Web Services Inc.
    • 7.1.13 Convergint Technologies LLC

8 Investment Analysis

9 Future Outlook of the Market