
日本室內 LED 照明:市場佔有率分析、行業趨勢和統計、成長預測(2025-2030 年)

Japan Indoor LED Lighting - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 168 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




日本室內 LED 照明市場規模預計在 2025 年為 16.6 億美元,預計到 2030 年將達到 18.3 億美元,預測期內(2025-2030 年)的複合年成長率為 2.00%。

日本室內 LED 照明市場-IMG1


  • 從金額佔有率來看,2023年工業和倉儲業將佔多數,其次是商業業。 2019年第一季,日本經濟擴張超出預期,日本經濟成長率為1.8%。因此,各個領域,尤其是工業和商業領域對 LED 照明的需求大幅增加。新冠疫情時代增加了對電子商務產品的需求,從而導致對LED照明的需求增加,主要是在B2C領域。目前,這兩個地區的市場需求都在增加。 2022 年供應量將增加,導致 LED 價格下降。日本2022年第四季商業房地產價格指數為146.6點,低於上一季的155.4點。
  • 從成交量佔比來看,商業區佔最多,其次是住宅。 2023 年上半年,預計新增供應量將是 2022 年的三倍,約為東京五個中心區甲級辦公室歷史 10 年平均值的 1.5 倍。 2020 年疫情爆發後,2021 年住宅土地價格下跌了 0.5%。但儘管長期趨勢如此,該國大都會圈的住宅需求仍然強勁。預計札幌市的住宅需求將大幅成長,2023 年的成長率將達到 11.8%。
  • 在市場發展方面,農業和工業照明的需求預計將大幅成長。從面積來看,2020年日本僅有12%的土地用於農業。預計未來一年這一數字將進一步下降,從而導致商業溫室的興起,進一步滿足對 LED 的需求。



  • 2022年,日本將動工約253,300棟多用戶住宅,自住住宅開發開工數量與前一年同期比較下降11.3%。每年都有住宅建造,但成長速度正在放緩。這一趨勢表明,日本房產數量的增加將推動LED照明的普及。日本的可支配所得高於其他開發中國家。例如,印度2022年的可支配所得為2,301.4美元,其次是越南的3,716.8美元和中國的1,2,732.5美元。 2022 年 12 月,日本的人均收入達到 33,911.2 美元,而 2021 年 12 月為 39,916.1 美元。與 2021 年相比,2022 年日本經濟成長放緩,經濟活動受到大宗商品價格上漲、供給側限制和新冠疫情影響的影響,導致可支配收入下降。
  • 由於死亡率上升和出生率下降,日本人口已連續12年減少。 2022年預計人口為1.2449億,比上年減少55.6萬。這種下降意味著未來平均家庭規模將會下降,導致許多屋主陷入住房飽和狀態。 2017 年 5 月,東京都政府發起了宣傳活動,透過改用 LED 燈泡來推動家庭節能。東京居民只要攜帶兩個或兩個以上的白熾燈泡到最近的電子產品量販店就可以換取 LED 燈泡。預計此類案例將在未來幾年推動日本對 LED 照明的需求。

住宅和商業建築的增加、智慧城市計劃和政府宣傳活動推動了 LED 照明的使用

  • 日本2021會計年度工業和商業部門的總合能源消費量約為7.8艾焦耳。同年住宅部門的能源消費量約為1.7艾焦耳。日本經濟嚴重依賴建築業,2021會計年度建築業對GDP的貢獻率為5.5%。中央新幹線和2025年大阪世博會計劃建造的其他建築預計將產生類似的影響。作為五年加速戰略的一部分,政府計劃投資超過 1200 億美元。預計建築業的興起將刺激商業和住宅市場的需求,這將有利於 LED 市場。
  • 商業部門的電力需求在營業時段(10-12小時)最高。工業部門的用電量往往全天(24 小時)保持一致。住宅用電需求一般在4-6小時左右波動。日本公司MINEBEA MITSUMI INC.於2020年在大阪啟動了智慧LED路燈項目,該智慧城市計劃旨在檢查道路周圍的環境、交通量、道路積水等,預計將刺激日本LED市場的成長。
  • 2017年,東京都政府發起了宣傳活動,鼓勵家庭改用LED燈泡以節省能源。該宣傳活動鼓勵當地居民充分利用LED燈的節能功能。該計劃預計將減少該國的電力消耗並鼓勵採用 LED 照明。


日本室內LED照明市場格局比較集中,前五大廠商的市佔率合計達到76.64%。市場的主要企業是:ams-OSRAM AG、Endo Lighting Corporation、Nichia Corporation、Panasonic Holdings Corporation 和 Toshiba Corporation(按字母順序排列)。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章執行摘要和主要發現

第2章 報告要約

第 3 章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍
  • 調查方法

第4章 產業主要趨勢

  • 人口
  • 人均收入
  • LED進口總量
  • 照明電力消耗量
  • 家庭數量
  • LED滲透率
  • 園藝區
  • 法律規範
    • 日本
  • 價值鏈與通路分析

第5章 市場區隔

  • 室內照明
    • 農業照明
    • 商業照明
      • 辦公室
      • 零售
      • 其他
    • 工業/倉庫
    • 住宅

第6章 競爭格局

  • 主要策略趨勢
  • 市場佔有率分析
  • 業務狀況
  • 公司簡介(包括全球概況、市場層級概況、主要業務部門、財務狀況、員工人數、關鍵資訊、市場排名、市場佔有率、產品和服務、最新發展分析)
    • ams-OSRAM AG
    • Endo Lighting Corporation
    • Iris Ohyama Co., Ltd.
    • Lumileds Holding BV
    • Nichia Corporation
    • Panasonic Holdings Corporation
    • Toshiba Corporation
    • Up-shine Lighting Co.,Limited


第 8 章 附錄

  • 世界概況
    • 概述
    • 五力分析框架
    • 全球價值鏈分析
    • 市場動態(DRO)
  • 資訊來源和進一步閱讀
  • 圖片列表
  • 關鍵見解
  • 資料包
  • 詞彙表
Product Code: 50001651

The Japan Indoor LED Lighting Market size is estimated at 1.66 billion USD in 2025, and is expected to reach 1.83 billion USD by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 2.00% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Japan Indoor LED Lighting - Market - IMG1

Increasing development in the industrial sector and commercial office demand states to drive market growth

  • In terms of value share, in 2023, the industrial and warehouse segment accounts for a majority share, followed by commercial. Japan's economy expanded more than expected in the opening quarter of 2019. Japan's economy grew at an annual rate of 1.8%. This has led to a major demand for LED lighting in all sectors, mainly in the industrial and commercial segments. The COVID-19 era increased the demand for e-commerce goods, leading to more demand for LED lighting, majorly in B2C. Currently, the market demand is increasing for both sectors. In 2022, the supply increased, leading to low LED pricing. In Q4 2022, the commercial property price index for retail properties, warehouses, factories, apartment buildings, and commercial and industrial land in Japan stood at 146.6, down from 155.4 points in the previous quarter.
  • In volume share, commercial accounts for the majority of the share, and then residential stands at the second spot. Over the next six months in 2023, new supply is expected to triple from 2022, at around 1.5 times higher than the 10-year historical average in Tokyo Central 5 Wards Grade A office. With the onset of the pandemic in 2020, residential land prices plunged 0.5% in 2021. However, despite the long-term trend, housing demand remained strong in the country's metropolitan areas. Sapporo is expected to have major residential demand, having an 11.8% growth rate in 2023.
  • In terms of development, the market is expected to see major demand growth in agriculture and industrial lighting. In terms of area, only 12% of Japan's land was dedicated to agriculture in 2020. In the coming year, this number is expected to decrease further, leading to the penetration of commercial greenhouses, which will cater to more demand for LEDs.

Japan Indoor LED Lighting Market Trends

Increasing number of elderly people and the decreasing population are expected to hinder the growth of real estate

  • In Japan, the construction of owned housing complexes began on about 253.3 thousand projects in 2022. The number of owner-occupied home development starts fell by 11.3% from the previous year. The new house construction has been happening every year, but the growth percentage has declined. This trend suggests that the increasing number of properties is expected to boost LED penetration in the country. Japan's disposable income is high compared to other developing nations. For instance, in 2022, India's disposable income was USD 2301.4, followed by Vietnam at USD 3716.8 and China at USD 12,732.5, resulting in rising spending power of individuals and more money being spent on new residential spaces. Japan's per capita income reached USD 33,911.2 in December 2022 compared to USD 39,916.1 in December 2021. Compared to 2021, disposable income declined as Japan's economic growth slowed in 2022, with economic activity being affected by high commodity prices, supply-side constraints, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Japan's population has declined for the 12th year in a row due to increased deaths and declining birth rates. In 2022, there were 124.49 million people, a decrease of 556,000 from the previous year. This decline suggests that the average household size is expected to decrease in the coming years, leading to a saturation point for a number of house owners. In May 2017, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) launched a campaign to promote the energy-saving movement among households through a shift to LED bulbs. Residents of Tokyo who bring two or more incandescent bulbs to their local home appliance store will receive one LED bulb in exchange. Such instances are expected to boost the demand for LED lighting in the country in the coming years.

Rise in residential and commercial construction, smart city projects, and government campaigns promote the use of LED lights

  • The combined energy consumption of Japan's industrial and commercial sectors in FY 2021 was roughly 7.8 exajoules. The residential sector consumed approximately 1.7 exajoules of energy in the same year. The Japanese economy relies heavily on the construction sector, contributing 5.5% to the country's GDP in 2021. It is estimated that the construction of the Chuo Shinkansen maglev line and other buildings planned for the Osaka World Expo 2025 will have a similar impact. As part of its five-year acceleration strategy, the government plans to invest over USD 0.12 trillion. The rise in construction is expected to boost demand in the commercial and residential markets, which is anticipated to benefit the LED market.
  • Electricity demand in the commercial sector is the highest during operating business hours, which are 10-12 hours. Electricity use in the industrial sector tends not to fluctuate throughout the day (24 hours). Electricity demand in the residential sector tends to vary by about four to six hours. A Japanese company called Minebea Mitsumi launched a smart LED street lighting scheme in Osaka in 2020. The smart city project aims to check the environment around the roads, traffic volume, and flood water on the roads. This is expected to fuel the country's growing LED market.
  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Government started a campaign in 2017 to encourage families to switch to LED bulbs to save energy. The campaign encouraged locals to take advantage of the energy-saving features of LED lamps. This program is expected to reduce the nation's electricity consumption and encourage the adoption of LED lighting.

Japan Indoor LED Lighting Industry Overview

The Japan Indoor LED Lighting Market is fairly consolidated, with the top five companies occupying 76.64%. The major players in this market are ams-OSRAM AG, Endo Lighting Corporation, Nichia Corporation, Panasonic Holdings Corporation and Toshiba Corporation (sorted alphabetically).

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support





  • 3.1 Study Assumptions & Market Definition
  • 3.2 Scope of the Study
  • 3.3 Research Methodology


  • 4.1 Population
  • 4.2 Per Capita Income
  • 4.3 Total Import Of Leds
  • 4.4 Lighting Electricity Consumption
  • 4.5 # Of Households
  • 4.6 Led Penetration
  • 4.7 Horticulture Area
  • 4.8 Regulatory Framework
    • 4.8.1 Japan
  • 4.9 Value Chain & Distribution Channel Analysis

5 MARKET SEGMENTATION (includes market size in Value in USD and Volume, Forecasts up to 2030 and analysis of growth prospects)

  • 5.1 Indoor Lighting
    • 5.1.1 Agricultural Lighting
    • 5.1.2 Commercial
      • Office
      • Retail
      • Others
    • 5.1.3 Industrial and Warehouse
    • 5.1.4 Residential


  • 6.1 Key Strategic Moves
  • 6.2 Market Share Analysis
  • 6.3 Company Landscape
  • 6.4 Company Profiles (includes Global level Overview, Market level overview, Core Business Segments, Financials, Headcount, Key Information, Market Rank, Market Share, Products and Services, and analysis of Recent Developments)
    • 6.4.1 ams-OSRAM AG
    • 6.4.2 Endo Lighting Corporation
    • 6.4.4 Iris Ohyama Co., Ltd.
    • 6.4.5 Lumileds Holding B.V.
    • 6.4.6 Nichia Corporation
    • 6.4.7 ODELIC CO., LTD
    • 6.4.8 Panasonic Holdings Corporation
    • 6.4.9 Toshiba Corporation
    • 6.4.10 Up-shine Lighting Co.,Limited



  • 8.1 Global Overview
    • 8.1.1 Overview
    • 8.1.2 Porter's Five Forces Framework
    • 8.1.3 Global Value Chain Analysis
    • 8.1.4 Market Dynamics (DROs)
  • 8.2 Sources & References
  • 8.3 List of Tables & Figures
  • 8.4 Primary Insights
  • 8.5 Data Pack
  • 8.6 Glossary of Terms