

Fish feed Market Assessment, By Species, By Life Stage, By Form, By Distribution Channel, By Region, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Xcel - Markets and Data | 英文 235 Pages | 商品交期: 3-5個工作天內


全球魚飼料市場規模預計將從2023年的555.9億美元增至2031年的948億美元,預計2024-2031年期間年複合成長率為 6.90%。為魚飼料市場提供各種配方而進行的創新在市場上越來越受歡迎,因為基於魚類的營養和消化需求。這是因為不同種類的魚有不同的飲食需求,因此需要特定的配方飼料。隨著水產養殖變得更加多樣化和魚類種類數量的增加,專門針對特定魚類種類並滿足該魚類營養需求的飼料的需求不斷增加。2024年6月,Nutreco NV旗下品牌Skretting推出了最新的魚飼料配方AmiNova。透過此次推出,Skretting 目的是推出一種基於理想的易消化氨基酸譜的新魚飼料配方方法。

魚飼料技術的進步推動市場成長。這對應於優質和創新配方的推出,包括使用同時可持續的替代蛋白質來源,例如藻類和植物蛋白。2023年3月,Aller Aqua推出最新品牌Ocean。該品牌涵蓋了該公司的整個魚飼料產品組合。該品牌為鹹水魚設計和生產高品質飼料,並持續為客戶提供高性能解決方案。

隨著養魚業的蓬勃發展,亞太地區是魚飼料需求成長最快的地區。此外,永續水產養殖的趨勢增加了對環境飼料更好替代品的需求,擴大了魚飼料市場的水準。隨後,亞太地區可能會在魚類生產方面處於領先地位,並帶來對更高品質和優質專業魚飼料的需求,刺激成長並維持市場上所有公司的發展。亞太地區的領先公司推出魚飼料產品,以滿足該地區不斷成長的需求。2023年 2月,Skretting India 在Surat建造了最先進的魚飼料生產設施,擴大了業務。該生產設施將使該公司能夠進一步支持其客戶和印度水產養殖業。該設施將滿足印度國內和出口市場的需求。



各大公司都在推出創新的粉狀飼料,為魚類提供所需的營養,同時維持永續發展。2023年4月,MiAlgae推出了最新的魚飼料NaturAlgae。這是一種 omega-3 粉末,含有高濃度的DHA 和其他脂質,可添加到水產飼料配方中。該公司回收蘇格蘭威士忌產業的副產品作為原料,種植富含 omega-3 的微藻,可用作魚飼料。


對海鮮產品的需求增加是推動魚飼料市場成長的主要因素。在全球範圍內,由於人口成長、收入增加以及人們對海鮮健康益處的認識不斷提高等多種因素,海鮮消費量日益增加。魚類是優質蛋白質、omega-3 脂肪酸、維生素和礦物質的豐富來源,對於注重健康的消費者來說是一個有吸引力的選擇。由於過度捕撈導致野生魚類資源枯竭,水產養殖已成為滿足日益成長的海鮮需求的可持續替代方案。



第1章 專案範圍與定義

第2章 研究方法

第3章 執行摘要

第4章 顧客回饋

  • 產品與市場訊息
  • 品牌識別方法
  • 購買決策時考慮的因素
  • 隱私和監管考慮因素

第5章 全球魚飼料市場展望(2017-2031)

  • 市場規模分析與預測
    • 金額
    • 數量
  • 市佔率分析與預測
    • 依品種
    • 依生長階段
    • 依形狀
    • 依通路
    • 依地區
    • 市佔率分析:依公司劃分(金額)(前 5 名公司及其他 -2023年)
  • 市場地圖分析(2023年)
    • 依品種
    • 依生長階段
    • 依形狀
    • 依通路
    • 依地區

第6章 北美魚飼料市場展望(2017-2031)

  • 市場規模分析與預測
    • 金額
    • 數量
  • 市佔率分析與預測
    • 依品種
    • 依生長階段
    • 依形狀
    • 依通路
    • 佔有率:依國家/地區
  • 每個國家市場的評估
    • 美國魚飼料市場展望(2017-2031)
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥

第7章 歐洲魚飼料市場展望(2017-2031)

  • 德國
  • 法國
  • 義大利
  • 英國
  • 俄羅斯
  • 荷蘭
  • 西班牙
  • 土耳其
  • 波蘭

第8章 亞太魚飼料市場展望(2017-2031)

  • 印度
  • 中國
  • 日本
  • 澳洲
  • 越南
  • 韓國
  • 印尼
  • 菲律賓

第9章 南美魚飼料市場展望(2017-2031)

  • 巴西
  • 阿根廷

第10章 中東及非洲魚飼料市場前景(2017-2031)

  • 沙烏地阿拉伯
  • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
  • 南非

第11章 供需分析

第12章 進出口分析

第13章 價值鏈分析

第14章 波特五力分析

第15章 PESTLE分析

第16章 價格分析

第17章 市場動態

  • 市場驅動因素
  • 市場挑戰

第18章 市場趨勢與發展

第19章 案例研究

第20章 競爭態勢

  • 前 5 名市場領導者的競爭矩陣
  • 前 5 名的公司的SWOT 分析
  • 前10名主要企業狀況
    • Cargill, Incorporated
    • Nutreco N.V.
    • Koninklijke DSM N.V.
    • Archer Daniels Midland Company
    • Alltech Inc.
    • BENEO GmbH
    • BioMar Group
    • Aller Aqua A/S
    • Ridley Corporation Limited
    • Novus International, Inc.

第21章 策略建議

第22章 關於本公司,免責聲明

Product Code: MX11860

Global fish feed market is projected to witness a CAGR of 6.90% during the forecast period 2024-2031, growing from USD 55.59 billion in 2023 to USD 94.80 billion in 2031. The innovations taking place to offer different formulations in the fish feed market are gaining popularity in the market as they are based on the nutrition and digestive requirements of fish. It is because different species of fish have different dietary needs which require specific feed formulations. As aquaculture diversifies to include more species, the demand rises for specialized and tailored fish feeds which are specific to particular species to cater to their nutritional requirements. In June 2024, Skretting, a brand of Nutreco N.V. launched the latest fish feed formulation, AmiNova. With this launch, Skretting aims to introduce a new way of formulating the fish feed, based on an ideal digestible amino acid profile.

The technological advancements related to fish feeds are driving the market growth. This caters to the launch of superior quality and innovative formulations, including the use of alternative protein sources which are sustainable at the same time, such as, algae and plant-based protein. In March 2023, Aller Aqua launched the latest brand, Ocean. It is the umbrella brand of the company for all of their fish feed portfolio for marine fish. The brand will continue to design and produce the high-quality feeds for marine species, offering high performance solutions to their customers.

Asia-Pacific is the fastest growing region due to the higher rate of fish farming which gives rise to the demand for fish feed in the region. Moreover, the trend toward sustainable aquaculture is increasing the need for superior alternatives in terms of environmental feed, thereby expanding the level of fish feed marketplace. Subsequently, Asia-Pacific would take the lead in fish production, deriving the demand for better-quality and well-specialized fish feeds to invoke growth and sustain all players in market. The key players in Asia-Pacific are launching fish feed products to cater to the growing demand in the region. In February 2023, Skretting India broadened its operations with the latest fish feed production site in Surat. This production facility enables the company to further enrich the support for its customers and the Indian aquaculture sector. The facility will cater to the domestic and export market of the country.

Powder Feeds to Propel Market Growth

powder feed is preferred in fish over live feed and pellets due to the versatility, digestibility, and consistency in offering nutritional values. For a start, it is free from most risks associated with live feed, which is mostly carrying pathogens, and its nutritional value carries some level of deviance. It is easily adaptable to the different dietary needs of numerous fish species and life stages, thereby assuring maximum growth and health. Furthermore, powder feed dissolves homogeneously in the water, thus accessing every fish, especially smaller and weaker fish that may not have the power to compete for pellets or living feed.

Various key players are introducing innovative powder fish feed which provides essential nutrients to the fish and are sustainable at the same time. In April 2023, MiAlgae introduced its latest fish feed, NaturAlgae which is an omega-3 powder, with a high concentration of DHA and other oils that can be added to recipes for aquafeeds. The company recycles the co-products from the Scotch whisky industry as a feedstock to grow omega-3 rich microalgae that can be used as a fish feed.

Rising Consumption of Seafood to Play a Significant Role to Boost Market Growth

The rising demand for seafood is a significant factor driving growth of the fish feed market. Globally, seafood consumption has been increasing due to several factors, including population growth, rising incomes, and increasing awareness of health benefits associated with seafood. Fish is a rich source of high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, hence an attractive option for health-conscious consumers. As wild fish stocks face depletion due to overfishing and aquaculture has emerged as a sustainable alternative to meet the increasing demand for seafood.

To sustain this growth in aquaculture, the industry relies heavily on fish feed, which plays a critical role in the development, health, and productivity of farmed fish. High-quality fish feed is essential for maximizing growth rates, improving feed conversion ratios, and ensuring the nutritional quality of the fish. Consequently, the demand for specialized fish feed, including those formulated for specific species, life stages, and farming conditions, is rising. This has led to advancements in fish feed formulations, incorporating ingredients such as plant-based proteins, fishmeal, and fish oil, which contribute to the overall sustainability and efficiency of aquaculture operations. Thus, the growing seafood consumption directly fuels the expansion of the fish feed market.

The study was conducted in February 2023 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, the Government of India, and WorldFish. These organizations coined that 72.1% of Indian Population which amounts to 967 million individuals include fish in their diet, increasing the consumption of seafood in the country.

Asia-Pacific to Dominate the Market Share

Asia-Pacific is the leading region in fish production globally, which is attributed to favorable climatic conditions, an extensive coastline, and a long history of aquaculture. Countries such as China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam have highly diversified fish, both in freshwater and marine resources. In addition, its large population, fast development of middle class, and inherence with the cultural preference of sea products ensure high domestic consumption and, in turn, production motivation for fish farming. Government support, technology, and investment in infrastructure boost aquaculture.

As per the estimates of Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, in 2023, China has been the highest fish producing country with India being the second major producer of fish globally. As per the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, in 2022, the production of seafood from China was expected to reach 67.5 million metric tons (MMT), which was up from 2021, estimated at 66.9 MMT. In 2021, the fish production in India reached an estimated level of 14.4 million tons. Moreover, the export earnings from the fish and fishery production were approximately USD 7.9 billion in 2022.

The demand for farmed fish is on the rise, at local and at global levels, as countries and regions strive to increase fish production. The large amount of high-density fish culture needs reliable and nutritionally rich feed, with a rapid rate of growth in fish, their resistance to disease, and high survival rates. This stimulates demand for commercial fish feed that provides a balanced diet appropriate to a particular species and a particular stage of growth.

Functional Feeds to Drive Market Growth

Functional fish feeds being special diets formulated with the purpose of improving health, growth, or general well-being of farmed fish over and above merely fulfilling basic dietary requirements. They include bioactive constituents such as probiotics, prebiotics, immune stimulants, and essential fatty acids, each with a unique health benefit to the fish. The main objective of functional feeds is to maximize fish resilience against stressors such as diseases, environmental fluctuations, and handling stress, particularly potent in high-stocking-density aquaculture systems.

Moreover, through increasing the immune system further reductions in antibiotic and other chemical treatment needs will be achieved, leading to a sustainable and safe means of aquaculture. These products improve the amount of feed (FCR), the growth rates, and provide improvement in the quality of end-products, including flesh quality, omega-3 content, and other health improvements. The use of functional feeds is in line with industry goal of attaining maximum productivity with minimal environmental effects, hence supporting increased levels of healthy and sustainable seafood products.

In May 2023, Archer Daniels Midland Company notified the launch of a new functional fish feed which is focused on seasonal variations. The company is mainly focusing on functional aquafeed to support the Asia-Pacific market. The company expanded itself in the region by introducing six feed mills which produce aqua feeds for all aqua species.

Future Market Scenario (2024 - 2031F)

The fish feed market is expected to grow exponentially in the forecast period due to the aquaculture industry's gradual movement towards sustainable alternatives with the least possible ecological footprint and reduced reliance on finite marine resources.

Sustainable fish feeds incorporate ingredients such as plant-based proteins, including soy and peas, algae, insect meal, and by-products from agriculture and food processing. This will provide all the required nutrients for fish growth and health and assist in better feed efficiency and reduce wastage. Further, sustainable feeds will help keep the water clean with reduced phosphorus and nitrogen emissions, and thus minimize the ecological impacts of fish farming.

In July 2024, a purple photosynthetic bacterium that requires air and sunlight to grow could produce high-quality aquafeeds for farmed fish which could be the ideal sustainable alternative feed to fishmeal.

Key Players Landscape and Outlook

Continuous innovation, expansion of production capacities and product portfolio, and partnerships among the key players characterize the landscape of fish feed globally, as the companies compete to outperform one another in terms of various unique features.

The key players are doing research and developing sustainable fish feeds which offer maximum nutrition to aquatic animals. They are offering high-performing fish feeds with the help of strategic collaborations which diversify their portfolio, bringing together the expertise of both the companies.

In June 2022, Cargill, Incorporated partnered with Innovafeed to bring healthy novel ingredients to aquafarmers. With the help of the partnership, both the firms will collectively develop and market insect-based feed to help the aqua feed customers raise more sustainable seafood which has a less environmental impact.

Table of Contents

1. Project Scope and Definitions

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Voice of Customer

  • 4.1. Product and Market Intelligence
  • 4.2. Mode of Brand Awareness
  • 4.3. Factors Considered in Purchase Decisions
    • 4.3.1. Quality
    • 4.3.2. Peer Influence
    • 4.3.3. Brand Visibility
  • 4.4. Consideration of Privacy and Regulations

5. Global Fish Feed Market Outlook, 2017-2031F

  • 5.1. Market Size Analysis & Forecast
    • 5.1.1. By Value
    • 5.1.2. By Volume
  • 5.2. Market Share Analysis & Forecast
    • 5.2.1. By Species
      • Salmon Feed
      • Tilapia Feed
      • Catfish Feed
      • Goldfish Feed
      • Others
    • 5.2.2. By Life Stage
      • Larval Feed
      • Fry Feed
      • Fingerling Feed
      • Grower Feed
      • Brooder Feed
    • 5.2.3. By Form
      • Pellets
      • Flakes
      • Powders
      • Live Feeds
      • Others
    • 5.2.4. By Distribution Channel
      • Offline
        • Direct B2B Sales
        • Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
        • Specialty Stores
        • Others
      • Online
        • E-commerce Websites
        • Company Owned Websites
    • 5.2.5. By Region
      • North America
      • Europe
      • Asia-Pacific
      • South America
      • Middle East and Africa
    • 5.2.6. By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies and Others - By Value, 2023)
  • 5.3. Market Map Analysis, 2023
    • 5.3.1. By Species
    • 5.3.2. By Life Stage
    • 5.3.3. By Form
    • 5.3.4. By Distribution Channel
    • 5.3.5. By Region

6. North America Fish Feed Market Outlook, 2017-2031F*

  • 6.1. Market Size Analysis & Forecast
    • 6.1.1. By Value
    • 6.1.2. By Volume
  • 6.2. Market Share Analysis & Forecast
    • 6.2.1. By Species
      • Salmon Feed
      • Tilapia Feed
      • Catfish Feed
      • Goldfish Feed
      • Others
    • 6.2.2. By Life Stage
      • Larval Feed
      • Fry Feed
      • Fingerling Feed
      • Grower Feed
      • Brooder Feed
    • 6.2.3. By Form
      • Pellets
      • Flakes
      • Powders
      • Live Feeds
      • Others
    • 6.2.4. By Distribution Channel
      • Offline
        • Direct B2B Sales
        • Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
        • Specialty Stores
        • Others
      • Online
        • E-commerce Websites
        • Company Owned Websites
    • 6.2.5. By Country Share
      • United States
      • Canada
      • Mexico
  • 6.3. Country Market Assessment
    • 6.3.1. United States Fish Feed Market Outlook, 2017-2031F*
      • Market Size Analysis & Forecast
        • By Value
        • By Volume
      • Market Share Analysis & Forecast
        • By Species
          • Salmon Feed
          • Tilapia Feed
          • Catfish Feed
          • Goldfish Feed
          • Others
        • By Life Stage
          • Larval Feed
          • Fry Feed
          • Fingerling Feed
          • Grower Feed
          • Brooder Feed
        • By Form
          • Pellets
          • Flakes
          • Powders
          • Live Feeds
          • Others
        • By Distribution Channel
          • Offline
          • Direct B2B Sales
          • Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
          • Specialty Stores
          • Others
          • Online
          • E-commerce Websites
          • Company Owned Websites
    • 6.3.2. Canada
    • 6.3.3. Mexico

All segments will be provided for all regions and countries covered

7. Europe Fish Feed Market Outlook, 2017-2031F

  • 7.1. Germany
  • 7.2. France
  • 7.3. Italy
  • 7.4. United Kingdom
  • 7.5. Russia
  • 7.6. Netherlands
  • 7.7. Spain
  • 7.8. Turkey
  • 7.9. Poland

8. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market Outlook, 2017-2031F

  • 8.1. India
  • 8.2. China
  • 8.3. Japan
  • 8.4. Australia
  • 8.5. Vietnam
  • 8.6. South Korea
  • 8.7. Indonesia
  • 8.8. Philippines

9. South America Fish Feed Market Outlook, 2017-2031F

  • 9.1. Brazil
  • 9.2. Argentina

10. Middle East and Africa Fish Feed Market Outlook, 2017-2031F

  • 10.1. Saudi Arabia
  • 10.2. UAE
  • 10.3. South Africa

11. Demand Supply Analysis

12. Import and Export Analysis

13. Value Chain Analysis

14. Porter's Five Forces Analysis

15. PESTLE Analysis

16. Pricing Analysis

17. Market Dynamics

  • 17.1. Market Drivers
  • 17.2. Market Challenges

18. Market Trends and Developments

19. Case Studies

20. Competitive Landscape

  • 20.1. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • 20.2. SWOT Analysis for Top 5 Players
  • 20.3. Key Players Landscape for Top 10 Market Players
    • 20.3.1. Cargill, Incorporated
      • Company Details
      • Key Management Personnel
      • Products and Services
      • Financials (As Reported)
      • Key Market Focus and Geographical Presence
      • Recent Developments/Collaborations/Partnerships/Mergers and Acquisition
    • 20.3.2. Nutreco N.V.
    • 20.3.3. Koninklijke DSM N.V.
    • 20.3.4. Archer Daniels Midland Company
    • 20.3.5. Alltech Inc.
    • 20.3.6. BENEO GmbH
    • 20.3.7. BioMar Group
    • 20.3.8. Aller Aqua A/S
    • 20.3.9. Ridley Corporation Limited
    • 20.3.10. Novus International, Inc.

Companies mentioned above DO NOT hold any order as per market share and can be changed as per information available during research work.

21. Strategic Recommendations

22. About Us and Disclaimer

List of Tables

  • Table 1. Pricing Analysis of Products from Key Players
  • Table 2. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • Table 3. Mergers & Acquisitions/ Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • Table 4. About Us - Regions and Countries Where We Have Executed Client Projects

List of Figures

  • Figure 1. Global Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 2. Global Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 3. Global Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 4. Global Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 5. Global Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 6. Global Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 7. Global Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Region, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 8. North America Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 9. North America Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 10. North America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 11. North America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 12. North America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 13. North America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 14. North America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 15. United States Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 16. United States Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 17. United States Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 18. United States Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 19. United States Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 20. United States Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 21. Canada Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 22. Canada Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 23. Canada Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 24. Canada Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 25. Canada Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 26. Canada Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 27. Mexico Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 28. Mexico Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 29. Mexico Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 30. Mexico Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 31. Mexico Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 32. Mexico Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 33. Europe Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 34. Europe Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 35. Europe Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 36. Europe Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 37. Europe Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 38. Europe Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 39. Europe Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 40. Germany Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 41. Germany Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 42. Germany Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 43. Germany Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 44. Germany Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 45. Germany Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 46. France Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 47. France Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 48. France Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 49. France Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 50. France Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 51. France Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 52. Italy Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 53. Italy Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 54. Italy Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 55. Italy Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 56. Italy Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 57. Italy Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 58. United Kingdom Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 59. United Kingdom Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 60. United Kingdom Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 61. United Kingdom Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 62. United Kingdom Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 63. United Kingdom Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 64. Russia Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 65. Russia Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 66. Russia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 67. Russia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 68. Russia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 69. Russia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 70. Netherlands Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 71. Netherlands Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 72. Netherlands Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 73. Netherlands Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 74. Netherlands Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 75. Netherlands Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 76. Spain Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 77. Spain Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 78. Spain Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 79. Spain Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 80. Spain Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 81. Spain Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 82. Turkey Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 83. Turkey Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 84. Turkey Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 85. Turkey Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 86. Turkey Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 87. Turkey Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 88. Poland Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 89. Poland Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 90. Poland Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 91. Poland Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 92. Poland Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 93. Poland Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 94. South America Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 95. South America Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 96. South America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 97. South America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 98. South America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 99. South America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 100. South America Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 101. Brazil Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 102. Brazil Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 103. Brazil Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 104. Brazil Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 105. Brazil Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 106. Brazil Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 107. Argentina Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 108. Argentina Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 109. Argentina Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 110. Argentina Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 111. Argentina Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 112. Argentina Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 113. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 114. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 115. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 116. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 117. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 118. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 119. Asia-Pacific Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 120. India Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 121. India Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 122. India Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 123. India Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 124. India Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 125. India Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 126. China Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 127. China Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 128. China Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 129. China Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 130. China Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 131. China Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 132. Japan Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 133. Japan Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 134. Japan Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 135. Japan Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 136. Japan Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 137. Japan Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 138. Australia Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 139. Australia Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 140. Australia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 141. Australia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 142. Australia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 143. Australia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 144. Vietnam Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 145. Vietnam Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 146. Vietnam Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 147. Vietnam Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 148. Vietnam Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 149. Vietnam Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 150. South Korea Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 151. South Korea Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 152. South Korea Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 153. South Korea Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 154. South Korea Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 155. South Korea Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 156. Indonesia Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 157. Indonesia Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 158. Indonesia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 159. Indonesia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 160. Indonesia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 161. Indonesia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 162. Philippines Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 163. Philippines Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 164. Philippines Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 165. Philippines Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 166. Philippines Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 167. Philippines Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 168. Middle East & Africa Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 169. Middle East & Africa Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 170. Middle East & Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 171. Middle East & Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 172. Middle East & Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 173. Middle East & Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 174. Middle East & Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Country, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 175. Saudi Arabia Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 176. Saudi Arabia Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 177. Saudi Arabia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 178. Saudi Arabia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 179. Saudi Arabia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 180. Saudi Arabia Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 181. UAE Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 182. UAE Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 183. UAE Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 184. UAE Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 185. UAE Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 186. UAE Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 187. South Africa Fish Feed Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 188. South Africa Fish Feed Market, By Volume, In Million Tons, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 189. South Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Species, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 190. South Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Life Stage, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 191. South Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Form, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 192. South Africa Fish Feed Market Share (%), By Distribution Channel, 2017-2031F
  • Figure 193. By Species Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 194. By Life Stage Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 195. By Form Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 196. By Distribution Channel Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023
  • Figure 197. By Region Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2023