下一代 AMI 重新定義能源和公用事業的狀態感知

下一代 AMI 重新定義能源和公用事業的狀態感知

Next-Generation AMI Redefines Energy and Situational Awareness for Utilities

出版日期: | 出版商: Guidehouse Insights | 英文 12 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付


公用事業公司部署高階計量基礎設施 (AMI) 已有20 多年的歷史。第一代 AMI 幫助解決了陳舊的低效率問題,同時利用了各種電網和消費者用例。但正如智慧型手機迅速取代早期行動電話一樣,下一代 AMI 是一種合乎邏輯的、革命性的、面向未來的邊緣運算解決方案。新一代 AMI 支援即時資訊和波形資料收集,並支援合作夥伴驅動的軟體開發生態系統,幫助公用事業公司發現和管理電動車和 DER 的分散式能源 (DER) 定價結構,並實現複雜的定價分析。此外,AMI 中內建的連接可能會影響智慧家庭的利用空間,使最終用戶能夠更佳監控家用電器等智慧設備的能源使用情況。

隨著第一代 AMI 部署的使用壽命即將結束,公用事業公司日益選擇下一代 AMI 來保證其網路的未來發展,並深入了解其自身及其客戶的能源使用情況。本報告從能源效率、網路安全和智慧家庭的角度討論了下一代 AMI 的優勢,並為公用事業以及硬體和軟體供應商提供了建議。


  • 簡介
  • 背景資訊
  • 建議
  • 下一代 AMI:代表從數位過時設備到真正實現邊緣運算的轉變
  • DER/能源效率/顧客滿意度:AMI 2.0 的關鍵驅動因素
  • DER (分散式能源) 與電動車管理
  • 能源效率、可靠性與經濟性
  • 客戶滿意度
  • 智慧電錶成為邊緣運算平台
  • 效用分析策略:需從描述性和預測性轉向規範性
  • 北美佔部署的大部分,但其他地區預計會迎頭趕上
  • 具有即時洞察力的下一代 AMI:目的是釋放智慧家居最佳化和能源效率的全部潛力
  • IEEE2030.5 加入智慧家庭通訊生態系統
  • 連接到 AMI 的寬頻網路的作用
  • AMI:比家庭能源監控設備更方便消費者使用
  • 在智慧家庭中,AMI 和家庭電力監控設備可以共存
  • 下一代 AMI 推動定價進步
  • 新一代 AMI 波形資料和即時智慧支援並增強各種用例
  • 公用事業公司應將現有電錶更新為下一代 AMI,並建立面向未來的網路
  • 智慧家庭平台必須實現與 AMI 設備的互通性,並允許最終用戶監控家庭能源使用情況
  • 硬體/軟體供應商需要確保 AMI 部署中的隱私和資料安全
Product Code: SI-NGAMI-24

Utilities have been deploying advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) for over two decades. The first generation of AMI helped resolve archaic inefficiencies while supporting a variety of grid- and consumer-oriented analytics use cases. However, in the same way that smartphones rapidly overtook early cell phones, next-generation AMI represents a logical, revolutionary, and future-proofed edge computing solution. By enabling real-time intelligence and waveform data capture and partner-driven software development ecosystems, next-generation AMI promises to let utilities detect and manage distributed energy resources (DER), introduce rate structures for EVs and DER, and implement complex rate analytics. Further, the connectivity built into AMI has implications for smart home applications, potentially enabling end users to better monitor the energy usage of their home appliances and other smart devices.

As first-generation AMI deployments reach the end of their lifespans, utilities are increasingly opting for next-generation AMI to future-proof their networks and unlock insights into energy use for themselves and their customers. This Guidehouse Insights report discusses the benefits of next-generation AMI in the context of energy efficiency, cybersecurity, and the smart home, and provides recommendations for utilities as well as hardware and software vendors.

Table of Contents




Next-Generation AMI Represents a Transition from Digitally Archaic Devices to True Enablement of Edge Computing

DER, Energy Efficiency, and Customer Satisfaction Are Key AMI 2.0 Drivers

DER and EV Management

Energy Efficiency, Reliability, and Affordability

Customer Satisfaction

Smart Meters Have Become Edge Computing Platforms

Utility Analytics Strategies Should Move from Descriptive and Predictive to Prescriptive

North America Dominates Deployments, but Other Regions Will Catch Up

Next-Generation AMI Is Powered by Real-Time Insights That Aim to Unlock the Full Potential of Smart Home Optimization and Energy Efficiency

IEEE 2030.5 Will Join the Smart Home Communications Ecosystem

The Role of Broadband Networks in Connecting AMI

AMI Is More Accessible to Consumers Than In-Home Power-Monitoring Devices

AMI and In-Home Power-Monitoring Devices Can Coexist in the Smart Home

Next-Generation AMI Will Enable Advances in Rate Structures

Next-Generation AMI's Waveform Data and Real-Time Intelligence Enable or Enhance a Plethora of Use Cases

Utilities Should Future-Proof Their Networks by Upgrading Existing Meters to Next-Generation AMI

Smart Home Platforms Should Enable Interoperability with AMI Devices to Let End Users Monitor Energy Usage in Their Homes

Hardware and Software Vendors Must Ensure Privacy and Data Security for AMI Deployments