
業務連續性管理:全球市場佔有率(2022 年)

Global Market Share: Business Continuity Management, 2022

出版日期: | 出版商: QKS Group | 英文 39 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


預計到 2027 年,全球業務連續性管理市場的複合年增長率將達到 9.80%。

業務連續性管理是業務流程管理的重要組成部分,即使在發生重大故障後也能保持組織正常運作。 從其最初的目的是確保組織在發生網路攻擊或自然災害時的連續性,現在涵蓋多個方面,包括風險識別、補救以及應對網路攻擊和災難帶來的風險的可行計劃。強調實踐方法的綜合性學術領域。

業務連續性管理 (BCM) 是一種保護組織資源(例如流程、資產、人員、產品和服務)並確保災難時業務連續性的解決方案。 現代 BCM 解決方案涵蓋風險識別、風險評估和補救、危機管理、災難復原、企業風險管理 (ERM) 等管理和降低風險的內容。 此解決方案可保護組織免受各種事件的影響,包括網路威脅、資料外洩、複雜的業務風險和惡劣天氣。 BCM平台可以透過統一、全面的平台來涵蓋和協調培訓、緊急通知、電話會議、文件管理等各種活動。 該平台還可以自動執行手動和重複性任務,從而節省成本和時間。 此解決方案還可以幫助您遵守日益嚴格的法規,例如 ISO22301 和 FCPA。

BCM 解決方案以人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習 (ML) 等技術為後盾,可進行大數據分析,並可即時建立場景。 過去已經提出的風險會自動相互集成,讓您能夠全面了解組織的風險狀況,同時考慮垂直和水平場景。 人工智慧和機器學習可以幫助您處理結構化、半結構化和非結構化數據,建立災難復原計劃來解決現有系統和流程效率低下的問題,並計算關鍵資產的價值。 由於需要回應不斷變化的環境和獨特的業務需求,BCM 解決方案的需求和發展將繼續成長。

用於有效管理業務連續性管理 (BCM) 流程、指標和合規性的解決方案。 管理 BCM 生命週期的所有階段,從評估營運風險及其對業務的影響,到開發、實施、監控和更新業務連續性和災難復原計畫。 BCM 解決方案使組織能夠有效應對營運危機並協助危機後的恢復和恢復,確保整個企業關鍵營運的可用性。

災難復原和業務連續性繼續在組織中整合和接受。 此外,BCM 數據顯示業務連續性管理計畫與其他公司職能的整合得到了改善。 進步最大的領域包括危機和事件管理、災難復原、緊急管理、資訊科技和安全情報。


社群媒體對於危機管理和溝通來說既是重大危險,也是持續的潛力。 組織必須接受並使用社群媒體作為緊急情況之前、期間和之後的溝通手段。 業務連續性員工需要更多參與安全問題的規劃和回應,特別是當這些問題與基於雲端的服務相關時。




  • 競爭前景(2023 年)
  • 主要分析結果及結論


  • 市場定義和範圍
  • 收入類型
  • 分析目標區域
  • 分析目標產業


  • 市佔率:整個市場
  • 市佔率:依實施方法劃分
    • 本地
  • 市佔率:依地區劃分
    • 加拿大
    • 中歐和東歐
    • 日本
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲
    • 美國
    • 西歐
    • 亞洲(不包括日本和中國)(AxJC)
    • 中國
  • 市佔率:依產業劃分
    • 銀行/金融服務
    • 電子/通訊
    • 零售/電子商務
    • 專業服務
    • 醫療/生命科學
    • 製造業
    • 媒體娛樂
    • 政府/公部門
    • 教育
    • 能源/公用事業/其他
    • 其他
  • 市場佔有率:依客戶類型劃分
    • 中小企業
    • 大型公司

第 4 章分析師的建議


Product Code: QKS-02332

Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Reveals that Business Continuity Management Market is Projected to Register a CAGR of 9.80% by 2027.

Business Continuity Management is a critical part of business process management, as it keeps the organization running even after massive disruptions. From its original aim to keep the lights on in the event of a cyberattack or natural disaster, it has now become an integrated discipline that emphasizes multidimensional methods of risk identification, remediation, and executable plans to handle the risk caused by a cyberattack or catastrophe.

A Business Continuity Management (BCM) is a solution that safeguards an organization's resources, such as processes, assets, people, products/services, and ensures operational continuity in the event of a disaster. Modern BCM solutions cover risk identification, risk assessment and remediation, crisis management, disaster recovery, enterprise risk management (ERM), and more to manage and mitigate risks. The solution safeguards organizations from various incidents, such as cyber threats, data breaches, complex business risks, and adverse weather conditions. A BCM platform can cover and coordinate various activities, such as training, emergency notices, conference calls, document management, etc., through a unified, comprehensive platform. The platform can also automate manual, repetitive tasks, thereby saving costs and time. The solution also helps to comply with increasingly stringent regulations such as ISO22301 and FCPA.

A BCM solution is backed by technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for big data analysis to create scenarios in real-time. Risks already posed in the past are automatically integrated with one another to provide a holistic view of the organization's risk landscape while taking into consideration both vertical and transversal scenarios that show interconnections and dependencies with no silos. AI and ML help to process structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data; create disaster recovery plans by considering inefficiencies in the existing systems and processes and calculate the value of the critical assets. The demand and evolution of BCM solutions are set to grow in the future owing to the changing landscape, and the need to meet unique business requirements.

A solution that helps organizations manage business continuity management (BCM) processes, metrics, and compliance effectively. It manages all phases of the BCM lifecycle, from evaluating operational risk and its business impact; to developing, implementing, monitoring, and updating business continuity and disaster recovery plans." A BCM solution enables organizations to effectively respond to operational crises and helps them recover and restore post-crisis to ensure the availability of critical operations across the enterprise.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity continue to be integrated and accepted throughout the entire organisation. Additionally, BCM data demonstrate improved Business Continuity Management programme integration with other corporate functions. The areas that have improved the most include crisis/incident management, disaster recovery, emergency management, information technology, and security information.

Crisis planning and response will continue to be significantly impacted by social media.

Social media will remain a significant danger to crisis management and communications, as well as a huge potential. Social media must be accepted and used by organisations as a means of communication before, during, and after an emergency. More involvement from BC staff is needed in the planning and response to security problems, particularly in relation to cloud-based services.

Table of Contents

Chapter 01: Research Summary

  • 2023 Competition Outlook
  • Top Research Findings and Key Takeaways

Chapter 02: Market Overview

  • Market Definition and Scope
  • Revenue Type
  • Geographical Regions
  • Industry Verticals

Chapter 03: Market Share Analysis

  • Market Share by Total Market
  • Market Share by Deployment Type
    • Cloud
    • On-Premises
  • Market Share by Geographical Regions
    • Canada
    • Central & Eastern Europe
    • Japan
    • Latin America
    • Middle East & Africa
    • USA
    • Western Europe
    • Asia Ex-Japan China (AxJC)
    • China
  • Market Share by Industry Verticals
    • Banking and Financial Services
    • Electronics & Telecom
    • Retail and eCommerce
    • Professional Services
    • Healthcare and Life Sciences
    • Manufacturing
    • Media & Entertainment
    • Government and Public Sectors
    • Education
    • Energy & Utility Others
    • Others
  • Market Share by Customer Types
    • SMB
    • Large
    • Enterprise

Chapter 04: Analyst Recommendations

  • Analyst Recommendations

Chapter 05: Appendix

  • Research Methodologies

List of Tables

  • Table 1 : Market Share, Total Market, Worldwide
  • Table 2 : Market Share By Deployment Type, Worldwide
  • Table 3 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, USA
  • Table 4 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, Canada
  • Table 5 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, Latin America
  • Table 6 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, Western Europe
  • Table 7 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, Central & Eastern Europe
  • Table 8 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, MEA
  • Table 9 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, Asia ex. JPC
  • Table 10 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, Japan
  • Table 11 : Market Share By Geographical Regions, China
  • Table 12 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 1, Worldwide
  • Table 13 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 2, Worldwide
  • Table 14 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 3, Worldwide
  • Table 15 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 4, Worldwide
  • Table 16 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 5, Worldwide
  • Table 17 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 6, Worldwide
  • Table 18 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 7, Worldwide
  • Table 19 : Market Share By Industry Vertical 8, Worldwide

List of Figures

  • Fig. 1 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Worldwide, 2022
  • Fig. 2 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, USA, 2022
  • Fig. 3 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Canada, 2022
  • Fig. 4 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Latin America, 2022
  • Fig. 5 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Western Europe, 2022
  • Fig. 6 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Central & Eastern Europe, 2022
  • Fig. 7 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Middle East & Africa, 2022
  • Fig. 8 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Asia excluding Japan and China, 2022
  • Fig. 9 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Japan, 2022
  • Fig. 10 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, China, 2022
  • Fig. 11 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, IT & Telecom Industry, 2022
  • Fig. 12 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Banking & Financial Services Industry, 2022
  • Fig. 13 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Insurance Industry, 2022
  • Fig. 14 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Healthcare Industry, 2022
  • Fig. 15 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Government & Public Sector, 2022
  • Fig. 16 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Retail & eCommerce, 2022
  • Fig. 17 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Manufacturing, 2022
  • Fig. 18 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Hospitality, 2022
  • Fig. 19 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, On-premises Deployment, 2022
  • Fig. 20 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Cloud Deployment, 2022
  • Fig. 21 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, SMB Customers, 2022
  • Fig. 22 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Large Customers, 2022
  • Fig. 23 Market Share of Business Continuity Management, Enterprise Customers, 2022