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2028 年葡萄酒包裝盒市場預測 - 按材料(紙、木材、牛皮紙、玻璃、聚丙烯、其他材料)、產品類型、應用和地區分類的全球分析Wine Packaging Boxes Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Material (Paper, Wooden, Kraft Paper, Glass, Polypropylene and Other Materials), Product Type, Application and By Geography |
根據Stratistics MRC,2022年全球酒類包裝市場規模將達到34億美元,預計2028年將達到52億美元,預測期內增長7.3%。預計以復合年增長率增長
葡萄酒可以採用各種形狀、尺寸和材料進行包裝,這樣更方便、更具成本效益並能增強產品的美感。 該行業最常使用傳統玻璃瓶。 釀酒師也更喜歡最新的,例如更纖細的 Echo 玻璃容器和蝕刻玻璃瓶。 由於比玻璃瓶更方便,單劑量葡萄酒容器在世界範圍內也越來越受歡迎。 市場進入者還利用創新圖形來增強葡萄酒包裝的美感並擴大當前的消費群。
根據 StatCan 的數據,2021 年加拿大將售出約 5.3741 億升葡萄酒,高於 2020 年的 5.27 億升。 據國際葡萄與葡萄酒政府間組織稱,2021 年全球葡萄酒產量估計在 247.1 至 253.5 mhl(百萬百升)之間。
葡萄酒消費量的增加和對葡萄酒好處的認識不斷提高是推動市場擴張的主要因素。 此外,由於顏色、尺寸和形狀的多樣化,以及使用易生物降解的包裝材料,對葡萄酒包裝的需求正在擴大。 此外,增加可支配收入、增加工作人口和改善生活條件也有助於市場擴張。
用於攜帶日常必需品的主要包裝材料是由塑料、紙板和紙製成的盒子和輕便的袋子。 用作紙製品原料的紙漿材料並不總是具有相同的質量。 紙袋也因為生產時使用的原材料質量差而容易撕裂。 製造過程中使用的木漿種類不同會影響紙袋的質量,這對製造商提出了挑戰。
通過瓶裝和罐裝包裝,葡萄酒可以免受環境、化學和物理因素的影響。 這是必不可少的,因為包裝不當會影響整批葡萄酒。 環保和高度可生物降解的包裝材料的需求量很大,因為它們生產成本低廉並且可以重複使用和回收,從而最大限度地減少製造商的廢物產量並加速增長。
全球市場的增長受到玻璃瓶等原材料成本的阻礙。 葡萄酒通常包裝在易碎的玻璃瓶中。 通過提高酒類包裝的質量和材料,企業正試圖為其創造需求。 隨著新技術提高包裝質量並使其更輕,市場增長也在增加。
在全球範圍內,酒精行業受到了 COVID-19 的巨大影響。 全球酒精行業受到大流行的嚴重影響。 在全球範圍內,酒類業務受到了嚴重影響。 由於所有酒吧、酒類商店和餐館都關門了,收入和銷售額都下降了。 它也影響了包裝行業。 由於酒吧、酒類商店、餐館等關閉,銷售額下降。 它也影響了包裝行業。 由於貿易限制,酒精飲料的進出口已暫停。 但是,一些國家/地區已經解除封鎖,使企業鬆了一口氣並增加了生產和銷售。
由於認可度提高,玻璃行業預計將實現有利增長。 尤其是酒類包裝,玻璃杯最為合適。 玻璃是一種值得信賴且經過驗證的容器材料,有利於健康、風味和環境。 無需擔心質量下降,可以回收再利用。 由於玻璃杯是不可滲透和多孔的,它不會與葡萄酒相互作用而改變其風味和香氣,從而改善美感和整體飲用體驗。
瓶子部分由於其優勢,預計在預測期內將以最快的複合年增長率增長。 葡萄酒用玻璃瓶可以更好的保存,客戶的需求也會增加。 大多數葡萄酒裝在瓶中時味道會更好。 瓶子可以定制各種標籤和裝飾,並有各種形狀、尺寸和顏色。 這是推動該細分市場增長的主要因素。
由於葡萄酒的高端化,預計北美在預測期內將佔據最大的市場份額。 年輕人可支配收入的增加和酒精飲料偏好的改變也推動了這一行業的發展。 比起啤酒,嬰兒潮一代更喜歡葡萄酒,例如,與其他年齡組相比,他們中每天喝葡萄酒的比例更高。
由於葡萄酒消費量的增加,預計歐洲在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 葡萄酒銷量的增加也推動了葡萄酒包裝。 此外,消費者對安全包裝的需求不斷增長,推動了對酒桶、架子和托盤等二級葡萄酒包裝的需求。 這些因素推動了該地區葡萄酒包裝製造商的高需求。
2022 年 11 月,Smurfit Kappa 將開發創新且可持續的葡萄酒專用包裝解決方案,以幫助該行業的公司利用電子商務葡萄酒銷售的持續增長。supported
2022 年 3 月,Ardagh Group S.A. 與 Constellation Brands, Inc. 合作設計和製造極具裝飾性的酒瓶。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Wine Packaging Boxes Market is accounted for $3.4 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $5.2 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 7.3% during the forecast period. Wine can be packaged in a range of shapes, sizes, and materials that are more user-friendly, cost-effective, and enhance the product's aesthetic appeal. In the industry, conventional glass bottles are most frequently utilised. The wine manufacturers also favour their latest iterations, which include slimmer echo-glass containers and etched glass bottles. Due to its greater convenience compared to glass bottles, single-serve wine containers are likewise gaining significant appeal on a global scale. Market participants are also enhancing the aesthetic appeal of wine packaging and growing their current consumer base by utilising innovative graphics.
According to StatCan, approximately 537.41 million liters of wine were sold in Canada in 2021, which increased from 527 million liters in 2020. According to the International Organisation of Vine and Wine Intergovernmental Organisation, in 2021 world wine production is estimated between 247.1 and 253.5 mhl (million hectolitres).
The rise in wine consumption and increased awareness of the advantages of wine are the primary drivers driving market expansion. The need for wine packaging has also expanded due to the variety of colours, sizes, and shapes, as well as the usage of easily biodegradable packaging materials. Furthermore, an increase in disposable income, an increase in the working population, and an improvement in living conditions have all contributed to the market's expansion.
The majority of packaging materials used for carrying daily goods are made of plastic, corrugated, and paper-based boxes or lightweight bags. The pulpwood, which is used to make paper products, isn't necessarily of the same calibre as the pulp. Due to the poor quality of the raw materials used in manufacture, paper bags also rip easily. Paper bag quality will vary when different types of wood pulp are used in production, which presents a difficulty for the manufacturers.
Wine is protected from environmental, chemical, and physical elements by packaging in bottles and cans, which is essential because improper packaging could infect the entire batch of wine. The demand for eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging materials is increasing since they are low-cost to produce and can be reused and recycled, minimising the manufacturer's waste output and accelerating growth.
Growth of the global market is hampered by the cost of raw materials like glass bottles. Wine is frequently packaged in fragile glass bottles that are easy to break. By improving the quality and material of wine packaging, businesses are attempting to generate demand for it. New technologies enhance packaging quality and make it more lightweight has increased growth of the market.
Globally, the alcohol sector has been severely impacted by COVID-19. The global alcohol industry has been severely impacted by the pandemic. Globally, the alcohol business has been severely impacted. Due to the closure of all bars, liquor stores, and restaurants, revenue has decreased and sales have decreased. It has also had an impact on the packaging sector. Due to the closure of all bars, liquor stores, and restaurants, revenue has decreased and sales have decreased. It has also had an impact on the packaging sector. Alcoholic beverage import and export have been halted by trade regulations. Lockdown was, however, removed in certain nations, which provided some respite to businesses and raised output and sales.
The glass segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to increase in awareness. Glass remains the best choice for wine packaging among others. For health, flavour, and the environment, glass is a trusted and established container material. It is recyclable without suffering from quality degradation. Because glass is impermeable and nonporous, it does not interact with wine to change its flavour or scent while still adding to the aesthetics and overall drinking experience.
The bottles segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to its advantages. Wine is better preserved in glass bottles, which also raises customer demand for it. The majority of wine gets better during bottle preservation. Bottles can be customised with a wide range of labels and decorations and come in any shape, size, and colour. This is the major factor driving the growth of the segment.
North America is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to premiumization of wines. In addition, advances are spurred by surging disposable personal incomes and changing alcoholic beverage preferences among younger consumers. The preference for wine over beer among baby boomers and a higher proportion of boomers who drink wine everyday compared to other age groups are two examples of these trends.
Europe is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to the increasing consumption of wine. The increasing sales of wine also boost the wine packaging. Additionally, the demand for secondary wine packaging, such as barrels, racks, and trays, is being fueled by consumers' growing need for secure packaging. These elements are fueling a high demand among regional wine packaging manufacturers.
Some of the key players profiled in the Wine Packaging Boxes Market include: DS Smith, Sealed Air, International Paper, Amcor Limited, Encore Glass Inc., Lihua Group, Ardagh Group SA, Smurfit Kappa, Cross Country Box Co. Inc, Riverside paper Co, Ball Corporation and MosPackaging.
In November 2022, Smurfit Kappa has created an innovative and sustainable packaging solution tailored explicitly for wine to help businesses in the sector capitalize on the continued growth in eCommerce wine sales.
In March 2022, Ardagh Group S.A., to design and manufacture a highly decorated wine bottle collaborated with Constellation Brands, Inc.
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