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到 2028 年大豆蛋白原料市場預測——按類型、形式、產地、功能、分銷渠道、應用和地區進行的全球分析Soy Protein Ingredients Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type, Form, Nature, Function, Distributive channel, Application and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC 的數據,預計 2022 年全球大豆蛋白原料市場規模將達到 73.3 億美元,到 2028 年將達到 143.2 億美元,複合年增長率為 11.8%。
大豆蛋白是大豆中的一種完整蛋白質來源,含有 90% 的蛋白質,據稱有助於減肥、增加能量和增強肌肉。 大豆食品與奶製品、雞蛋和雞肉等動物蛋白相當,可以幫助素食者、素食者和彈性素食者滿足他們的蛋白質需求。 大豆含有膳食纖維、鋅、鐵、鈣、B 族維生素和所有八種必需氨基酸。
根據有機農業研究所的數據,2013 年,162 個國家/地區的約 180 萬農民耕種了超過 3700 萬公頃的有機農田。 預計有機食品市場的增長也將推動有機大豆蛋白原料市場的增長。
除了已經在全球範圍內廣泛種植外,由於南美洲和亞太地區等發展中地區作物種植的增長,大豆蛋白的供應量也在增加。 因此,原材料很容易從提供豆粕的合同農民和搾油廠獲得。 與大豆蛋白原料相關的低加工成本非常適合製造商的運營需求,並使加工商能夠更有效地投資於產品開發。 由於這些趨勢,大豆蛋白已變得比肉類、乳製品和乳清蛋白等其他蛋白質來源便宜。
在歐洲等發達地區,轉□□基因作物的種植是被禁止的,一些歐盟成員國已經制定了禁止的法律。 重要的國家包括德國、法國、北愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭。 該地區當地大豆市場受到影響,因此預計未來的擴張將受到阻礙。 預計這還將影響阿根廷等新興國家的大豆出口,在這些國家,轉基因大豆作物是主流。
有機大豆蛋白市場有可能改變整個大豆蛋白原料市場。 根據有機農業研究所的數據,2013 年,162 個國家的約 180 萬農民在超過 3700 萬公頃的農田上進行有機耕作。 有機食品市場的增長預計將推動有機大豆蛋白原料市場。 政府和非政府組織提供財政援助、研發計劃、贈款等,以幫助傳統農民過渡到有機農業。 這些組織包括瑞士有機農業研究所、印度農業和加工食品出口發展局以及美國農業部。 北美和歐洲等發達地區對有機食品配料的需求量很大。 隨著消費者開始意識到食用有機食品對健康的好處,對健康產品的偏好也越來越大。 因此,計劃開展營銷活動以強調其使用和健康益處聲明。
大豆蛋白和大豆蛋白粉含有植酸,會降低人體吸收礦物質的能力。 因此,可能會因缺乏礦物質而危害健康。 大豆異黃酮還可以作為致甲狀腺腫物並破壞甲狀腺功能,從而影響激素分泌。 大豆蛋白還含有植物雌激素,植物雌激素天然存在於植物中,具有與體內雌激素受體結合的雌激素作用。 過多的大豆蛋白會破壞體內正常的荷爾蒙平衡。
COVID-19 造成的封鎖和貿易限制影響了餐飲行業,減少了對產品的需求,尤其是 2020 年的醫院行業。 與此同時,零售業蓬勃發展,人們開始轉向營養豐富的植物性食品。 根據 IFIC 食品與健康調查 2020,近 85% 的消費者改變了飲食習慣,對天然產品感興趣。
大豆分離蛋白片段在大豆蛋白片段中占主導地位,約佔總量的 44%。 高份額的主要原因是大豆雖然可以食用,但含有很少的膽固醇或飽和脂肪。 大豆是一種植物性食物,含有人體生長所必需的全部八種氨基酸。 大豆分離蛋白是精製大豆蛋白,含有 90% 的蛋白質。 用於改善肉製品的品質和質地。 它很少在櫃檯銷售,主要用於食品行業。 大豆分離蛋白不太常用,因為它會引起人類過敏。
在預測期內,個人護理和化妝品領域的收入預計將以 5.9% 的複合年增長率增長。 生活方式的改變、消費者對培養整體個性的重要性的認識不斷提高、GDP 的增長、天然成分在化妝品製造中的使用等預計將推動這一細分市場的需求。 美國、法國和英國等國家正致力於在新興市場獲得市場份額。 根據國際貿易管理局 (ITA) 的數據,亞洲國家擁有超過 30 億的潛在客戶群,是化妝品和個人護理產品增長最快的地區。
北美將引領市場,到 2022 年約佔全球銷售額的 32%。 該地區主要參與者的強大存在以及對大豆和乳蛋白新技術進步的有利支持有助於該地區的高市場份額。 在過去幾年中,越來越多的素食者增加了對大豆和乳製品的需求。 為了滿足不斷增長的消費者需求,主要製造商正在實施各種策略,包括轉向純素食產品組合和推出新產品。
預計亞太地區在預測期內將產生 32.2864 億美元的收入,複合年增長率為 3.96%。 由於印度素食人口眾多,大豆等植物蛋白來源在市場上佔據主導地位。 素食零食的日益普及及其高營養價值是影響該國對大豆蛋白成分需求的主要因素之一。 近期的政府舉措,例如對零售業的直接投資和智慧城市舉措,預計將推動大豆蛋白產品市場的增長,進而有望推動大豆蛋白原料市場的增長。 印度大米食譜使用改變質地的大豆蛋白,而不是麵包和三巴等當地菜餚中使用的大豆粉。
2021 年 4 月,不二製油控股有限公司的荷蘭子公司投資了專門從事食品技術的大型基金 UNOVIS NCAP II 基金。 該公司的政策是通過以植物為基礎的食品加工技術解決世界各地消費者面臨的問題,為可持續發展的社會做出貢獻。
2021 年 3 月,不二製油集團任命 Mikio Sakai 為新總裁兼首席執行官。 Mikio Sakai 將致力於基於“植物性食品解決方案”核心概念的開發,以將其發展成為與油脂業務和巧克力業務並列的第三個業務支柱。 植物性食品解決方案是大豆、大豆肉和其他植物性蛋白質來源。
2021 年 2 月,邦吉以 1200 萬美元的價格從當地研磨機 Imcopa 手中收購了兩家大豆加工廠,以擴建其大豆蛋白製造工廠,鞏固其作為美國最大的油脂加工商的地位。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Soy Protein Ingredients Market is accounted for $7.33 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $14.32 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 11.8% during the forecast period. Soy protein is a complete source of protein found in soybeans that contains 90% protein and aids in weight loss, energy increase, and muscle building. Soy foods are comparable to animal proteins such as dairy products, eggs, and chicken and can help vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians meet their protein needs. Soybeans are high in fiber, zinc, iron, calcium, and B vitamins, as well as all eight essential amino acids.
According to the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, around 1.8 million farmers across 162 countries carried out organic cultivation on more than 37.0 million hectares of agricultural land in 2013. Growth in the organic food products market is also expected to boost the growth of the organic soy protein ingredients market.
Soy protein availability has increased due to increased crop cultivation in developing regions such as South America and Asia Pacific, in addition to the already widespread cultivation across the globe. As a result, raw materials are easily obtained from contract farmers or oilseed crushers that offer soy meal. The low processing costs associated with soy protein ingredients are suitable for manufacturers' operational demands, allowing processors to spend more effectively on product development. As a result of these trends, soy proteins are less expensive than other protein sources like meat, dairy, and whey proteins.
The cultivation of genetically modified crops is prohibited in developed regions such as Europe, where some European Union member states have passed laws prohibiting it. Among the important nations are Germany, France, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. The area's conventional soybean market has been impacted, and future expansion is expected to be hampered as a result. It is also expected to have an impact on soybean exports from developing countries such as Argentina, where GM-based soybean crops are the norm.
The organic soy protein market has the potential to transform the overall soy protein ingredient market. According to the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, in 2013, approximately 1.8 million farmers in 162 countries practiced organic agriculture on more than 37.0 million hectares of agricultural land. Growth in the organic food products market is expected to drive the organic soy protein ingredients market. Government and non-government organizations provide financial assistance, research and development programs, and subsidies to help traditional farmers transition to organic farming. These organizations include the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, India's Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, and the United States Department of Agriculture. Organic food ingredients are in high demand in developed regions such as North America and Europe. Consumer preference for healthy products is increasing as consumers become more aware of the health benefits of eating organic foods. As a result, marketing campaigns highlighting their use and health benefit claims are being planned.
Soy protein and soy protein powder contain phytates, which reduce the body's ability to absorb minerals. This could lead to health problems caused by a mineral deficiency. Soy isoflavones also act as goitrogens, which can disrupt thyroid function and thus influence hormone production. Soy protein also contains phytoestrogen, which is found naturally in plants and has estrogen-like properties that bind to estrogen receptors in the body. Soy protein consumption in excess may disrupt the body's normal hormone balance.
The COVID-19-induced lockdowns and trade restrictions had an impact on the F&B sector and reduced product demand from the hospitality industry, particularly in 2020. On the other hand, the retail sector is thriving, and there is a shift toward nutritional plant-based food products. According to the IFIC Food and Health Survey 2020, nearly 85% of consumers have changed their eating habits and are interested in natural products.
The soy protein isolate segment dominated the soy protein segment, accounting for approximately 44% of the total. The main reason for the high share is that, despite being edible, soy contains very little cholesterol and saturated fat. Soybeans are vegetable foods that contain all eight amino acids required for human growth. Soy protein isolates are a refined form of soy protein that contains 90% protein. It is used to improve the quality and texture of meat products. It is rarely sold in stores and is primarily used in the food industry. Because of its allergenic potential in the human body, soy protein isolate is less commonly used.
The personal care and cosmetics segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% in terms of revenue during the forecast period. Changing lifestyles, widespread consumer awareness of the importance of improving one's overall personality, rising GDP, and the use of natural ingredients in the manufacturing of cosmetics are expected to drive demand for the segment market. Countries such as the United States, France, and the United Kingdom are focusing on capturing market share in emerging regions. According to the International Trade Administration (ITA), Asian countries have a potential customer base of over three billion people and are the fastest-growing region for cosmetics and personal care products.
North America led the market, accounting for approximately 32% of global revenue in 2022. The strong presence of the region's key players, combined with favorable support for new technological advancements in soy and dairy protein, are factors contributing to the region's high market share. Over the last few years, the vegan population has increased demand for soy and dairy-based products. To meet rising consumer demand, major manufacturers are implementing a variety of strategies, including switching to an all-vegan product portfolio and launching new products.
Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.96%, generating USD 3,228.64 million during the forecast period. Because of the country's large vegetarian population, plant-protein ingredients like soy dominate the Indian market. The growing popularity of vegan snacks and their high nutritional profile is one of the major factors influencing the nation's demand for soy protein ingredients. Recent government initiatives, such as FDI in retail and smart city initiatives, are expected to drive growth in the soy protein products market and, as a result, the soy protein ingredients market. Textured soy protein is used in Indian rice recipes rather than soy flour, which is used in bread and regional foods such as sambar.
Some of the key players in Soy Protein Ingredients market include AG Processing Inc, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Arla Foods amba, BIC Services, Cargill, Incorporated, Danone, Dean Foods, Devansoy Inc., DuPont Solae, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, KELLOGG CO., Kerry Group plc, Manildra Group, Mead Johnson, MGP Ingredients, Inc., Natural Products Inc. , Nisshin Oillio Group, Ltd., Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd, The Nisshin OilliO Group Ltd and Wilmar International Limited.
In April 2021, Fuji Oil Holdings Inc.'s Dutch subsidiary invested in UNOVIS NCAP II Fund, a major fund specializing in food technology. The company plans to contribute to a sustainable society using its processing technologies for plant-based food materials to tackle the issues consumers face across the world.
In March 2021, Fuji Oil Group appointed Mikio Sakai as the new president and CEO. Mikio Sakai is engaged in developing Plant-based Food Solutions as a core concept to grow a third business pillar, along with the Oil and Fat and Chocolate businesses. Plant-based Food Solutions include soy meat and soybeans, which are used as raw materials for plant-based protein.
In February 2021, Bunge has expanded its soy protein manufacturing plants by purchasing two soy processing plants from the local crusher Imcopa for USD 12 million, reinforcing its position as the country's biggest oilseed processor.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.