Market Scale of GaN Power Devices
According to TrendForce's research, the scale of the global market for GaN power devices is projected to expand from around USD 180 million in 2022 to USD 1.33 billion in 2026, reflecting a high CAGR of 65% for the period.
Market Scale of SiC Power Devices
TrendForce's study shows that the global SiC poer device market had arrived at US$1.61 billion in 2022, and could climb to US$ 5.33 billion by 2026 at a CAGR of 35%.
Table of Contents
2023 SiC Power Device Market Analysis Report:
1. Overview of Industry for SiC Power Devices
- The landscape of Global Industry for SiC Devices
- Status of SiC Supply Chain
- Statuses of Major Suppliers
2. Analysis of Market for SiC Substrates
- Overview of Market for SiC Substrates
- Geographical Distribution of SiC Substrate Suppliers
- Distribution of Cost of SiC Substrate
- Technological Development Trends in Manufacturing of SiC Substrates
- Developments in Equipment for Manufacturing SiC Substrates
- Price Trend for SiC Substrates
- Size Trend for SiC Substrates
- Major SiC Substrate Suppliers and Their Main Clients
- Projection on Global Production Capacity for SiC Substrates
- SiC Substrate Production Lines in China
- Projection on Major Chinese SiC Substrate Suppliers'Production Capacity Figures
3. Analysis of Market for SiC Epi-Wafers
- Geographical Distribution of SiC Epi-Wafer Suppliers
- Distribution of Cost of SiC Epi-Wafer
- SiC Epi-Wafer Suppliers and Their Business Focuses
- Major SiC Epi-Wafer Suppliers and Their Main Clients
- Types of Reactors Used in Manufacturing SiC Epi-Wafers
- Suppliers for Reactors Used in Manufacturing of SiC Epi-Wafers
4. Analysis of Market for SiC Power Devices
- SiC Power Devices - Development Status
- Geographical Distribution of SiC Power Device Suppliers
- Distribution of Cost of SiC Power Device
- Equipment for Manufacturing SiC Power Devices Chips
- Equipment for Manufacturing SiC Power Devices Module Packages
- Technological Developments in SiC Power Devices
- Product Lines of SiC Power Device Suppliers
- Market Scale of SiC Power Devices
- Market Shares of SiC Power Device Suppliers
- Front Production Lines of IDMs
- Overview of SiC Foundry
- SiC Foundry Capacity Forecast
- Dynamics of Chinese SiC Foundry
5. Analysis of Market for Automotive SiC Power Devices
- Global NEV Market
- SiC Automotive Components
- Value Ratio of SiC Automotive Components
- Adoption Progress of SiC
- Penetration Rate of 800V Systems
- Market Scale of Automotive SiC Power Devices
- Major Supply Structure of Automotive SiC Power Devices
- Automotive Market's Estimated Demand for SiC Wafers
- Progress of Chinese Automotive SiC - SiC MOSFET
- Progress of Chinese Automotive SiC - SiC Module
6. Analysis of Major Suppliers
- Wolfspeed
- Infineon
- ON Semi
- Bosch
- Coherent
- TankeBlue
- San'an Optoelectronics
- AccoPower
- AscenPower
- Inventchip
- Global Power Technology
2023 GaN Power Device Market Analysis Report:
1. Overview of Industry for GaN Power Devices
2. Analysis of Market for GaN Substrates/Epi-Wafers
3. Analysis of Market for GaN Power Devices
4. Analysis on Application Scenarios for GaN Power Devices
5. Analysis on Major Suppliers