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資料中心即服務市場 - 2018-2028 年全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測(按基礎設施、組織規模、垂直產業、地區、競爭進行細分)。Data center as a service Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast Segmented, By Infrastructure, By Organization Size, By Vertical, By Region, Competition 2018-2028. |
2022 年,全球資料中心即服務市場價值為 712.2 億美元,預計到 2028 年,預測期內將實現強勁成長,複合CAGR為22.31%。培訓服務需求的激增可歸因於培訓服務幫助組織的能力確保資料中心的運作效率並防止停機。雲端技術的不斷進步、資料中心日益複雜以及虛擬化等顛覆性趨勢的出現,迫切需要跨 IT 基礎架構進行有效的培訓。複雜技術的部署需要足夠的技術專業知識來最大限度地提高營運效率並防止錯誤,這也將推動業務擴張。
市場上的主要參與者正在利用雲端、人工智慧、機器學習和物聯網等技術將其傳統資料中心轉變為現代、先進的資料中心。例如,Larsen & Toubro 和微軟印度公司宣佈建立策略合作夥伴關係,為客戶提供基礎設施和雲端運算服務。 L&T 和微軟計劃共同合作,透過開發路線圖和架構,將其傳統資料中心現代化為技術先進的資料中心,從而滿足印度龐大客戶群的需求,從而使組織能夠實現數位化轉型,預計將推動對資料中心的需求服務市場的成長。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 712.2億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 2503.6億美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 22.31% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 大型企業 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
資料中心為各行業提供了對其內部資料的更高級別的控制,並幫助以高效的方式利用存儲的資料,例如使用機器學習、人工智慧、物聯網和高級分析等先進技術來提高為客戶提供幫助的能力。例如,IBM與印度通訊解決方案供應商Bharti Airtel宣佈建立策略合作夥伴關係,部署Airtel的邊緣運算平台,其中包括在印度20個城市部署120個網路資料中心。這個大型平台旨在幫助包括製造業和汽車業在內的不同行業的大型企業利用創新解決方案,為其客戶和業務營運帶來更高的價值。預計此類舉措將在預測期內推動市場的成長。
資料中心使用的大量能源和溫度升高的問題正在嚴重影響資料中心即服務的市場。管理資料中心技術的需要也是由於缺乏有關服務的知識的結果。這對資料中心服務的使用產生了影響,集中精力提高資料中心所有者的知識變得越來越重要。由於安全和隱私問題,企業對於將資料轉移到雲端猶豫不決。 DCaaS 供應商需要透過實施強大的安全措施和透明的隱私權政策來解決這些問題。 DCaaS 供應商需要為其客戶提供可靠且高效能的網路連線。這對一些地區,尤其是發展中國家來說可能是一個挑戰。企業需要遵守各種行業和政府法規。 DCaaS 提供者需要透過提供必要的工具和服務來幫助其客戶遵守這些法規。 DCaaS 服務的成本可能很高,特別是對於具有複雜 IT 需求的企業而言。 DCaaS 供應商需要提供靈活的定價選項,並使各種規模的企業都能負擔得起他們的服務。 DCaaS 市場缺乏標準化,這使得企業很難在不同的供應商之間進行比較和選擇。
目前有數十億台連網設備,而且數量還在持續增加中。許多數據會產生大量資料,必須對這些數據進行記錄、處理、儲存、評估和檢索。隨著物聯網和工業 4.0 的發展,製造商依靠大資料和資料分析來提高營運生產力、成本效益、安全性和效率。
2022年10月,英特爾公司和Alphabet公司旗下的Google雲端宣布推出一款共同設計的晶片,可提高資料中心的安全性和效率。代號為 Mount Evans 的 E2000 晶片從負責主要運算的昂貴中央處理器 (CPU) 手中接管了打包網路資料的工作。它還為可能在雲端中共享 CPU 的不同客戶之間提供更好的安全性。
例如,2022 年 6 月,Oracle 雲端基礎架構 (OCI) 宣布將其分散式雲端服務擴展到專門區域,並預覽 Compute Cloud@Customer。 OCI 專用區域以更小的新基礎設施佔用空間和更低的價格向更多客戶和客戶資料中心提供整個公有雲。平均而言,新的 OCI 專用區域消耗的資料中心空間和電力減少了 60-75%,典型客戶每年支付約 100 萬美元。
基於雲端的資料中心即服務佔據了更大的市場佔有率,並且隨著組織進行數位轉型並適應遠距工作環境,預計在預測期內將以高CAGR成長。使用基於雲端的資料中心即服務解決方案可以將遠端指紋掃描、臉部辨識和文件驗證與伺服器整合。此外,公司已經開始採用這些解決方案,並意識到它有助於降低成本、提高營運效率和提高安全性。例如,據思科系統公司稱,到 2021 年,預計 70% 的上市和私人公司將使用基於雲端的電子郵件解決方案。學術機構、國防機構和政府機構正在積極採用基於人工智慧 (AI)、物聯網 (IoT) 和機器學習 (ML) 等最新數位技術的創新解決方案,從而推動了對複雜的超融合IT 基礎設施,包括高效能運算伺服器,用於運行複雜的軟體定義解決方案並處理大量資料。高度重視維護伺服器池以確保有足夠的處理能力來處理大量資料,這對於該細分市場在預測期內的成長來說是個好兆頭。
由於不斷變化的需求,許多企業正在迅速轉向採用電子郵件安全解決方案,而這些解決方案的轉型已成為越來越重要的優先事項。 IT 和電信領導團隊不斷面臨越來越大的壓力,需要簡化安全技術的基礎設施和管理、降低安全環境的複雜性並加強整體安全結構。組織正在實施電子郵件安全解決方案,以幫助保護其數位環境和關鍵基礎設施免受新興網路威脅。此外,產業內網路攻擊的增加已促使組織採用電子郵件安全解決方案。電信公司特別透過使用私有雲來建立自己的資料中心來管理其基礎設施需求,用於核心和非核心網路營運。電信公司也與資料中心供應商合作以擴大其業務組合。例如,2021年11月,Telenor與Google雲端合作,透過整合AI和ML對其現有基礎設施進行數位化改造,以增強其技術能力,這是預計推動以下細分市場資料中心即服務市場需求的關鍵因素。
預計醫療保健領域在預測期內將以 30.5% 的CAGR擴張。人工智慧驅動的診斷工具、遠距醫療解決方案和醫療物聯網 (IoMT) 的積極發展預計將為資料中心解決方案提供者創造巨大的機會。混合多雲實踐在垂直醫療保健行業中變得越來越流行,以將某些工作負載與公共領域隔離,特別是在涉及敏感的患者健康資訊時確保足夠的資料安全和隱私保護。
北美地區已成為全球資料中心即服務市場的領導者,到 2022 年將佔據可觀的收入佔有率。北美是許多技術創新者的故鄉。該地區對雲端運算和物聯網等技術的需求很高。這些技術需要強大的資料中心設施來處理日益增加的複雜性。預計這將增加該地區資料中心服務的需求。
此外,美國是世界上成長最快的經濟體之一,它可能會促進基於公有雲的資料中心的成長。 IT產業作為美國最大的私部門雇主在美國市場佔據主導地位,資料中心被廣泛使用,從而推動了市場的成長。而且,美國的超大規模平台也正在崛起,為美國的超大規模平台提供資料中心服務就變得很有必要。此外,隨著企業意識到從託管資料中心租賃建立自己的資料中心基礎設施的大部分好處,託管資料中心在該地區變得越來越受歡迎。由於網路和連接設備等技術的整合,基礎設施的複雜性正在迅速增加。
在北美,隨著大資料和物聯網 (IoT) 等最新技術的不斷進步,資料中心設施正在逐步擴建。這些技術需要先進的設施來儲存、處理和管理大量資料。此外,該地區存在主要資料中心服務供應商,例如 Amazon Web Services, Inc.;微軟公司; IBM公司;和 Alphabet Inc. 是推動北美市場成長的主要因素。
Global Data center as a service Market has valued at USD 71.22 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 22.31% through 2028. The surging demand for training services can be attributed to their ability to help organizations ensure efficiency in operating their data centers and preventing downtime. The ongoing advancements in cloud technology, the increasing complexity of data centers, and the emergence of disruptive trends, such as virtualization, are compelling the need for effective training across IT infrastructures. The deployment of sophisticated technologies that necessitate adequate technical expertise to maximize operational efficiency and prevent errors will also drive business expansion.
The key players in the market are involved in transforming their traditional data centers into modern and advanced data centers using technologies such as cloud, AI, machine learning, and IoT. For instance, Larsen & Toubro and Microsoft India announced a strategic partnership to empower customers with infrastructure and cloud computing services. L&T and Microsoft planned to work together to cater to the large customers base in India by developing roadmaps and architectures to modernize their traditional data centers into technologically advanced data centers to enable organizations to achieve their digital transformation is expected to drive the demand for data centers as a service market growth.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 71.22 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 250.36 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 22.31% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Large Enterprises |
Largest Market | North America |
Governments across the world are easing policy regulations.
Governments across the world are easing policy regulations and promoting investments in data center facilities. For instance, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of India announced key strategic decisions framed by the Indian government to support data centers in the country, such as Simplify clearances for setting up data centers in India, pre-provisioned data center parks in states with necessary infrastructure availability, and a defined policy framework from different states and cities, along with the formulation of Data Centre Incentivization Scheme (DCIS), which is expected to specify the intended beneficiaries, fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, and applicability criteria for the sector.
Data centers offer industries with higher levels of control over their internal data and help in utilizing the stored data in highly effective ways, such as using advanced technologies such as machine learning, AI, IoT, and advanced analytics to improve their capabilities to assist customers. For instance, IBM and Bharti Airtel, a communications solutions provider in India, announced a strategic partnership for deploying Airtel's edge computing platform, which included the deployment of 120 network data centers in 20 cities across the country. The large platform was designed to help large enterprises across different industries, including manufacturing and automotive, leverage innovative solutions that delivered enhanced value to their clients and business operations. Such initiatives are expected to drive the growth of the market over the forecast period.
The massive quantity of energy used in data centers and the issue of rising temperatures are seriously affecting the market for data centers as a service. The need to manage data center technologies is also a result of the dearth of knowledge about the services. This has an impact on the use of data center services, and it is becoming more important to concentrate on raising knowledge among data center proprietors. Businesses are hesitant to move their data to the cloud due to security and privacy concerns. DCaaS providers need to address these concerns by implementing robust security measures and transparent privacy policies. DCaaS providers need to provide reliable and high-performance network connectivity to their customers. This can be a challenge in some regions, especially in developing countries. Businesses need to comply with various industry and government regulations. DCaaS providers need to help their customers comply with these regulations by providing the necessary tools and services. The cost of DCaaS services can be high, especially for businesses with complex IT needs. DCaaS providers need to offer flexible pricing options and make their services more affordable for businesses of all sizes. There is a lack of standardization in the DCaaS market, which can make it difficult for businesses to compare and choose between different providers.
There are currently billions of Internet-connected devices, and the number is growing. Many generate large amounts of data, which must be recorded, processed, stored, assessed, and retrieved. With the development of IoT and Industry 4.0, manufacturers rely on big data and data analytics to increase their operations' productivity, cost-effectiveness, security, and efficiency.
With fresh data being generated quickly over time, the intelligence from data becomes even harder to capture promptly. New digital landscapes, such as smart cities and intelligent buildings, offer more readily available data.
Moreover, the public cloud is increasing because of lower costs and low maintenance. The data can be accessed at any time and on any device. This is helping small- and medium-sized businesses grow tightly, controlling their costs by paying for the infrastructure based on their needs.
In October 2022, Intel Corp and Alphabet Inc's Google Cloud announced a co-designed chip that can improve the security and efficiency of data centers. The E2000 chip, code-named Mount Evans takes over the work of packaging data for networking from the expensive central processing units(CPU) that do the main computing. It also offers better security between different customers that may be sharing CPUs in the cloud.
For instance, in June 2022, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) announced the expansion of its distributed cloud services with specialized regions and previewing the Compute Cloud@Customer. OCI Dedicated Regions provides the entire public cloud to more customers and client data centers with a new, smaller infrastructure footprint and lower pricing. On average, the new OCI Dedicated Region consumes 60-75% less data center space and electricity, with a typical customer paying roughly USD 1 million annually.
The cloud-based Data center as a service accounted for a larger market share and is projected to grow with a high CAGR during the forecast period as organizations digitally transform and adapt to remote working environments. The usage of cloud-based Data center as a service solutions allows remote fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, and document verification to integrate with the servers. Moreover, companies have started adopting these solutions and are realizing that it helps in cost reduction, increasing operational efficiency, and improving security. For instance, According to Cisco Systems, by 2021, 70% of public and private companies are expected to use cloud-based email solutions . Academic institutions, defense agencies, and government agencies are aggressively adopting new, innovative solutions based on the latest digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), and machine learning (ML), thereby driving the need for sophisticated, hyper-converged IT infrastructure comprising high-performance computing servers to run complex software-defined solutions and process large volumes of data. The strong emphasis on maintaining a pool of servers to ensure adequate processing power to process large volumes of data bodes well for the growth of the segment over the forecast period.
Many businesses are rapidly moving toward adopting electronic mail security solutions due to evolving needs, and the transformation of these solutions has become a growing priority. IT & Telecom to lead as it is teams are constantly under increasing pressure to simplify the Infrastructure and management of security technology, reduce the complexity of their security environments, and strengthen their overall security structure. Organizations are implementing electronic mail security solutions to help protect their digital environments and critical infrastructure from emerging cyber threats. Moreover, the increase in cyber-attacks within the industry has realized organizations adopt electronic mail security solutions. Telecommunications companies are particularly managing their infrastructure needs by establishing their own data centers using a private cloud for both core and non-core networking operations. Telecommunications companies are also partnering with data center providers to expand their business portfolio. For instance, in November 2021, Telenor partnered with Google Cloud to digitally transform its incumbent infrastructure by integrating AI and ML to enhance its technical capabilities are the key factors expected to drive the demand for data center as a service market in the following segment.
The healthcare segment is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 30.5% during the forecast period. Aggressive development of AI-powered diagnostics tools, telemedicine solutions, and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), is expected to create robust opportunities for data center solution providers. Hybrid multi-cloud practices are becoming more popular in the healthcare industry vertical to isolate certain workloads from the public domain, especially to ensure adequate data security and privacy protection when it comes to sensitive patient health information.
The North America region has established itself as the leader in the Global Data center as a service Market with a significant revenue share in 2022. North America is home to many technological innovators. The region has a high demand for technologies like cloud computing and IoT. These technologies need robust data center facilities to handle the increasing complexities. This, in turn, is anticipated to increase the demand for data center services in the region.
Also, the United States is one of the largest-growing economies in the world, and it is likely to boost the growth of public cloud-based data centers. The IT industry dominates the United States market as the largest private sector employer in the country, where data centers are widely used, thereby propelling the market growth. Moreover, the country has also witnessed a rise in its hyper-scale platforms, so providing data center services for the United States' hyper-scale platforms has become necessary. Also, colocation data centers are becoming increasingly popular in the region as businesses realize the majority of benefits of leasing from a colocation building their own data center infrastructure. The complexities in the infrastructure facilities, owing to the integration of technologies like networks and connectivity devices, are increasing rapidly.
In North America, data center facilities are progressively expanding in line with the continued advances in the latest technologies, such as big data and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies require advanced facilities to store, process, and manage large volumes of data. Furthermore, the presence of key data center service providers in the region, such as Amazon Web Services, Inc.; Microsoft Corporation; IBM Corporation; and Alphabet Inc., is a major factor driving the market growth in North America.
In this report, the Global Data center as a service Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: