電子郵件安全市場 - 全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按部署、類型、按應用(BFSI、政府、醫療保健、IT 和電信、媒體和娛樂等)按地區、競爭情況進行細分, 2018 年 - 2028年Email Security Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, & Forecast Segmented, By Deployment, By Type, By Application (BFSI, Government, Healthcare, IT & Telecom, Media & Entertainment, & Others ) By Region, Competition 2018-2028 |
2022 年全球電子郵件安全市場價值為 34.7 億美元,預計到 2028 年預測期內將實現強勁成長,複合CAGR為10.25%。電子郵件安全是一個保護電子郵件免受攻擊和未經授權訪問的軟體平台。它監控通訊中的監管問題、合規性和盜竊情況,防止存取不當內容,並防範惡意軟體和有針對性的網路攻擊。主要參與者包括 Cisco Systems Inc.、Broadcom Inc.、Open Text Corporation、Proofpoint Inc.、Fortinet Inc.、Barracuda Networks Inc.、DataFlowX、Trend Micro Inc.、Sophos Ltd.、Intermedia.net Inc. 等,都在我們的考慮範圍內。由於惡意軟體和網路釣魚活動的增加,特別是勒索軟體和企業電子郵件外洩 (BEC) 和電子郵件帳戶外洩 (EAC) 等針對性攻擊,正在推動電子郵件安全平台的成長。 Cofense Intelligence 發現,2022 年惡意網路釣魚電子郵件增加了 569%,與憑證網路釣魚相關的威脅報告增加了 478%。由於投資增加以及組織對業務資料保護的需求不斷成長,全球電子郵件安全市場佔有率必將成長。根據梭子魚網路 2023 年電子郵件安全報告,隨著電子郵件攻擊變得更加複雜和難以偵測,26% 的組織增加了電子郵件安全支出預算,以預防和應對威脅。此外,增加 BYOD 和行動裝置的使用可以增加電子郵件安全解決方案的採用。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 34.7億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 62.9億美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 10.25% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 雲 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
網路威脅不斷發展,網路犯罪分子開發出越來越複雜的技術來利用電子郵件漏洞。這種動態的威脅情勢需要電子郵件安全解決方案來適應並領先於新出現的威脅。很大一部分與電子郵件相關的安全漏洞是由人為錯誤造成的,例如成為網路釣魚攻擊的受害者。應對這項挑戰不僅需要技術解決方案,還需要使用者意識和培訓計畫。企業和組織必須遵守嚴格的資料保護法規,例如 GDPR 和 HIPAA。遵守這些法規需要強大的電子郵件安全措施和報告功能。
電子郵件流量的龐大數量和複雜性給電子郵件安全解決方案帶來了挑戰。處理大量電子郵件,同時準確識別和減輕威脅可能會導致資源緊張並導致誤報或漏報。實施全面的電子郵件安全解決方案可能成本高昂,特別是對於預算有限的小型組織。成本效益和可擴展性是採用電子郵件安全措施時的關鍵考慮因素。網路威脅的激增,包括網路釣魚攻擊、勒索軟體和企業電子郵件外洩 (BEC),使電子郵件安全成為企業的首要任務。備受矚目的安全漏洞凸顯了對強大的電子郵件安全解決方案的需求。
電子郵件仍然是網路犯罪分子最常見的攻擊媒介之一。惡意電子郵件可以作為惡意軟體感染、資料竊取和其他網路攻擊的閘道器。電子郵件安全解決方案對於偵測和阻止此類威脅至關重要。 Microsoft Office 365 和 Google Workspace 等基於雲端的電子郵件服務的採用促使組織尋求專用的電子郵件安全解決方案來補充內建安全功能。這些解決方案提供了額外的保護層。向遠端工作的轉變以及使用行動裝置進行電子郵件通訊擴大了攻擊面。電子郵件安全解決方案必須適應保護用戶,無論其位置或裝置為何。
包括機器學習和人工智慧在內的先進威脅偵測技術的發展提高了電子郵件安全解決方案在識別和緩解複雜威脅方面的準確性。 GDPR 和 CCPA 等監管框架要求採取嚴格的資料保護措施,包括電子郵件安全。組織必須實施確保遵守這些法規的解決方案,從而推動對電子郵件安全工具的需求。組織越來越意識到員工網路安全培訓和意識計畫的重要性。這種意識的提高導致對電子郵件安全教育和培訓的投資增加。
網路威脅的激增,包括網路釣魚攻擊、勒索軟體和企業電子郵件外洩 (BEC),使電子郵件安全成為企業的首要任務。備受矚目的安全漏洞凸顯了對強大的電子郵件安全解決方案的需求。電子郵件仍然是網路犯罪分子最常見的攻擊媒介之一。惡意電子郵件可以作為惡意軟體感染、資料竊取和其他網路攻擊的閘道器。電子郵件安全解決方案對於偵測和阻止此類威脅至關重要。
Microsoft Office 365 和 Google Workspace 等基於雲端的電子郵件服務的採用促使組織尋求專用的電子郵件安全解決方案來補充內建安全功能。這些解決方案提供了額外的保護層。向遠端工作的轉變以及使用行動裝置進行電子郵件通訊擴大了攻擊面。電子郵件安全解決方案必須適應保護用戶,無論其位置或裝置為何。
包括機器學習和人工智慧在內的先進威脅偵測技術的發展提高了電子郵件安全解決方案在識別和緩解複雜威脅方面的準確性。 GDPR 和 CCPA 等監管框架要求採取嚴格的資料保護措施,包括電子郵件安全。組織必須實施確保遵守這些法規的解決方案,從而推動對電子郵件安全工具的需求。組織越來越意識到員工網路安全培訓和意識計畫的重要性。這種意識的提高導致對電子郵件安全教育和培訓的投資增加。基於雲端的電子郵件安全解決方案提供可擴充性、靈活性且易於部署。它們非常適合現代電子郵件環境並受到歡迎,尤其是在中小型企業中。
網路釣魚攻擊仍然是一種普遍的威脅,網路犯罪分子使用的策略越來越複雜。攻擊者針對特定個人或組織的魚叉式網路釣魚正在增加。為了應對這一趨勢,電子郵件安全解決方案正在整合先進的威脅偵測機制、機器學習和人工智慧 (AI),以識別和阻止網路釣魚嘗試。人工智慧和機器學習在電子郵件安全中發揮關鍵作用。這些技術分析大量資料集以偵測顯示惡意行為的模式,從而實現即時威脅偵測和主動回應。它們提高了識別網路釣魚嘗試、惡意軟體和其他電子郵件威脅的準確性。零信任是一種假設不存在信任的安全框架,即使在組織的網路內也是如此。電子郵件安全是零信任的一個組成部分,因為它強調在允許電子郵件通訊之前驗證寄件者和收件者的身份和安全狀況。這種方法可以最大限度地降低基於電子郵件的攻擊的風險。
電子郵件安全解決方案擴大採用高級身份驗證和授權方法,以確保只有授權使用者才能存取電子郵件帳戶。多重身份驗證 (MFA) 和生物識別身份驗證可增強電子郵件帳戶的安全性,降低未經授權的存取和帳戶外洩的風險。加密技術變得更加容易獲取和方便用戶使用。端對端加密,即電子郵件的內容從寄件者到收件者都經過加密,可確保只有目標收件者才能解密和閱讀電子郵件。這可以保護敏感資訊在傳輸過程中不被攔截。隨著 Microsoft 365 和 Google Workspace 等雲端電子郵件服務的廣泛採用,組織擴大轉向基於雲端的電子郵件安全解決方案。這些解決方案提供可擴展性、靈活性和集中管理,非常適合現代電子郵件環境。
基於雲端的電子郵件安全佔據了更大的市場佔有率,並且隨著組織進行數位轉型並適應遠距工作環境,預計在預測期內將以高CAGR成長。使用基於雲端的電子郵件安全解決方案可以將遠端指紋掃描、臉部辨識和文件驗證與伺服器整合。此外,公司已經開始採用這些解決方案,並意識到它有助於降低成本、提高營運效率和提高安全性。例如,據思科系統公司稱,到 2021 年,預計 70% 的上市和私人公司將使用基於雲端的電子郵件解決方案。
由於不斷變化的需求,許多企業正在迅速轉向採用電子郵件安全解決方案,而這些解決方案的轉型已成為越來越重要的優先事項。 IT 和電信領導團隊不斷面臨越來越大的壓力,需要簡化安全技術的部署和管理、降低安全環境的複雜性並加強整體安全結構。組織正在實施電子郵件安全解決方案,以幫助保護其數位環境和關鍵基礎設施免受新興網路威脅。此外,產業內網路攻擊的增加已促使組織採用電子郵件安全解決方案。
北美地區已成為全球電子郵件安全市場的領導者,到 2022 年將佔據重要的收入佔有率。由於組織中擴大採用行動裝置、嚴格的法規以及引入,北美地區在 2022 年主導了全球市場。基於雲端的電子郵件安全解決方案。此外,由於疫情期間網路釣魚和電子郵件詐騙率激增,該地區的企業更加重視保護電子郵件伺服器上儲存的機密資料。由於企業需求不斷成長,電子郵件安全解決方案在保護商業資訊和基礎設施方面的發展勢頭強勁。
Global Email Security Market has valued at USD 3.47 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 10.25% through 2028. Email security is a software platform that protects email from attacks and unauthorized access. It monitors communications for regulatory issues, compliance, and theft, prevents access to inappropriate content, and protects against malware and targeted cyberattacks. Key players, including Cisco Systems Inc., Broadcom Inc., Open Text Corporation, Proofpoint Inc., Fortinet Inc., Barracuda Networks Inc., DataFlowX, Trend Micro Inc., Sophos Ltd., Intermedia.net Inc., and others, are considered in our scope. Due to an increase in malware and phishing activity, particularly ransomware and targeted attacks such as business email compromise (BEC) and email account compromise (EAC), is driving the growth of electronic mail security platforms. Cofense Intelligence found that malicious phishing emails increased by 569% in 2022, and threat reports related to credential phishing increased by 478%.The global email security market share is set to grow due to increased investments and the rising need for business data protection by organizations. According to the 2023 electronic mail security report from Barracuda Networks, 26% of organizations have increased their budgets for electronic mail security spending to prevent and respond to threats as email attacks become more sophisticated and harder to detect. Furthermore, increasing BYOD and mobile device use to increase the adoption of electronic mail security solutions.
Email security refers to the measures and technologies used to protect email communication from cyber threats and unauthorized access. It encompasses various techniques and tools designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of email messages and attachments. Email security solutions typically include spam filters, antivirus software, encryption, authentication protocols, and threat intelligence systems.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 3.47 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 6.29 billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 10.25% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Cloud |
Largest Market | North America |
Cyber threats are constantly evolving, with cybercriminals developing increasingly sophisticated techniques to exploit email vulnerabilities. This dynamic threat landscape requires email security solutions to adapt and stay ahead of emerging threats. A significant proportion of email-related security breaches result from human error, such as falling victim to phishing attacks. Addressing this challenge requires not only technological solutions but also user awareness and training programs. Businesses and organizations are subject to stringent data protection regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA. Complying with these regulations necessitates robust email security measures and reporting capabilities.
The sheer volume and complexity of email traffic pose challenges for email security solutions. Handling a vast number of emails while accurately identifying and mitigating threats can strain resources and lead to false positives or false negatives. Implementing comprehensive email security solutions can be costly, especially for smaller organizations with limited budgets. Cost-effectiveness and scalability are critical considerations in the adoption of email security measures. The proliferation of cyber threats, including phishing attacks, ransomware, and business email compromise (BEC), has made email security a top priority for businesses. High-profile security breaches have underscored the need for robust email security solutions.
Email remains one of the most common attack vectors for cybercriminals. Malicious emails can serve as a gateway for malware infection, data theft, and other cyberattacks. Email security solutions are essential for detecting and blocking such threats. The adoption of cloud-based email services, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace, has prompted organizations to seek dedicated email security solutions to supplement built-in security features. These solutions provide additional layers of protection. The shift to remote work and the use of mobile devices for email communication have expanded the attack surface. Email security solutions must adapt to protect users regardless of their location or device.
The development of advanced threat detection technologies, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, has improved the accuracy of email security solutions in identifying and mitigating sophisticated threats. Regulatory frameworks, such as GDPR and CCPA, mandate strict data protection measures, including email security. Organizations must implement solutions that ensure compliance with these regulations, driving the demand for email security tools. Organizations are becoming more aware of the importance of cybersecurity training and awareness programs for employees. This heightened awareness is leading to increased investment in email security education and training.
The proliferation of cyber threats, including phishing attacks, ransomware, and business email compromise (BEC), has made email security a top priority for businesses. High-profile security breaches have underscored the need for robust email security solutions. Email remains one of the most common attack vectors for cybercriminals. Malicious emails can serve as a gateway for malware infection, data theft, and other cyberattacks. Email security solutions are essential for detecting and blocking such threats.
The adoption of cloud-based email services, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace, has prompted organizations to seek dedicated email security solutions to supplement built-in security features. These solutions provide additional layers of protection. The shift to remote work and the use of mobile devices for email communication have expanded the attack surface. Email security solutions must adapt to protect users regardless of their location or device.
The development of advanced threat detection technologies, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, has improved the accuracy of email security solutions in identifying and mitigating sophisticated threats. Regulatory frameworks, such as GDPR and CCPA, mandate strict data protection measures, including email security. Organizations must implement solutions that ensure compliance with these regulations, driving the demand for email security tools. Organizations are becoming more aware of the importance of cybersecurity training and awareness programs for employees. This heightened awareness is leading to increased investment in email security education and training. Cloud-based email security solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and ease of deployment. They are well-suited to modern email environments and have gained popularity, especially among small and medium-sized businesses.
Email security solutions are increasingly being integrated into broader cybersecurity ecosystems. This enables organizations to centralize threat detection and response, improving overall security posture. The adoption of the Zero Trust security framework, which assumes that threats may exist both inside and outside the network, emphasizes the importance of securing email communications as part of a holistic security strategy.
Phishing attacks continue to be a pervasive threat, with cybercriminals using increasingly sophisticated tactics. Spear phishing, in which attackers target specific individuals or organizations, is on the rise. To combat this trend, email security solutions are integrating advanced threat detection mechanisms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and block phishing attempts. AI and machine learning are playing a pivotal role in email security. These technologies analyze vast datasets to detect patterns indicative of malicious behavior, allowing for real-time threat detection and proactive responses. They enhance the accuracy of identifying phishing attempts, malware, and other email-borne threats. Zero Trust is a security framework that assumes no trust, even within an organization's network. Email security is an integral part of Zero Trust, as it emphasizes verifying the identity and security posture of both senders and recipients before allowing email communication. This approach minimizes the risk of email-based attacks.
Email security solutions are increasingly adopting advanced authentication and authorization methods to ensure that only authorized users can access email accounts. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) and biometric authentication enhance email account security, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and account compromise. Encryption technologies are becoming more accessible and user-friendly. End-to-end encryption, in which the content of emails is encrypted from sender to recipient, ensures that only the intended recipient can decrypt and read the email. This protects sensitive information from interception during transmission. With the widespread adoption of cloud email services like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, organizations are increasingly turning to cloud-based email security solutions. These solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and centralized management, making them well-suited for modern email environments.
The cloud-based email security accounted for a larger market share and is projected to grow with a high CAGR during the forecast period as organizations digitally transform and adapt to remote working environments. The usage of cloud-based email security solutions allows remote fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, and document verification to integrate with the servers. Moreover, companies have started adopting these solutions and are realizing that it helps in cost reduction, increasing operational efficiency, and improving security. For instance, According to Cisco Systems, by 2021, 70% of public and private companies are expected to use cloud-based email solutions .
Many businesses are rapidly moving toward adopting electronic mail security solutions due to evolving needs, and the transformation of these solutions has become a growing priority. IT & Telecom to lead as it is teams are constantly under increasing pressure to simplify the deployment and management of security technology, reduce the complexity of their security environments, and strengthen their overall security structure. Organizations are implementing electronic mail security solutions to help protect their digital environments and critical infrastructure from emerging cyber threats. Moreover, the increase in cyber-attacks within the industry has realized organizations adopt electronic mail security solutions.
The North America region has established itself as the leader in the Global Email Security Market with a significant revenue share in 2022. North America dominated the global market in 2022, owing to the increasing adoption of mobile devices among organizations, stringent regulations, and the introduction of cloud-based email security solutions. Moreover, due to the pandemic's spike in phishing and email scam rates, businesses in the region have increased their attention to safeguarding confidential data stored on email servers. Due to the increasing demand among enterprises, electronic mail security solutions are gaining momentum to protect business information and infrastructure.
In this report, the Global Email Security Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: