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行動身分管理市場 - 全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按解決方案、服務、部署、企業規模、垂直行業、地區、競爭細分,2018-2028 年Mobile Identity Management Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Solution, By Service, By Deployment, By Enterprise Size, By Vertical, By Region, By Competition, 2018-2028 |
2022 年全球行動身分管理市場價值為 27 億美元,預計在預測期內將強勁成長,到 2028 年複合CAGR為24.6%。由於對數位化的依賴日益增加,全球行動身分管理市場正經歷顯著成長。服務以及對強大的身份驗證解決方案的需求。線上上交易、手機銀行和電子商務已成為日常生活不可或缺的一部分的時代,對安全、無縫身份管理的需求激增。該市場涵蓋廣泛的解決方案和技術,包括生物識別、多因素身份驗證和數位身分平台。金融、醫療保健和電子商務等各行業的企業正在採用行動身分管理解決方案來增強安全性、簡化使用者體驗並遵守嚴格的監管要求。此外,遠距工作的持續趨勢和行動裝置的普及進一步加速了市場的擴張。隨著網路威脅的不斷發展,行動身分管理市場有望持續成長,因為組織優先考慮保護敏感資料並確保使用者在日益數位化和行動依賴的世界中的信任。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 27億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 101.9億美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 24.6% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 服務 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
在當今資料保護法規嚴格的時代,例如《一般資料保護規範》(GDPR) 和《加州消費者隱私法案》(CCPA),組織有義務優先考慮使用者資料的隱私和安全。為了滿足這些要求,行動身分管理解決方案已成為組織的重要工具。這些解決方案透過實施強大的用戶身份驗證、資料加密和同意管理機制,在確保遵守法規方面發揮著至關重要的作用。透過利用這些解決方案,組織可以安全地管理使用者身分、處理敏感資料並使使用者能夠控制其個人資訊。行動身分管理解決方案提供了一套全面的功能,使組織能夠應對複雜的資料保護法規。關鍵方面之一是強大的用戶身份驗證,這確保只有經過授權的個人才能存取敏感資料。這些解決方案採用生物辨識、一次性密碼和設備識別等多因素身份驗證技術,以建立對使用者身分的高度信任。透過實施此類身分驗證措施,組織可以大幅降低未經授權的存取和資料外洩的風險。此外,行動身分管理解決方案有助於資料加密,這對於在儲存和傳輸過程中保護敏感資訊至關重要。這些解決方案採用先進的加密演算法將資料轉換為不可讀的格式,使未經授權的各方幾乎不可能破解資訊。透過加密靜態和傳輸中的資料,組織可以保護用戶資料免受潛在威脅並遵守法規要求。
行動身分管理解決方案無需在不同的行動應用程式和服務中使用多個使用者名稱和密碼,從而提供無縫且便利的使用者體驗。這些解決方案使用戶能夠對自己進行一次身份驗證並安全地存取各種服務,而無需記住多個憑證。此外,行動身分識別管理解決方案支援單一登入 (SSO) 功能,允許使用者使用一組憑證存取多個應用程式。這種便利性提高了用戶滿意度,提高了生產力,並鼓勵了行動服務的採用。
行動身分管理解決方案擴大與人工智慧 (AI)、機器學習 (ML) 和區塊鏈等新興技術整合,以增強安全性並改善用戶體驗。利用人工智慧和機器學習演算法來偵測和防止詐欺活動、識別異常用戶行為並提供自適應身份驗證機制。利用區塊鏈技術創建去中心化、防篡改的身分管理系統,確保使用者身分的完整性和隱私性。這些技術的整合增強了行動身分管理解決方案的功能並推動市場成長。
行動身分管理解決方案的實施和整合可能很複雜,特別是對於 IT 資源或專業知識有限的組織而言。配置這些解決方案並將其與現有 IT 基礎架構和應用程式整合在技術上具有挑戰性且耗時。整合過程中可能會出現相容性問題,導致業務營運延遲和中斷。為了克服這些挑戰,至關重要的是為組織提供使用者友善的介面和無縫整合選項,以簡化行動身分管理解決方案的部署和管理。此外,還應提供全面的支援和指導,以協助組織進行整合過程並解決可能出現的任何技術問題。簡化行動身分管理解決方案的實施和整合將使組織能夠利用增強的安全性和使用者身份驗證的優勢,而不會對其現有系統造成重大干擾。
全球行動身分管理市場正在見證生物辨識認證方法的採用顯著增加。指紋辨識、臉部辨識和虹膜掃描等生物辨識身分驗證為行動用戶提供了高度的安全性和便利性。隨著配備生物識別感測器的智慧型手機的普及,組織正在利用這些功能來增強身份驗證流程並確保安全存取行動服務。生物辨識身分驗證不再需要傳統密碼和 PIN,從而降低了未經授權的存取和身分盜竊的風險。這一趨勢的推動因素是消費者對無縫、安全的行動體驗的需求不斷成長,以及生物識別技術的進步提高了準確性和可靠性。透過採用生物辨識身分驗證方法,組織可以增強行動身分管理的安全性並提供順暢的使用者體驗。
隨著《一般資料保護規範》(GDPR) 和《加州消費者隱私法案》(CCPA) 等資料保護法規的實施,組織越來越重視行動身分管理中的隱私和同意管理。這些法規要求組織在收集和處理個人資料時獲得使用者的明確同意,並為使用者提供對其資料的控制權。行動身分管理解決方案融入了強大的同意管理機制,使用戶能夠輕鬆管理其隱私偏好並控制其身分資訊的共享。隨著用戶越來越意識到自己的資料隱私權,人們對以隱私為中心的解決方案的認知和需求不斷增強,推動了這一趨勢。透過優先考慮隱私和同意管理,行動身分管理解決方案可以與使用者建立信任並確保遵守資料保護法規。
行動身分管理解決方案擴大與行動錢包整合,以提供無縫且便利的用戶體驗。 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay 等行動錢包可提供安全儲存並輕鬆存取支付憑證、會員卡和其他身分相關資訊。透過與行動錢包整合,行動身分管理解決方案可以利用現有基礎設施和用戶對這些平台的熟悉程度。這種整合使用戶能夠在單一行動應用程式中方便地存取和管理其識別資訊、進行安全交易並參與忠誠度計劃。這一趨勢的推動因素是行動錢包的日益普及以及透過整合身份和支付功能來簡化用戶體驗的願望。透過與行動錢包整合,行動身分管理解決方案可以提高用戶便利性、推動採用並為身分和金融交易提供統一的平台。
到 2022 年,軟體細分市場佔據最大的市場佔有率,達到 63.9%。該細分市場的成長可歸因於隨著越來越多的軟體透過行動裝置訪問,軟體產業的需求不斷成長。 MIM 解決方案為行動裝置提供軟體應用程式的安全存取。這可確保只有授權使用者才能存取軟體並保持安全。MIM 軟體允許組織管理使用者身分和行動裝置對資源的訪問,例如授權、身分驗證和使用者 ID 建立。組織正在實施 MIM 軟體,以確保只有授權使用者才能存取公司資源,並且他們的存取權得到有效處理。然而,對行動裝置的需求以及對資源的安全行動存取的需求預計將推動 MIM 軟體的成長。
預計服務業務在預測期內將以 27.5% 的CAGR成長。管理行動資源存取的複雜性日益增加,以及處理此問題所需的專業技能和資源,推動了對行動身分管理 (MIM) 服務的需求。此外,它們還為行動資源存取提供高水準的安全性。其組件包括多重身份驗證、設備註冊和管理、網路安全和用戶行為分析。 MIM 服務提供了部署、服務模式和成本的替代方案。它允許組織確定與其需求相協調的服務,並根據需要擴大或縮小服務規模。
基於雲端的細分市場在2022 年佔據55.4% 的市場佔有率,預計到2030 年將主導市場。隨著越來越多的企業確定基於雲端的行動身分管理解決方案的優勢,採用基於雲端的MIM 解決方案預計會增加。靈活性、經濟性、安全性和易於部署是企業尋求增強行動身分管理功能的關鍵因素。 MIM 解決方案與其他基於雲端的技術(例如身分即服務 (IDaaS) 和安全資訊和事件管理 (SIEM) 解決方案)的整合預計將在預測期內成長。基於雲端的 MIM 解決方案將包括機器學習( ML) 和人工智慧(AI) 等進階功能,可協助組織自動化行動身分管理程式並增強整體安全態勢。
預計本地業務在預測期內將以 24.8% 的CAGR成長。 MIM 系統可以為敏感資料提供更高層級的安全性,因為儲存在伺服器上的資料實際上位於組織的場所內。對於具有嚴格安全要求或無法託管在雲端上的敏感資料的組織來說至關重要。本地解決方案使組織能夠更好地控制其 MIM 系統和訊息,因為組織負責維護和管理其 IT 基礎設施。這對於具有嚴格資料治理標準的組織至關重要。此外,公司正在選擇本地解決方案,因為它們的效能比基於雲端的解決方案更好,因為資料儲存在本地,並且不需要透過網路傳輸。
大型企業細分市場在 2022 年佔據 52.8% 的市場佔有率,預計到 2030 年將主導市場。MIM 解決方案透過保護公司資源、應用程式和資料免遭未經授權的存取、盜竊和濫用來提高安全性。大型組織旨在安裝 MIM 解決方案以降低資料外洩、網路釣魚攻擊和其他網路威脅的風險。隨著資料安全和隱私規則變得越來越重要,大型組織的目標是更加關注安全治理和合規性。它需要製定政策和程序來管理對敏感資料和應用程式的訪問,同時保持法規遵循。技術進步、監管限制以及對為員工和消費者提供安全、快速的行動存取的重視都預計將決定大公司 MIM 的未來。
中小企業細分市場預計在預測期內CAGR為 27.3%。行動裝置的重要性日益提高以及對安全身分管理的需求預計將影響市場中中小企業 (SME) 的未來。 MIM 解決方案提供額外的安全措施來保護中小企業的資源、應用程式和資料免受網路威脅和破壞。透過使用 MIM 解決方案,中小企業有望降低資料外洩、網路釣魚攻擊和其他網路危險的風險。在預測期內,有效採用 MIM 解決方案的中小企業將能夠更好地在日益以行動為導向的商業環境中競爭。
北美地區市場以36.0%的佔有率佔據主導地位。由於個人和專業環境中行動裝置的日益普及,預計北美地區行動身分管理 (MIM) 系統的發展將會擴大。隨著遠端工作的發展以及安全存取組織資源的需求,MIM解決方案將在維護使用者身分和敏感資料的安全和隱私方面發揮重要作用。此外,隨著資料外洩和網路威脅的日益頻繁,北美組織預計將增加對 MIM 解決方案的投資,以限制未經授權的存取和身分盜竊的風險。隨著越來越多的組織採用雲端技術,基於雲端的 MIM 解決方案的使用預計將在北美增加,從而促進更大的靈活性、適應性和成本節約。
預計亞太地區將以 28.9% 的CAGR成為發展最快的區域市場。隨著越來越多的組織採用行動技術並擴展其數位化營運,亞太地區 (APAC) 地區行動身分管理 (MIM) 解決方案的未來預計將顯著成長。遠距工作的日益普及以及雲端運算的使用預計將推動該地區對 MIM 解決方案的需求。隨著企業越來越依賴雲端的應用程式和服務,對強大的身分和存取管理解決方案的需求將會增加。此外,預計 MIM 解決方案的採用也將受到區域監管發展的推動。中國、印度、日本和新加坡等國家已經實施了資料保護和隱私立法,迫使組織建立強大的身分和存取管理解決方案。
Global Mobile Identity Management Market has valued at USD 2.7 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 24.6% through 2028. The global Mobile Identity Management market is experiencing significant growth driven by the increasing reliance on digital services and the need for robust identity verification solutions. In an era where online transactions, mobile banking, and e-commerce have become integral parts of daily life, the demand for secure and seamless identity management has surged. This market encompasses a wide range of solutions and technologies, including biometrics, multi-factor authentication, and digital identity platforms. Businesses across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, are adopting mobile identity management solutions to enhance security, streamline user experiences, and comply with stringent regulatory requirements. Furthermore, the ongoing trend of remote work and the proliferation of mobile devices have further accelerated the market's expansion. As cyber threats continue to evolve, the mobile identity management market is poised for sustained growth as organizations prioritize safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring user trust in an increasingly digital and mobile-dependent world.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 2.7 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 10.19 billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 24.6% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Service |
Largest Market | North America |
The growing dependence on mobile devices for a wide range of activities, including banking, shopping, and accessing sensitive information, has sparked worries regarding security and privacy. To address these concerns, mobile identity management solutions have emerged as a means of providing strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, thereby ensuring that only authorized individuals can access mobile services and data. These solutions employ advanced encryption techniques, biometric authentication, and multi-factor authentication to bolster security measures and safeguard user identities. By offering a secure and private mobile experience, mobile identity management solutions play a crucial role in driving the adoption of mobile services and cultivating trust among users. In today's digital landscape, where mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives, the need for robust security measures has become paramount. Mobile identity management solutions serve as a shield against potential threats and vulnerabilities that may arise from the use of mobile devices for sensitive activities. By implementing advanced encryption techniques, these solutions protect the confidentiality and integrity of user data, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access to sensitive information.
Moreover, mobile identity management solutions leverage biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, to provide an additional layer of security. Biometric authentication offers a more secure and convenient alternative to traditional password-based authentication methods, as it relies on unique physical or behavioral characteristics that are difficult to replicate. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to mobile services and ensures that only the rightful owner of the device can utilize its functionalities. Furthermore, multi-factor authentication is another key feature of mobile identity management solutions. By combining multiple authentication factors, such as something the user knows (e.g., a password), something the user has (e.g., a mobile device), and something the user is (e.g., a fingerprint), these solutions create a highly secure authentication process. This multi-layered approach adds an extra level of protection, making it significantly more challenging for attackers to compromise user identities and gain unauthorized access to mobile services. By offering a secure and private mobile experience, mobile identity management solutions instill confidence and trust among users. When individuals feel that their personal information and transactions are adequately protected, they are more likely to embrace mobile services for various activities. This, in turn, drives the adoption of mobile services across different sectors, such as banking, e-commerce, and healthcare, leading to increased convenience and efficiency in our daily lives.
In today's era of strict data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), organizations are obligated to prioritize the privacy and security of user data. To meet these requirements, mobile identity management solutions have emerged as a crucial tool for organizations. These solutions play a vital role in ensuring compliance with regulations by implementing robust user authentication, data encryption, and consent management mechanisms. By leveraging these solutions, organizations can securely manage user identities, handle sensitive data, and empower users with control over their personal information. Mobile identity management solutions offer a comprehensive set of features that enable organizations to navigate the complex landscape of data protection regulations. One of the key aspects is strong user authentication, which ensures that only authorized individuals can access sensitive data. These solutions employ multi-factor authentication techniques, such as biometrics, one-time passwords, and device recognition, to establish a high level of confidence in user identities. By implementing such authentication measures, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. Furthermore, mobile identity management solutions facilitate data encryption, which is crucial for protecting sensitive information during storage and transmission. These solutions employ advanced encryption algorithms to convert data into an unreadable format, making it virtually impossible for unauthorized parties to decipher the information. By encrypting data at rest and in transit, organizations can safeguard user data from potential threats and comply with regulatory requirements.
Consent management is another critical aspect addressed by mobile identity management solutions. These solutions provide organizations with the tools to obtain and manage user consent effectively. They enable organizations to present clear and concise consent requests to users, outlining the purpose and scope of data collection. Users can then provide informed consent and have the ability to modify or withdraw their consent at any time. By empowering users with control over their personal information, organizations can build trust and foster transparency in their data handling practices. By implementing mobile identity management solutions, organizations can effectively mitigate legal risks associated with non-compliance with data protection regulations. These solutions provide a framework for organizations to adhere to regulatory requirements, thereby avoiding potential fines and penalties. Moreover, by prioritizing user privacy and security, organizations can enhance their reputation and build stronger relationships with their customers.
Mobile identity management solutions offer a seamless and convenient user experience by eliminating the need for multiple usernames and passwords across different mobile applications and services. These solutions enable users to authenticate themselves once and securely access various services without the hassle of remembering multiple credentials. Additionally, mobile identity management solutions support single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, allowing users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This convenience enhances user satisfaction, improves productivity, and encourages the adoption of mobile services.
The rapid expansion of mobile applications across diverse sectors such as banking, healthcare, e-commerce, and entertainment has given rise to a pressing requirement for strong identity management solutions. These solutions are specifically designed for mobile platforms and facilitate organizations in securely verifying and granting access to users, effectively managing user profiles, and ensuring smooth and uninterrupted usage of mobile applications. With the ever-increasing demand for mobile applications, the mobile identity management market is poised to experience substantial growth. The proliferation of mobile applications has revolutionized the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. From conducting financial transactions to accessing healthcare services, shopping online, and enjoying entertainment content, mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with this increased reliance on mobile apps comes the need for robust security measures to protect sensitive user information and prevent unauthorized access. Mobile identity management solutions address these concerns by providing organizations with the tools and technologies necessary to establish a secure and reliable authentication process. These solutions employ various methods such as biometric authentication (fingerprint, facial recognition), two-factor authentication (2FA), and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to verify the identity of users. By implementing these authentication mechanisms, organizations can ensure that only authorized individuals can access their mobile applications, thereby safeguarding sensitive data and mitigating the risk of fraudulent activities.
Furthermore, mobile identity management solutions enable organizations to efficiently manage user profiles. They offer features such as user registration, profile creation, and profile updates, allowing organizations to gather and maintain accurate user information. This information can be utilized to personalize user experiences, deliver targeted content, and tailor services to individual preferences. By effectively managing user profiles, organizations can enhance customer satisfaction, build trust, and foster long-term relationships with their users. Seamless access to mobile applications is another crucial aspect addressed by mobile identity management solutions. These solutions enable users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials, eliminating the need for remembering multiple usernames and passwords. This streamlined access not only enhances user convenience but also improves productivity and user adoption rates. Additionally, mobile identity management solutions facilitate secure single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, allowing users to seamlessly transition between different applications without the need for repeated authentication.
As the demand for mobile applications continues to surge, the mobile identity management market is expected to witness significant growth. Organizations across various industries are recognizing the importance of implementing robust identity management solutions to protect user data, enhance security, and deliver personalized experiences. With advancements in technology and increasing awareness about the importance of mobile security, the mobile identity management market is poised for a promising future.
Mobile identity management solutions are increasingly integrating with emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and blockchain, to enhance security and improve user experiences. AI and ML algorithms are utilized to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, identify abnormal user behavior, and provide adaptive authentication mechanisms. Blockchain technology is leveraged to create decentralized and tamper-proof identity management systems, ensuring the integrity and privacy of user identities. The integration of these technologies enhances the capabilities of mobile identity management solutions and drives market growth.
One of the major challenges facing the global mobile identity management market is the lack of awareness and understanding among organizations regarding the importance and benefits of implementing mobile identity management solutions. Many businesses may not fully grasp the potential risks associated with inadequate identity management practices and the need for robust mobile identity management solutions. This lack of awareness can lead to organizations neglecting to invest in mobile identity management, leaving them vulnerable to security breaches and data privacy issues. Addressing this challenge requires comprehensive educational initiatives to raise awareness about the significance of mobile identity management in safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring regulatory compliance, and protecting user privacy. Organizations need to be educated about the potential consequences of inadequate identity management and the value that mobile identity management solutions bring in terms of enhanced security and user trust.
The implementation and integration of mobile identity management solutions can be complex, especially for organizations with limited IT resources or expertise. Configuring and integrating these solutions with existing IT infrastructure and applications can be technically challenging and time-consuming. Compatibility issues may arise during integration, leading to delays and disruptions in business operations. To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to provide organizations with user-friendly interfaces and seamless integration options that simplify the deployment and management of mobile identity management solutions. Additionally, comprehensive support and guidance should be available to assist organizations in the integration process and address any technical issues that may arise. Simplifying the implementation and integration of mobile identity management solutions will enable organizations to leverage the benefits of enhanced security and user authentication without significant disruptions to their existing systems.
Mobile identity management solutions aim to provide a secure and seamless user experience. However, striking the right balance between security and user convenience can be a challenge. Implementing stringent security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and biometric verification, can sometimes introduce friction in the user experience, leading to user dissatisfaction and potential resistance to adopting these solutions. Organizations need to find the optimal balance between security and user experience by implementing user-friendly authentication methods and ensuring a smooth and seamless user journey. This requires continuous refinement of mobile identity management solutions to enhance security without compromising user convenience. By prioritizing user experience while maintaining robust security measures, organizations can overcome this challenge and drive user adoption of mobile identity management solutions.
The global mobile identity management market operates in a complex regulatory landscape, with various data protection and privacy regulations in place. Organizations need to ensure compliance with these regulations while implementing mobile identity management solutions. This includes adhering to data protection laws, obtaining user consent for data collection and processing, and implementing robust security measures to protect user privacy. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal consequences and damage to an organization's reputation. Overcoming this challenge requires a deep understanding of the regulatory requirements and the implementation of comprehensive privacy and security measures within mobile identity management solutions. By prioritizing regulatory compliance and user privacy, organizations can build trust with their users and ensure the responsible handling of personal data.
The global mobile identity management market is witnessing a significant increase in the adoption of biometric authentication methods. Biometric authentication, such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and iris scanning, offers a high level of security and convenience for mobile users. With the proliferation of smartphones equipped with biometric sensors, organizations are leveraging these capabilities to enhance the authentication process and ensure secure access to mobile services. Biometric authentication eliminates the need for traditional passwords and PINs, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and identity theft. This trend is driven by the growing consumer demand for seamless and secure mobile experiences, as well as the advancements in biometric technology that have improved accuracy and reliability. By adopting biometric authentication methods, organizations can enhance the security of mobile identity management and provide frictionless user experience.
The integration of mobile identity management solutions with blockchain technology is gaining traction in the global market. Blockchain offers a decentralized and immutable ledger that ensures the integrity and security of identity-related data. By leveraging blockchain, mobile identity management solutions can provide users with full control over their personal information, enabling them to selectively share their identity attributes with trusted parties. Blockchain-based mobile identity management solutions eliminate the need for centralized identity repositories, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. Additionally, blockchain technology enhances transparency and trust in identity verification processes, as all transactions and changes to identity records are recorded on the blockchain. This trend is driven by the increasing concerns over data privacy and the need for secure and user-centric identity management solutions. By integrating with blockchain technology, mobile identity management solutions can offer enhanced security, privacy, and user control over personal data.
With the implementation of data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), organizations are placing a greater emphasis on privacy and consent management in mobile identity management. These regulations require organizations to obtain explicit user consent for collecting and processing personal data and provide users with control over their data. Mobile identity management solutions are incorporating robust consent management mechanisms that enable users to easily manage their privacy preferences and control the sharing of their identity information. This trend is driven by the increasing awareness and demand for privacy-centric solutions, as users become more conscious of their data privacy rights. By prioritizing privacy and consent management, mobile identity management solutions can build trust with users and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
Mobile identity management solutions are increasingly integrating with mobile wallets to provide a seamless and convenient user experience. Mobile wallets, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, offer secure storage and easy access to payment credentials, loyalty cards, and other identity-related information. By integrating with mobile wallets, mobile identity management solutions can leverage the existing infrastructure and user familiarity with these platforms. This integration enables users to conveniently access and manage their identity information, make secure transactions, and participate in loyalty programs, all within a single mobile application. This trend is driven by the growing popularity of mobile wallets and the desire to streamline the user experience by consolidating identity and payment functionalities. By integrating with mobile wallets, mobile identity management solutions can enhance user convenience, drive adoption, and provide a unified platform for identity and financial transactions.
The software segment accounted for the largest market share of 63.9% in 2022. The segment growth can be attributed to the propelling demand in the software industry as more software is being accessed via mobile devices. MIM solutions offer mobile devices with secure access to software applications. This ensures that only authorized users can access the software and remain safe.MIM software allows organizations to manage user identities and mobile device access to resources, such as authorization, authentication, and user Id creation. Organizations are implementing MIM software to ensure that only authorized users have access to corporate resources and that their access is handled effectively. However, the demand for mobile devices and the need for secure mobile access to resources is projected to the growth of MIM software.
The services segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.5% during the forecast period. The growing complexity of managing mobile access to resources and the requirement for specialized skills and resources to handle this issue drive the demand for Mobile Identity Management (MIM) services. Moreover, they offer a high level of security for mobile resource access. Its components include multi-factor authentication, device registration and administration, network security, and user behavior analytics. MIM services offer substitutes for deployment, service models, and cost. It allows organizations to determine the services that coordinate with their requirements and scale services up or down as needed.
The cloud-based segment held a market share of 55.4% in 2022 and is expected to dominate the market by 2030. As more businesses determine the advantages of cloud-based solutions for mobile identity management, adopting cloud-based MIM solutions is anticipated to increase. Flexibility, affordability, security, and ease of deployment are the key factors for businesses seeking to enhance mobile identity management capabilities. The integration of MIM solutions with other cloud-based technologies, such as identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions, is projected to grow over the forecast period.Cloud-based MIM solutions will include advanced capabilities such as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to help organizations automate mobile identity management procedures and enhance overall security posture.
The on-premises segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.8% over the forecast period. MIM systems can provide a higher level of security for sensitive data because the data stored on servers physically is located within the organization's premises. It is crucial for organizations with strict security requirements or sensitive data that cannot be hosted on the cloud. On-premises solutions allow organizations more control over their MIM systems and information as they are responsible for maintaining and managing their IT infrastructure. It is critical for organizations with rigorous data governance standards. Additionally, companies are opting for on-premises solutions since they perform better than cloud-based solutions because data is stored locally, and there is no requirement for transmitting it across a network.
The large enterprise segment held a market share of 52.8% in 2022 and is expected to dominate the market by 2030. MIM solutions improve security by protecting company resources, applications, and data against unauthorized access, theft, and misuse. Large organizations aim to install MIM solutions to lower the risk of data breaches, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats. Large organizations aim to focus more on security governance and compliance as data security, and privacy rules become more important. It entails developing policies and procedures to govern access to sensitive data and applications while maintaining regulatory compliance. Advances in technology, regulatory constraints, and an emphasis on offering safe and quick mobile access to employees and consumers are all expected to determine the future of MIM in large firms.
The SMEs segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.3% over the forecast period. The rising importance of mobile devices and the requirement for secure identity management are anticipated to influence the future of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the market. MIM solutions provide additional security measures to protect SMEs' resources, applications, and data from cyber threats and breaches. By using MIM solutions, SMEs anticipate lowering the risk of data breaches, phishing attacks, and other cyber dangers. In the forecast period, SMEs that effectively employ MIM solutions would be better positioned to compete in an increasingly mobile-driven business environment.
The North American regional market dominated the market with a share of 36.0%. The development of Mobile Identity Management (MIM) systems in the North American region is predicted to expand due to the increasing adoption of mobile devices in personal and professional settings. With the development of remote work and the requirement for safe access to organizational resources, MIM solutions will play a significant role in maintaining the security and privacy of user identities and sensitive data. Furthermore, with the increasing frequency of data breaches and cyber threats, North American organizations are expected to invest more in MIM solutions to limit the risks of unauthorized access and identity theft. Cloud-based MIM solution use is expected to rise in North America as more organizations embrace cloud technology, facilitating greater flexibility, adaptability, and cost savings.
The Asia Pacific is anticipated to rise as the fastest-developing regional market at a CAGR of 28.9%. The future of Mobile Identity Management (MIM) solutions in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region is projected to witness significant growth as more organizations adopt mobile technologies and extend their digital operations. The growing popularity of remote work, as well as the use of cloud computing, are projected to drive demand for MIM solutions in the region. As enterprises increasingly rely on cloud-based apps and services, the demand for robust identity and access management solutions will increase. Moreover, the adoption of MIM solutions is also anticipated to be driven by regional regulatory developments. Countries such as China, India, Japan, and Singapore have implemented data protection and privacy legislation that compels organizations to build robust identity and access management solutions.
In this report, the Global Mobile Identity Management Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: