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網路遊戲寓教於樂市場:現況分析與預測(2023-2030)Online Gaming Edutainment Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2023-2030) |
線上遊戲寓教於樂市場預計到 2022 年將達到 16 億美元,在預測期內(2023-2030 年)穩定成長約 16.1%。 這是因為技術進步使開發人員能夠越來越多地為不同年齡層的人創造複雜且易於使用的產品。 此外,家長對以其他方式補充孩子在家教育的需求日益增長,特別是在這個前所未有的時期,由於大流行和其他因素,傳統學校系統並不總是可用。 此外,由於現代學習者更喜歡動手體驗而不是被動消費,因此許多教育工作者將遊戲融入他們的課程中,作為混合學習策略的一部分。
依遊戲類型劃分,市場分為行動遊戲、付費遊戲和付費線上遊戲。 其中,付費遊戲市場領先於整體市場份額,因為它能夠提供針對每個玩家的需求和興趣的個人化體驗,同時為教師和學生提供可衡量的進度追蹤。 這種方法使我們從競爭對手中脫穎而出,因為它提供了一個身臨其境、引人入勝的環境,與其他市場上的休閒遊戲化內容相比,該環境非常適合促進深度知識保留。它已成為一個突出的存在。
市場依年齡層分為兒童、青少年、青少年及成人。 其中,成年人可支配收入水準較高,更容易投資於與該領域相關的優質產品和服務,並且更意識到終身學習的好處,佔據最大份額。
為了更了解線上遊戲寓教於樂的市場介紹,將市場分為北美(美國、加拿大、北美其他地區)、歐洲(德國、英國、法國、西班牙、義大利、歐洲其他地區)、亞太地區(根據其他地區(中國、日本、印度、亞太其他地區)和其他地區的全球影響力進行分析。 北美在線上遊戲寓教於樂市場的全球份額中處於領先地位,這得益於其完善的遊戲產業基礎設施以及政府對有效融入遊戲元素的 STEM 教育計劃的支持,這是因為它表現良好。 歐洲和亞太地區佔據了整個市場規模的大部分,這主要是由於尋求在玩樂的同時學習新技能的消費者採用率不斷上升所推動的。 其他地區,如拉丁美洲/中東和非洲,仍在發展中,但隨著可支配收入的增加和互聯網普及率的提高,針對全球不同目標群體量身定制的此類教育遊戲/平台的需求將會增加。這預計將導致未來幾年將快速成長。
市場上的主要參與者包括Microsoft, Sony, Sega, King Digital Entertainment, Kidzania, Peak, Disney, Legoland Discovery Center, Prabo, Activision Blizzard。
The online gaming edutainment market refers to video games that aim to entertain and educate players simultaneously. This type of game typically combines learning with fun gameplay elements such as puzzles, quizzes, or interactive storytelling mechanics that make it engaging for users while providing an immersive experience in various subjects like history, science, language arts, math and more. These types of games can be found across different platforms including PCs, consoles, mobile devices, or tablets.
The Online Gaming Edutainment Market was valued at 1.6 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a steady rate of around 16.1% in the forecasted period (2023-2030) owing to the technological advancements, which allow developers to create increasingly sophisticated, yet accessible products tailored towards diverse age groups. Additionally, there has been a rising demand from parents seeking out alternative ways to supplement their children's education at home, especially during these unprecedented times when traditional school systems may not always be available due to pandemics or other factors. Furthermore, modern learners prefer hands-on experiences over passive consumption, leading many educators to incorporate gaming into their lessons as part of blended learning strategies.
Based on game type, the market is categorized into mobile games, pay-to-play games, and pay-in-play games. Among these, the pay-in-play subsegment leads the overall Online Gaming Edutainment Market share due to its ability to offer personalized experiences that cater specifically to each player's needs & interests while also providing measurable progress tracking capabilities for both teachers & students alike. This approach allows it stand out among competitors by offering an immersive engaging environment ideal for fostering deep knowledge retention compared with more casual gamified content found elsewhere in the market.
Based on age groups, the market is segmented into children, teenagers, young adult, and adult. Among these, the adult segment currently holds the largest market share within market due to a combination of factors such as higher disposable income levels enabling them to invest more readily into premium products or services associated with this field coupled with greater awareness regarding benefits associated with lifelong learning throughout one's life span.
For a better understanding of the market adoption of online gaming edutainment, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (U.S., Canada, and the Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. North America leads the way when it comes to Online Gaming Edutainment Market major shares accounting globally mainly due its well-established gaming industry infrastructure combined with favorable government initiatives supporting STEM education programs that integrate gameplay elements effectively. Following closely behind Europe & Asia Pacific regions both holding significant portions of overall market size respectively thanks largely to growing adoption rates among consumers looking for alternative ways to learn new skills while having fun at same time. Other regions like Latin America MEA are still developing but expected show rapid growth over next few years as internet penetration increases alongside rising disposable incomes leading an increase in demand for these types of educational games/platforms catering specifically towards diverse target audience segments worldwide.
Some of the major players operating in the market are Microsoft Corporation; Sony Corporation; Sega Corporation; King Digital Entertainment; Kidzania; Peak; Disney; Legoland Discovery Center; Plabo; Activision Blizzard.