

Finance Cloud Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032)

出版日期: | 出版商: UnivDatos Market Insights Pvt Ltd | 英文 137 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


由於銀行和金融服務數位化的進步,金融雲市場預計將以約15.30%的複合年增長率成長。全球金融服務業對雲端的解決方案和服務的需求正在經歷前所未有的激增。隨著數位化不斷改變金融格局,越來越多的金融機構正在採用雲端來簡化營運、增強可擴展性並優化成本結構。此外,不斷變化的金融業需要敏捷性和可擴展性,而雲端解決方案完全可以滿足這些要求。傳統的本地系統通常難以跟上快速變化的市場環境、監管要求和客戶期望。基於雲端的解決方案使金融機構能夠無縫地增加或減少資源,從而使他們能夠快速響應需求波動,而無需進行大量資本投資。此外,雲端運算模型透過實現 IT 成本優化為金融機構提供了有吸引力的價值主張。雲端解決方案無需投資昂貴的硬體、軟體和維護,而是提供依需付費模式,讓金融機構只需為其消耗的資源付費。這種經濟高效的方法對中小型金融機構和新創公司特別有吸引力,它們無需大量前期投資即可獲得企業級解決方案。此外,金融服務業會產生大量數據,而基於雲端的解決方案提供了有效利用這些數據所需的基礎設施和工具。基於雲端的分析平台為金融機構提供了有關客戶行為、市場趨勢和風險管理的寶貴見解,使他們能夠做出數據驅動的決策並開發創新產品和服務。這些進步為各市場採用金融雲創造了有利的環境。

解決方案分為財務預測、財務報告/分析、安全性和治理/風險/合規性。安全性和治理、風險和合規性是金融雲端產業中關鍵的最終用戶領域。它主要是由確保遵守監管框架的需要所驅動的。金融機構受到巴塞爾協議 III 框架、多德弗蘭克法案和一般資料保護規範 (GDPR) 等嚴格法規的約束。不遵守這些規定可能會導致巨額罰款、聲譽受損和法律後果。此外,金融部門也是資料外洩、網路釣魚詐騙和勒索軟體攻擊等網路攻擊的熱門目標。這些威脅會導致財務損失、業務中斷和客戶信任喪失。 GRC 解決方案提供強大的安全功能,例如加密、存取控制和入侵偵測系統,以保護敏感的財務資料和系統。 GRC 解決方案透過提供流程自動化、控制監控和即時報告功能來幫助組織保持合規性。金融機構也面臨多種風險,包括信用風險、市場風險、操作風險、聲譽風險等。有效的風險管理對於維持財務穩定和做出明智的業務決策至關重要。 GRC 解決方案提供風險評估工具、風險建模功能和即時風險監控,以識別、分析和減輕潛在風險。


依應用程式劃分,市場分為收入管理、資產管理、客戶管理及帳戶管理。客戶關係管理 (CRM) 已成為金融雲市場的關鍵最終用戶部分。這主要是由集中管理消費者資料的需求所驅動的。金融機構處理大量客戶數據,包括個人資訊、帳戶詳細資訊、交易歷史和偏好。雲端 CRM 解決方案可讓企業集中儲存和存取這些數據,從而促進更好的客戶服務、交叉銷售和追加銷售機會。此外,基於雲端的 CRM 系統允許金融機構跨多個管道(包括分支機構、線上入口網站和行動應用程式)提供一致且個人化的體驗。透過分析客戶資料和行為,CRM 解決方案可以提供適合個人需求的產品和服務,從而提高客戶滿意度和忠誠度。此外,雲端運算提供了可擴展性和靈活性,使金融機構能夠快速回應不斷變化的客戶需求和市場條件。雲端上的 CRM 解決方案不需要在硬體或基礎設施方面進行大量前期投資,並且可以根據組織的需求輕鬆擴展或縮小。這種環境正在推動基於雲端的客戶關係管理服務的激增。

依最終用戶劃分,市場分為銀行、金融服務提供者、保險公司、大型企業和中小企業 (SME)。金融業的中小企業作為快速採用金融雲端服務的細分市場脫穎而出。推動中小□□企業採用金融雲端服務的主要因素之一是成本效率。使用雲端服務無需在 IT 基礎設施和維護成本方面進行大量前期投資。中小型企業可以利用即用即付的定價模式來降低整體 IT 支出。此外,雲端服務提供者在安全措施方面投入巨資,以保護您的資料並確保遵守行業法規。中小型企業可以從先進的安全功能中受益,而這些功能如果自行實施,成本高昂。此外,雲端服務還提供強大的災難復原解決方案,以確保在發生不可預見事件時的資料備份和業務連續性。此功能對於投資全面災難復原計畫的資源有限的小型企業尤其重要。除其他活動外,活躍於金融業的中小企業越來越多地採用基於雲端的服務。

為了更瞭解金融雲的市場採用情況,我們將市場分為北美(美國、加拿大、北美其他地區)、歐洲(德國、英國、法國、義大利、歐洲其他地區)、亞太地區(中國) 、日本,根據印度、韓國、世界其他地區(亞太地區)和世界其他地區的全球影響力進行分析。歐洲在金融雲產業中佔有最大佔有率。歐洲在金融雲市場佔據領先地位的主要因素之一是其發達的金融監管環境,這促使了該行業前所未有的成長和雲端服務的快速採用。例如,2017年在歐洲推出的歐盟(EU)支付服務指令2(PSD2)透過允許第三方透過開放銀行API存取銀行資料來加強電子支付服務,在規範和促進創新方面發揮著至關重要的作用。以及金融領域的競爭。此外,歐洲在金融科技公司、傳統銀行和監管機構之間建立了協作生態系統,為該地區的金融服務提供者的雲端遷移創造了非常有利的環境。例如,新銀行服務提供者與傳統銀行之間的合作夥伴關係使這些純數位銀行能夠迅速擴張並迅速擴大其消費者基礎。例如,總部位於英國的 Neobank Revolt 與HSBC等傳統銀行之間的合作標誌著歐洲金融領域向合作關係的轉變。此外,歐洲對數位創新的高度文化接受度也是金融服務供應商轉向雲端的主要推動力。例如,總部位於德國的新銀行 N26 報告了歐洲約 700 萬人消費者基礎的成長率,突顯了該地區對新銀行的文化接受度。這些因素是主要推動力,使歐洲成為銀行業數位化最先進的領先地區之一,促使該地區金融雲端服務需求激增。

參與市場的主要公司包括 Amazon Web Services, Inc.、Microsoft、Alphabet、IBM、Tencent Cloud、Salesforce, Inc.、Oracle、Alibaba Cloud、Workday, Inc.、SAP。



  • 市場定義
  • 主要目標
  • 利害關係人
  • 限制


  • 調查過程
  • 調查方法
  • 受訪者簡介


第 4 章執行摘要

第五章 COVID-19 對金融雲市場的影響

第 6 章金融雲市場收入,2022-2032

第 7 章市場分析:依解決方案

  • 財務預測
  • 財務報告與分析
  • 安全
  • 治理/風險/合規

第 8 章市場分析:依服務

  • 專業服務
  • 託管服務

第 9 章市場分析:依應用

  • 盈餘管理
  • 財富管理
  • 客戶管理
  • 帳號管理

第 10 章市場分析:依最終使用者劃分

  • 銀行
  • 金融服務提供者
  • 保險公司
  • 大型公司
  • 中小企業

第 11 章市場分析:依地區

  • 北美
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 其他北美地區
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國。
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 其他歐洲地區
  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 韓國
    • 其他亞太地區
  • 世界其他地區


  • 市場驅動因素
  • 市場課題
  • 影響分析




  • 需求方分析
  • 供給面分析



  • 競爭狀況
    • 波特五力分析


  • Amazon Web Services, Inc
  • Microsoft
  • Alphabet
  • IBM
  • Tencent Cloud
  • Salesforce, Inc
  • Oracle
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Workday, Inc.
  • SAP


Product Code: UMTI212735

The finance cloud market refers to the use of cloud computing solutions tailored specifically for the financial services sector. This market involves the adoption of cloud-based technologies by banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies to enhance their operations and services. The finance cloud market offers benefits such as rapid digitalization, corporate agility, on-demand innovation, and a secure environment for handling sensitive financial data. It enables organizations to access scalable and cost-effective IT resources, streamline processes, improve customer service, and drive innovation within the financial industry.

The Finance Cloud Market is expected to grow at a strong CAGR of around 15.30% owing to the growing digitalization of banking and financial services. The global financial services industry is witnessing an unprecedented surge in the demand for cloud-based solutions and services. As digitalization continues to reshape the financial landscape, an increasing number of institutions are embracing the cloud to streamline operations, enhance scalability, and optimize cost structures. Furthermore, the ever-changing financial landscape demands agility and scalability, which cloud solutions offer in abundance. Traditional on-premises systems often struggle to keep pace with rapidly evolving market conditions, regulatory requirements, and customer expectations. Cloud-based solutions allow financial institutions to scale their resources up or down seamlessly, ensuring they can adapt swiftly to fluctuating demands without incurring significant capital expenditures. Moreover, the cloud computing model presents a compelling value proposition for financial institutions by enabling them to optimize their IT costs. Instead of investing in expensive hardware, software, and maintenance, cloud solutions offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing institutions to pay only for the resources they consume. This cost-effective approach is particularly attractive for small and medium-sized financial firms, as well as startups, enabling them to access enterprise-grade solutions without the need for substantial upfront investments. Additionally, the financial services industry generates vast amounts of data, and cloud-based solutions provide the infrastructure and tools necessary to harness this data effectively. By leveraging cloud-based analytics platforms, financial institutions can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and risk management, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and develop innovative products and services. These advances along with others are creating a favorable environment for the adoption of finance cloud across various markets.

Based on the solution, the market is categorized into financial forecasting, financial reporting and analysis, security, and governance risk and compliance. The security and governance risk and compliance stand out as a predominant end-user segment for the finance cloud in the industry. Primarily driven by the need to ensure compliance with regulatory framework. Financial institutions are subject to stringent regulations, such as the Basel III framework, the Dodd-Frank Act, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines, reputational damage, and legal implications. Furthermore, the financial sector is a prime target for cyber-attacks, including data breaches, phishing scams, and ransomware attacks. These threats can lead to financial losses, disruption of operations, and erosion of customer trust. GRC solutions offer robust security features, such as encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems, to protect sensitive financial data and systems. GRC solutions help organizations maintain compliance by automating processes, monitoring controls, and providing real-time reporting capabilities. Additionally, Financial institutions face various risks, including credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and reputational risk. Effective risk management is crucial for maintaining financial stability and making informed business decisions. GRC solutions provide risk assessment tools, risk modeling capabilities, and real-time risk monitoring to identify, analyze, and mitigate potential risks.

Based on the services, the market is bifurcated into professional services and managed services. The financial services industry has been rapidly adopting cloud computing solutions to drive innovation, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Within the financial cloud market, the professional services segment generates the highest revenue, outpacing managed services and other offerings. Professional services encompass a wide range of consulting, implementation, integration, and advisory services tailored to help financial institutions leverage cloud technologies effectively. These services are crucial for organizations navigating the complex landscape of cloud migration, compliance, security, and digital transformation. Factors such as these are creating a favorable environment, influencing the adoption of financial cloud across various markets globally.

Based on application, the market is segmented into revenue management, wealth management, customer management, and account management. Customer relationship management (CRM) has established itself as a major end-user segment for the financial cloud market. Primarily driven by the need for centralizing consumer data. Financial institutions deal with a massive amount of customer data, including personal information, account details, transaction history, and preferences. CRM solutions in the cloud enable organizations to store and access this data from a centralized location, facilitating better customer service, cross-selling, and up-selling opportunities. Furthermore, cloud-based CRM systems allow financial institutions to provide a consistent and personalized experience across multiple channels, such as branch offices, online portals, and mobile apps. By analyzing customer data and behavior, CRM solutions can help tailor products and services to individual needs, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, cloud computing offers scalability and flexibility, allowing financial institutions to quickly adapt to changing customer demands and market conditions. CRM solutions in the cloud can be easily scaled up or down based on the organization's needs, without the need for substantial upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure. Factors such as these are fostering a conducive environment, driving the widespread adoption of cloud-based services for customer relationship management.

Based on end-users, the market is segmented into banks, financial service providers, insurance companies, large enterprises, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The SMEs in the financial industry stand out as the segment adopting financial cloud services rapidly. One of the primary factors driving the adoption of financial cloud services among SMEs is cost efficiency. Cloud services eliminate the need for significant upfront investments in IT infrastructure and maintenance costs. SMEs can leverage pay-as-you-go pricing models, reducing their overall IT expenses. Furthermore, Cloud service providers invest heavily in security measures to protect data and ensure compliance with industry regulations. SMEs can benefit from advanced security features that may be cost-prohibitive to implement in-house. Additionally, cloud services offer robust disaster recovery solutions, ensuring data backups and continuity of operations in the event of unforeseen disruptions. This feature is particularly crucial for SMEs with limited resources to invest in comprehensive disaster recovery plans. These developments along with others are driving the adoption of cloud-based services among the SMEs active in the financial industry.

For a better understanding of the market adoption of finance cloud, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (The U.S., Canada, and the Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, The U.K., France, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. Europe holds the largest share of the finance cloud industry. One of the key factors contributing to this leadership position of Europe in the finance cloud market is its conducive financial regulatory environment helping the industry to thrive at an unprecedented rate, leading to the rapid adoption of cloud services. For instance, the European Union's Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) launched in 2017 in Europe, has played a pivotal role in fostering innovation and competition in the financial sector by enhancing and regulating electronic payment services by allowing third-party access to banking data through open banking APIs. Furthermore, the collaborative ecosystem in Europe amongst fintech, traditional banks, and regulatory bodies has laid down a very favorable environment for the cloud migration of financial services providers in the region. For instance, the partnership between the neo-banking services providers and the traditional banks has enabled these digital-only banks to expand fast and grow their consumer base at a rapid rate. For instance, the partnerships between UK-based neo-bank Revolut and traditional banks like HSBC, signal a shift towards collaboration in the European financial sector. Moreover, the high cultural acceptance of digital innovation in Europe has played a major driving force, in initiating the cloud migration of financial service providers. For instance, the rate at which a German-based neo-bank named N26 has reported its growth numbers regarding its consumer base, of about 7 million consumers across Europe underscores the cultural acceptance of neo-banking in the region. Factors like these have played a major driving force, making Europe one of the dominant regions where the digitalization of the banking industry has flourished the most, further leading to a surge in demand for finance cloud services in the region.

Some of the major players operating in the market include Amazon Web Services, Inc; Microsoft; Alphabet; IBM; Tencent Cloud; Salesforce, Inc; Oracle; Alibaba Cloud; Workday, Inc.; and SAP.



  • 1.1. Market Definitions
  • 1.2. Main Objective
  • 1.3. Stakeholders
  • 1.4. Limitation


  • 2.1. Research Process of the Finance Cloud Market
  • 2.2. Research Methodology of the Finance Cloud Market
  • 2.3. Respondent Profile






  • 7.1. Financial Forecasting
  • 7.2. Financial Reporting & Analysis
  • 7.3. Security
  • 7.4. Governance, Risk & Compliance


  • 8.1. Professional Services
  • 8.2. Managed Services


  • 9.1. Revenue Management
  • 9.2. Wealth Management
  • 9.3. Customer Management
  • 9.4. Account Management


  • 10.1. Banks
  • 10.2. Financial Service Providers
  • 10.3. Insurance Companies
  • 10.4. Large Enterprises
  • 10.5. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)


  • 11.1. North America
    • 11.1.1. The U.S.
    • 11.1.2. Canada
    • 11.1.3. Rest of North America
  • 11.2. Europe
    • 11.2.1. Germany
    • 11.2.2. The U.K.
    • 11.2.3. France
    • 11.2.4. Italy
    • 11.2.5. Rest of Europe
  • 11.3. Asia-Pacific
    • 11.3.1. China
    • 11.3.2. India
    • 11.3.3. Japan
    • 11.3.4. South Korea
    • 11.3.5. Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • 11.4. Rest of the World


  • 12.1. Market Drivers
  • 12.2. Market Challenges
  • 12.3. Impact Analysis




  • 15.1. Demand Side Analysis
  • 15.2. Supply Side Analysis



  • 17.1. Competitive Landscape
    • 17.1.1. Porters Five Forces Analysis


  • 18.1. Amazon Web Services, Inc
  • 18.2. Microsoft
  • 18.3. Alphabet
  • 18.4. IBM
  • 18.5. Tencent Cloud
  • 18.6. Salesforce, Inc
  • 18.7. Oracle
  • 18.8. Alibaba Cloud
  • 18.9. Workday, Inc.
  • 18.10. SAP