

Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Market By Product Type (LPG, LNG), Water Depth (Deep & Ultra-Deep Water, Shallow Water), Carrier Type (New Build Ship, Converted Ship, Redeployed), & Region for 2024-2031

出版日期: | 出版商: Verified Market Research | 英文 202 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內


浮式海上石油和天然氣生產儲卸設備 (FPSO) 市場評估 - 2024-2031

石油和天然氣需求的增加是推動全球FPSO市場成長的主要因素。 2024年市場規模為450.5億美元,2031年將達1,740.2億美元。

政府加速海上石油和天然氣勘探的獎勵措施也推動了全球 FPSO 市場的發展。預計2024年至2031年該市場將以約20.30%的複合年增長率成長。

浮式海上石油和天然氣生產儲卸設備 (FPSO) 市場:定義/概述

浮式海上油氣生產、儲存和卸載設備(FPSO)是一種浮式海上油氣生產、儲存和卸載設施,用於海上石油和天然氣行業,用於碳氫化合物的生產、加工和儲存。 FPSO 的設計目的是從海上油井接收石油和天然氣,在船上處理這些資源,並儲存產生的原油,直到可以將其裝載到穿梭油輪上或通過管道運輸到陸地。這些船舶是新建的或改裝的現有油輪,並配備了分離油、氣和水的處理設備。

FPSO不需要廣泛的管道基礎設施,這使得它們在傳統固定平台在經濟上不可行的偏遠地區或深水中特別有利。它的靈活性使其能夠在需要時遷移到另一個油田,使FPSO 成為現代化的海上油氣田,特別是隨著陸上發現量的減少和勘探越來越多地轉向更深的水域,FPSO 已成為業務的重要組成部分。

浮式海上石油和天然氣生產儲卸設備 (FPSO) 市場的區域分析

以下是浮式海上石油和天然氣生產儲存卸載設備 (FPSO) 市場更詳細的區域分析:


據 Verified Market Research 分析師稱,北美地區在浮動海上石油和天然氣生產、儲存和卸載裝置 (FPSO) 方面佔據最大的市場佔有率。該地區擁有大量石油和天然氣儲量,特別是在墨西哥灣,並且是 FPSO 作業的中心。墨西哥灣擁有良好的地質條件和完善的基礎設施,使其成為FPSO開發的理想地點。此外,北美擁有許多在海上作業方面擁有豐富經驗並擁有成功部署 FPSO 記錄的石油和天然氣公司。

北美擁有完善的監管框架和強大的法律結構,可確保 FPSO 專案的可預測性和穩定性。海上石油和天然氣活動受到美國海洋能源管理局 (BOEM) 和加拿大國家能源委員會 (NEB) 等監管機構的監督,確保遵守安全、環境和營運法規。明確的監管規則和審批流程支持FPSO專案的發展,增強投資者信心和產業擴張。

北美處於石油和天然氣行業創新和研究的前沿,推動了 FPSO 設計、建造和運營的進步。該地區是頂尖工程公司、研究機構和技術提供商的所在地,他們為船舶生產的獨特挑戰創造尖端解決方案。海底處理、數位化和自動化方面的創新正逐漸融入FPSO專案中,以提高營運效率、安全性和永續性。因此,北美利用其豐富的資源、監管穩定性和技術專長,繼續保持 FPSO 市場的主導力量,並推動產業成長和創新。


亞太地區的浮式海上石油和天然氣生產、儲存和卸載設備 (FPSO) 市場正在快速成長。該地區擁有巨大的未開發海上石油和天然氣潛力,特別是在馬來西亞、印尼和澳洲。這些資產顯示出 FPSO 部署的有利潛力,因為它們在傳統固定基礎設施不切實際的偏遠地區和深水中提供了具有成本效益的碳氫化合物提取選項。


亞太地區對再生能源和綠地開發的日益重視正在推動對 FPSO 的需求。台灣、韓國和日本等國家正在大力投資離岸風電項目,其中FPSO在渦輪機安裝、維護和發電方面發揮關鍵作用。此外,FPSO設計和建造的技術發展正在降低專案成本和可行性,促進亞太市場的成長。總體而言,這些因素促使亞太地區成為 FPSO 市場成長最快的地區,為市場參與者和利害關係人帶來了許多機會。

海上石油探勘的增加將如何推動對 FPSO 的需求?

海上石油探勘的增加是浮式海上石油和天然氣生產、儲存和卸載裝置(FPSO)需求的主要驅動力。隨著易於開採的陸上石油儲量的枯竭,勘探活動正在轉向更深的水域和更偏遠的海上地點,而 FPSO 為生產和儲存提供了實用的解決方案。這些浮動船在惡劣環境中特別有利,在惡劣環境中安裝固定生產平台要么在經濟上不可能,要么在技術上很複雜。 FPSO 不需要大量的管道基礎設施,可以直接在礦場有效地處理和儲存碳氫化合物。這種靈活性對於開發邊際油田至關重要,傳統海上平台的高成本在這些油田中是不合理的。

此外,技術進步使得超深海區域的資源勘探和開發成為可能,進一步增加了對FPSO的依賴。全球對石油和天然氣的需求不斷增長,加上政府推動海上勘探的激勵措施,正在為 FPSO 的部署創造有利的環境,並推動該領域的市場成長。總體而言,資源枯竭、技術進步和經濟考慮的結合使 FPSO 成為現代海上石油勘探的重要組成部分。


油價波動會影響投資決策、營運成本和專案進度,進而對浮式海上石油和天然氣生產、儲存和卸載 (FPSO) 專案的可行性和獲利能力產生重大影響。當油價高企時,FPSO專案的利潤會更高,使公司能夠投資新專案並擴大現有業務。相反,在低油價或不穩定時期,例如經濟衰退或危機期間,許多FPSO計畫可能會因現金流惡化而暫停或推遲。在這種環境下,營運商通常被迫減少 30-50% 的資本支出,導致專案規模縮減或最終投資決策 (FID) 推遲,直至市場狀況改善為止。

此外,油價波動為收入預測帶來不確定性,使公司難以為FPSO專案獲得融資。這種不確定性導致專案開發採取謹慎態度,利害關係人專注於降低成本策略和分階段開發方法,以減輕與油價下跌相關的風險。例如,根據 Energy Maritime Associates 的數據,2020 年油價暴跌時,FPSO 產能利用率從 87% 下降至 80%。總體而言,較高的油價可能會刺激FPSO 專案的成長和投資,而大幅波動可能會導致專案取消、延誤以及產業前景更加保守,最終導致FPSO 業務成長放緩,這可能會影響長期可持續性。


第1章 浮體式石油天然氣生產儲存出貨設(FPSO)的全球市場:簡介

  • 市場概要
  • 調查範圍
  • 前提條件

第2章 摘要整理


  • 資料探勘
  • 檢驗
  • 主要採訪
  • 資料來源一覽

第4章 浮體式石油天然氣生產儲存出貨設(FPSO)的全球市場展望

  • 概要
  • 市場動態
    • 促進因素
    • 阻礙因素
    • 機會
  • 波特的五力分析
  • 價值鏈分析
  • 法律規範

第5章 浮體式石油天然氣生產儲存出貨設(FPSO)的全球市場:各產品類型

  • 概要
  • LPG
  • LNG
  • 石油
  • 其他

第6章 浮體式石油天然氣生產儲存出貨設(FPSO)的全球市場:水深

  • 概要
  • 深海·超深海
  • 淺海

第7章 浮體式石油天然氣生產儲存出貨設(FPso)的全球市場:各產品類型

  • 概要
  • 新造船
  • 改造船
  • 滾子分配

第8章 浮體式石油天然氣生產儲存出貨設(FPSO)的全球市場:各地區

  • 概要
  • 北美
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 法國
    • 其他歐洲
  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 日本
    • 印度
    • 其他亞太地區
  • 南美
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
  • 全球其他地區

第9章 全球浮體式石油天然氣生產儲存出貨設(FPSO)市場競爭情形

  • 概要
  • 各公司的市場佔有率
  • 業者情勢
  • 主要的開發策略

第10章 企業簡介

  • BP
  • Chevron
  • Petronas
  • Aker Solutions ASA
  • Bluewater Energy Services B.V.
  • Bumi Armada Berhad
  • BW Offshore
  • ExxonMobil
  • Petrobras
  • SBM Offshore
  • Shell
  • Teekay Corporation
  • Yinson Holdings Berhad

第11章 主要發展

  • 產品上市/開發
  • 合併和收購
  • 事業擴大
  • 夥伴關係和合作

第12章 附錄

  • 相關調查
Product Code: 6870

Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Market Valuation - 2024-2031

The growing demand for oil and gas is a major factor expected to boost the growth of the global FPSO market. The market is value at USD 45.05 Billion in 2024 and reach a valuation of USD 174.02 Billion by 2031.

Government incentives to accelerate offshore oil and gas exploration are also driving the global FPSO market. The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 20.30% from 2024 to 2031.

Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Market: Definition/ Overview

Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) refers to a floating vessel used in the offshore oil and gas industry for the production, processing, and storage of hydrocarbons. FPSOs are designed to receive oil and gas from subsea wells, process these resources onboard, and store the resulting crude oil until it can be offloaded onto shuttle tankers or transported through pipelines to shore. These vessels can be either newly constructed or converted from existing oil tankers, and they are equipped with processing facilities that separate oil, gas, and water.

FPSOs are particularly advantageous in remote or deepwater locations where traditional fixed platforms are economically unfeasible, as they eliminate the need for extensive pipeline infrastructure. Their flexibility allows them to be relocated to different fields as needed, making them a vital component of modern offshore oil and gas operations, especially as onshore discoveries decline and exploration increasingly shifts to deeper waters.

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Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Market Regional Analysis

Here is a more detailed regional analysis of the Floating production storage offloading (FPSO) market:

North America:

According to Verified Market Research analyst, the biggest market share for floating production storage offloading (FPSO) is held by the North America region. The region offers considerable offshore oil and gas reserves particularly in the Gulf of Mexico which has long been a centre for FPSO operations. The Gulf of Mexico has favourable geology and well-established infrastructure making it a desirable location for FPSO development. Furthermore, North America is home to a number of premier oil and gas corporations with substantial offshore operations experience and a proven track record of successfully deploying FPSOs.

North America has an established regulatory framework and a strong legal structure which ensures predictability and stability for FPSO projects. Offshore oil and gas activities are overseen by regulatory organisations such as the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in the United States and the National Energy Board (NEB) in Canada which ensure compliance with safety, environmental, and operational regulations. Clear regulatory rules and approval processes assist the development of FPSO projects encouraging investor confidence and industry expansion.

North America is at the forefront of technological innovation and research in the oil and gas industry pushing progress in FPSO design, construction, and operation. The region is home to premier engineering businesses, research organisations, and technology providers who create cutting-edge solutions for the unique problems of offshore production. Innovations in subsea processing, digitization, and automation are progressively being included into FPSO projects, improving operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability. As a result, North America remains a dominant force in the FPSO market leveraging its abundant resources, regulatory stability, and technological expertise to propel industry growth and innovation.


The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in the floating production storage offloading (FPSO) market. The region has large untapped offshore oil and gas potential, particularly in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia. These assets present profitable potential for FPSO deployments because they provide cost-effective hydrocarbon extraction options in distant and deepwater sites where traditional fixed infrastructure is impracticable.

Supportive government policies and regulatory frameworks in Asia-Pacific countries are encouraging investment in offshore exploration and production. To encourage foreign investment and increase domestic energy security, governments provide incentives such as tax cuts, production-sharing agreements, and faster approval processes. These favourable policies encourage oil and gas corporations to engage in FPSO projects which boosts regional market growth.

Asia-Pacific's growing emphasis on renewable energy and greenfield developments boosts demand for FPSOs. Countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan are significantly investing in offshore wind projects with FPSOs playing an important role in turbine installation, maintenance, and electricity generation. Furthermore, technical developments in FPSO design and construction reduce project costs and feasibility propelling Asia-Pacific market growth. Overall, these factors contribute to Asia-Pacific's position as the fastest-growing region in the FPSO market creating several potentials for industry participants and stakeholders.

How does Increasing Offshore Oil Exploration Drive the Demand for FPSOs?

Increasing offshore oil exploration is a significant driver of demand for floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) units. As easily accessible onshore oil reserves become depleted, exploration activities are shifting toward deeper waters and more remote offshore locations, where FPSOs offer a practical solution for production and storage. These floating vessels are particularly advantageous in challenging environments where the installation of fixed production platforms is economically unfeasible or technically complex. FPSOs eliminate the need for extensive pipeline infrastructure, allowing for efficient processing and storage of hydrocarbons directly at the extraction site. This flexibility is crucial for exploiting marginal oil fields that may not justify the high costs associated with traditional offshore platforms.

Additionally, advancements in technology have made it possible to explore and develop resources in ultra-deepwater areas, further increasing the reliance on FPSOs. The rising global demand for oil and gas, coupled with government incentives to boost offshore exploration, creates a favorable environment for FPSO deployment, thereby driving market growth in this sector. Overall, the combination of resource depletion, technological advancements, and economic considerations makes FPSOs an essential component of modern offshore oil exploration efforts.

What Impact do Fluctuating Oil Prices have on the Viability and Profitability of FPSO Projects?

Fluctuating oil prices significantly impact the viability and profitability of floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) projects by influencing investment decisions, operational costs, and project timelines. When oil prices are high, the profitability of FPSO projects increases, encouraging companies to invest in new projects and expand existing operations. Conversely, during periods of low or volatile oil prices, such as those experienced during economic downturns or crises, many FPSO projects may be suspended or delayed due to reduced financial viability. Operators often face pressure to cut capital expenditures by 30-50% in such environments, which can lead to scaled-back project scopes or the postponement of final investment decisions (FID) until market conditions improve.

Additionally, fluctuating oil prices can create uncertainty in revenue projections, making it challenging for companies to secure financing for FPSO projects. This uncertainty can lead to a cautious approach in project development, with stakeholders focusing on cost-reduction strategies and phased development approaches to mitigate risks associated with low oil prices. For instance, according to energy maritime associates, in 2020, when oil prices plummeted, FPSO utilization rates dropped to 80% from 87%.Overall, while high oil prices can stimulate growth and investment in FPSO projects, significant fluctuations can lead to project cancellations, delays, and a more conservative industry outlook, ultimately affecting the long-term sustainability of FPSO operations.

Category-Wise Acumens

In What Ways does the Oil Industry Benefit from the Flexibility and Mobility of FPSO Units?

The oil industry benefits significantly from the flexibility and mobility of floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) units in several ways. Firstly, FPSOs can be deployed in remote and deepwater locations where traditional fixed platforms would be economically unfeasible due to high installation and maintenance costs. This mobility allows operators to access marginal fields that may not justify the expense of permanent infrastructure, thus enhancing the overall viability of oil extraction in challenging environments.

Moreover, FPSOs can be customized for specific production needs and can operate in adverse weather conditions, increasing their operational efficiency and safety. The ability to disconnect from moorings during severe weather further enhances safety, making FPSOs a preferred choice in regions prone to harsh marine conditions. Overall, the flexibility and mobility of FPSOs contribute to more efficient, cost-effective, and safer operations in the oil industry, making them essential assets in modern offshore exploration and production.

How do Shallow Water Exploration Trends Impact the Overall FPSO Market Growth?

Shallow water exploration trends significantly impact the overall floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) market growth by driving demand for adaptable and cost-effective offshore solutions. The shallow water segment held the largest market share in 2021, primarily due to the depletion of natural gas and oil resources in these areas, which has led to increased exploration activities. As oil and gas companies seek to optimize production in shallow waters, FPSOs offer a flexible alternative to fixed platforms, allowing for efficient production and storage directly at the extraction site. The ability of FPSOs to operate in shallow waters without the need for extensive infrastructure makes them particularly appealing, as they can be deployed quickly and relocated as needed. This adaptability is crucial in responding to fluctuating market conditions and the ongoing exploration of marginal fields.

Moreover, advancements in technology have enhanced the capabilities of FPSOs, enabling them to thrive in various marine environments, thus further stimulating market growth. Overall, the increasing focus on shallow water exploration not only boosts the demand for FPSOs but also encourages innovation and competition among market players to develop advanced solutions tailored for these operational conditions.

Country/Region-wise Acumens

What Factors Contribute to North America's Leading Role in the FPSO Market?

North America is expected to lead in the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) market. The region boasts abundant offshore oil and gas reserves, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico, which has favorable geology and well-established infrastructure conducive to FPSO operations. This availability of resources is complemented by the presence of major oil and gas companies with extensive offshore experience, such as ExxonMobil and Chevron, which enhances the market's robustness. North American companies hold approximately 25% of FPSO engineering and construction contracts globally.

Additionally, North America benefits from a strong regulatory framework that ensures compliance with safety and environmental standards, fostering investor confidence and facilitating project development. Technological innovation is another critical factor, as the region is at the forefront of advancements in FPSO design and operation, enabling more efficient and safe offshore production.

What Factors are Driving the Increasing Use of FPSOs in European Offshore Oil and Gas Fields?

The increasing use of floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) units in European offshore oil and gas fields is driven by several key factors. FPSOs offer significant cost-effectiveness compared to traditional fixed platforms, particularly in remote and deepwater locations where laying extensive pipelines is economically unfeasible. This flexibility allows operators to quickly deploy FPSOs to marginal fields, where investments in permanent infrastructure may not be justified. The average water depth for new FPSO projects in Europe increased from 100 meters in 2000 to over 300 meters in 2020, reflecting the move to deeper waters. Additionally, FPSOs can be easily relocated to new sites once an oilfield is depleted, enhancing their operational efficiency and lifespan.

Furthermore, the ongoing trend towards deeper offshore exploration in Europe, coupled with a lack of existing infrastructure in these areas, has led to a growing reliance on FPSOs as a viable solution for hydrocarbon production. The integration of advanced technologies in FPSO design and operation also contributes to their attractiveness, as these innovations enhance efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape of the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) market is characterized by the strategic plans executed by the several key players,. Our competitive landscape section also includes key development strategies, market share, and market ranking analysis of the above-mentioned players globally.

Some of the prominent players operating in the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) include:



Aker Solutions ASA

Bluewater Energy Services B.V.

Bumi Armada Berhad

BW Offshore




SBM Offshore


Teekay Corporation

Yinson Holdings Berhad

Latest Developments

In April 2023, Chevron announced its plans to develop a new Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit for the "Johan Castberg" project in the Barents Sea, offshore Norway. This FPSO is expected to significantly enhance Chevron's production capabilities in the region, with first oil anticipated by 2026.

In April 2024, ExxonMobil announced the successful startup of its third Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit, named Prosperity, at the Payara project in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana.



  • 1.1 Overview of the Market
  • 1.2 Scope of Report
  • 1.3 Assumptions



  • 3.1 Data Mining
  • 3.2 Validation
  • 3.3 Primary Interviews
  • 3.4 List of Data Sources


  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Market Dynamics
    • 4.2.1 Drivers
    • 4.2.2 Restraints
    • 4.2.3 Opportunities
  • 4.3 Porters Five Force Model
  • 4.4 Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.5 Regulatory Framework


  • 5.1 Overview
  • 5.2 LPG
  • 5.3 LNG
  • 5.4 Oil
  • 5.5 Others


  • 6.1 Overview
  • 6.2 Deep & Ultra-deep Water
  • 6.3 Shallow Water


  • 7.1 Overview
  • 7.2 New Build Ship
  • 7.3 Converted Ship
  • 7.4 Redeployed


  • 8.1 Overview
  • 8.2 North America
    • 8.2.1 U.S.
    • 8.2.2 Canada
    • 8.2.3 Mexico
  • 8.3 Europe
    • 8.3.1 Germany
    • 8.3.2 U.K.
    • 8.3.3 France
    • 8.3.4 Rest of Europe
  • 8.4 Asia Pacific
    • 8.4.1 China
    • 8.4.2 Japan
    • 8.4.3 India
    • 8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific
  • 8.5 Latin America
    • 8.5.1 Brazil
    • 8.5.2 Argentina
  • 8.6 Rest of the World


  • 9.1 Overview
  • 9.2 Company Market Share
  • 9.3 Vendor Landscape
  • 9.4 Key Development Strategies


  • 10.1 BP
    • 10.1.1 Overview
    • 10.1.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.1.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.1.4 Key Developments
  • 10.2 Chevron
    • 10.2.1 Overview
    • 10.2.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.2.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.2.4 Key Developments
  • 10.3 Petronas
    • 10.3.1 Overview
    • 10.3.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.3.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.3.4 Key Developments
  • 10.4 Aker Solutions ASA
    • 10.4.1 Overview
    • 10.4.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.4.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.4.4 Key Developments
  • 10.5 Bluewater Energy Services B.V.
    • 10.5.1 Overview
    • 10.5.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.5.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.5.4 Key Developments
  • 10.6 Bumi Armada Berhad
    • 10.6.1 Overview
    • 10.6.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.6.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.6.4 Key Developments
  • 10.7 BW Offshore
    • 10.7.1 Overview
    • 10.7.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.7.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.7.4 Key Developments
  • 10.8 ExxonMobil
    • 10.8.1 Overview
    • 10.8.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.8.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.8.4 Key Developments
  • 10.9 MODEC
    • 10.9.1 Overview
    • 10.9.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.9.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.9.4 Key Developments
  • 10.10 Petrobras
    • 10.10.1 Overview
    • 10.10.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.10.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.10.4 Key Developments
  • 10.11 SBM Offshore
    • 10.11.1 Overview
    • 10.11.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.11.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.11.4 Key Developments
  • 10.12 Shell
    • 10.12.1 Overview
    • 10.12.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.12.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.12.4 Key Developments
  • 10.13 Teekay Corporation
    • 10.13.1 Overview
    • 10.13.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.13.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.13.4 Key Developments
  • 10.14 Yinson Holdings Berhad
    • 10.14.1 Overview
    • 10.14.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.14.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.14.4 Key Developments


  • 11.1 Product Launches/Developments
  • 11.2 Mergers and Acquisitions
  • 11.3 Business Expansions
  • 11.4 Partnerships and Collaborations

12 Appendix

  • 11.1 Related Research