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2024 年至 2031 年分散式控制系統市場(按組件、垂直行業、應用、最終用戶和地區劃分)Distributed Control Systems Market By Component, Industry Vertical, Application, End-User, & Region for 2024-2031 |
隨著工業製程的複雜性和規模不斷增長,需要更先進、更可靠的控制方法來確保高效、安全的運行,從而增加了對分散式控制系統 (DCS) 的需求。DCS 技術非常適合石油和天然氣、發電、化學製造和水處理等行業,並且能夠對大型工廠和設施中的眾多操作進行分散式控制,到 2024 年市場規模將超過 201 億美元2031年將達到299.7億美元。
採用 DCS 的動力來自於提高工業環境中營運效率和減少停機時間的願望。現代 DCS 解決方案包括預測性維護、數據分析和與其他數位系統的無縫連接等先進功能,使工廠操作員能夠在問題導致代價高昂的停機或安全事故之前發現它們並予以解決。預計 2024 年至 2031 年間,該市場將以 5.12% 的複合年增長率成長。
分散式控制系統 (DCS) 是一種管理複雜工業製程的先進自動化控制系統。與傳統的集中控制系統(由單一控制器監控所有操作)不同,DCS 將控制功能分散到遍佈整個工廠的許多聯網控制器上。這些控制器被策略性地放置在它們監控的設備附近,以提供更有效率、更精確的控制。
DCS 的一個突出應用是在發電行業。在發電廠中,DCS 對於協調和監控涉及能源生產的複雜操作至關重要。這些系統處理包括渦輪機、鍋爐和發電機在內的各種子系統,確保它們能流暢運行,有效且安全地發電。
DCS 的未來應用對於促進向更永續和更節能的工業流程的轉變至關重要。隨著公司努力減少碳足跡並遵守日益嚴格的環境法規,DCS 可以幫助優化能源使用和資源管理。
全球電力消耗的增加和對節能技術的需求是分散式控制系統 (DCS) 產業發展的主要驅動力。根據國際能源總署(IEA)的數據,預計2022年至2024年間全球能源需求每年將成長2.1%,其中新興國家和發展中國家將佔成長的大部分。電力需求的增加要求發電廠和配電中心建立更有效率、更可靠的控制系統。根據美國能源資訊署 (EIA) 的數據,預計 2018 年至 2050 年間全球能源消耗將增加約 50%,凸顯了改善控制系統的重要性。其中,DCS在優化發電廠運作、增強電網穩定性、提高整體能源效率方面發揮關鍵作用。
節能技術的採用也推動了DCS產業的發展。根據國際再生能源機構(IRENA)的數據,2020年再生能源裝置容量成長45%,達到280吉瓦,為1999年以來的最大年度增幅。再生能源的快速成長需要複雜的控制系統來處理其不可預測的性質並將其整合到現有的電網中。此外,美國能源部先進製造業辦公室估計,到 2050 年,工業能源效率措施可節省 7-20% 的能源。DCS 透過實現對工業營運的即時監控、最佳化和控制來幫助實現這些效率提升。
儘管石油和天然氣行業面臨這些課題,但多元化和向其他行業的擴張可能有助於減輕 DCS 市場的整體影響。美國能源部關於製造業的報告指出,化學、製藥和食品加工等行業擴大採用包括 DCS 在內的智慧製造技術。此外,國際再生能源機構 (IRENA) 報告稱,2023 年再生能源裝置容量將達到創紀錄的 298 吉瓦,比 2022 年增長 45%。再生能源領域的快速擴張為DCS應用創造了新的機遇,以彌補石油和天然氣產業低迷造成的損失。
Distributed Control Systems Market Valuation - 2024-2031
The expanding complexity and scale of industrial processes necessitate more sophisticated and dependable control methods to ensure efficient and safe operations resulting in an increased demand for Distributed Control Systems (DCS). DCS technology enables decentralized control of numerous operations across big plants or facilities making it suitable for industries such as oil and gas, power generation, chemical manufacture, and water treatment by enabling the market to surpass a revenue of USD 20.1 Billion valued in 2024 and reach a valuation of aroundUSD 29.97 Billion by 2031.
DCS implementation is being driven by the desire to improve operational efficiency and reduce downtime in industrial environments. Modern DCS solutions include advanced capabilities like predictive maintenance, data analytics, and seamless connection with other digital systems allowing plant operators to solve issues before they cause costly downtime or safety accidents by enabling the market to grow at aCAGR of 5.12 % from 2024 to 2031.
Distributed Control Systems Market: Definition/ Overview
Distributed Control Systems (DCS) are advanced automated control systems that manage complicated industrial processes. Unlike traditional centralized control systems which have a single controller overseeing all operations, a DCS spreads control functions over many, networked controllers spread throughout the plant. These controllers are strategically located near the equipment they supervise resulting in more efficient and precise control.
One prominent application for DCS is in the power generation business. In power plants, DCS is critical for regulating and monitoring the complicated operations involved in energy generation. These systems handle a variety of subsystems including turbines, boilers, and generators ensuring that they operate together fluidly to generate power effectively and safely.
The future application of DCS will be critical in facilitating the shift to more sustainable and energy-efficient industrial processes. As businesses strive to lower their carbon footprint and comply with increasing environmental laws, DCS can assist optimize energy use and resource management.
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The growing worldwide power consumption and the need for energy-efficient technologies are major drivers of the distributed control systems (DCS) industry. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), worldwide energy demand is expected to rise by 2.1% each year between 2022 and 2024 with emerging and developing nations accounting for the majority of the increase. This increase in power demand needs more efficient and dependable control systems in power plants and distribution centers. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), global energy consumption is predicted to increase by approximately 50% between 2018 and 2050 emphasizing the importance of improved control systems. In this context, DCS plays a significant role in optimizing power plant operations boosting grid stability, and increasing overall energy efficiency.
The deployment of energy-efficient technology is also driving the DCS industry forward. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy capacity additions in 2020 increased by 45% to 280 GW, the biggest annual rise since 1999. The fast growth of renewable energy sources necessitates sophisticated control systems to handle their unpredictable nature and incorporate them into existing grids. Furthermore, the US Department of Energy's Advanced Manufacturing Office estimates that industrial energy efficiency initiatives might save 7-20% of energy by 2050. DCS helps to achieve these efficiency benefits by enabling real-time monitoring, optimization, and control of industrial operations.
The distributed control systems (DCS) market has long been linked to the oil and gas industry which is a significant user of these systems. However, recent stalling in the oil and gas sector has generated concerns about how it would affect the DCS market. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), US crude oil output growth slowed dramatically in 2023, increasing by only 0.5% over 2022. This downturn came after years of strong growth indicating that the industry may have reached a plateau. Furthermore, the International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that global oil demand growth will slow from 2.3 million barrels per day (mb/d) in 2023 to 1.2 mb/d in 2024 signaling a cooling market.
Despite these issues in the oil and gas sector, diversification and expansion in other industries may help to lessen the overall impact on the DCS market. The United States Department of Energy's report on the manufacturing sector notes the rising adoption of smart manufacturing technologies including DCS in areas such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food processing. Furthermore, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reports that renewable energy capacity additions reached a record 298 GW in 2023 representing a 45% increase over 2022. This rapid expansion in the renewable energy sector gives new opportunities for DCS applications perhaps compensating any losses caused by the oil and gas industry standstill.
The hardware component usually dominates the market. Controllers, processors, and input/output modules are examples of hardware components that are critical to system functioning. These components provide the foundation of any automation system offering the processing capacity, control capabilities, and interfaces needed to manage complex industrial processes. The necessity for high-performance systems that can run in a variety of environments including severe ones drives the demand for durable hardware. Manufacturing, oil & gas, and utilities all rely significantly on physical components to maintain operating efficiency, safety, and productivity.
While hardware remains an important component, the role of software in the automation business is fast increasing reflecting a trend toward more integrated and smarter systems. Software solutions for control and monitoring are critical to improving the usefulness and flexibility of physical components. They offer advanced features like real-time data analysis, predictive maintenance, and remote monitoring which are critical for improving industrial operations and reducing downtime. The growth of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 projects emphasizes the need for software in developing interconnected and smart production settings. These trends are encouraging investment in complex software platforms that can connect seamlessly with current hardware infrastructure giving customers extensive capabilities for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing their operations.
Continuous processes are prevalent, particularly in the chemical, petrochemical, and power generation sectors. The key drivers of this supremacy are efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Continuous processes involve the constant flow of materials through the production system resulting in a consistent and unbroken production cycle. This technology dramatically decreases downtime while increasing productivity resulting in lower operational expenses per unit of production. Continuous processes are essential in industries that require large-scale and high-volume production such as petrochemicals and power generation. The capacity to operate continuously without frequent shutdowns or restarts is consistent with these industries economic and operational goals.
Despite their benefits in some applications, batch processes are generally less efficient than continuous processes due to their start-stop structure which can introduce inefficiencies such as increased downtime and higher energy consumption per unit of production. However, due to the necessity for tight quality control, adherence to regulatory standards, and the capacity to switch between different products or formulations without considerable retooling, batch operations are better suited for these industries. Hybrid processes which combine parts of continuous and batch techniques serve specialized industries that require both flexibility and efficiency.
The distributed control systems (DCS) market in North America is expected to increase significantly, owing to rising power consumption trends. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), total electricity usage in the United States is expected to rise by about 1% per year through 2050. This consistent increase in power demand is ascribed to a variety of factors including population growth, economic expansion, and increased electrification in many industries. The industrial sector, in particular, is predicted to experience a significant increase in power usage with the EIA predicting a 30% increase between 2021 and 2050.
The prevalence of fossil fuels in North America's energy mix, notwithstanding the push for renewable energy, leads to the demand for improved DCS solutions. According to the US Department of Energy, fossil fuels generated around 60% of all electricity in 2020. As power plants attempt to improve their operations and minimize emissions, the use of sophisticated DCS becomes increasingly important. Additionally, the aged electricity infrastructure in many parts of North America necessitates modernization measures.
The oil and gas sector in Europe has seen a revival in demand which is expected to fuel growth in the distributed control systems (DCS) market. The European Union's statistical office reported that crude oil imports to the EU climbed by 4.2% in 2022 compared to 2021, hitting 9.3 million barrels per day. This increase in oil consumption is due in part to the region's efforts to diversify its energy sources and lessen reliance on Russian supply in the wake of geopolitical concerns. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), European countries are investing in infrastructure renovations and new exploration projects to improve energy security which is projected to lead to increased usage of advanced control systems such as DCS in the future.
The natural gas sector is also exhibiting potential for driving DCS market expansion. The European Commission's REPowerEU plan which aims to reduce dependency on Russian fossil fuels includes ambitious ambitions for increasing LNG imports and extending regasification capacity. This effort is expected to provide significant potential for DCS installation in new and upgraded LNG terminals. Furthermore, the UK Oil and Gas Authority reported a 26% increase in offshore oil and gas production efficiency since 2014 owing mostly to the implementation of digital technologies and improved control systems. As European governments attempt to maximize their existing oil and gas assets while moving to cleaner energy sources, the region's demand for advanced DCS systems is likely to increase dramatically.
The distributed control systems market is a dynamic and competitive space, characterized by a diverse range of players vying for market share. These players are on the run for solidifying their presence through the adoption of strategic plans such as collaborations, mergers, acquisitions, and political support. The organizations are focusing on innovating their product line to serve the vast population in diverse regions.
Some of the prominent players operating in the distributed control systems market include:
Honeywell International Inc.
Schneider Electric
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Rockwell Automation
Emerson Electric Co.
NovaTech, LLC.
Azbil Corporation
Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation
In February 2023, ABB introduced its Ability Symphony Plus DCS system for the water and power generation industries. The new solution provides secure and easy access to an extended digital ecosystem, enhancing plant performance and efficiency. Furthermore, the new offering gives end users access to the fleet.
In May 2023, Emerson stated that it is increasing perimeter security for the DeltaV distributed control system (DCS) with its new NextGen Smart Firewall, a purpose-built control system firewall designed to provide simple installation and maintenance for all industries.