

IoT Cybersecurity Industry Analysis 2024-2030

出版日期: | 出版商: Westlands Advisory Ltd | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



儘管某些產業比其他產業更先進,物聯網網路安全成熟度仍然相對較低。物聯網網路安全的成熟度落後於物聯網採用的快速成長,凸顯了對安全措施日益增長的需求。隨著物聯網部署的複雜性、規模和範圍的擴大以及設備數量的增加,隨著攻擊面的擴大,安全性變得越來越重要。 2023 年物聯網安全支出預計為 73 億美元,佔全球網路安全支出的 3.7% 以上。到 2030 年,物聯網將佔支出的 5%。

投資是由監管設備安全性薄弱、設備激增以及對物聯網設備的警覺性增加所推動的。特別是,關鍵國家基礎設施(公用事業、交通運輸、金融部門)和與生活相關的領域(航空航太、汽車醫療)投資活躍。人們對關鍵基礎設施網路安全的興趣日益濃厚,以及物聯網設備在這些領域的快速採用,可能會推動高度監管產業的顯著成長。因此,這些是最大的細分市場,投資可能會繼續快速成長,直到 2030 年。

5G技術的推出將透過提供更快、更可靠的連接來促進更廣泛的 "大規模" 和 "關鍵" 物聯網部署,推動物聯網的快速成長。隨著資料的內在價值日益得到認可,組織越來越多地採用物聯網,因為他們尋求利用即時洞察來提高決策和營運效率。隨著組織尋求利用即時洞察來提高決策和營運效率,對數據內在價值的日益認識正在推動物聯網的進一步採用。隨著物聯網的不斷採用,連接設備的數量預計將增加,需要全面的設備資產管理來有效應對這種擴展。 因此,人們越來越關注設計安全和嵌入式設備保護特別是旨在加強物聯網產品安全性的法律舉措和國家認證體係正在加速經過

到 2030 年,汽車和航空航太產業的物聯網網路安全成熟度預計將顯著提高,其次是交通運輸和公用事業。隨著物聯網設備越來越成為營運和基礎設施不可或缺的一部分,許多組織將把物聯網安全納入其整體網路安全策略。人們也認為,本機設備將更加安全,因為監管將鼓勵對安全設計實踐的投資。物聯網部署的規模和範圍以及網路安全的成熟度因行業和地區的不同而存在很大差異,物聯網安全意識和採用率提高的趨勢預計將持續下去。


該專案涵蓋用於在設備、邊緣和網路層級建立信任和安全的網路安全技術和解決方案。這不包括虛擬私有雲、駐留在雲端的物聯網資料或物聯網應用程式的安全性。我們使用 Azure IoT 信任模型專注於保護裝置、閘道、網路以及現場和雲端閘道之間傳輸的資料。專業和託管安全服務部門包括與物聯網設備和網路(包括雲端服務)的諮詢、實施和監控相關的服務。



  • 1. 定義與細分


  • 1. 執行摘要
  • 2. 整體市場規模:依產業細分
  • 3. 市場預測:依產業細分
  • 4. 市場佔有率與成長率:依產業細分
  • 5. 市場規模:依國家劃分
  • 6. 市場規模:依地區及產業劃分
  • 7. 市場支出與成長率:依技術和服務劃分


  • 1. 投資促進因素:概述
  • 2. 經濟概況
  • 3. 技術概述
  • 4. 監理概述
  • 5. 主要監理趨勢概述
  • 6. 監理對產業的影響
  • 7. 風險概述
  • 8. 物聯網威脅與漏洞概述
  • 9. 威脅趨勢
  • 10. 漏洞趨勢
  • 11. 風險趨勢


  • 1. 高階物聯網平台架構
  • 2. 高層物聯網平台架構與專案範圍
  • 3. 物聯網場景
  • 4.AWS 架構
  • 5.Azure 架構
  • 6. 羅克韋爾自動化/PTC/Azure 架構
  • 7. 物聯網連線需求
  • 8. 物聯網連接技術
  • 9. 物聯網堆疊與威脅和安全措施相容


  • 1. 定義對物聯網設備的信任
  • 2. 物聯網設備的信任趨勢
  • 3. 裝置信任解決方案
  • 4. 定義物聯網設備安全管理
  • 5. 物聯網設備安全管理的趨勢
  • 6. 物聯網設備安全管理解決方案
  • 7. 物聯網威脅偵測的定義
  • 8. 物聯網威脅偵測的趨勢
  • 9. 物聯網威脅偵測解決方案
  • 10. 定義網路保護
  • 11. 網路保護趨勢
  • 12. 網路保護解決方案
  • 13. 定義 IoT 端點保護
  • 14. 物聯網端點保護的趨勢
  • 15. 物聯網端點保護解決方案
  • 16. 專業安全服務定義
  • 17. 專業安全服務的趨勢
  • 18. 託管安全服務定義
  • 19. 託管安全服務的趨勢
  • 20. 物聯網安全技術與服務預測(2023-2030 年)


  • 1. 總結
  • 2. 市場預測:依產業區隔(2023-2030 年)
  • 3. 支出金額/成長率:依行業類別
  • 4. 北美市場預測:依產業細分(2023-2030 年)
  • 5. 北美支出與複合年增長率:依產業劃分(2023 年)
  • 6. 北美市場預測:依國家劃分(2023-2030 年)
  • 7.亞太市場預測:依產業細分(2023-2030 年)
  • 8.亞太地區各產業支出及複合年增長率(2023 年)
  • 9.亞太市場預測:依國家劃分(2023-2030 年)
  • 10. 歐洲市場預測:依產業細分(2023-2030 年)
  • 11。
  • 12。
  • 13。
  • 14. 非洲的支出與複合年增長率:依產業劃分(2023 年)
  • 15。
  • 16。
  • 17。
  • 18。
  • 19。
  • 20。
  • 21。
  • 22。
  • 23。
  • 24。


  • 1. 總結
  • 2. 生態系統
  • 3. 供應商的產品地圖
  • 4. 物聯網平台與安全服務


  • 1. 航太趨勢
  • 2. 航太市場支出(2023-2030)與區域趨勢
  • 3. 農業趨勢
  • 4.農業市場支出(2023-2030)與區域趨勢
  • 5. 汽車趨勢
  • 6. 汽車市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 7. 教育趨勢
  • 8. 教育市場支出(2023-2030)與區域趨勢
  • 9. 醫療趨勢
  • 10. 健康市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 11. 旅館和娛樂業的趨勢
  • 12. 旅館和娛樂市場支出(2023-2030 年)和區域趨勢
  • 13. 產業趨勢
  • 14. 工業市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 15. 物流趨勢
  • 16. 物流市場支出(2023-2030)與區域趨勢
  • 17. 交通趨勢
  • 18. 交通市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 19. 實用趨勢
  • 20. 公用事業市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 21. 零售趨勢
  • 22. 零售市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 23. 防禦趨勢
  • 24. 國防市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 25. 財務趨勢
  • 26. 金融市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢
  • 27. 公共安全趨勢
  • 28. 公共安全市場支出(2023-2030 年)與區域趨勢




Across all industries, IoT cybersecurity maturity remains relatively low despite some industries being further along than others. The maturity of IoT cybersecurity lags behind the rapid growth in IoT deployments, highlighting the escalating necessity for security measures. As the complexity, scale and scope of IoT deployments evolve, and the growing number of devices expands attack surfaces, security will become increasingly critical. Westlands advisory estimates that expenditure on IoT security in 2023 was $7.3B or 3.7% of the global spend on cybersecurity. By 2030 IoT will make up 5% of expenditure.

Investment is being driven by regulation, weak native device security, device proliferation and growing adversarial interest in IoT devices. Investment is particularly strong in critical national infrastructure (utilities, transportation, and financial sectors) and life critical applications (aerospace, automotive, and healthcare) . A growing focus on critical infrastructure cybersecurity and the rapid adoption of IoT devices in these fields will drive significant growth in highly regulated industries. Accordingly, these are the largest market segments and investment will continue to increase rapidly to 2030.

The rollout of 5G technology is catalysing rapid IoT growth by providing fast, more reliable connectivity thereby facilitating more widespread 'Massive' and 'Critical' IoT deployments. The increasing recognition of data's intrinsic value is further driving IoT adoption as organisations seek to leverage real time insights for improved decision making and operational efficiency. As IoT adoption increases, the number of connected devices is expected to grow, necessitating comprehensive Device Asset Management to effectively handle this expansion. Poor native device security has made these devices particularly weak links in the security of digital deployments. As such there is a growing focus on secure by design and embedded device protection, particularly accelerated by legislative initiatives and national certification schemes aimed at enhancing IoT product security.

By 2030 WA expects IoT cybersecurity maturity to have advanced significantly within the automotive and aerospace industries with transportation and utilities following closely behind. Many organisations will integrate IoT security into their overall cybersecurity strategy as these devices become increasingly integral to their operations and infrastructure. WA also expects far greater native device security as regulation drives investment in secure-by-design practices. Although the scale and scope of IoT adoption and cyber security maturity will vary greatly across industries and geographies, the trend towards greater IoT security awareness and implementation is expected to continue its upward trajectory.


The project focuses on cybersecurity technologies and solutions used to establish trust and security at the device, edge and network level. This does not include security of Virtual Private Clouds, the IoT data residing in the cloud, or IoT applications. Using the Azure IoT Trust Model, the focus of the work includes protection of devices, gateways, networks, and data in transit between the field gateway and the cloud gateway. The professional and managed security services segment includes services related to advising, implementing and monitoring IoT devices and networks which may include the cloud services.



Table of Contents

  • 1. Definitions & Segmentation

Executive Summary

  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Total Available Market by Industry Segment
  • 3. Market Forecast by Industry Segment
  • 4. Market Share and Growth Rates by Industry Segment
  • 5. Market Size by Country
  • 6. Market Size by Region and Industry Segment
  • 7. Market Expenditure and Growth Rate by Technology and Service

Cybersecurity Investment Drivers

  • 1. Summary of Investment Drivers
  • 2. Economics Summary
  • 3. Technology Summary
  • 4. Regulatory Summary
  • 5. Summary of Major Regulatory Developments
  • 6. Regulatory Impact on Industries
  • 7. Risk Summary
  • 8. Summary of IoT Threats and Vulnerabilities
  • 9. Threat Trends
  • 10. Vulnerability Trends
  • 11. Risk Trends

IoT Architectures

  • 1. High Level IoT Platform Architecture
  • 2. High Level IoT Platform Architecture and Project Scope
  • 3. IoT Scenarios
  • 4. AWS Architecture
  • 5. Azure Architecture
  • 6. Rockwell Automation, PTC & Azure Architecture
  • 7. IoT Connectivity Requirements
  • 8. IoT Connectivity Technologies
  • 9. IoT Stack Mapped to Threats and Security Measures

Technology Lifecycle & Use Cases

  • 1. IoT Device Trust Definition
  • 2. IoT Device Trust Trends
  • 3. Device Trust Solutions
  • 4. IoT Device Security Management Definition
  • 5. IoT Device Security Management Trends
  • 6. IoT Device Security Management Solutions
  • 7. IoT Threat Detection Definition
  • 8. IoT Threat Detection Trends
  • 9. IoT Threat Detection Solutions
  • 10. Network Protection Definition
  • 11. Network Protection Trends
  • 12. Network Protection Solutions
  • 13. IoT Endpoint Protection Definition
  • 14. IoT Endpoint Protection Trends
  • 15. IoT Endpoint Protection Solutions
  • 16. Professional Security Services Definition
  • 17. Professional Security Services Trends
  • 18. Managed Security Services Definition
  • 19. Managed Security Services Trends
  • 20. IoT Security Technology and Services Forecast 2023-2030

Market Expenditure & Outlook

  • 1. Summary
  • 2. Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 3. Industry Segment by Expenditure & Growth Rate
  • 4. North America Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 5. North America Expenditure 2030 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • 6. North America Market Forecast by Country 2023-2030
  • 7. Asia-Pacific Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 8. Asia-Pacific Expenditure 2030 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • 9. Asia-Pacific Market Forecast by Country 2023-2030
  • 10. Europe Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 11. Europe Expenditure 2030 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • 12. Europe Market Forecast by Country 2023-2030
  • 13. Africa Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 14. Africa Expenditure 2030 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • 15. Africa Market Forecast by Country 2023-2030
  • 16. Middle East Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 17. Middle East Expenditure 2030 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • 18. Middle East Market Forecast by Country 2023-2030
  • 19. Latin America Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 20. Latin America Expenditure 2030 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • 21. Latin America Market Forecast by Country 2023-2030
  • 22. Central Asia Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2030
  • 23. Central Asia Expenditure 2030 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • 24. Central Asia Market Forecast by Country 2023-2030

IoT Cybersecurity Ecosystem

  • 1. Summary
  • 2. Ecosystem
  • 3. Product Map by Vendor
  • 4. IoT Platforms and Security Services

Vertical Market Forecast

  • 1. Aerospace Trends
  • 2. Aerospace Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 3. Agriculture Trends
  • 4. Agriculture Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 5. Automotive Trends
  • 6. Automotive Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 7. Education Trends
  • 8. Education Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 9. Healthcare Trends
  • 10. Healthcare Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 11. Hospitality and Entertainment Trends
  • 12. Hospitality and Entertainment Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 13. Industrial Trends
  • 14. Industrial Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 15. Logistics Trends
  • 16. Logistics Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 17. Transportation Trends
  • 18. Transportation Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 19. Utilities Trends
  • 20. Utilities Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 21. Retail Trends
  • 22. Retail Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 23. Defence Trends
  • 24. Defence Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 25. Finance Trends
  • 26. Finance Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region
  • 27. Public Safety Trends
  • 28. Public Safety Market Expenditure 2023-2030 and by Region

Appendix - Methodology