

Zinc-based storage: Zn-ion batteries, Zn redox flow batteries, Zn-ion supercapacitors, Zn-air rechargeable batteries: technologies, markets 2024-2044

出版日期: | 出版商: Zhar Research | 英文 397 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



本報告對鋅基儲能技術和市場進行了調查,提供了鋅離子電池、鋅氧化還原液流電池、鋅離子超級電容器和鋅空氣二次電池的技術概述、研發趨勢和重點研究的詳細評估。 ,鋅基電池和其他儲存技術的市場趨勢和預測摘要。





  • 本報告的目的
  • 調查方法
  • 主要結論
  • 鋅離子電池:分析與主要結論
  • 鋅離子電池與超級電容器的混合體:鋅離子電容器ZIC:分析、主要結論
  • 鋅氧化還原液流電池:分析、主要結論
  • 空氣鋅電池
  • 技術和市場路線圖
  • 市場預測

第二章 儲能和鋅的作用

  • 儲能概述
  • LDES(長期儲能)
  • 對可充電鋅離子電池競爭的誤解
  • 儲能領域的離子電池
  • 鋅電池:從小型一次性電池的成功到未來的大型可充電電池
  • 各種形式的鋅可充電儲能的現實研究目標
  • 以能量密度譜劃分的鋰離子電容器 LIC 市場:鋅的機會

第3章 鋅用於電池等的原因

  • 概述
  • 2044年儲能的關鍵要求和潛在技術領導者
  • 可充電鋅離子電池的夢想
  • 對電網要求的誤解
  • 鋅離子的現實和有吸引力的理論性能
  • 鋅離子因在電池中的位置不同而出現的問題及對策
  • 智慧ZIB的進一步發展
  • 利用氧化還原機制改良鋅離子電池
  • 水系鋅離子電池整體進展
  • 正在研究的鋅基二次電池參數
  • 柔性和固態鋅離子電池和微電池
  • Zhar Research 2024年及2023年可充電鋅離子電池調查統計分析
  • 鋅離子電池製造商和潛在製造商範例
    • Eos Energy Enterprises USA
    • Enzinc USA
    • Gelion Australia
    • Urban Electric Power USA

第四章 鋅離子陽極研究進展:2024年及2023年

  • 陽極問題及解決方法
  • 2019年至2024年進展總結
  • 2024年和2023年ZIB負極研究論文統計分析:有前景的材料揭曉
  • 2024年及2023年鋅離子陽極研究詳細評估
  • 鋅充電微型電池負極

第五章 鋅離子陰極研究進展:2024年及2023年

  • 概述
  • 2024年和2023年ZIB正極研究論文統計分析:有前景的資料揭曉
  • 2024年及2023年鋅離子陰極研究詳細評估
    • 釩化合物
    • 錳化合物
    • 鉬化合物
    • 其他材料

第六章 鋅離子電解質研究進展:2024年及2023年

  • 概述
  • 2024年和2023年ZIB電解質研究論文統計分析:有前景的材料揭曉
  • 2024年及2023年鋅離子電解質研究詳細評估

第七章 鋅離子分離膜研究進展:2024年及2023年

  • 概述
  • 膜的難度和用途以及建議的材料:範例
  • 2024年及2023年鋅離子分離器研究詳細評估

第8章 鋅離子電池與超級電容器的混合體:ZIC(鋅離子電容器)

  • 超級電容器及其混合電容器簡介
  • 超級電容器及其變體的 SWOT 評估
  • 2024年鈉離子電容器SIC突破:ZIC競爭
  • 2024年和2023年鋅基混合超級電容器研究評估

第9章 鋅氧化還原液流電池

  • 傳統及混合氧化還原液流電池概論及SWOT評估
  • 電池、混合 RFB 和傳統 RFB 的參數譜
  • RFB:一個正在顛覆的產業
  • RFB 銷售的 7 個參數:釩與其他(2024-2044 年)
  • 鋅RFB技術進入RFB業務:市場預測、公司與研究分析
  • RFB 膜的重要性和化學性質取決於難度等級和使用的材料
  • 鋅 RFB 製造商簡介:2024
  • 研究管道分析:2024/2023
    • 概述
    • 溴鋅
    • 碘化鋅
    • 鋅鐵
    • 鋅錳
    • 鋅釩

The energy storage market will grow sixfold over the coming 20 years but change radically in both needs and technologies. What place will zinc technology have in all this? What are the opportunities for those making appropriate added value materials and making and using the devices themselves? Rechargeable versions will be paramount and the winning materials and applications have been established from a deep study of the research pipeline, expert opinions and fundamentals. Uniquely, the answers are in the new report, "Zinc-based storage: Zn-ion batteries, Zn redox flow batteries, Zn-ion supercapacitors, Zn-air rechargeable batteries: technologies, markets 2024-2044". Vitally, it analyses the flood of latest research, particularly in 2024. It matches that closely to what is needed, finding that research should be redirected to include several parameters essential to commercialisation, several of which are not even measured. These problems are your opportunities.

The 34 page Executive Summary and Conclusions is self-sufficient for those with limited time as it presents new infograms, conclusions and roadmaps and there are further pages with 64 lines of forecasts 2024-2044 each with graphs, tables and explanations. See how the four zinc technologies will cover long duration energy storage LDES for grids right across to pulses for electromagnetic weapons and thermonuclear power. Learn the winning materials for the $20 billion device business emerging.

Chapter 2 "Overview of energy storage" gives the big picture in 32 pages. That includes LDES and how zinc batteries are pivoting from success as small disposables to the much bigger opportunity of large rechargeable versions in future. Learn realistic research targets for the various forms of zinc-based rechargeable energy storage 2024-2044.

Chapter 3. "Reasons for using zinc in batteries and their variants" takes 44 pags to clarify the relevant requirements. See the dreams including multifunctional "smart" zinc storage and the realities compared to attractive theoretical performance. Here is a statistical analysis of 2024, 2023 research on rechargeable zinc-ion batteries and the pioneering activity of Eos Energy Enterprises USA, Enzinc USA, Gelion Australia and Urban Electric Power USA despite most of the research being carried out in China.

Because zinc-ion batteries ZIB have the largest potential, the next four chapters look at progress with the four key parts -anodes, cathodes, electrolytes and separators - while recognising that they must be improved in a coordinated fashion. Currently, that involves most research being on cathodes, mainly aimed at increasing energy density, then come anodes, the source of inadequate life, then electrolytes and - less of a problem - separators/ membranes. We fully explain how this is an over-simplification and, throughout, there are detailed summaries of latest research and references for further reading enabling you to go as deep as you wish. Although these chapters are oriented towards the big zinc-ion opportunity, these same chemistries and materials advances are improving the other types of zinc-based storage covered later.

Chapter 4 therefore takes 48 pages for "Zinc-ion anode research progress 2024, 2023" introducing the issues and approaches with anode, electrolyte and separator improvement coordinated. There is an overview of progress 2019-2024, statistical analysis of ZIB anode research papers in 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials and then detailed appraisal of Zn-ion anode research 2024, 2023. That spans suppressing Zn pulverisation, preventing dendrites and other degradation and anodes for zinc rechargeable microbatteries.

Chapter 5 on the cathodes is 94 pages because so much is happening here. Which compounds are winning and in what form? Detailed research analysis set against what is needed in the marketplace? It is all here. See statistical analysis of ZIB cathode research papers in 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials, detailed appraisal of Zn-ion cathode research 2024, 2023. Specific sections explain the place of specifically identified vanadium, manganese and molybdenum compounds and other organic and inorganic materials.

Chapter 6. "Zinc-ion electrolyte research progress 2024, 2023" (46 pages) explains why hydrogels are trending here and solid electrolytes will open up new markets. Meanwhile electrolyte additives can be a more efficient way of overcoming anode and cathode shortcomings and getting the preferred aqueous electrolytes to operate at low temperatures. Which ones, how, what results?

Chapter 7. Zinc-ion separator membrane research progress 2024, 2023 needs 10 pages of compact new infograms and graphs and detailed research analysis to explain how zinc-ion battery separators will vary from none to primitive glass fiber, sophisticated ion-exchange polymer particularly for the redox flow variant and zinc-ion versions with clever active coatings addressing shortcomings of anodes and cathodes. The next three chapters specifically address the remaining three zinc technologies that expand the addressable markets for rechargeable storage in totally new directions - zinc-ion capacitors, zinc redox flow batteries and zinc-air batteries.

Chapter 8. "Zinc-ion battery-supercapacitor hybrids: zinc-ion capacitors ZIC" (40 pages) introduces supercapacitors and their variants with a SWOT appraisal. The zinc opportunity lies in the battery-supercapacitor variant where lithium-ion capacitors LIC promise to outsell supercapacitors as they are adopted in mining, faster trains, thermonuclear power and electromagnetic weapons. As with ion-batteries, losing the lithium saves cost but sodium versions are ahead of zinc in both cases, with zinc possibly offering the safest versions of all and some other advantages identified here. See the statistical review of research on zinc-based hybrid supercapacitors ZIC 2024, 2023 pointing to winners, and the detailed analysis of research papers 2024, 2023. Why is there more research on ZIC than the sodium equivalent? That does not mimic the situation with ion-batteries.

The 49 pages of Chapter 9. "Zinc redox flow batteries" is partuclarly intensive because many forms are already being commercialised, particularly hybrids of RFB and conventional solid electrode batteries. They are eagerly sought for the fast-growing long duration storage for grid and particularly beyond-grid stationary storage batteries. How are zinc-bromine, zinc-iodine, zinc-iron, zinc- manganese and zinc-vanadium shaping up against incumbents vanadium and then iron RFB? What business opportunities come from the detailed analysis of the 2024, 2023 research pipeline? The ZnRFB success of Redflow, Primus Power, WeView China/ ViZn Energy Systems against 45 RFB competitors?

RFB can be switched off to retain charge as long as you wish. They can be repaired to last 100 years. They may appear in a 100MW off-grid solar data center or desalination plant down to your solar house. They compensate solar dead at night and even weeks of dull weather. Ion-batteries are too leaky, fading and costly for that. However, on levelised cost of storage, they will not compete well with the massive earthworks of pumped hydro and other gravity and underground storage for grids.

Learn the negatives not just the positives throughout this balanced report, "Zinc-based storage: Zn-ion batteries, Zn redox flow batteries, Zn-ion supercapacitors, Zn-air rechargeable batteries: technologies, markets 2024-2044" .

Analysis of the focus of zinc-ion battery research reports 2024 and 2023. Sample size 263. Source, "Zinc-based storage: Zn-ion batteries, Zn redox flow batteries, Zn-ion supercapacitors, Zn-air rechargeable batteries: technologies, markets 2024-2044".

Battery supercapacitor hybrid markets BSH by type $ billion 2024-2044. Source, "Zinc-based storage: Zn-ion batteries, Zn redox flow batteries, Zn-ion supercapacitors, Zn-air rechargeable batteries: technologies, markets 2024-2044".

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary and conclusions

  • 1.1. Purpose of this report
  • 1.2. Methodology
  • 1.3. Primary conclusions
    • 1.3.1. Energy storage in general
    • 1.3.2. The opportunity for zinc chemistry in rechargeable energy storage
    • 1.3.3. Commonalities between zinc storage technologies in research
    • 1.3.4. Realistic research targets for forms of zinc rechargeable energy storage 2024-2044
    • 1.3.5. The zinc chemistry opportunity by time and power
    • 1.3.6. Analysis and conclusions for relative importance of four types of zinc-based energy storage being researched
  • 1.4. Zinc-ion batteries: analysis and key conclusions
    • 1.4.1. Prospects if improved
    • 1.4.2. How they are being improved: research needs redirection
    • 1.4.3. Latest research objectives by location in zinc-ion rechargeable batteries
    • 1.4.4. Statistical analysis of ZIB anode research papers in 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials
    • 1.4.5. Statistical analysis of ZIB cathode research papers 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials
    • 1.4.6. Analysis of ZIB cathode research papers by formulation 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials
    • 1.4.7. Types of vanadium compounds succeeding in ZIB research
    • 1.4.8. Electrolytes in ZIB research revealing winners
    • 1.4.9. Separator membranes for emerging zinc-ion batteries
  • 1.5. Zinc-ion battery-supercapacitor hybrids: zinc-ion capacitors ZIC: analysis, key conclusions
  • 1.6. Zinc redox flow batteries: analysis, key conclusions
    • 1.6.1. Key conclusions
    • 1.6.2. Pie charts of active material and country of RFB manufacturers showing zinc activity
    • 1.6.3. RFB research pipeline analysis showing place of zinc
    • 1.6.4. Analysis of ZnRFB research pipeline 2024, 2023 identifying winning chemistries
  • 1.7. Zinc-air batteries
    • 1.7.1. Summary
    • 1.7.2. Detailed design, issues, challenges
    • 1.7.3. Companies involved
  • 1.8. Roadmaps technology and markets 2024-2044
  • 1.9. Market forecasts 2024-2044 in 64 lines, tables, graphs, explanation
    • 1.9.1. Overview
    • 1.9.2. Market for batteries employing zinc technology by four categories $ billion 2024-2044 table, graph
    • 1.9.4. Zinc in context: Twelve emerging energy storage technologies $ billion 2024-2044 table, graph
    • 1.9.3. Value market for batteries employing zinc technology by region 2024-2044, table, graph
    • 1.9.5. Relevant storage groupings $ billion 2024-2044 tables, graphs 18 lines, dynamics explained
    • 1.9.5. Backup forecasts: RFB, LDES, hydrogel

2. Energy storage and the place of zinc

  • 2.1. Overview of energy storage
    • 2.1.1. Batteries as one form of delayed electricity
    • 2.1.2. Detailed options for rechargeable electricity storage
    • 2.1.3. Electrochemical devices compared
    • 2.1.4. Hydrogen economy is not a threat
    • 2.1.5. The issue of storage time
  • 2.2. Long duration energy storage LDES
    • 2.2.1. Overview
    • 2.2.2. The LDES toolkit
    • 2.2.3. Duration being achieved by technology and location
  • 2.3. Misunderstanding the competition for rechargeable zinc-ion batteries
  • 2.4. Ion batteries in the energy storage universe
  • 2.5. Zinc batteries: pivot from small disposables success to future large rechargeable versions
  • 2.6. Realistic research targets for various forms of zinc rechargeable energy storage 2024-2044
  • 2.7. Li-ion capacitor LIC market by energy density spectrum is ZIC opportunity

3. Reasons for using zinc in batteries and their variants

  • 3.1. Overview
  • 3.2. Energy storage critical requirements and likely technology leaders in 2044
  • 3.3 The dream for rechargeable zinc-ion batteries
  • 3.4. Misunderstanding the grid requirement
  • 3.5. Zinc-ion reality vs attractive theoretical performance
  • 3.6. Zn-ion issues and antidotes by location in the battery
  • 3.7. The later development of the smart ZIB
  • 3.8. Redox mechanisms brought to bear in improving zinc-ion batteries
  • 3.9. General progress with aqueous zinc-ion batteries
  • 3.10. Parameters of some zinc-based rechargeable batteries in research
  • 3.11. Flexible and solid-state zinc-ion batteries and microbatteries
  • 3.12. Zhar Research statistical analysis of 2024, 2023 research on rechargeable zinc-ion batteries
  • 3.13. Examples of zinc-ion battery manufacturers and putative manufacturers
    • 3.13.1. Eos Energy Enterprises USA
    • 3.13.2. Enzinc USA
    • 3.13.3. Gelion Australia
    • 3.13.4. Urban Electric Power USA

4. Zinc-ion anode research progress 2024, 2023

  • 4.1. The anode issues and approaches
    • 4.1.1. General introduction to the issues
    • 4.1.2. Anode, electrolyte and separator improvement coordinated
  • 4.2. Overview of progress 2019-2024
  • 4.3. Statistical analysis of ZIB anode research papers in 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials
  • 4.4. Detailed appraisal of Zn-ion anode research 2024, 2023
    • 4.4.1. Suppressing Zn pulverisation
    • 4.4.2. Preventing dendrites and other degradation
  • 4.5. Anodes for zinc rechargeable microbatteries

5. Zinc-ion cathode research progress 2024, 2023

  • 5.1. Overview
  • 5.2. Statistical analysis of ZIB cathode research papers in 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials
  • 5.3. Detailed appraisal of Zn-ion cathode research 2024, 2023
    • 5.3.1. Vanadium compounds
    • 5.3.2. Manganese compounds
    • 5.3.3. Molybdenum compounds
    • 5.3.4. Other materials

6. Zinc-ion electrolyte research progress 2024, 2023

  • 6.1. Overview
  • 6.2. Statistical analysis of ZIB anode research papers in 2024, 2023 revealing winning materials
  • 6.3. Detailed appraisal of Zn-ion electrolyte research 2024, 2023
    • 6.3.1. Strong advances with ZIB electrolyte additives
    • 6.3.2. New, strong progress with hydrogel electrolytes: flexible, low temperature, self-healing, multifunctionality
    • 6.3.3. Organic materials in ZIB electrolytes
    • 6.3.4. Ionic liquids as ZIB electrolytes: high thermal stability, low volatility, wide electrochemical window, and tunable physicochemical properties

7. Zinc-ion separator membrane research progress 2024, 2023

  • 7.1. Overview
  • 7.2. Membrane difficulty levels and materials used and proposed: examples
  • 7.3. Detailed appraisal of Zn-ion separator research 2024, 2023

8. Zinc-ion battery-supercapacitor hybrids: zinc-ion capacitors ZIC

  • 8.1. Introduction to supercapacitors and their hybrids
  • 8.2. SWOT appraisal of supercapacitors and their variants
  • 8.3. Sodium-ion Capacitors SIC breakthrough in 2024 - competition for ZIC
  • 8.4. Review of research on zinc-based hybrid supercapacitors ZIC 2024, 2023
    • 8.4.1. Overview
    • 8.4.2. Detailed analysis of research papers 2024, 2023

9. Zinc redox flow batteries

  • 9.1. Introduction to redox flow batteries conventional and hybrid with SWOT appraisals
  • 9.2. Spectrum of parameters for battery, hybrid RFB, conventional RFB
  • 9.3. RFB is an industry being turned on its head
  • 9.4. Seven RFB parameters in volume sales, vanadium vs other 2024-2044
  • 9.5. Zinc RFB technologies invade RFB business: market projections, company and research analysis
    • 9.5.1. Market value projection by key material 2024-2044
    • 9.5.2. Place of zinc in 48 RFB manufacturers compared by name, brand, technology, tech. readiness, beyond grid focus, LDES focus
    • 9.5.3. Pie charts of active material and country of RFB manufacturers showing zinc activity
    • 9.5.4. RFB research surveys showing the place of zinc
    • 9.5.5. RFB research pipeline analysis showing place of zinc: 108 papers
  • 9.6. Importance and chemistry of RFB membranes by difficulty levels and materials used
  • 9.7. ZincRFB manufacturer profiles 2024
    • 9.7.1. Zinc bromine hybrid RFB: Overview and profiles of Redflow, Primus Power
    • 9.7.2. Zinc iron RFB: WeView China/ ViZn Energy Systems USA
  • 9.8. Analysis of research pipeline 2024, 2023
    • 9.8.1. Overview
    • 9.8.2. Zinc-bromine
    • 9.8.3. Zinc-iodine
    • 9.8.4. Zinc-iron
    • 9.8.5. Zinc- manganese
    • 9.8.6. Zinc-vanadium