

Aerospace and Defense Competitive & Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: BIS Research | 英文


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在航天市場趨勢和航空市場趨勢以及影響業務的宏觀因素的推動下,全球航空航天業正在經歷重大的根本性變化。 航空航天工業突出了整個航天和航空工業的技術發展。BIS Research 追蹤航空航天工業不斷變化的動態和發展,並涵蓋多個細分市場的市場情報。


BIS Research 專注於航天和航空業的技術發展。它還追蹤航空航天工業機械的變化和發展,涵蓋下列細分市場的市場資訊。

  • 飛機:COVID-19 的傳播對各個市場的供應鏈產生了巨大影響,損害了市場增長。此外,人工智能、5G 和機器學習的採用將帶來進步,有助於增強與飛機相關的技術。 BIS Research 跟蹤電動飛機的市場動態以及航空航天業的售後市場戰略。此外,獲得航空航天業的完整評估和競爭基準。
  • 城市空中交通: 經濟高效的航空運輸是城市空中交通 (UAM) 的目標。它是涵蓋高度自動化飛機和安全性的整個運營基礎設施的框架。在 BIS Research,我的任務是跟蹤城市空中交通市場的進步。它還策劃有關先進空中機動性的深入市場信息,包括貨運服務、商業服務和用於娛樂目的的飛機研究。它還涵蓋了與 UAM 有點相關的幾個主題,例如軍用無人系統、電動和固定翼 VTOL 飛機。
  • 無人機技術(UAV)/無人機:帶來了小型化、自動化等多種變化,帶來了新的商機。無人機已成為廣泛的商業應用的一種經濟高效的解決方案,包括精準農業、測量、航空攝影和製圖。

BIS Research 的無人機部門跟蹤新興技術,包括 UTM、遠程 ID 解決方案、BVLOS 無人機、無人機推進設備等。通過不斷跟蹤不斷變化的市場動態並確定關鍵的機會領域,我們為關鍵參與者提供相關的市場信息以進行戰略決策。

  • 衛星 - 發射和推進系統:在衛星發射和推進系統行業,BIS Research 進行了多項研究。這些研究中的每一項都涉及衛星行業的不同方面。由於商業航天公司和航天機構的不斷努力,全球航天推進系統市場的重要性已廣泛增長,BIS Research 力求突出該行業採取的所有措施。由於衛星和火箭製造的顯著增長,預計衛星推進系統市場也將迅速增長。最近在組件方面的創新使太空發射和推進系統市場能夠接觸到該行業更廣泛的消費群體。
  • 衛星 - 類型和技術: 衛星行業的類型和技術部分涵蓋了開發和發射衛星的各種功能。 BIS Research 對各種類型的衛星進行詳細研究,包括遙感、通信和導航衛星。它還探討了影響整個航天工業的幾種技術,包括空間電力輸送、空間碎片清除、反空間安全和地理空間成像。

BIS Research 還整合了航空航天業分析,以幫助提供有關在全球市場運營的參與者的數據。航空航天市場情報關於航空航天市場增長戰略和營銷策略的評論被認為有助於讀者了解在航空航天市場運營的公司所採用的創收策略。此外,夥伴關係、協議和合作等綜合競爭戰略有助於讀者了解市場上尚未開發的收入來源。

BIS Research 的客戶群涵蓋多個領域,包括小型企業、中型企業、財富 50 強公司、政府機構、風險投資家和附屬大學。


BIS Research has a repository of over 700 syndicated publications across its portfolio of industry and technology verticals, viz. Healthcare, Automotive/Mobility, Aerospace, Defense & Security, Agriculture, Food Tech, Advanced Materials, Chemicals & Fuels, Digital Technologies, Electronics & Semiconductors, Robotics & Automation.

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The global aerospace industry is experiencing major fundamental changes, encouraged by evolving space market and aviation market trends, along with macro-level factors that are influencing the aerospace business as a whole.

The aerospace industry highlights the technological developments occurring across the space and aviation industries. BIS Research tracks the changing dynamics and developments in the aerospace industry and covers market intelligence across several areas, such as aircraft, unmanned systems, airspace management, infrastructure technologies, satellites, launch vehicles, deep space exploration, ground infrastructure, and data and services. These have been depicted in the following figure:

Aircraft & Drones: The aviation industry stakeholders are witnessing significant changes in the market with regard to air transportation systems (next-generation aircraft, UAVs/drones) as they present several opportunities within the ecosystem. The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, and machine learning and the goal of reducing carbon footprint are expected to enhance the technologies associated with next-generation aircraft and drones.

Additionally, the frequent augmentation of drone technology has also brought about a variety of changes, right from a reduction in size to the increase in the degree of automation in drones, further opening up new avenues for business opportunities. UAVs have emerged as a cost-effective solution for a wide range of commercial applications such as precision agriculture, surveying, aerial photography, and mapping.

Apart from the aerial platforms, there is a need for cost-effective and efficient air transportation. This is what urban air mobility (UAM) targets. It is a framework within which the overall operations infrastructure and safety of highly automated aircraft are covered.

BIS Research tracks emerging technologies and covers UTM, remote ID solutions, beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) drones, UAV propulsion, and advancements occurring in the urban air mobility market. We have also curated in-depth market intelligence on UAVs/drones and advanced air mobility, including the study of cargo delivery services, commercial services, and aircraft used for recreational purposes. Several other topics have also been covered that are related to UAM, such as unmanned military systems and electric and fixed-wing VTOL aircraft. BIS Research supports key players with relevant market information by investigating the changing market dynamics and identifying key opportunity areas, which helps the market players in strategic decision-making.

Satellite/Launch Manufacturing & Services: Under the satellite/launch manufacturing and services industry, BIS Research covers different aspects of the satellite and launch industry. As the global space market is witnessing tremendous growth owing to increasing efforts from commercial space companies as well as space agencies, BIS Research has tried to highlight all the measures undertaken by the industry. BIS Research has undertaken in-depth research on each of the areas, including remote sensing, communication, and navigation satellite. Several technologies that influence the entire space industry are also being studied, including radiation-hardened (rad-hard) components, space power supply, space debris removal, and geospatial imagery.

BIS Research also incorporates the aerospace industry analysis, which helps provide data about the players operating in the global market. The aerospace market intelligence emphasizes growth and marketing strategies, thereby helping the industry participants to understand the revenue-generating strategies being adopted by the players operating in the aerospace market. Additionally, the coverage of comprehensive competitive strategies, such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations, is expected to aid the readers in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Our customer base expands across several sections, including small enterprises, medium-scale operations, Fortune 50 companies, government organizations, venture capitalists, and deemed universities.

The aerospace industry is expected to grow significantly in the upcoming, owing to the continuous development in the unmanned system sector and rising demand for satellite-based services. BIS Research is keeping a close watch on the latest aerospace developments.