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快煮餐配送服務市場 - 增長、未來展望、競爭分析,2023-2031Meal Kit Delivery Services Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2023 - 2031 |
預計 2023 年至 2031 年期間,快煮餐配送服務市場的複合年增長率將達到 15.5%。 快煮餐配送服務將預先安排好的食材和食譜直接送到消費者家門口,從而消除了膳食計劃和雜貨購物的需要。 這個市場的特點是有多家公司,每家公司都提供多種食品選擇並迎合不同的飲食偏好。 快煮餐配送服務市場的主要驅動力之一是消費者對家常飯菜的日益偏好。 由於忙碌的生活方式和時間限制,許多人發現很難從頭開始準備飯菜。 通過提供預先選擇的食材和分步食譜,膳食套件可以方便地讓消費者製作營養膳食,而無需去雜貨店購物或膳食計劃的麻煩。 此外,COVID-19大流行進一步加速了快煮餐配送服務市場的增長。 封鎖和外出就餐限制增加了對家常飯菜的需求。 快煮餐已成為餐廳外賣的一種有吸引力的替代品,讓消費者可以在舒適的家中享受餐廳品質的餐點。 消費者行為的這些變化有助於快煮餐配送服務市場的擴大。
方便和節省時間是支持快煮餐配送服務市場增長的主要因素。 由於忙碌的生活方式和對便捷膳食解決方案的渴望,消費者正在尋找傳統膳食準備的替代方案。 通過將即食食材和分步食譜直接送到消費者家門口,快煮餐消除了膳食計劃和購物的需要,並提供了方便的選擇。 消費者研究一致表明,便利性是選擇快煮餐配送服務的主要原因之一。 根據 Statista 的一項調查,48% 的美國受訪者將便利性視為使用快煮餐的主要原因。 HelloFresh 和 Blue Apron 等快煮餐配送公司的成功進一步凸顯了便利性。 通過提供無憂餐飲解決方案,這些公司實現了顯著增長並擴大了客戶群。
快煮餐配送服務市場的另一個驅動因素是消費者對健康營養膳食的日益偏好。 許多人越來越注重健康,尋求均衡健康的飲食。 快煮餐配送服務通常側重於為不同飲食習慣提供膳食選擇,例如素食、純素食、低糖和無麩質。 清潔飲食和正念飲食等健康趨勢正在影響消費者的食物選擇。 快煮餐配送服務利用了這一趨勢,提供強調新鮮、有機和當地食材的菜單。 發表在《營養與飲食學會雜誌》上的一項研究發現,膳食套裝可以通過提供富含蔬菜和水果的飲食來促進更健康的飲食模式。
COVID-19 大流行對快煮餐配送服務市場產生了重大影響。 封鎖、社交距離和餐廳關閉增加了家庭用餐的需求。 快煮餐已成為消費者的熱門選擇,他們希望減少前往公共場所的次數,同時仍能享受餐廳品質的餐點。 受疫情影響,在線送餐服務激增。 麥肯錫的一份報告發現,疫情期間各國的在線食品配送訂單增加了 20-30%。 疫情期間,快煮餐配送服務的銷量有所增加。 例如,HelloFresh 報告稱,由於人們轉向家庭烹飪,2020 年訂單和銷售額同比大幅增長。 總體而言,便利和省時、對健康飲食的日益偏好以及快煮餐配送服務市場是推動增長的三大因素。
快煮餐配送服務市場的重要限制因素之一是包裝廢物問題和環境問題。 快煮餐很方便,可以通過提供預先分配的食材來減少食物浪費,但所使用的包裝材料會導致環境污染和廢物堆積。 原料的單獨包裝以及運輸過程中保持新鮮度所需的隔熱材料可能會導致大量浪費。 這引起了尋求可持續替代品的具有環保意識的消費者對過度包裝對環境影響的擔憂。 此外,與運輸和交付相關的碳足跡可能會導致環境退化。 因此,快煮餐製造商正在探索更可持續的包裝選擇,包括可回收和可生物降解的材料,以減少其整體環境影響。 然而,解決這些問題並尋找有效且可持續的包裝解決方案仍然是行業面臨的挑戰。
單一服務快煮餐是提供專門針對特定類型餐食的快煮餐的公司,例如僅晚餐快煮餐。 這些公司專注於為每個套件提供一頓飯,並且通常可以針對不同的飲食偏好和菜餚提供選擇。 單一服務快煮餐供應商迎合了那些希望靈活選擇特定餐食或有特定飲食限制的消費者。 該細分市場的針對性可能不如多功能快煮餐,但它仍然可以吸引忠實的客戶群。 另一方面,多功能快煮餐提供了更廣泛的選擇,可以容納全天的各種餐食。 提供早餐、午餐和晚餐套餐,消費者可以方便地享用所有餐點。 膳食套件供應商吸引尋求整體飲食解決方案以滿足日常營養需求的消費者。 通過提供多種膳食,我們為想要節省膳食計劃和雜貨購物時間的消費者提供一站式解決方案。
純素快煮餐專注於提供不含任何動物產品的植物性飲食。 該細分市場迎合實行素食生活方式或對動物產品有飲食限制的消費者。 純素快煮餐提供各種富有創意、營養豐富的植物性食譜,強調使用蔬菜、水果、豆類和植物性蛋白質。 素食套餐細分市場面向遵循素食(不含肉類但可能含有乳製品和雞蛋等動物產品)的消費者。 素食快煮餐提供使用蔬菜、穀物、豆類和乳製品製成的美味多樣的素食食譜。 素食套餐針對廣泛的顧客群,包括注重健康、環保以及希望減少肉類消費的顧客。 因此,該行業可以通過吸引更廣泛的消費者群和市場來產生可觀的收入。 非素食套餐細分市場針對的是喜歡傳統肉類菜餚的消費者。 快煮餐提供雞肉、海鮮和紅肉等選擇,以及隨附的配料和食譜。 該行業擁有成熟的市場,深受肉食消費者的歡迎,但由於植物性和素食替代品越來越受歡迎,複合年增長率可能相對較低。
北美(包括美國和加拿大)是快煮餐服務的強大市場,受到消費者認可且市場滲透較早。 由於忙碌的生活方式、對便捷餐飲解決方案的渴望以及外出就餐和點餐文化等因素,該地區利潤豐厚。 尤其是美國,由於其龐大的人口和精通技術的消費者基礎,已成為快煮餐行業的主要收入來源。 歐洲的快煮餐配送服務市場也正在經歷顯著增長,特別是在英國、德國和法國等國家。 該地區對健康飲食、可持續食品和節省時間的膳食解決方案越來越感興趣。 與北美消費者一樣,歐洲消費者也喜歡套餐服務提供的便利性和多樣性。 因此,歐洲已成為快煮餐供應商的重要收入來源。 亞太地區是快煮餐配送服務的新興市場,具有廣闊的增長潛力。 在中國、日本、韓國和澳大利亞等國家,消費者對套餐的意識不斷增強,食品偏好也在發生變化。 城市化、中產階級崛起和生活方式改變等因素促進了該地區快煮餐市場的增長。 隨著快煮餐供應商擴大業務並滿足消費者多樣化的飲食偏好,預計亞太地區將呈現較高的複合年增長率(CAGR)。
快煮餐配送服務市場競爭非常激烈,許多公司都在爭奪市場份額和消費者忠誠度。 該行業的特點是不斷創新、不斷變化的消費者偏好和差異化需求。 幾家頂級企業主導著市場,每個企業都採取了關鍵策略來在競爭中脫穎而出。 HelloFresh、Blue Apron、Sun Basket、Purple Carrot、Home Chef 和 Gousto 是快煮餐配送服務市場的主要參與者。 這些公司通過多種方法取得了成功。 首先,我們專注於提供高品質和新鮮的食材,以確保客戶滿意度。 此外,為了方便起見,我們提供預定數量的食材以及詳細的烹飪說明,以節省準備飯菜的時間和精力。 膳食套件供應商專注於食譜多樣性和定制選項,以求脫穎而出。 我們提供多種菜單,以滿足不同的飲食偏好,包括素食、純素食、無麩質和古式飲食。 這使我們能夠接觸到多元化的客戶群並滿足他們的個性化需求。 其他人則與名廚合作或與流行品牌合作,創造獨家食譜和快煮餐,為顧客提供獨特的用餐體驗。 品牌和營銷在競爭激烈的市場條件中發揮著重要作用。 公司投入巨資建立強大的品牌形象並提高品牌知名度。 我們利用社交媒體平台、在線廣告以及與影響者的合作關係來接觸更多人並獲得新客戶。 它還通過提供卓越的客戶服務和個性化體驗來提高品牌忠誠度。
The meal kit delivery services market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.5% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031. Meal kit delivery services offer pre-portioned ingredients and recipes delivered directly to consumers' doorsteps, eliminating the need for meal planning and grocery shopping. This market is characterized by the presence of several players, each offering a variety of meal options and catering to different dietary preferences. One of the key drivers of the meal kit delivery services market is the growing preference for home-cooked meals among consumers. With hectic lifestyles and time constraints, many individuals find it challenging to prepare meals from scratch. Meal kits provide a convenient solution by offering pre-selected ingredients and step-by-step recipes, enabling consumers to cook nutritious meals without the hassle of grocery shopping and meal planning. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the growth of the meal kit delivery services market. Lockdowns and restrictions on dining out have led to an increased demand for at-home dining options. Meal kits have emerged as an attractive alternative to restaurant takeaways, allowing consumers to enjoy restaurant-quality meals in the comfort of their homes. This shift in consumer behavior has contributed to the expansion of the meal kit delivery services market.
Convenience and time-saving are major drivers behind the growth of the meal kit delivery services market. Busy lifestyles and a desire for convenient meal solutions have led consumers to seek out alternatives to traditional meal preparation. Meal kits provide a convenient option by delivering pre-portioned ingredients and step-by-step recipes directly to consumers' doorsteps, eliminating the need for meal planning and grocery shopping. Consumer surveys have consistently shown that convenience is one of the primary reasons why people choose meal kit delivery services. According to a survey conducted by Statista, 48% of respondents in the United States stated convenience as the main reason for using meal kits. The success of meal kit delivery companies like HelloFresh and Blue Apron further supports the convenience factor. These companies have experienced significant growth and have expanded their customer base by offering hassle-free meal solutions.
Another driver of the meal kit delivery services market is the increasing preference for healthy and nutritious meals among consumers. Many individuals are becoming more health-conscious and seeking options that provide balanced and wholesome meals. Meal kit delivery services often focus on providing a variety of meal options that cater to different dietary preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, low-carb, and gluten-free options. The rise of health and wellness trends, such as clean eating and mindful eating, has influenced consumer food choices. Meal kit delivery services have capitalized on this trend by offering menus that emphasize fresh, organic, and locally sourced ingredients. A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that meal kits can contribute to healthier eating patterns by providing portion-controlled meals with higher intakes of fruits and vegetables.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the meal kit delivery services market. Lockdowns, social distancing measures, and restaurant closures have led to a surge in demand for at-home dining options. Meal kits have emerged as a popular choice for consumers looking to enjoy restaurant-quality meals while minimizing their exposure to public spaces. The pandemic has led to a surge in online food delivery services. According to a report by McKinsey, online food delivery orders increased by 20-30% in various countries during the pandemic. Meal kit delivery services experienced a boost in sales during the pandemic. For instance, HelloFresh reported a significant increase in orders and revenue in 2020 compared to the previous year, driven by the shift towards at-home cooking. Overall, the convenience and time-saving aspect, increasing preference for healthy meals, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic are three major drivers fuelling the growth of the meal kit delivery services market.
One significant restraint in the meal kit delivery services market is the issue of packaging waste and environmental concerns. While meal kits offer convenience and reduce food waste by providing pre-portioned ingredients, the packaging materials used can contribute to environmental pollution and waste accumulation. The individual packaging of ingredients and the insulation materials necessary to maintain freshness during delivery can result in a substantial amount of waste. This has raised concerns among environmentally conscious consumers who are seeking sustainable alternatives and are aware of the ecological impact of excessive packaging. Additionally, the carbon footprint associated with transportation and delivery can further contribute to environmental degradation. This restraint has prompted meal kit companies to explore more sustainable packaging options, such as recyclable or biodegradable materials, and to implement initiatives to reduce their overall environmental impact. However, addressing these concerns and finding effective, sustainable packaging solutions remains a challenge for the industry.
Single-service meal kits refer to companies that specialize in providing meal kits for a specific type of meal, such as dinner-only meal kits. These companies focus on delivering a single meal per kit, typically with options for different dietary preferences or cuisines. Single-service meal kit providers cater to consumers who prefer flexibility in choosing specific meals or have specific dietary restrictions. While this segment may have a narrower target audience compared to multiple-service meal kits, it can still attract a loyal customer base. On the other hand, multiple-service meal kits offer a broader range of options and cater to various meals throughout the day. These companies provide meal kits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, allowing consumers to have all their meals conveniently delivered. Multiple-service meal kit providers appeal to consumers who seek a comprehensive meal solution that covers their daily nutritional needs. By offering a variety of meals, these companies provide a one-stop solution for consumers looking to save time on meal planning and grocery shopping.
In terms of revenue, multiple-service meal kits held the largest revenue share in 2022, due to their wider customer base and the ability to cater to different meals throughout the day. By targeting customers seeking convenience across multiple meals, these providers can attract a larger share of the market and generate higher sales. However, in terms of CAGR, single-service meal kits are expected to top the rank during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031. By specializing in a specific meal type, these companies can develop a niche market and tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of their target audience. This specialization can lead to higher customer loyalty and satisfaction, driving growth and potentially yielding a higher CAGR during the forecast period.
The vegan meal kit segment focuses on providing plant-based meal options that are free from any animal products. This segment caters to consumers who follow a vegan lifestyle or have dietary restrictions related to animal products. Vegan meal kits offer a wide variety of creative and nutritious plant-based recipes, often highlighting the use of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and plant-based proteins. The vegetarian meal kit segment targets consumers who follow a vegetarian diet, which excludes meat but may include animal by-products like dairy and eggs. Vegetarian meal kits offer a range of flavorful and diverse vegetarian recipes, incorporating a variety of vegetables, grains, legumes, and dairy alternatives. The vegetarian segment captures a broad customer base, including individuals who are health-conscious, environmentally conscious, or simply looking to reduce their meat consumption. As a result, this segment can generate significant revenue due to its larger consumer base and market appeal. The non-vegetarian meal kit segment caters to consumers who prefer traditional meat-based meals. These meal kits provide options for poultry, seafood, and red meat, along with accompanying ingredients and recipes. While this segment has a well-established market and is popular among meat-eating individuals, it may experience a comparatively lower CAGR due to the rising popularity of plant-based and vegetarian alternatives.
In terms of revenue, the non-vegetarian meal kit segment generally held the highest revenue in 2022, due to the larger market size and higher demand for meat-based meals. However, both the vegan and vegetarian meal kit segments have been gaining momentum in recent years, driven by the growing interest in plant-based diets, health consciousness, and environmental concerns. As a result, the Vegan segment is expected to exhibit substantial CAGR during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031, due to its specialized focus on plant-based offerings and the increasing popularity of veganism.
North America, including the United States and Canada, has been a prominent market for meal kit services, with a high level of consumer acceptance and early market penetration. The region has witnessed significant revenue generation, driven by factors such as busy lifestyles, a desire for convenient meal solutions, and a culture of eating out or ordering in. The United States, in particular, has emerged as a key revenue contributor in the meal kit industry, given its large population and tech-savvy consumer base. Europe has also witnessed substantial growth in the meal kit delivery services market, with countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, and France leading the way. The region has seen increased interest in healthy eating, sustainable food options, and time-saving meal solutions. European consumers, similar to their North American counterparts, have embraced the convenience and variety offered by meal kit services. As a result, Europe has become a significant revenue-generating region for meal kit providers. Asia Pacific is an emerging market for meal kit delivery services, showing promising growth potential. Countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Australia are experiencing increasing consumer awareness of meal kits and shifting food preferences. Factors such as urbanization, a rising middle class, and changing lifestyles contribute to the growth of the meal kit market in this region. The Asia Pacific region is expected to exhibit a high compound annual growth rate (CAGR) as meal kit providers expand their operations and cater to the diverse culinary preferences of consumers.
North America held the largest revenues in 2022. The well-established market and early adoption of meal kit services in the United States have contributed to its significant revenue share. However, as the meal kit market continues to expand globally, other regions, such as Europe and Asia Pacific, are likely to increase their revenue percentages as consumer awareness and acceptance grow. Asia Pacific is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031, as the region holds the most potential due to its large and rapidly growing consumer base. As more consumers in this region seek convenient and time-saving meal solutions, the demand for meal kit delivery services is expected to surge. Additionally, the region's expanding middle class and increasing disposable income further contribute to the market's growth prospects.
The meal kit delivery services market is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share and consumer loyalty. The industry is characterized by constant innovation, evolving consumer preferences, and the need for differentiation. Several top players dominate the market, each employing key strategies to stand out from the competition. HelloFresh, Blue Apron, Sun Basket, Purple Carrot, Home Chef, and Gousto are among the prominent players in the meal kit delivery services market. These companies have achieved success through various approaches. Firstly, they prioritize providing high-quality ingredients and fresh produce to ensure customer satisfaction. Emphasizing convenience, they deliver pre-portioned ingredients with detailed cooking instructions, saving customers time and effort in meal preparation. To differentiate themselves, meal kit providers focus on recipe variety and customization options. They offer a wide range of meal choices, catering to different dietary preferences such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and paleo. This allows them to attract a diverse customer base and cater to individual needs. Companies also collaborate with renowned chefs or partner with popular brands to create exclusive recipes and meal kits, offering unique culinary experiences to customers. Branding and marketing play a crucial role in the competitive landscape of meal kit delivery services. Companies invest significantly in building strong brand identities and increasing brand awareness. They leverage social media platforms, online advertising, and influencer partnerships to reach a broader audience and attract new customers. Providing exceptional customer service and personalized experiences further contributes to brand loyalty.
This study report represents analysis of each segment from 2021 to 2031 considering 2022 as the base year. Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for each of the respective segments estimated for the forecast period of 2023 to 2031.
The current report comprises of quantitative market estimations for each micro market for every geographical region and qualitative market analysis such as micro and macro environment analysis, market trends, competitive intelligence, segment analysis, porters five force model, top winning strategies, top investment markets, emerging trends and technological analysis, case studies, strategic conclusions and recommendations and other key market insights.
The complete research study was conducted in three phases, namely: secondary research, primary research, and expert panel review. key data point that enables the estimation ofMeal Kit Delivery Services market are as follows:
Micro and macro environment factors that are currently influencing the Meal Kit Delivery Services market and their expected impact during the forecast period.
Market forecast was performed through proprietary software that analyzes various qualitative and quantitative factors. Growth rate and CAGR were estimated through intensive secondary and primary research. Data triangulation across various data points provides accuracy across various analyzed market segments in the report. Application of both top down and bottom-up approach for validation of market estimation assures logical, methodical and mathematical consistency of the quantitative data.
FIG. 11Market Positioning of Key Meal Kit Delivery Services Market Players, 2022
FIG. 12Global Meal Kit Delivery Services Market - Tier Analysis - Percentage of Revenues by Tier Level, 2022 Versus 2031