電動自行車市場規模 - 按產品、按電池、按馬達、按銷售管道、按推進類型和預測,2024 年至 2032 年E-bike Market Size - By Product, By Battery, By Motor, By Sales Channel, By Propulsion Type & Forecast, 2024 - 2032 |
預計 2024 年至 2032 年,電動自行車市場規模將以超過 4% 的複合年成長率擴大。城市化進程的不斷加速和城市交通堵塞,擴大採用電動自行車作為一種便捷且經濟高效的通勤方式。
就產品類型而言,預計到 2032 年,健行自行車領域的行業佔有率將大幅成長。健行自行車提供堅固的車架、懸吊系統和更大的電池容量等功能,以滿足冒險騎士尋求性能和可靠性的需求。電機技術和電池效率的突破性進步也增強了徒步電動自行車的吸引力。
由於油門輔助推進型電動自行車市場易於使用且易於使用,預計 2024 年至 2032 年將出現成長。油門輔助電動自行車可以以最少的努力提供即時加速。它們在很大程度上吸引了尋求便捷交通選擇的休閒騎士和通勤者。油門輔助電動自行車也比踏板輔助型號更便宜,使其成為入門級騎士和從傳統自行車過渡到電動自行車的人的熱門選擇。
從地區來看,由於環境永續意識不斷增強以及綠色交通解決方案的日益採用,歐洲電動自行車產業預計在 2024 年至 2032 年間實現大幅擴張。多項支持性政府政策正在促進電動車的發展,例如對購買電動自行車的補貼和激勵措施。城市自行車的日益普及,加上電動自行車技術和基礎設施發展的進步,也刺激了整個地區對電動自行車的需求。
E-bike Market size is projected to expand at over 4% CAGR from 2024 to 2032. The increasing environmental consciousness and government initiatives are promoting sustainable transportation solutions, further driving the demand for electric bikes. The rising urbanization and traffic congestion in cities is increasing the adoption of E-bikes as a convenient and cost-effective mode of commuting.
As per the data of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions reached 6,343 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents in 2022. Such rising efforts by government bodies to reduce these emissions may fuel the adoption of e-bikes. Significant advances in battery technology and electric motor efficiency are also enhancing the performance and range of E-bikes, making them more appealing to consumers. The desire for active lifestyles is also increasing the popularity of E-bikes for recreational and fitness purposes. Furthermore, the influx of favorable regulations and incentives for E-bike adoption is positively influencing the industry growth.
The e-bike industry is bifurcated into product type, battery type, motor, propulsion type, sales channel, and region.
In terms of product type, the industry share from the trekking bike segment is estimated to grow at significant rate through 2032. This is due to the increasing demand for versatile and durable electric bikes suitable for long-distance rides and off-road adventures. Trekking bikes offer features like robust frames, suspension systems, and larger battery capacities for catering to the needs of adventurous riders seeking performance and reliability. Groundbreaking advancements in motor technology and battery efficiency are also enhancing the appeal of trekking e-bikes.
E-bike market from the throttle-assist propulsion type segment is anticipated to rise from 2024 to 2032, owing to their ease of use and accessibility. Throttle-assist e-bikes provide instant acceleration with minimal effort. They largely appeal to casual riders and commuters seeking convenient transportation options. Throttle-assist e-bikes are also more affordable than pedal-assist models, making them popular choices for entry-level riders and those transitioning from traditional bicycles to electric bikes.
Regionally, the Europe e-bike industry is poised for significant expansion between 2024 and 2032, on account of the increasing awareness of environmental sustainability and the growing adoption of green transportation solutions. Several supportive government policies are promoting electric mobility, such as subsidies and incentives for e-bike purchases. The growing popularity of urban cycling, combined with advancements in e-bike technology and infrastructure development are also spurring the demand for electric bikes across the region.