明膠替代品(瓊脂、角叉菜膠、瓜爾豆膠、黃原膠、果膠、玉米澱粉等)全球市場規模、份額和行業趨勢分析報告,按應用、功能、地區劃分的展望和預測,2022-2028 年

明膠替代品(瓊脂、角叉菜膠、瓜爾豆膠、黃原膠、果膠、玉米澱粉等)全球市場規模、份額和行業趨勢分析報告,按應用、功能、地區劃分的展望和預測,2022-2028 年

Global Gelatin Substitutes Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By Product (Agar-Agar, Carrageenan, Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Pectin, Cornstarch, and Others), By Application, By Function, By Regional Outlook and Forecast, 2022 - 2028

出版日期: | 出版商: KBV Research | 英文 225 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付


到 2028 年,明膠替代品的全球市場規模預計將達到 32 億美元,預測期內復合年增長率為 6.3%。

在容器中洗滌、乾燥後呈條狀或粉末狀,上市時呈白色半透明狀。 用於製作蛋羹、布丁、果凍等。 瓊脂含有約80%的膳食纖維,有調節腸胃的作用。 由於瓊脂含有約80%的膳食纖維,具有調節腸道的作用,其膨脹作用是許多地區(主要是亞太地區)流行飲食的推動力,例如Kanten Diet。 攝入後,瓊脂體積增大三倍並吸收水分,使消費者有飽腹感。

此外,一種天然存在的線性硫酸化多醣,稱為角叉菜膠,是從可食用的紅藻中提取的。 由於其穩定、增稠和膠凝特性,角叉菜膠經常用於食品工業。 由於與食用蛋白質的親和力高,主要用於肉類和奶製品。 此外,由於它們與天然糖胺聚醣 (GAG) 的相似性,角叉菜膠最近已成為再生醫學應用和組織工程的一個有吸引力的選擇。

主要用於藥物輸送、組織工程、傷口敷料等。 在用於生產用於生產角叉菜膠的親水性膠體的紅藻中,Chondrus crispus(愛爾蘭苔蘚)是一種生長在巖石結構上的暗紅色植物,是最著名和最重要的。 它現在越來越多地被用作明膠的替代品來製作素食和素食產品。

COVID-19 影響分析

明膠替代品市場受到了 COVID-19 的適度影響。 由於世界上許多政府實施的貿易限制和封鎖,明膠替代品的生產已經停止。 總體產量受到原材料短缺和相關供應鏈中斷的嚴重影響。 對食品供應鏈的檢查表明,COVID-19 對從現場到客戶的所有流程都產生了不利影響。 由於失業和企業倒閉,消費者的消費能力急劇下降,特別是在低收入和中等收入國家。 由於供應短缺和需求衝擊,食品市場崩潰。



隨著許多客戶希望對他們的生活方式做出重大改變,尤其是那些希望將飲食習慣改成植物性食品和飲料的客戶,對植物性食品配料的需求正在增長。 在世界各地的公共衛生機構的推動下,積累關於植物性飲食對健康益處的數據是這一重大飲食變化背後的驅動力之一。 對動物性飲食對環境和健康的不利影響的認識,以及對動物福利的了解不斷增加,也推動了對植物性成分的需求。 因此,預計使用植物來源和有機食品成分將對植物來源的明膠替代品產生積極影響。


由於客戶對方便食品的需求不斷增加以及客戶對有吸引力和美味的食物的渴望,糖果和烘焙產品行業正在不斷發展。 價格低廉、易於獲取且營養豐富已成為在現代市場中生存的關鍵因素。 因此,許多人認為烘焙產品是必不可少的。 因此,對製作風味和質地豐富的麵包的各種烘焙原料的需求正在迅速增加。 在新興國家,中低收入者人口預計將大幅增加,麵包和糖果產品的需求預計將增加。



果膠存在於大多數植物中,主要存在於蘋果和李子等水果中,以及柑橘類水果的果皮和果肉中。 由於天然形式的果膠不易被人類消化,因此市場上的大多數產品都使用改性柑橘果膠 (MCP),這是一種具有消化能力的不同類型的果膠。 眾所周知,這種成分會降低人體吸收 β-胡蘿蔔素(一種重要營養素)的能力。 果膠還會干擾人體對某些藥物的吸收,例如地高辛(一種心臟藥物)、洛伐他汀(一種降膽固醇藥物)和四環素類抗生素。 因此,這些明膠替代品受到客戶的負面評價,導致使用率降低並阻礙市場增長。


按產品劃分,明膠替代品市場分為瓊脂、果膠、玉米澱粉、瓜爾膠、角叉菜膠、黃原膠等。 2021 年,玉米澱粉部分在明膠替代品市場取得了可喜的增長率。 浸泡、濕磨、乾燥、研磨和精製是用於從穀物中提取玉米澱粉的程序。 玉米澱粉已成為世界各地常見的食品配料。 它也經常用於包裝和加工食品行業。 玉米澱粉可以改善各種食品的粘度、質地和其他重要品質,包括冷凍和罐裝擠壓零食、微波食品和乾混食品。


明膠替代品市場按功能分為增稠/膠凝、穩定、乳化、粘合等。 到 2021 年,增稠和膠凝部分將在明膠替代品市場中佔據最大的收入份額。 這些產品在各種食品和飲料應用中用作增稠和膠凝成分是推動該細分市場增長的主要因素。 它在果醬、果凍、果醬、低熱量/糖凝膠和重組膳食中用作膠凝劑。 它還用作肉汁、湯、沙拉醬、醬汁和澆頭的增稠劑。


明膠替代品市場按應用細分為食品和飲料、藥品和膳食補充劑、個人護理和化妝品等。 2021 年,藥品和保健品部門在明膠替代品市場中佔據了相當大的收入份額。 在製作片劑、乳液、糖漿和膠囊時,明膠替代品用於熱可逆結合、膠凝和粘合劑。 在 COVID-19 爆發期間,對增強免疫力補充劑的需求也顯著增加,並且可能會持續下去。


按地區分析了北美、歐洲、亞太地區和 LAMEA 的明膠替代品市場。 2021 年,歐洲地區在明膠替代品市場的收入份額最大。 這是由於個人護理和化妝品、食品和飲料、藥品和保健品等各種最終用途行業對該產品的需求增加。 在英國,明膠替代品經常用於製作低熱量糖果和不含澱粉的麵包。 瓊脂也越來越受歡迎,被認為是最安全的親水膠體之一。 此外,歐洲食品安全局(EFSA)也授予安全食品添加劑地位。 預計這些因素將支持區域擴張。



  • 市場定義
  • 目的
  • 市場規模
  • 細分
    • 明膠替代品的全球市場,按產品分類
    • 明膠替代品的全球市場,按應用分類
    • 明膠替代品的全球市場,按功能分類
    • 全球明膠替代品市場,按地區劃分
  • 調查方法

第 2 章市場概述

  • 介紹
    • 概覽
      • 市場構成和情景
  • 影響市場的主要因素
    • 市場驅動力
    • 市場製約因素

第 3 章明膠替代品的全球市場:按產品分類

  • 全球瓊脂市場:按地區
  • 全球卡拉膠市場:按地區
  • 全球瓜爾豆膠市場:按地區
  • 全球黃原膠市場:按地區
  • 世界果膠市場:按地區分類
  • 全球玉米澱粉市場,按地區
  • 按地區劃分的其他全球市場

第 4 章全球明膠替代品市場:按應用分類

  • 全球食品和飲料市場:按地區
  • 全球藥品和膳食補充劑市場,按地區
  • 全球個人護理和化妝品市場,按地區
  • 按地區劃分的剩餘全球市場

第 5 章明膠替代品的全球市場:按功能分類

  • 增稠和膠凝的全球市場:按地區
  • 世界穩定劑市場:按地區
  • 全球乳化市場:按地區
  • 全球綁定市場,按地區劃分
  • 按地區劃分的其他全球市場

第 6 章:明膠替代品的全球市場:按地區

  • 北美
    • 按國家/地區劃分的北美明膠替代品市場
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
      • 墨西哥
      • 北美其他地區
  • 歐洲
    • 歐洲明膠替代品市場:按國家/地區分類
      • 德國
      • 英國
      • 法國
      • 俄羅斯
      • 西班牙
      • 意大利
      • 其他歐洲
  • 亞太地區
    • 亞太地區明膠替代品市場:按國家/地區分類
      • 中國
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 韓國
      • 新加坡
      • 馬來西亞
      • 其他亞太地區
  • 拉美
    • LAMEA 明膠替代品市場:按國家/地區分類
      • 巴西
      • 阿根廷
      • 阿聯酋
      • 沙特阿拉伯
      • 南非
      • 尼日利亞
      • 其他拉美地區


  • NOW Foods, Inc.
  • Cargill, Incorporated
  • Gelita AG
  • B&V S.r.l
  • Agarmex, S.A. DE C.V
  • Java Biocolloid(Hakiki Group)
  • Great American Spice Company
  • Special Ingredients Ltd.
  • Brova Limited
  • A.F. Suter and Co. Ltd.

The Global Gelatin Substitutes Market size is expected to reach $3.2 billion by 2028, rising at a market growth of 6.3% CAGR during the forecast period.

Gelatin alternatives as a better option are rapidly replacing gelatin products made from non-plant sources. Gelatin is traditionally made by boiling animal bones and tissues until they solidify into a gel-like consistency. As a result, the presence of gelatin in many products that appear to be vegetarian renders them non-vegetarian.

Examples are gel capsules, marshmallows, yogurt, candy, and desserts. As a result, many companies discovered gelatin substitutes as preferable alternatives to use in their products as the number of vegan and vegetarian consumers increases globally. Some of the most common gelatin substitutes available presently in the market are agar-agar, corn starch, pectin, guar gum, xanthan gum, and modified starch. Agar-agar is one of the most common natural alternatives to gelatin.

When marketed in containers cleaned and dried in strips or powder form, it is white and translucent. It can be utilized to create custards, puddings, and jellies. Agar-agar can act as a gastrointestinal regulator because it contains about 80% dietary fiber. Its bulking properties have been the driving force behind popular diets in many regions, particularly in the Asia Pacific, such as the kanten diet. Agar triples in size after consumption and takes up water, and the consumers experience a fuller stomach as a result.

Additionally, a naturally occurring linear sulfated polysaccharide known as carrageenan is extracted from edible red seaweeds. Carrageenan is frequently employed in the food business due to its ability to stabilize, thicken, and gel. Due to their high affinity to dietary proteins, their primary use is in meat and dairy products. In addition, due to their resemblance to natural glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), carrageenan has recently become an attractive choice in regenerative medicine applications and tissue engineering.

They have primarily been utilized for medicine delivery, tissue engineering, and covering wounds. Chondrus crispus (Irish moss), a dark red plant that grows over rock structures, is the most well-known and significant red seaweed utilized to produce hydrophilic colloids to manufacture carrageenan. Presently, its use in place of gelatin to create vegetarian and vegan products is increasing rapidly.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis

The gelatin substitutes market was moderately impacted by COVID-19. Trade restrictions and lockdowns enforced by many governments around the world caused the production of gelatin substitutes to stop. Due to the shortage of raw materials and the resulting supply chain disruption, output as a whole was significantly impacted. When examining the food supply chain, it has been seen that COVID-19 had a negative impact on every step of the process, from the field to the customer. The spending power of consumers fell dramatically as a result of job losses and business closures, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The food markets collapsed as a result of supply shortages and demand shocks.

Market Growth Factors

Increasing demand for plant-based ingredients for meal preparation

Due to the desire of many customers to modify their lifestyles significantly, especially with regard to their eating habits by switching to plant-based food & beverage items, plant-based food constituents are in high demand. The rising body of data on the health benefits of plant-based diets, which is being promoted by public health organizations all over the world, is one of the driving forces behind such a significant dietary change. In addition, perceptions of the harmful impacts of animal-based meals on both environment and health, as well as growing knowledge regarding animal welfare, are driving the demand for plant-based components. As a result, it is projected that the use of plant-based and organic food ingredients will positively impact plant-based gelatin substitutes.

Expansion in the consumption of baked goods and confections

The industry for confectionery and bakery products is developing as a result of rising customer demand for convenient foods and their desire for appealing and tasty treats. Their low cost, ease of accessibility, and nutrition are the key factors determining their survival in the modern market. As a result, many individuals consider bakery goods to be essential. Due to this, demand for a wide range of baking ingredients that are used to make bread goods with a rich flavor and texture has surged. The population of lower- and middle-income groups is also predicted to rise dramatically throughout developing countries, which will enhance demand for bakery and confectionery products.

Market Restraining Factors

Speculations regarding the side effects of some gelatin substitutes

Pectin is present in most plants and is primarily found in fruits like apples and Plums as well as citrus fruit's peels & pulp. Since the natural form of pectin is indigestible to humans, most products available in the market use modified citrus pectin (MCP), a different variety of pectin which has the ability to be digested. This component is known to decrease the body's absorption capacity for a vital nutrient, beta-carotene. Pectin can also hinder the body's capacity to absorb several medications, such as digoxin (a cardiac medicine), lovastatin (a cholesterol-lowering prescription), and tetracycline antibiotics. As a result, these gelatin substitutes attract some negative reviews from customers, which lowers their usage and hamper the market's growth.

Product Outlook

Based on product, the gelatin substitutes market is categorized into agar-agar, pectin, cornstarch, guar gum, carrageenan, xanthan gum, and others. The corn starch segment acquired a promising growth rate in the gelatin substitutes market in 2021. Steeping, wet milling, drying, grinding, and purifying, are the steps used to extract corn starch from the grain. Corn starch is a common food preparation ingredient across the world. The packaged and processed food sectors also frequently employ it. Corn starch enhances a range of food products' viscosity, texture, and other crucial qualities, including frozen and canned extruded snacks, microwaveable foods, and dry mixes.

Function Outlook

On the basis of function, the gelatin substitutes market is divided into thickening & gelling, stabilizing, emulsifying, binding, and others. The thickening and gelling segment witnessed the largest revenue share in the gelatin substitutes market in 2021. The use of these products in a variety of food and beverage applications as a thickening & gelling ingredient is the primary factor propelling the growth of the segment. They are employed as gelling agents in jam, jelly, marmalade, low-calorie/sugar gels, and restructured meals. In addition, as thickening agents, these are used in gravies, soups, salad dressings, sauces, and toppings.

Application Outlook

Based on application, the gelatin substitutes market is segmented into food & beverage, pharmaceutical & nutraceutical, personal care & cosmetics, and others. The pharmaceutical and nutraceutical segment recorded a substantial revenue share in the gelatin substitutes market in 2021. When making tablets, emulsions, syrups, and capsules, gelatin substitutes are utilized for thermos-reversible binding, gelling, and adhesives. In addition, during the COVID-19 outbreak, there was a substantial increase in demand for immunity-boosting supplements, which is likely to persist in the years to come.

Regional Outlook

On the basis of region, the gelatin substitutes market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and LAMEA. The Europe region witnessed the largest revenue share in the gelatin substitutes market in 2021. This is due to the product's rising demand across a range of end-use industries, such as personal care and cosmetics, food & beverage, pharmaceutical & nutraceutical. In the UK, gelatin substitutes are frequently used to create low-calorie treats and non-starchy bread. Agar also gained popularity and is regarded as one of the safest hydrocolloids. In addition, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has also given it the status of a safe food additive. These elements are anticipated to support regional expansion.

The market research report covers the analysis of key stake holders of the market. Key companies profiled in the report include NOW Foods, Inc., Cargill, Incorporated, Gelita AG, B&V S.r.l, Agarmex, S.A. DE C.V., Java Biocolloid (Hakiki Group), Great American Spice Company, Special Ingredients Ltd, Brova Limited, and A.F. Suter and Co. Ltd.

Scope of the Study

Market Segments covered in the Report:

By Product

  • Agar-Agar
  • Carrageenan
  • Guar Gum
  • Xanthan Gum
  • Pectin
  • Cornstarch
  • Others

By Application

  • Food & Beverage
  • Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical
  • Personal Care & Cosmetics
  • Others

By Function

  • Thickening & Gelling
  • Stabilizing
  • Emulsifying
  • Binding
  • Others

By Geography

  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
    • Mexico
    • Rest of North America
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Russia
    • Spain
    • Italy
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • Singapore
    • Malaysia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • UAE
    • Saudi Arabia
    • South Africa
    • Nigeria
    • Rest of LAMEA

Companies Profiled

  • NOW Foods, Inc.
  • Cargill, Incorporated
  • Gelita AG
  • B&V S.r.l
  • Agarmex, S.A. DE C.V.
  • Java Biocolloid (Hakiki Group)
  • Great American Spice Company
  • Special Ingredients Ltd
  • Brova Limited
  • A.F. Suter and Co. Ltd.

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  • Exhaustive coverage
  • Highest number of market tables and figures
  • Subscription based model available
  • Guaranteed best price
  • Assured post sales research support with 10% customization free

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Market Scope & Methodology

  • 1.1 Market Definition
  • 1.2 Objectives
  • 1.3 Market Scope
  • 1.4 Segmentation
    • 1.4.1 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market, by Product
    • 1.4.2 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market, by Application
    • 1.4.3 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market, by Function
    • 1.4.4 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market, by Geography
  • 1.5 Methodology for the research

Chapter 2. Market Overview

  • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.1.1 Overview
      • Market Composition & Scenario
  • 2.2 Key Factors Impacting the Market
    • 2.2.1 Market Drivers
    • 2.2.2 Market Restraints

Chapter 3. Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product

  • 3.1 Global Agar-Agar Market by Region
  • 3.2 Global Carrageenan Market by Region
  • 3.3 Global Guar Gum Market by Region
  • 3.4 Global Xanthan Gum Market by Region
  • 3.5 Global Pectin Market by Region
  • 3.6 Global Cornstarch Market by Region
  • 3.7 Global Others Market by Region

Chapter 4. Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application

  • 4.1 Global Food & Beverage Market by Region
  • 4.2 Global Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Region
  • 4.3 Global Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Region
  • 4.4 Global Others Market by Region

Chapter 5. Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function

  • 5.1 Global Thickening & Gelling Market by Region
  • 5.2 Global Stabilizing Market by Region
  • 5.3 Global Emulsifying Market by Region
  • 5.4 Global Binding Market by Region
  • 5.5 Global Others Market by Region

Chapter 6. Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Region

  • 6.1 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market
    • 6.1.1 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
      • North America Agar-Agar Market by Country
      • North America Carrageenan Market by Country
      • North America Guar Gum Market by Country
      • North America Xanthan Gum Market by Country
      • North America Pectin Market by Country
      • North America Cornstarch Market by Country
      • North America Others Market by Country
    • 6.1.2 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
      • North America Food & Beverage Market by Country
      • North America Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country
      • North America Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country
      • North America Others Market by Country
    • 6.1.3 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • North America Thickening & Gelling Market by Country
      • North America Stabilizing Market by Country
      • North America Emulsifying Market by Country
      • North America Binding Market by Country
      • North America Others Market by Country
    • 6.1.4 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country
      • US Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
  • 6.2 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market
    • 6.2.1 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
      • Europe Agar-Agar Market by Country
      • Europe Carrageenan Market by Country
      • Europe Guar Gum Market by Country
      • Europe Xanthan Gum Market by Country
      • Europe Pectin Market by Country
      • Europe Cornstarch Market by Country
      • Europe Others Market by Country
    • 6.2.2 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
      • Europe Food & Beverage Market by Country
      • Europe Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country
      • Europe Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country
      • Europe Others Market by Country
    • 6.2.3 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Europe Thickening & Gelling Market by Country
      • Europe Stabilizing Market by Country
      • Europe Emulsifying Market by Country
      • Europe Binding Market by Country
      • Europe Others Market by Country
    • 6.2.4 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country
      • Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • UK Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • France Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
  • 6.3 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market
    • 6.3.1 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
      • Asia Pacific Agar-Agar Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Carrageenan Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Guar Gum Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Xanthan Gum Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Pectin Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Cornstarch Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Others Market by Country
    • 6.3.2 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
      • Asia Pacific Food & Beverage Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Others Market by Country
    • 6.3.3 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Asia Pacific Thickening & Gelling Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Stabilizing Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Emulsifying Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Binding Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Others Market by Country
    • 6.3.4 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country
      • China Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • India Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
  • 6.4 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market
    • 6.4.1 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
      • LAMEA Agar-Agar Market by Country
      • LAMEA Carrageenan Market by Country
      • LAMEA Guar Gum Market by Country
      • LAMEA Xanthan Gum Market by Country
      • LAMEA Pectin Market by Country
      • LAMEA Cornstarch Market by Country
      • LAMEA Others Market by Country
    • 6.4.2 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
      • LAMEA Food & Beverage Market by Country
      • LAMEA Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country
      • LAMEA Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country
      • LAMEA Others Market by Country
    • 6.4.3 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • LAMEA Thickening & Gelling Market by Country
      • LAMEA Stabilizing Market by Country
      • LAMEA Emulsifying Market by Country
      • LAMEA Binding Market by Country
      • LAMEA Others Market by Country
    • 6.4.4 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country
      • Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function
      • Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market
        • Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product
        • Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application
        • Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function

Chapter 7. Company Profiles

  • 7.1 NOW Foods, Inc.
    • 7.1.1 Company Overview
  • 7.2 Cargill, Incorporated
    • 7.2.1 Company Overview
  • 7.3 Gelita AG
    • 7.3.1 Company Overview
    • 7.3.2 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Product Launches and Product Expansions:
  • 7.4 B&V S.r.l
    • 7.4.1 Company Overview
  • 7.5 Agarmex, S.A. DE C.V.
    • 7.5.1 Company Overview
  • 7.6 Java Biocolloid (Hakiki Group)
    • 7.6.1 Company Overview
  • 7.7 Great American Spice Company
    • 7.7.1 Company Overview
  • 7.8 Special Ingredients Ltd.
    • 7.8.1 Company Overview
  • 7.9 Brova Limited
    • 7.9.1 Company Overview
  • 7.10. A.F. Suter and Co. Ltd.
    • 7.10.1 Company Overview


  • TABLE 1 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 2 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 3 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 4 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 5 Global Agar-Agar Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 6 Global Agar-Agar Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 7 Global Carrageenan Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 8 Global Carrageenan Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 9 Global Guar Gum Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 10 Global Guar Gum Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 11 Global Xanthan Gum Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 12 Global Xanthan Gum Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 13 Global Pectin Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 14 Global Pectin Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 15 Global Cornstarch Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 16 Global Cornstarch Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 17 Global Others Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 18 Global Others Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 19 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 20 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 21 Global Food & Beverage Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 22 Global Food & Beverage Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 23 Global Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 24 Global Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 25 Global Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 26 Global Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 27 Global Others Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 28 Global Others Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 29 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 30 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 31 Global Thickening & Gelling Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 32 Global Thickening & Gelling Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 33 Global Stabilizing Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 34 Global Stabilizing Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 35 Global Emulsifying Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 36 Global Emulsifying Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 37 Global Binding Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 38 Global Binding Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 39 Global Others Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 40 Global Others Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 41 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Region, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 42 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Region, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 43 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 44 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 45 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 46 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 47 North America Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 48 North America Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 49 North America Carrageenan Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 50 North America Carrageenan Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 51 North America Guar Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 52 North America Guar Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 53 North America Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 54 North America Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 55 North America Pectin Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 56 North America Pectin Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 57 North America Cornstarch Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 58 North America Cornstarch Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 59 North America Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 60 North America Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 61 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 62 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 63 North America Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 64 North America Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 65 North America Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 66 North America Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 67 North America Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 68 North America Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 69 North America Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 70 North America Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 71 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 72 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 73 North America Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 74 North America Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 75 North America Stabilizing Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 76 North America Stabilizing Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 77 North America Emulsifying Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 78 North America Emulsifying Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 79 North America Binding Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 80 North America Binding Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 81 North America Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 82 North America Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 83 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 84 North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 85 US Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 86 US Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 87 US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 88 US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 89 US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 90 US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 91 US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 92 US Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 93 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 94 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 95 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 96 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 97 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 98 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 99 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 100 Canada Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 101 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 102 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 103 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 104 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 105 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 106 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 107 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 108 Mexico Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 109 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 110 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 111 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 112 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 113 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 114 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 115 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 116 Rest of North America Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 117 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 118 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 119 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 120 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 121 Europe Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 122 Europe Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 123 Europe Carrageenan Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 124 Europe Carrageenan Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 125 Europe Guar Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 126 Europe Guar Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 127 Europe Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 128 Europe Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 129 Europe Pectin Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 130 Europe Pectin Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 131 Europe Cornstarch Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 132 Europe Cornstarch Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 133 Europe Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 134 Europe Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 135 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 136 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 137 Europe Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 138 Europe Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 139 Europe Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 140 Europe Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 141 Europe Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 142 Europe Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 143 Europe Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 144 Europe Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 145 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 146 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 147 Europe Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 148 Europe Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 149 Europe Stabilizing Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 150 Europe Stabilizing Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 151 Europe Emulsifying Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 152 Europe Emulsifying Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 153 Europe Binding Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 154 Europe Binding Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 155 Europe Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 156 Europe Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 157 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 158 Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 159 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 160 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 161 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 162 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 163 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 164 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 165 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 166 Germany Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 167 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 168 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 169 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 170 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 171 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 172 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 173 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 174 UK Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 175 France Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 176 France Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 177 France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 178 France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 179 France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 180 France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 181 France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 182 France Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 183 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 184 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 185 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 186 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 187 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 188 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 189 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 190 Russia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 191 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 192 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 193 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 194 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 195 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 196 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 197 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 198 Spain Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 199 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 200 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 201 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 202 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 203 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 204 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 205 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 206 Italy Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 207 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 208 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 209 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 210 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 211 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 212 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 213 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 214 Rest of Europe Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 215 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 216 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 217 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 218 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 219 Asia Pacific Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 220 Asia Pacific Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 221 Asia Pacific Carrageenan Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 222 Asia Pacific Carrageenan Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 223 Asia Pacific Guar Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 224 Asia Pacific Guar Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 225 Asia Pacific Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 226 Asia Pacific Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 227 Asia Pacific Pectin Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 228 Asia Pacific Pectin Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 229 Asia Pacific Cornstarch Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 230 Asia Pacific Cornstarch Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 231 Asia Pacific Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 232 Asia Pacific Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 233 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 234 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 235 Asia Pacific Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 236 Asia Pacific Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 237 Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 238 Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 239 Asia Pacific Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 240 Asia Pacific Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 241 Asia Pacific Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 242 Asia Pacific Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 243 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 244 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 245 Asia Pacific Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 246 Asia Pacific Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 247 Asia Pacific Stabilizing Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 248 Asia Pacific Stabilizing Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 249 Asia Pacific Emulsifying Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 250 Asia Pacific Emulsifying Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 251 Asia Pacific Binding Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 252 Asia Pacific Binding Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 253 Asia Pacific Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 254 Asia Pacific Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 255 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 256 Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 257 China Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 258 China Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 259 China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 260 China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 261 China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 262 China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 263 China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 264 China Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 265 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 266 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 267 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 268 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 269 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 270 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 271 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 272 Japan Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 273 India Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 274 India Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 275 India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 276 India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 277 India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 278 India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 279 India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 280 India Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 281 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 282 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 283 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 284 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 285 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 286 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 287 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 288 South Korea Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 289 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 290 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 291 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 292 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 293 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 294 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 295 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 296 Singapore Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 297 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 298 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 299 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 300 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 301 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 302 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 303 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 304 Malaysia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 305 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 306 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 307 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 308 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 309 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 310 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 311 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 312 Rest of Asia Pacific Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 313 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 314 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 315 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 316 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 317 LAMEA Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 318 LAMEA Agar-Agar Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 319 LAMEA Carrageenan Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 320 LAMEA Carrageenan Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 321 LAMEA Guar Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 322 LAMEA Guar Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 323 LAMEA Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 324 LAMEA Xanthan Gum Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 325 LAMEA Pectin Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 326 LAMEA Pectin Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 327 LAMEA Cornstarch Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 328 LAMEA Cornstarch Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 329 LAMEA Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 330 LAMEA Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 331 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 332 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 333 LAMEA Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 334 LAMEA Food & Beverage Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 335 LAMEA Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 336 LAMEA Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 337 LAMEA Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 338 LAMEA Personal Care & Cosmetics Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 339 LAMEA Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 340 LAMEA Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 341 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 342 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 343 LAMEA Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 344 LAMEA Thickening & Gelling Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 345 LAMEA Stabilizing Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 346 LAMEA Stabilizing Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 347 LAMEA Emulsifying Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 348 LAMEA Emulsifying Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 349 LAMEA Binding Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 350 LAMEA Binding Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 351 LAMEA Others Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 352 LAMEA Others Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 353 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 354 LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Country, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 355 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 356 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 357 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 358 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 359 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 360 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 361 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 362 Brazil Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 363 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 364 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 365 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 366 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 367 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 368 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 369 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 370 Argentina Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 371 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 372 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 373 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 374 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 375 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 376 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 377 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 378 UAE Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 379 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 380 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 381 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 382 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 383 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 384 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 385 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 386 Saudi Arabia Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 387 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 388 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 389 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 390 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 391 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 392 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 393 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 394 South Africa Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 395 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 396 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 397 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 398 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 399 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 400 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 401 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 402 Nigeria Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 403 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 404 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 405 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 406 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 407 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 408 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 409 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2021, USD Million
  • TABLE 410 Rest of LAMEA Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2022 - 2028, USD Million
  • TABLE 411 Key Information - NOW Foods, Inc.
  • TABLE 412 Key Information - Cargill, Incorporated
  • TABLE 413 key Information - Gelita AG
  • TABLE 414 Key Information - B&V S.r.l
  • TABLE 415 Key Information - Agarmex, S.A. DE C.V.
  • TABLE 416 Key Information - Java Biocolloid
  • TABLE 417 Key Information - Great American Spice Company
  • TABLE 418 Key Information - Special Ingredients Ltd.
  • TABLE 419 Key Information - Brova Limited
  • TABLE 420 Key Information - A.F. Suter and Co. Ltd.

List of Figures

  • FIG 1 Methodology for the research
  • FIG 2 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Product, 2021
  • FIG 3 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Product, 2028
  • FIG 4 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Product, 2018 - 2028, USD Million
  • FIG 5 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Application, 2021
  • FIG 6 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Application, 2028
  • FIG 7 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Application, 2018 - 2028, USD Million
  • FIG 8 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Function, 2021
  • FIG 9 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Function, 2028
  • FIG 10 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Function, 2018 - 2028, USD Million
  • FIG 11 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Region, 2021
  • FIG 12 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market share by Region, 2028
  • FIG 13 Global Gelatin Substitutes Market by Region, 2018 - 2028, USD Million