
社群商務市場報告:2030 年趨勢、預測與競爭分析

Social Commerce Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

出版日期: | 出版商: Lucintel | 英文 150 Pages | 商品交期: 3個工作天內





預計到 2030 年,全球社交商務市場將達到 41,728 億美元,2024 年至 2030 年複合年成長率為 28.7%。該市場的關鍵促進因素是社交媒體使用量的增加、網路購物的成長和吸引力、疫情期間在網站上花費的平均時間以及網路購物的便利性。全球社交商務市場的未來看起來充滿希望,企業對消費者、企業對企業和消費者對消費者市場都充滿機會。

Lucintel 預測,在預測期內,服裝仍將是最大的細分市場。這是因為在 COVID-19 大流行期間,大多數人都把時間花在網路上,時尚企業找到了新的方式來促進購買體驗、與影響者和藝術家合作並建立新的聯繫。

由於支援通訊的基礎設施投資增加、智慧型手機使用量增加以及 Facebook、Instagram 和 Twitter 等社交媒體平台的普及,預計亞太地區將出現最高成長。



  • 直播購物:影響者和品牌透過直播舉辦銷售活動已變得越來越普遍。這允許您與觀眾進行即時互動,讓您展示您的產品並回答問題。將娛樂與現場購物機會結合,可以創造緊迫感和興奮感,同時提高參與度和轉換率。
  • 社群媒體整合:主要趨勢之一是將購物功能無縫整合到社群媒體平台中。例如,Instagram 和 Facebook 開發了應用程式內購買功能,讓用戶可以直接透過貼文和故事進行購物。這使得用戶無需離開應用程式即可購買他們想要的東西,從而使轉換過程變得更加容易。
  • 影響者夥伴關係:與影響者合作是許多公司社交商務策略中日益重要的一部分。影響者利用贊助貼文、評論、直播等方式,利用其影響力和可信度,以多種方式代表企業行銷推廣產品。由於粉絲和品牌之間建立了信任,透過這些夥伴關係實現的更高的參與度和銷售轉換率提高了可信度和客戶忠誠度。
  • 個人化購物體驗:資料和人工智慧的使用越來越多,以創造個人化購物體驗。該平台使用演算法根據您的行為、偏好和互動來提案產品。個人化建議透過向潛在買家展示更相關的產品來改善用戶體驗並增加轉換的可能性。
  • 社群商務分析:先進的分析工具對於衡量社群商務的成功至關重要。企業正在投資分析來追蹤績效指標,例如參與率、轉換率和收益報酬率 (ROI)。這些見解可以幫助您最佳化社群商務策略、精進目標並提高整體宣傳活動成效。




  • 進階購物功能:例如,可購物貼文和整合結帳選項。此功能允許用戶直接從應用程式購買產品,減少從發現到購買的摩擦,並壓縮購物體驗本身。結果是更大的便利性和更高的轉換率。
  • 直播購物的成長:品牌和影響者擴大舉辦直播銷售會議,稱為直播購物活動。這種互動式格式允許即時產品演示以及與觀眾的直接互動。換句話說,直播購物活動不僅能有效建立品牌忠誠度,還能拉動銷售。
  • 社群媒體平台的擴展:此外,領先的社群媒體平台將現有服務與其他網路商店整合,從而擴展了電子商務能力。這些平台不斷改進購物特性和功能,使品牌更容易接觸更多人,並利用社群媒體作為主要銷售管道。
  • 影響者行銷的演變:影響者行銷正在朝著長期夥伴關係和真實內容的方向發展。例如,品牌透過創建吸引目標受眾的內容來與有影響力的人合作。這個過程有助於建立信任和忠誠度,從而建立更牢固的品牌關係和更有效的社交商務宣傳活動。
  • 專注於本地和利基市場:社交商務變得更加關注本地和利基市場。個人化傳播使品牌能夠針對特定的消費群組進行特殊的促銷活動。這些措施可以為客戶提供量身定做的服務,提高參與度,從而增加銷量,並促進與品牌的持久聯繫。




  • 電子商務整合:將電子商務功能直接整合到社交媒體中是一個巨大的成長機會。這種整合可以在不離開應用程式的情況下實現無縫購物,從而提高便利性並提高轉換率。因此,企業應該最佳化其社群媒體資料以進行直銷,並提出適當的應用程式內購買技巧。
  • 影響者主導的宣傳活動:與影響者合作進行社交商務宣傳活動具有很高的成長潛力。有影響力的人可以提高品牌知名度,創造真實的內容,並與追隨者就產品進行交流。與有影響力的人夥伴關係可以讓品牌瞄準特定受眾並建立信任,從而增加銷售和品牌忠誠度。
  • 在地化內容和優惠:開發針對特定區域或人口統計的在地化內容和優惠可以提高參與度並推動銷售。社群商務平台提供了一個管道,企業可以透過該管道提供與其目標市場相關的促銷活動,使行銷過程更加有效,同時考慮到消費者偏好的差異。
  • 社交商務分析:透過投資社交商務分析工具,企業可以追蹤消費者行為並獲得宣傳活動執行情況的寶貴見解。複雜的分析是監控參與度和轉換率等重要指標的關鍵,根據收集的資料,您可以做出不同的決策,了解如何透過最佳化社交商務策略來最大限度地提高投資回報率。
  • 用戶生成的內容:鼓勵和利用用戶生成的內容 (UGC) 是一個強大的成長機會。 UGC(例如客戶評論和推薦以及客戶發布的照片​​)可以在提高參與度的同時提高可信度。透過這項策略,品牌可以利用用戶生成的內容作為其社交商務的一部分。





1. 技術進步:技術進步,例如增強的平台功能和人工智慧主導的分析,將推動社交商務。購物整合、直播、個人化建議等創新改善了使用者體驗。這些變化將使企業能夠提供無縫和互動的購物體驗,從而增加銷售並提高客戶滿意度。

2. 提高消費者參與度:消費者對社群媒體平台的參與度提高將推動社群商務。用戶在社交媒體上花費更多時間,探索那裡的產品並直接透過此類平台購買。因此,利用與社交商務相關的趨勢創造了接觸更多人的機會。




2. 平台依賴:企業依賴社群媒體平台進行銷售並不容易。發生這種情況的原因可能是平台演算法、策略或使用者行為發生變化,從而降低可見度和效能。企業必須適應該平台,同時實現策略多樣化,以盡量減少依賴一個平台的風險。

3.市場競爭:社交電商競爭激烈。為了在 Instagram 等社群媒體管道上銷售的眾多其他品牌中脫穎而出,您需要成功的策略,例如創新策略和引人入勝的內容。因此,公司需要不斷差異化和最佳化其社交商務活動。






  • 美國:Instagram 和 Facebook 等平台上的購物功能是社群商務的重大擴充。這包括對可購物貼文的改進、整合的結帳體驗、與有影響力的人合作等等。品牌利用這些工具透過個人化內容和有針對性的廣告吸引消費者,創造無縫的購物體驗,並使客戶能夠直接從他們喜歡的網站進行銷售。
  • 中國:中國正在主導社交商務創新,將先進的電子商務功能整合到微信和抖音(TikTok)等平台中。最近的創新包括直播商務,影響者和品牌舉辦直播購物活動和應用程式內購買。因此,它具有很高的參與率並帶來轉化,使其成為中國數位經濟中的主導零售通路。
  • 德國:在德國,企業正在利用社群媒體透過 Facebook 和 Instagram 等平台向消費者銷售產品。主要發展包括採用購物廣告以及與當地有影響力的人合作。德國零售商需要推動電子商務銷售,同時創造偏好和互動的線上客戶體驗。
  • 印度:由於 WhatsApp 和 Instagram 等平台,社交商務在印度市場蓬勃發展。最近的發展包括擴大與應用程式內購買相關的應用程式範圍以及與當地影響者的合作夥伴計劃。品牌正在利用社交商務來加深客戶參與度,並透過不同客戶群可以存取的在地化內容和促銷活動來提高可及性。
  • 日本:日本目前使用 LINE 和 Instagram 等流行網路進行購物,加入了將社交商務完全融入其系統的趨勢。媒體應用程式具有有用的功能,包括直接在其中購買的選項,並且還在媒體應用程式和推廣產品的影響者之間建立了夥伴關係。日本品牌正致力於創造這種身臨其境的購物體驗,因此,它們利用社群媒體不僅提高品牌忠誠度,還提高銷售量。



A1. 到 2030 年,全球社交商務市場預計將達到 41,728 億美元。


A2. 2024年至2030年,全球社交商務市場預計將以28.7%的複合年成長率成長。


A3. 這個市場的主要驅動力是社群媒體使用量的增加、網路購物的成長和吸引力、疫情期間的平均花費時間以及網路購物的便利性。


A4. 全球社交商務市場前景廣闊,B2C、B2B 和 C2C 市場充滿機會。


A5. 社交商務的主要企業如下:

  • Etsy
  • Fashnear Technologies
  • Meta Platforms
  • Pinduoduo
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Poshmark


A6.Lucintel 預計服裝在預測期內仍將是最大的市場區隔。這是因為在 COVID-19 大流行期間,大多數人都將時間花在網路上,時尚企業找到了新的方式來促進購買體驗、與影響者和藝術家合作以及建立新的聯繫。

Q7. 未來五年預計哪些地區的市場成長最大?

A7. 由於支援通訊的基礎設施投資增加、智慧型手機使用增加以及 Facebook、Instagram 和 Twitter 等社群媒體平台的普及,預計亞太地區將經歷最高的成長。

Q8. 可以客製化報告嗎?

A8. 是的,Lucintel 提供 10% 的客製化服務,無需額外付費。




  • 簡介、背景、分類
  • 供應鏈
  • 產業促進因素與挑戰

第3章 2018-2030年市場趨勢及預測分析

  • 宏觀經濟趨勢(2018-2023)與預測(2024-2030)
  • 全球社交電商市場趨勢(2018-2023)與預測(2024-2030)
  • 按經營模式分類的全球社交商務市場
    • B2C
    • B2B
    • C2C
  • 按產品類型分類的全球社交商務市場
    • 個人護理/美容護理
    • 服飾
    • 配件
    • 家居用品
    • 保健補充品
    • 食品/飲料
    • 其他
  • 按銷售管道分類的全球社交商務市場
    • 視訊商務(直播+錄影)
    • 社交網路主導的商務
    • 社會轉售
    • 團購
    • 產品評論平台

第4章 2018-2030年區域市場趨勢及預測分析

  • 全球社交電商市場區域分佈
  • 北美社交電商市場
  • 歐洲社交商務市場
  • 亞太社交商務市場
  • 其他區域社交商務市場

第5章 競爭分析

  • 產品系列分析
  • 營運整合
  • 波特五力分析

第6章 成長機會與策略分析

  • 成長機會分析
    • 按經營模式分類的全球社交商務市場成長機會
    • 按產品類型分類的全球社交商務市場成長機會
    • 按銷售管道分類的全球社交商務市場成長機會
    • 按地區分類的全球社交商務市場成長機會
  • 全球社交電商市場新趨勢
  • 戰略分析
    • 新產品開發
    • 擴大全球社交商務市場的容量
    • 全球社交商務市場的合併、收購和合資企業
    • 認證和許可


  • Etsy
  • Fashnear Technologies
  • Meta Platforms
  • Pinduoduo
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Poshmark

Social Commerce Trends and Forecast

The future of the global social commerce market looks promising with opportunities in the business to consumer, business to business, and consumer to consumer markets. The global social commerce market is expected to reach an estimated $4172.8 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 28.7% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are n increase in the use of social media, growth and attraction of online shopping, amount of time spent on these sites on average during the pandemic, and the convenience of online shopping.

Lucintel forecasts that apparels will remain the largest segment over the forecast period because most individuals spent their time online during the covid-19 pandemic, fashion businesses found new ways to foster the buying experience, work with influencers and artists, and establish new connections.

APAC is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to growing investments in the infrastructure supporting telecommunications, the increasing use of smartphones, and the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Emerging Trends in the Social Commerce Market

The future direction of social commerce is being influenced by a number of key trends. These trends are representative of the advancements in technology, changes in consumer behavior and innovations in platform features. For businesses aiming to tap into the intersection between e-commerce and social media's growth.

  • Live Shopping: Influencers or brands hosting live-streamed sales events is becoming more common. This allows real-time interaction with viewers where they can showcase products and answer questions. Combining entertainment with direct shopping opportunities generates urgency and excitement while driving high engagement and conversion rates.
  • Social Media Integration: One significant trend is a seamless integration of shopping features within social media platforms. For example, Instagram and Facebook have developed in-app purchasing enabling users to shop directly from posts & stories. It makes the conversion process easier for users, allowing them buy what they want without leaving the app itself.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Increasingly important aspects of social commerce strategies for many companies are collaborations with influencers. Using sponsored posts, reviews, live streams etc., influencers leverage their reach as well as credibility to promote products on behalf of firms marketing through different ways. Authenticity together with relatability increases customer loyalty through higher engagement levels and sales conversions attained by these partnerships resulting from trust built between fans & brands.
  • Personalized Shopping Experiences: The increasing use of data and AI to create personalized shopping experiences. Platforms are using algorithms to suggest products based on behavior, preferences, and interactions. Personalized recommendations improve user experience and raise the chance of conversion by presenting relevant products to potential buyers.
  • Social Commerce Analytics: Advanced analytics tools form a necessity for measuring the success of social commerce efforts. The companies are investing in analytics to track performance indicators like engagement rates, conversion rates, return on investment (ROI). These insights help optimize social commerce strategies, refine targeting, and enhance overall campaign effectiveness.

Emerging trends such as live shopping; integration of social media platforms into e-commerce; influencer partnerships; personalized selling and advanced analytics change the state of affairs in social commerce. By adopting these trends, users will have a better experience while purchasing goods in s-commerce as it simplifies the process while providing valuable insights that can be used to improve strategies thus leading to growth within this sector.

Recent Developments in the Social Commerce Market

Recent developments in social commerce demonstrate significant progress in technology together with marketing strategies used by firms. These changes have transformed brands' consumer engagements through social media platforms towards sales driving. Key developments showcase new features' integration, innovative marketing approaches and changing consumer behaviors.

  • Advanced Shopping Features: For example, they have shoppable posts or integrated checkout options. This feature allows users buy things right from the app reducing friction between discovery and purchase stages thereby compressing shopping experience itself. Consequently, this development enhances convenience as well as raising conversion rates.
  • Growth of Live Shopping: Brands and influencers are increasingly hosting live-streamed sales sessions known as live shopping events. The interactive format permits real-time product demonstrations along with direct interaction with viewers. This means that live shopping events are effective at driving sales as well as building brand loyalty.
  • Expansion of Social Media Platforms: In addition, e-commerce capabilities are being extended by major social media platforms which integrate their existing services with other web stores. These platforms keep on improving their shopping functions and features to make it easier for brands to reach out more people as well as utilize social media as a primary sales channel.
  • Influencer Marketing Evolution: Influencer marketing is moving towards long-term partnerships and authentic content. For example, brands collaborate with influencers by creating content that engages the target audience. This process helps create trust and loyalty leading to more effective social commerce campaigns in addition to increased brand relations.
  • Local and Niche Market Focus: Social commerce has shifted attention towards local and niche markets. With personalized forms of communication, brands are targeting specific groups of consumers by creating special promotional activities. This moves helps serve clients based on what they prefer hence making it easy for them to have a lasting bond with the brand through higher engagements leading to much sales.

Recent developments in social commerce - advanced shopping features, rise of live shopping, expanded platform capabilities and changes in influencer marketing towards local markets - are substantial drivers reshaping this space. Advancement made improves customer experience, leads to better marketing strategies adopted within this sector thus contributing to the growth of s-commerce companies.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Social Commerce Market

Across different applications, numerous opportunities for social trade exist due to technological advancements and changing consumer behavior. These opportunities can be used by businesses to improve their marketing strategies, engage with customers, and increase sales through social media platforms

  • E-Commerce Integration: Integrating e-commerce functionalities into social media directly is a great chance for growth. This integration allows seamless shopping without exiting the app thus improving convenience and increasing conversion rates. Therefore, businesses should optimize their social media profiles for direct sales and come up with suitable in-app purchasing techniques.
  • Influencer Driven Campaigns: Working with influencers in social commerce campaigns has high potential of growth. Influencers can increase brand awareness, produce genuine content and communicate with followers about the products. With influencer partnerships, brands target specific audiences hence building trust which leads to increased sales and loyalty towards a brand.
  • Localized Content and Offers: Developing localized content and offers specifically targeting distinct regions or demographics can improve involvement levels, engagement drive sales. Social commerce platforms provide channels through which companies can address relevant promotions to their targeted market thereby making marketing processes more effective while taking into consideration different consumer tastes.
  • Social Commerce Analytics: Businesses gain valuable insights on how their campaign is performing well as tracking the behavior of consumers by investing in social commerce analytics tools. Sophisticated analytics are key to monitoring significant metrics like engagement rates or conversion rates so that various decisions are made depending on data collected concerning how best to maximize ROI through optimization of social commerce strategies.
  • User Generated Content: Encouraging and utilizing user-generated content (UGC) is a strong opportunity for growth. UGC like customer reviews or testimonials together with photos posted by customers could enhance credibility while driving engagement. Through this strategy, brands may leverage upon user-generated content as part of their social commerce efforts in order to make it genuine enough and create better connectivity between them as an entity and its audience.

Strategic growth opportunities in e-commerce integration, influencer campaigns, localized content, advanced analytics, and user-generated content will help to improve the presence of businesses on social media platforms that target focused audience leading to higher sales thus impacting positively on the larger picture of success within the sphere of social commerce.

Social Commerce Market Driver and Challenges

A range of technological, economic and regulatory factors impact social commerce. Technological advancements, increasing consumer engagement and integration of e-commerce with social media are major drivers. Data privacy concerns, platform dependency and market competition constitute challenges faced. It is important to understand these drivers and challenges in order to navigate this dynamic terrain of social commerce.

The factors responsible for driving the social commerce market include:

1. Technological Advancements: Technological advancements like enhanced platform features as well as AI-driven analytics drive social commerce. User experience is improved by innovations such as shopping integrations, live streaming, and personalized recommendations. These changes enable businesses to offer seamless interactive shopping experiences that lead to increased sales and improvements in customer satisfaction.

2. Increasing Consumer Engagement: The growing engagement of consumers with social media platforms drives social commerce. Users are spending more time on social media where they explore products hence do direct purchases through such platforms. Therefore increased involvement brings about chances for businesses to reach more people therefore taking advantage of trends related to social commerce.

3. E-Commerce Integration: This is the key driver of the integration of e-commerce functionalities within the boundaries of various social media platforms. Among them include shoppable posts, in-app checkout or seamless purchasing options which aim at streamlining buying processes thereby boosting convenience levels accordingly. By simplifying the process of buying products via their channels into higher conversion rates, this integration contributes towards driving growth in S-commerce

Challenges in the social commerce market are:

1. Data Privacy Concerns: Data privacy concerns pose a big obstacle to social commerce. Therefore, when companies use consumer information for target marketing and personalized suggestions, data safety and confidentiality issues come in. For safeguarding customer trust and evading any forms of legal liabilities, there should be strict adherence to data protection regulations and addressing privacy concerns.

2. Platform Dependency: It is not easy for businesses to depend upon social media platforms for sales purposes. This can happen because of changes in platform algorithms, policies or users' behavior which might lead to loss of visibility and performance. Business must change accordingly with the platforms while at the same time diversifying their strategies so as to minimize the risks linked with reliance on one single platform.

3. Market Competition: Harsh competition exists within social commerce. In order to stand out among many other brands involved in selling via social media channels like Instagram, successful measures are required such as innovation tactics as well as irresistible content. As such, businesses need to differentiate themselves consistently and optimize their activities in social commerce for them to remain competitive while getting people's attention directed towards what they sell.

Major forces driving social commerce include advances in technology; increasing online involvement by consumers; e-commerce integration that improves user experiences leading to increased revenue generation. Thus, effectiveness of these strategies is challenged by things like data privacy concerns, platform dependency and market competition affecting their growth. The way forward involves leveraging on opportunities provided by these factors so as succeed in the sector of business known as social-commerce.

List of Social Commerce Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies social commerce companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the social commerce companies profiled in this report include-

  • Etsy
  • Fashnear Technologies
  • Meta Platforms
  • Pinduoduo
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Poshmark

Social Commerce by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global social commerce by business model, product type, sales channel, and region.

Social Commerce Market by Business Model [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

  • Business to Consumer
  • Business to Business
  • Consumer to Consumer

Social Commerce Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

  • Personal & Beauty Care
  • Apparels
  • Accessories
  • Home Products
  • Health Supplements
  • Food & Beverage
  • Others

Social Commerce Market by Sales Channel [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

  • Video Commerce (Live Stream + Prerecorded)
  • Social Network-Led Commerce
  • Social Reselling
  • Group Buying
  • Product Review Platforms

Social Commerce Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Social Commerce Market

Social commerce is a rapidly transforming sector for digital shopping landscapes as brands and consumers increasingly engage and transact via social media. This merging of social interaction with online shopping is changing the face of e-commerce. Recent developments in the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan demonstrate different strides in platform features, user engagement, and market strategies that are shaping social commerce

  • U.S.: Shopping features on such platforms as Instagram and Facebook have seen notable expansion in social commerce. These include improved shoppable posts, integrated checkout experiences, and influencer partnerships. Brands are using these tools to enable sales directly from their clients' preferred site by creating an uninterrupted shopping experience with personalized content & targeted ads to increase consumer attention.
  • China: Social commerce innovation is led by China which has integrated advanced e-commerce features on platforms like WeChat and Douyin (TikTok). Recent innovations include live-streaming commerce where influencers and brands host live shopping events as well as in-app purchases. This results in high engagement rates resulting in conversion hence making it China's dominant retail channel for its digital economy.
  • German: In Germany, companies are embracing social media to sell to consumers through platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Key developments include adoption of shoppable ads and partnerships with local influencers. German retailers need to create interactive customer experiences online that cater to preferences while also driving ecommerce sales.
  • India: Indian markets have witnessed fast growth in social commerce thanks to platforms such WhatsApp or Instagram. Recent developments include broadening the scope of applications related to buying within apps as well as partner programs with local influencers. Through localized content promotions which can be accessed by different customers groups; brands make use of social commerce thus improving accessibility together with greater customer involvement.
  • Japan: Japan now uses popular networks like LINE or Instagram for shopping thereby joining the crowd on this bandwagon of adopting social commerce fully into their systems. Media apps such convenient features including direct purchase options within them along partnerships established between them and influencers that promote their products. Japanese brands concentrate on creating such immersive shopping experiences, therefore, taking advantage of social media to enhance brand loyalty as well as boost sales.

Features of the Global Social Commerce Market

Market Size Estimates: Social commerce market size estimation in terms of value ($B).

Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.

Segmentation Analysis: Social commerce market size by business model, product type, sales channel, and region in terms of value ($B).

Regional Analysis: Social commerce market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.

Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different business model, product type, sales channel, and regions for the social commerce market.

Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the social commerce market.

Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter's Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.


Q1. What is the social commerce market size?

Answer: The global social commerce market is expected to reach an estimated $4172.8 billion by 2030.

Q2. What is the growth forecast for social commerce market?

Answer: The global social commerce market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 28.7% from 2024 to 2030.

Q3. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the social commerce market?

Answer: The major drivers for this market are n increase in the use of social media, growth and attraction of online shopping, amount of time spent on these sites on average during the pandemic, and the convenience of online shopping.

Q4. What are the major segments for social commerce market?

Answer: The future of the global social commerce market looks promising with opportunities in the business to consumer, business to business, and consumer to consumer markets.

Q5. Who are the key social commerce market companies?

Answer: Some of the key social commerce companies are as follows:

  • Etsy
  • Fashnear Technologies
  • Meta Platforms
  • Pinduoduo
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Poshmark

Q6. Which social commerce market segment will be the largest in future?

Answer: Lucintel forecasts that apparels will remain the largest segment over the forecast period because most individuals spent their time online during the covid-19 pandemic, fashion businesses found new ways to foster the buying experience, work with influencers and artists, and establish new connections.

Q7. In social commerce market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?

Answer: APAC is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to growing investments in the infrastructure supporting telecommunications, the increasing use of smartphones, and the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Q8. Do we receive customization in this report?

Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% customization without any additional cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

  • Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the social commerce market by business model (business to consumer, business to business, and consumer to consumer), product type (personal & beauty care, apparels, accessories, home products, health supplements, food & beverage, and others), sales channel (video commerce (live stream + prerecorded), social network-led commerce, social reselling, group buying, and product review platforms), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
  • Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
  • Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
  • Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
  • Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
  • Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
  • Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
  • Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
  • Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
  • Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
  • Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?
  • Market Report

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Social Commerce Market : Market Dynamics

  • 2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
  • 2.2: Supply Chain
  • 2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030

  • 3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
  • 3.2. Global Social Commerce Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
  • 3.3: Global Social Commerce Market by Business Model
    • 3.3.1: Business to Consumer
    • 3.3.2: Business to Business
    • 3.3.3: Consumer to Consumer
  • 3.4: Global Social Commerce Market by Product Type
    • 3.4.1: Personal & Beauty Care
    • 3.4.2: Apparels
    • 3.4.3: Accessories
    • 3.4.4: Home Products
    • 3.4.5: Health Supplements
    • 3.4.6: Food & Beverage
    • 3.4.7: Others
  • 3.5: Global Social Commerce Market by Sales Channel
    • 3.5.1: Video Commerce (Live stream + Prerecorded)
    • 3.5.2: Social Network-led Commerce
    • 3.5.3: Social Reselling
    • 3.5.4: Group Buying
    • 3.5.5: Product Review Platforms

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030

  • 4.1: Global Social Commerce Market by Region
  • 4.2: North American Social Commerce Market
    • 4.2.1: North American Social Commerce Market by Business Model: Business to Consumer, Business to Business, and Consumer to Consumer
    • 4.2.2: North American Social Commerce Market by Product Type: Personal & Beauty Care, Apparels, Accessories, Home Products, Health Supplements, Food & Beverage, and Others
  • 4.3: European Social Commerce Market
    • 4.3.1: European Social Commerce Market by Business Model: Business to Consumer, Business to Business, and Consumer to Consumer
    • 4.3.2: European Social Commerce Market by Product Type: Personal & Beauty Care, Apparels, Accessories, Home Products, Health Supplements, Food & Beverage, and Others
  • 4.4: APAC Social Commerce Market
    • 4.4.1: APAC Social Commerce Market by Business Model: Business to Consumer, Business to Business, and Consumer to Consumer
    • 4.4.2: APAC Social Commerce Market by Product Type: Personal & Beauty Care, Apparels, Accessories, Home Products, Health Supplements, Food & Beverage, and Others
  • 4.5: ROW Social Commerce Market
    • 4.5.1: ROW Social Commerce Market by Business Model: Business to Consumer, Business to Business, and Consumer to Consumer
    • 4.5.2: ROW Social Commerce Market by Product Type: Personal & Beauty Care, Apparels, Accessories, Home Products, Health Supplements, Food & Beverage, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis

  • 5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
  • 5.2: Operational Integration
  • 5.3: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis

  • 6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
    • 6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Social Commerce Market by Business Model
    • 6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Social Commerce Market by Product Type
    • 6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Social Commerce Market by Sales Channel
    • 6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Social Commerce Market by Region
  • 6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Social Commerce Market
  • 6.3: Strategic Analysis
    • 6.3.1: New Product Development
    • 6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Social Commerce Market
    • 6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Social Commerce Market
    • 6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players

  • 7.1: Etsy
  • 7.2: Fashnear Technologies
  • 7.3: Meta Platforms
  • 7.4: Pinduoduo
  • 7.5: Pinterest
  • 7.6: TikTok
  • 7.7: Poshmark