

Global Semiconductor Front-end Equipment - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 148 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內








  • 儘管半導體產業低迷,但主要前端設備製造商仍實現創紀錄的收益,因此對半導體前端設備的需求預計將大幅成長,而不是短期調整。這是由產能增加、新工廠計劃以及整個前端設備市場對先進技術和解決方案的高需求所推動的。
  • 晶圓廠設備,包括晶圓加工設備、晶圓廠設備和掩膜/光罩設備,繼去年強勁銷售後,預計2023年將處於​​略低水平,而這種縮小規模代表著重大改善手段。這項向上修正主要是由於中國強勁的資本投資。市場在應對地緣政治挑戰帶來的不確定性的同時不斷成長,這些挑戰包括美國和荷蘭政府的出口管制限制,以及對通貨膨脹、利率上升和某些經濟體國內生產總值成長下降的全球宏觀擔憂。
  • 家用電器是成長最快的行業,為市場擴張做出了貢獻。智慧型手機的使用預計將隨著人口的增加而增加,是該市場的主要促進因素。由於對平板電腦、智慧型手機、筆記型電腦、個人電腦、穿戴式裝置等的需求不斷成長,消費性電子產品正在推動該產業的發展。隨著半導體的進步,機器學習等新的市場領域正在迅速整合。
  • 未來最令人興奮的「雙贏」技術,例如人工智慧、物聯網、量子運算和增強型無線網路,現在都由半導體提供動力。隨著世界將突破性技術無縫整合到生活的各個方面,半導體和微電子技術正在不斷發展,以滿足不斷變化的數位環境的複雜需求。巨量資料和人工智慧正在推動這一成長,需要更小、更強大的晶片,這使得它們的製造變得更加困難,並增加了對創新的需求。
  • 資料儲存、運算能力和演算法的快速進步正在推動人工智慧系統的開發和部署。數位設備和網際網路使用的增加導致了大量資料的產生。人工智慧系統依賴大型資料集來學習和提高效能。
  • 物聯網 (IoT)、巨量資料、雲端製造、網實整合系統 (CPS)、服務網際網路 (IoS)、機器人、擴增實境(AR) 和其他新興技術都包含在工業 4.0 思維模式中。採用這些技術來創建更智慧的工業流程非常重要,這將融合一些未來的工業進步並整合物理世界和數位世界。
  • 隨著全球在家工作趨勢的發展,對雲端服務的需求將會激增,資料中心供應商將需要擴展其能力。因此,全球對晶片和記憶體的需求將會增加。 SEMI 報告稱,對 300mm 晶圓廠的投資正在大幅增加。根據預測,2020年至2024年間,該產業將新增至少38座300毫米晶圓廠。
  • 這一快速成長將使晶圓產能增加約180萬片,總合超過700萬片。值得注意的是,台灣計劃建造 11 座新的量產工廠,而中國大陸則計劃建造 8 座。此外,台積電正在亞利桑那州建造一座新的 300 毫米晶圓廠。 2024年終,300mm量產工廠數量預計將達到161家。



  • 設計階段結束後,半導體晶片在晶圓廠和代工廠製造。在前端製造中,晶片是在稱為晶圓的圓形矽晶圓或不太常見的其他半導體材料上製造的。
  • 製造是將設計轉變為晶片的過程,依賴各種小型企業和材料。首先,在熔爐中形成矽圓柱體,然後將其切割成盤狀晶圓。半導體製造設施(「晶圓廠」)分兩個步驟製造晶片:在矽內的材料層中形成電晶體和其他電氣裝置,以及在矽上方的絕緣層中形成電氣裝置之間的金屬互連,並將其製成晶圓。電氣設備和互連結合形成電路。
  • 總部位於美國、台灣、韓國、日本和中國的公司控制著全球大部分半導體製造工廠的市場佔有率和製造能力,而這些公司的實際所在地也位於這些國家。開發半導體產品需要許多企業協調工作(從材料到物流)。由於半導體裝置製造流程的複雜性,開發成本也不斷上升。公司利用各種經營模式來減少開支並依靠半導體生存。
  • 2023年11月,中國引進了42套微影術系統,價值8.168億美元。荷蘭提供了16套微影術系統,總成本為7.627億美元,比前一年成長了十倍。此外,10月中國也從荷蘭進口了21套系統。日本Canon、尼康也向中國供應曝光設備。因此,半導體製造廠對前端設備的需求預計將上調。
  • 預計明年全球經濟復甦和新一代網路(包括 5G基地台和 Wi-Fi 6 技術)的持續推出,以及智慧型手機、伺服器、筆記型電腦、電視和汽車市場的成長,將增加零件需求。
  • 根據歐洲5G觀察站預測,截至2023年,德國將成為歐盟成員國中擁有5G基地台數量最多的國家,安裝基地台約9萬個。本土/回流已成為政治上的熱門話題,因為這些晶片的設計和製造及其研究可以提供數十萬個高薪工作。這就是鑄造廠和設備製造商在自己的後院規劃和規劃巨額投資的原因。例如,東京電子宣布計劃投資超過6億美元在日本建造設備製造設施。
  • IDM透過投資晶圓製造能力繼續發揮重要作用。例如,2023 年 6 月,英特爾和德國政府宣布簽署了一份修訂後的意向書,計劃在馬德堡建設耗資超過 300 億歐元的最先進晶圓製造地,打造歐洲首批半導體工廠中的兩座.根據韓國媒體報道,該公司將於 2023 年 12 月從 ASML 收購六套高數值孔徑 EUV 曝光系統,並計劃於 2024 年出貨。此次收購被視為在2nm節點超越三星和台積電的秘密武器。
  • 2023年7月,三星宣布將在德克薩斯州奧斯汀市佔地1,200英畝的土地上建造一座耗資170億美元的半導體製造廠。中國和台灣之間的地緣政治緊張局勢導致晶片製造商轉向美國尋找製造地。憑藉低稅率和新的補貼,德克薩斯已成為經商的好地方。全球半導體製造設備製造商正在韓國擴建其工廠。它計劃在未來20年投資2,300億美元在新的國內生產基地,吸引其他參與者並培育其晶片供應結構。


  • 根據CSET的數據,中國在除組裝和包裝工具之外的所有主要領域都擁有顯著的市場佔有率。然而,中國在微影術設備方面面臨最大的挑戰,特別是極紫外線(微影術)和深紫外線(DUV)微影術。
  • 壓印微影術、電子束、雷射微影術、抗蝕劑加工設備、光掩模檢查和修復工具是主要障礙。過去幾年,中國持續投資進口先進微影術設備以支援晶片產業。
  • 然而,憑藉其技術力,中國正在不斷增加對前端設備的依賴,並進行大規模投資將其推向市場。
  • 2023年12月,中國微影術設備專家上海微電子設備集團(SMEE)宣布推出首款能夠使用尖端28奈米級製程技術加工晶圓的機器。這項重要成就凸顯了SMEE致力於打造先進微影術設備的決心。該裝置名為 SSA/800-10W,標誌著該公司的一個重要里程碑。
  • 在日本和中國之間的技術對峙不斷升級的情況下,美國的製裁旨在阻礙中國在開發世界上最尖端晶片方面取得進展。中芯國際和其他晶片製造商致力於透過推進晶片生產來增強國家自主權。中芯國際利用先進的微影術設備,與本土設備製造商密切合作,並尋求華為的外部支持,以提高先進節點製程的產量比率。
  • 隨著美國對中國技術的製裁持續,該地區正在努力實現自給自足。中國政府正大力投資先進晶片技術的研發。它還鼓勵本地製造商將重點轉向高節點晶片,這些晶片在經濟和電動汽車(EV)等新興行業中具有多種應用。政府不斷舉措和當地供應商增加投資以提高國內晶片產量預計將為前端市場創造顯著需求。
  • 根據中國汽車工業協會統計,2023年8月中國新能源汽車銷量約84.6萬輛,其中搭乘用電動車80.8萬輛,商用電動車3.9萬輛。乘用車純電動車(BEV)銷量55.9萬輛,乘用車插電混合(PHEV)銷量24.8萬輛。


半導體前端設備市場半固定的主要企業包括Applied Materials Inc.、ASML Holding NV、Tokyo Electron Limited、LAM Research Corporation 和KLA Corporation。市場參與者正在採取合作夥伴關係、創新和收購等策略來加強其產品供應並獲得永續的競爭優勢。

  • 2024 年 2 月 - ASML Holding NV 推出其最新晶片製造機“High-NA”,售價 3.5 億歐元,重量相當於兩架空中巴士 A320。英特爾已為其奧勒岡工廠確保了首批出貨量,晶片生產預計將於明年底開始。該機器可實現8奈米厚的半導體線路,比傳統線路小1.7倍,並增加晶片的電晶體密度,以提高處理速度和記憶體。
  • 2024 年 1 月 - Applied Materials Inc. 與 Google 合作推進擴增實境(AR) 技術。此次合作將利用應用材料公司的材料工程專業知識和Google的平台,為下一代 AR 體驗開發輕量級視覺顯示系統。其目的是加速多代 AR 產品、應用和服務的開發。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買方議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭程度
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • COVID-19 大流行對市場的影響


  • 市場促進因素
    • 家用電器需求不斷成長提振製造業前景
    • 人工智慧、物聯網和連網型設備的產業普及
  • 市場限制因素
    • 由於該技術的動態特性,需要對生產設備進行多次更改

第6章 市場細分

  • 按類型
    • 微影製程設備
    • 蝕刻設備
    • 沉澱設備
    • 其他設備類型
  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 半導體製造廠
    • 半導體電子製造
  • 按地區
    • 美國
    • 歐洲
    • 中國
    • 韓國
    • 台灣
    • 日本
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Applied Materials Inc.
    • ASML Holding NV
    • Tokyo Electron Limited
    • LAM Research Corporation
    • KLA Corporation
    • Nikon Corporation
    • VEECO Instruments Inc.
    • Plasma Therm
    • Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
    • Carl Zeiss AG
    • Screen Holdings Co. Ltd



Product Code: 91067

The Global Semiconductor Front-end Equipment Market size is estimated at USD 99.36 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 150.42 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 8.65% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Global Semiconductor Front-end Equipment - Market

The front-end procedure necessitates a multitude of intricate phases to convert a wafer into a completed device. These steps incorporate wafer cleaning, oxidation, and photolithography to pattern devices, along with etching, deposition, doping, and metallization steps. Inspection and metrology equipment is utilized for process control. This is when the wafers are inspected to identify irregularities that potentially induce issues with the end product. In addition to this, optical techniques are also used, and e-beam inspection is often needed to find the smallest defects.

Key Highlights

  • The demand for semiconductor front-end equipment is expected to observe a noteworthy surge as some of the major front-end equipment-producing companies observed record-breaking revenue against a backdrop of a downturn in the semiconductor industry instead of the mild and short-term correction. It was driven by capacity expansion, new fab projects, and high demand for advanced technologies and solutions across the front-end equipment market.
  • After registering a record of significant sales last year, the wafer fab equipment, which includes wafer processing, fab facilities, and mask/reticle equipment, is projected to be a bit low in 2023, and this contraction marks a significant improvement. The upward revision is primarily due to China's strong equipment spending. The market grew managing uncertainties created by geopolitical challenges, including the US and Dutch governments' export control regulations and global macro concerns around inflation, rising interest rates, and lower GDP growth in certain economies.
  • Consumer electronics is the fastest-growing segment, contributing to market expansion. The use of smartphones, anticipated to rise with population growth, is the key driver of this market. Consumer electronics drive the industry due to increased demand for tablets, smartphones, laptops, computers, and wearable gadgets. As semiconductors advance, new market areas, such as machine learning, are rapidly being integrated.
  • The most fascinating "must-win" technologies of the future, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, quantum computing, and enhanced wireless networks, are currently supported by semiconductors. Semiconductors and microelectronics are advancing to satisfy the complicated demands of a constantly changing digital environment as the world seamlessly integrates breakthrough technology into every aspect of life. Big Data and AI drive this increase and call for smaller, more powerful chips, making their production more difficult and increasing the need for technological innovation.
  • Rapid advancements in data storage, computing power, and algorithms have enabled the development and deployment of AI systems. The increased use of digital devices and the Internet has generated extensive volumes of data. AI systems rely on large datasets to train and improve their performance.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud manufacturing, cyber-physical systems (CPS), the Internet of Services (IoS), robotics, augmented reality, and other emerging technologies are included in the Industry 4.0 idea. Creating additional smart industrial processes depends on adopting these technologies, which will unite the physical and digital worlds by encompassing several future industrial advancements.
  • As global work-from-home trends gain momentum, the demand for cloud services surges, prompting data center providers to expand their capacities. This, in turn, fuels the global appetite for chips and memory. SEMI reports a notable uptick in investments in 300 mm fabs. Projections suggest that the industry will witness the addition of a minimum of 38 new 300 mm fabs between 2020 and 2024.
  • This surge is set to boost the capacity by approximately 1.8 million wafers, pushing the total beyond 7 million. Notably, Taiwan is slated to host 11 of these new volume fabs, with China following closely with eight. Additionally, TSMC is in the process of constructing a new 300 mm fab in Arizona. By the close of 2024, the tally of 300 mm volume fabs is anticipated to hit a significant 161 units.

Semiconductor Front-End Equipment Market Trends

Semiconductor Fabrication Plant to be the Largest End-user Industry

  • After the design stage, semiconductor chips are manufactured or fabricated in facilities called fabs or foundries. In front-end fabrication, chips are manufactured on circular sheets of silicon or, less commonly, other semiconducting materials called wafers, typically about 8 or 12 inches in diameter.
  • Fabrication is a process that turns designs into chips, relying on various SMEs and materials. First, a furnace forms a cylinder of silicon, which is cut into disc-shaped wafers. Semiconductor fabrication facilities ("fabs") make chips into wafers in two steps: forming transistors and other electrical devices in material layers within the silicon and forming metal interconnects between the electrical devices in insulating layers above the silicon. Together, the electrical devices and interconnects form circuits.
  • Firms headquartered in the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and China control most of the world's fab market share and fab capacity, which are also physically located in these countries. Semiconductor product development requires working harmoniously for many businesses (from materials to logistics). The complex process of fabricating semiconductor devices has also increased the development cost. Companies have leveraged different business models to lower expenditures and survive in semiconductors.
  • In November 2023, China brought 42 lithography systems worth USD 816.8 million. The Netherlands supplied 16 lithography systems, totaling USD 762.7 million, a tenfold increase from the previous year. Additionally, China imported 21 systems from the Netherlands in October. Japanese companies Canon and Nikon also supplied China with lithography tools. Thus, an upward revision is expected in the demand for front-end equipment in semiconductor fabrication plants.
  • The global economy is expected to recover, and the demand for components is expected to rise owing to not only growth in the smartphone, server, notebook computer, TV, and automobile markets next year but also the continued rollout of next-generation networks, including 5G base stations and Wi-Fi 6 technologies.
  • According to the European 5G Observatory, as of 2023, Germany had the maximum 5G base stations among European Union (EU) member states, with approximately 90,000 base stations installed. The design and manufacturing of these chips and their research can provide hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs, making onshoring/re-shoring a popular topic politically. It is why foundries and equipment companies are planning and mapping enormous investments in their backyards. For instance, TEL announced plans to invest more than USD 600 million in equipment manufacturing facilities in Japan.
  • IDMs still play a significant role by investing in wafer fabrication capacities. For instance, in June 2023, Intel and the German government announced signing a revised letter of intent for planning a leading-edge wafer fabrication site in Magdeburg with more than EUR 30 billion for two first-of-a-kind European semiconductor facilities. In December 2023, the company reportedly acquired six high-NA EUV lithography machines from ASML, which is scheduled for shipment in 2024, according to South Korean media outlets. This acquisition is expected to be its secret weapon to overtake Samsung and TSMC at the 2nm node.
  • In July 2023, Samsung announced it would spend USD 17 billion to build a semiconductor fabrication plant on a 1,200-acre plot of land in Austin, Texas. Owing to the geopolitical tension between China and Taiwan, chipmakers turned to the United States for manufacturing. Due to low taxes and new subsidies, Texas has emerged as a suitable place to do business. Global semiconductor manufacturing equipment companies are expanding facilities in South Korea. The company plans to invest USD 230 billion over the next 20 years in a new domestic production hub, attracting other players and fostering a chip supply system.

China is Expected to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • According to CSET, China holds a noteworthy market share in all major segments besides assembly and packaging tools. However, China faces the greatest challenge in lithography tools, particularly extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photolithography and deep ultraviolet (DUV) photolithography.
  • Imprint lithography, e-beam, laser lithography, resist processing equipment, photomask inspection, and repair tools pose significant obstacles. Over the past few years, China has consistently invested in importing advanced lithography equipment to support its chip industry.
  • However, with its technological capabilities, the country constantly strives to enhance its self-dependency on front-end equipment and invest significantly to introduce it into the market.
  • In December 2023, Shanghai Micro Electronics Equipment Group (SMEE), a Chinese company specializing in lithography tools, unveiled its inaugural machine capable of processing wafers using a cutting-edge 28nm-class process technology. This significant achievement highlights SMEE's dedication to constructing advanced lithography machines. The scanner, known as SSA/800-10W, marks a significant milestone for the company.
  • US sanctions have been formulated to impede China's progress in developing the most cutting-edge chips globally as the technological rivalry between the two countries intensifies. SMIC and other chip manufacturers are dedicated to enhancing the nation's autonomy by advancing chip production. SMIC collaborates closely with local tool manufacturers, utilizing its advanced lithography equipment, and seeks external assistance from Huawei to enhance yields in advanced node processes.
  • Due to the continuous US sanctions on Chinese technology, the area strives for self-sufficiency. The Chinese government is investing substantially in the research and development of advanced chip technology. It also encourages local manufacturers to shift their focus to higher-node chips with various uses in the economy and emerging industries like electric vehicles (EVs). The growing government initiatives and the increasing investments by local vendors to boost domestic chip production are expected to create a notable demand for the front-end market.
  • According to CAAM, in August 2023, China's new energy vehicle sales were approximately 846,000 units, of which 808,000 were passenger electric vehicles and 39,000 were commercial electric vehicles. The sales of passenger battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and passenger plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) were 559,000 and 248,000 units, respectively.

Semiconductor Front-End Equipment Industry Overview

The semiconductor front-end equipment market is semi-consolidated, with major players like Applied Materials Inc., ASML Holding NV, Tokyo Electron Limited, LAM Research Corporation, and KLA Corporation. Market players are adopting strategies such as partnerships, innovations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

  • February 2024 - ASML Holding NV unveiled its latest chipmaking machine, the High-NA extreme ultraviolet, priced at EUR 350 million, weighing as much as two Airbus A320s. Intel Corp. secured the first shipment for its Oregon factory, with chip production set to begin late next year. The machine achieves 8-nanometer thick semiconductor lines, 1.7 times smaller than its predecessor, enhancing chip transistor density for increased processing speeds and memory.
  • January 2024 - Applied Materials Inc. collaborated with Google to advance augmented reality (AR) technologies. This partnership leverages Applied Materials' expertise in materials engineering with Google's platforms to develop lightweight visual display systems for the next era of AR experiences. The goal is to expedite the creation of multiple generations of AR products, applications, and services.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Degree of Competition
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Needs of Consumer Electronic Devices Boosting the Manufacturing Prospects
    • 5.1.2 Proliferation of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and Connected Devices Across Industry Verticals
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Dynamic Nature of Technologies Requires Several Changes in Manufacturing Equipment


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Lithography Equipment
    • 6.1.2 Etching Equipment
    • 6.1.3 Deposition Equipment
    • 6.1.4 Other Equipment Types
  • 6.2 By End-user Industry
    • 6.2.1 Semiconductor Fabrication Plant
    • 6.2.2 Semiconductor Electronics Manufacturing
  • 6.3 By Geography***
    • 6.3.1 United States
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 China
    • 6.3.4 South Korea
    • 6.3.5 Taiwan
    • 6.3.6 Japan
    • 6.3.7 Latin America
    • 6.3.8 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles*
    • 7.1.1 Applied Materials Inc.
    • 7.1.2 ASML Holding NV
    • 7.1.3 Tokyo Electron Limited
    • 7.1.4 LAM Research Corporation
    • 7.1.5 KLA Corporation
    • 7.1.6 Nikon Corporation
    • 7.1.7 VEECO Instruments Inc.
    • 7.1.8 Plasma Therm
    • 7.1.9 Hitachi High -Technologies Corporation
    • 7.1.10 Carl Zeiss AG
    • 7.1.11 Screen Holdings Co. Ltd