

Automated Mining Equipment - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內







  • 採礦業是一個複雜的行業,從地殼中提取各種形狀、大小和化學成分的原料。將其轉化為標準化、高品質的最終產品非常困難,導致產業選擇提高效率和生產力的解決方案。礦山通常位於偏遠地區,採用自動化可以幫助更好地利用資源。
  • 自主技術提供了一些不容忽視的好處。這些影響整個採礦價值鏈和依賴採礦來滿足原料需求的產業。如果實施得當,採用自動化技術的公司可以快速實現顯著的生產力提高和費用降低。
  • 此外,世界各地的礦業公司正在迅速利用技術發展,更好地利用設備和人力資源來提高安全性。例如,2020 年 9 月,物流公司 Bis 和以色列航太工業公司 (IAI) 宣布成立新的合資企業 Automate,為採礦作業提供自主系統。 IAI 表示,合資企業將使採礦業相關人員能夠利用採礦作業自動化的優勢來提高安全性和生產力。
  • 預計該行業將受益於安全措施的顯著改善。識別流程和工作程序將幫助您制定 SOP 來解決危險點並降低這些風險。此外,透過使用可以在不安全或具有挑戰性的地點進行操作的自動化設備,採礦公司可以提高產量,同時降低地下開採時員工的風險,從而減少礦工的數量。例如,在非洲的多個礦場實施自動化技術後,Randgold Resources 將季度受傷率降低了 29%。
  • 此外,該行業對自動化設備的需求主要是由於對提高生產力和改善工人安全的需求不斷成長而推動的。 COVID-19 疫情引發了自動化需求,預計長期來看將會增加,主要是為了解決勞動力短缺和成本上升的問題。即使在採礦業內,情況似乎也因產品而異。黃金、鐵礦石和鈾等大宗商品的開採仍然蓬勃發展。相較之下,火力發電和冶金大宗商品由於充分暴露於消費者需求,因此面臨更大的壓力。



  • 在採礦領域,我們看到各種各樣的挖土機,從滑橇大小到巨型建築大小的推土機。這些挖掘機用於任何採礦作業的基礎。挖土機在利用液壓系統挖掘和拉回材料方面發揮重要作用。許多公司提供的挖土機分為輪式挖土機和大型挖土機兩種,製造流程也有差異。
  • 輪式挖土機也常用於多工處理,旨在提供此類任務所需的速度和動力。負載管理方面的不斷創新使得製造具有最大挖掘能力的挖土機成為可能。自動化挖土機的知名度不斷提高,以解決安全問題並提高生產力。操作員站在視線範圍內,使用遙控器操作車輛。這樣,現場挖土機的自動化可以提高生產率和準確性,減少操作員的疲勞和燃油消耗。
  • 2020 年 3 月,海克斯康旗下 Leica Geosystems 在 3D 挖土機控制解決方案 iXE3 中發布了新的半自動挖土機功能,包括傾斜和傾斜旋轉鏟鬥自動化。此解決方案可自動控制鏟鬥、動臂、傾斜和傾斜旋轉鏟鬥功能,以更快、更準確地鑽探目標設計平面和橫坡。這種新的半自動功能甚至可以讓沒有經驗的操作員執行複雜的任務,提高生產力,減少人工干預,並提高工作速度和準確性。
  • 重型機械和施工機械製造商正在與高科技公司合作開發自動挖土機。例如,基於傾轉器技術的設備製造商 Engcon 與Kobelco Construction Machinery Europe BV (KCME) 和 Leica Geosystems 合作,為神鋼 SK210LC-10 挖土機開發了相容傾轉器的挖土機引導系統。該系統基於 Leica Geosystems 的最新 3D 機器控制 (3DMC) 技術和 Engcon 的最新傾斜旋轉器技術。
  • 此外,現代施工機械於 2021 年 1 月推出了升級版挖土機系列,系列名為 SMART PLUS 和新的全球色彩,以加強其品牌定位,特別是在印度和出口市場。


  • 北美是主要的採礦設備市場之一,由於美國和加拿大的存在,兩國總合在採礦業中佔有很大的佔有率。根據美國地質調查局編制的資料,全球超過22%的活躍礦產探勘地點僅位於加拿大。美國和加拿大合計持有國際活躍礦產探勘地點的34%以上。美國和加拿大在一些重要礦物的生產中所佔的佔有率使其他國家相形見絀。
  • 此外,美國政府制定了各種法規來指導採礦作業,以確保採礦作業不會破壞環境並為相關工人提供安全。因此,自動駕駛車輛在危險環境中不受時間限制工作的能力正在推動該地區的市場。美國政府制定了《國家環境政策法》(NEPA)、《資源保護和回收法》(RCRA)、《清潔空氣法》(CAA)、《清潔水法》(CWA) 和《有毒物質控制法》等環境法規(國家安全局)。這些法規正在推動該國對自動採礦車輛的需求。
  • 該地區為採礦設備製造商提供了重要的業務。例如,日本小松公司是世界領先的採礦設備供應商之一,透過銷售建築、採礦和公共事業設施設備,在該地區創造 4,478 億日圓。日本小松公司美國子公司日本小松公司美國公司最近宣布,其領先的自主運輸系統 (AHS) 已獲得在商業長期演進 (LTE)行動寬頻技術上運作的資格。這是AHS首次在民用LTE上商用。
  • 此外,區域參與者正在為市場成長做出貢獻。例如,思科的物聯網工業網路技術和山特維克的自動化系統和軟體幫助瑞典礦業公司 Boliden 實現了採礦作業的自動化和最佳化。山特維克採礦和岩石技術是山特維克集團的一個業務領域。為採礦和建設產業提供設備、工具、服務和技術解決方案的全球供應商。其應用領域包括岩石開挖、岩石切割、破碎和篩檢、裝載和輸送、隧道挖掘、採石、破碎和拆除。
  • 此外,ABB 在加拿大推出了 ABB 能力營運管理系統。該系統最大限度地協調每週生產計畫和採礦業的動態情況,從而提高效率、提高生產力並實現盈利最大化。該系統是與 Boliden AB 和 ArcelorMittal Mining Canada 合作開發的。此外,ABB 採礦營運管理系統 (OMS) 即時連接和協調礦山操作員、勞動力、設備和採礦活動,從工作面準備到破碎機。



  • 2021 年 9 月 - ABB 推出“ABBbility eMine”,這是一個加速向零碳採礦轉型的解決方案組合。 eMine 由一系列電氣化技術組成,可實現從礦山到港口的全電動礦山,並與數位應用程式和服務整合,以監控和最佳化能源使用。
  • 2020 年 11 月 - ABB 推出礦用起吊裝置安全套件,ABBbility Safety Plus for Hoists。產品包括 Safety Plus 煞車系統,其中包括 Safety Plus起吊裝置監視器、Safety 起吊裝置保護器和安全煞車液壓系統。這些產品依照國際機械安全標準IEC62061設計,並通過瑞典研究機構RISE獨立認證。用於起吊裝置的 ABBbility Safety Plus 包括新型 ABB SIL 3 Safety Plus 煞車系統,這是採礦業首個完全獨立認證的安全完整性 3 級礦井起吊裝置系統。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
    • 替代品的威脅
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響
  • 市場促進因素
    • 對提高生產力和工人安全的需求不斷增加
    • 對降低營運成本的興趣日益濃厚
  • 市場挑戰
    • 安全和漏洞問題


  • 按成分
    • 硬體
      • 挖土機
      • 公路運輸垃圾場
      • 機器人卡車
      • 鑽頭和破碎機
      • 其他設備
    • 軟體
    • 服務
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲

第6章 競爭狀況

  • 公司簡介
    • Rockwell Automation Inc.
    • Trimble Inc.
    • Autonomous Solutions Inc.
    • ABB Ltd
    • Hexagon AB
    • Caterpillar Inc.
    • Hitachi Ltd.
    • Komatsu Ltd.
    • Atlas Copco
    • AB Volvo

第7章 投資分析

第8章 市場未來展望

Product Code: 66944

The Automated Mining Equipment Market is expected to register a CAGR of 35.38% during the forecast period.

Automated Mining Equipment - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • Mining is a composite industry that extracts raw materials of different shapes, sizes, and chemical compositions from the earth's crust. Transforming it into a standardized and high-quality final product is challenging and has pushed the industry to opt for solutions that improve its efficiency and productivity. Typically mines are located in remote areas, and adopting automation helps in resource utilization better.
  • Autonomous technologies bring certain benefits which cannot be overlooked. These impact the whole value chain of the mining industry and the industries depending upon mining for their raw material requirements. The companies that implement automation technologies are anticipated to quickly realize a significant increase in productivity and a decrease in expenditures with the correct implementation.
  • Moreover, Mining companies worldwide are swiftly utilizing technological developments to better use their equipment and human resources to improve safety. For instance, in September 2020, Bis, a logistics company, and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) announced its collaboration for 'Auto-mate,' a new joint venture, to provide autonomous systems for mining operations. According to IAI, the JV is likely to give the mining industry players access to the benefits of automation in their operations, which improves safety and productivity.
  • The industry is anticipated to benefit from a considerable increase in safety practices. Identifying processes and operating procedures helps address danger points and develop the SOP to mitigate those risks. Moreover, using automated equipment, which can be maneuvered into unsafe areas and challenging locations, the mining companies can send fewer miners underground while extracting a higher output, with lower risk to their employees. For example, after implementing autonomous technologies in several African mines, Randgold Resources reduced the quarter-on-quarter injury rate by 29%.
  • Further, the demand for automation equipment in the industry is primarily driven by the rising need to enhance productivity and improve workers' safety. The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused the demand for automation and is expected to increase over the long run, primarily to cope with the shortage of labor and rising costs. Within the mining industry, the situation is likely to vary from commodity to commodity. The mining of commodities, such as gold, iron ore, and uranium, has remained buoyant. In contrast, thermal and metallurgical commodities have come under more pressure as the commodity is fully exposed to consumer demand.

Automated Mining Equipment Market Trends

Excavators is Expected to Hold Significant Market Share in the Hardware Segment

  • A wide range of excavators can be seen in the mining fields, ranging from a skid's size to a massive building-sized earth mover. These excavators are used in the foundation of any mining operation. The excavators play a vital role in digging and pulling back the materials using hydraulics. Many companies offer excavators classified into two categories: wheeled excavators and large excavators, with differences in their manufacturing processes.
  • Moreover, wheeled excavators are popularly used for multi-tasking and are designed to deliver the speed and power required for such tasks. Continuous innovations in load management have enabled the creation of excavators with maximum digging capacities. To cater to the concerns about safety and improved productivity, automated excavators provide improved visibility. The operator stands in line with the sight and uses a remote to run the vehicle operations. Thus, automating the excavator on a job site can increase productivity and accuracy and decrease operator fatigue and fuel consumption.
  • In March 2020, Leica Geosystems, a Hexagon company, released its new semi-automated excavator functionality for the iXE3 3D excavator machine control solution, including tilt and tilt rotator bucket automation. The solution automatically controls bucket, boom, tilt, and tilt rotator bucket functions to dig faster and more accurately to the target design surface and cross slope. The new semi-automatic functionality makes the operator execute complex tasks, increase productivity, reduce manual controls, speed, and accuracy of the work, even for less experienced operators.
  • The manufacturers of heavy earthmoving and construction machinery are collaborating with tech companies to develop automated excavators. For instance, Engcon, the tilt rotators technology-based equipment manufacturer, teamed with Kobelco Construction Machinery Europe BV (KCME) and Leica Geosystems, developed the tilt rotator compatible excavator guidance system on a Kobelco SK210LC-10 excavator. The system is based on the latest 3D machine control (3DMC) technology by Leica Geosystems, along with the newest tilt rotator technology from Engcon.
  • Further, in January 2021, Hyundai Construction Equipment launched the upgraded series of excavators under the series name SMART PLUS and new global color to strengthen the brand positioning, especially in India and the export market.

North America is Expected to Account For Significant Market Share

  • North America is one of the major mining equipment markets, owing to the United States and Canada's presence, which combinedly hold a significant share in the mining industry. According to the data produced by the US Geological Survey, more than 22% of the global active mineral exploration sites are located solely in Canada. Together, the United States and Canada host more than 34% of the international active mineral exploration sites. The production shares of the two countries, for a few essential mineral commodities, put them in leading positions compared to other countries.
  • Further, the US government has various regulations that guide the mining industry to work without damaging the environment and providing safety to the workers involved. This is driving the market in the region due to the capabilities of automated vehicles working in hazardous environments without time boundaries. The US government has environmental regulations such as National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), etc. Owing to such regulations, the country is driving the demand for autonomous mining vehicles.
  • The region provides substantial business for mining equipment producers. For instance, Komatsu, one of the significant vendors of mining equipment worldwide, generated JPY 447.8 billion from the region with sales of its construction, mining, and utility equipment. Komatsu's American subsidiary, Komatsu America Corp., recently announced that its front-runner Autonomous Haulage System (AHS) has qualified to operate on private long-term evolution (LTE) mobile broadband technology. It is the first AHS enabled to run on private LTE in commercial operations.
  • Moreover, the regional players are contributing to the growth of the market. For instance, Cisco's IoT industrial networking technology and Sandvik's automation systems and software helped the Swedish mining company, Boliden, automate and optimize mining operations. Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology is a business area within the Sandvik Group. It is a global supplier of equipment and tools, services, and technical solutions for the mining and construction industries. The application areas include rock drilling, rock cutting, crushing and screening, loading and hauling, tunneling, quarrying, and breaking and demolition.
  • Further, ABB has launched ABB Ability Operations Management System in Canada that maximizes coordination between weekly production plans and dynamic situations in mining to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and maximize profitability. It has developed in collaboration with Boliden AB and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada. Moreover, ABB Ability Operations Management System for mining (OMS) connects and coordinates mine operators, workforce, equipment, and mining activities in real-time, from face preparation to the crusher.

Automated Mining Equipment Industry Overview

Automated Mining Equipment remains a consolidated market with a few significant players owning a considerable market share. However, with the market's overall size, expanding the market attracts new players, who have actively entered the market only recently. Some of the recent developments in the market are.

  • September 2021 - ABB has launched ABB Ability eMine, a portfolio of solutions that will help accelerate the move towards a zero-carbon mine. ABB also unveiled the piloting of the ABB Ability eMine FastCharge, the fastest and most powerful charging system, designed to interface with all makes of electric mining haul trucks. eMine comprises a portfolio of electrification technologies that make the all-electric mine possible from mine to port and are integrated with digital applications and services to monitor and optimize energy usage.
  • November 2020 - ABB launched the ABB Ability Safety Plus for hoists, a suite of mine hoist safety. The products include Safety Plus Hoist Monitor, Safety Plus Hoist Protector, and Safety Plus Brake System, including Safety Brake Hydraulics. The products are designed following the international safety of machinery standard IEC62061, and the products have been independently certified by Sweden's research institute, RISE. ABB Ability Safety Plus for hoists includes the new ABB SIL 3 Safety Plus Brake System, the mining industry's first entirely independently certified Safety Integrity Level 3 mine hoist system.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumption and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.3.5 Threat of Substitutes
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
  • 4.5 Market Drivers
    • 4.5.1 Growing Demand for Increasing Productivity and Improving Workers Safety
    • 4.5.2 Growing Concerns about Reduction of Operational Costs
  • 4.6 Market Challenges
    • 4.6.1 Security and Vulnerability Issues


  • 5.1 By Component
    • 5.1.1 Hardware
      • Excavators
      • Load Haul Dump
      • Robotic truck
      • Drillers and Breakers
      • Other Equipments
    • 5.1.2 Software
    • 5.1.3 Services
  • 5.2 By Geography
    • 5.2.1 North America
    • 5.2.2 Europe
    • 5.2.3 Asia Pacific
    • 5.2.4 Latin America
    • 5.2.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Rockwell Automation Inc.
    • 6.1.2 Trimble Inc.
    • 6.1.3 Autonomous Solutions Inc.
    • 6.1.4 ABB Ltd
    • 6.1.5 Hexagon AB
    • 6.1.6 Caterpillar Inc.
    • 6.1.7 Hitachi Ltd.
    • 6.1.8 Komatsu Ltd.
    • 6.1.9 Atlas Copco
    • 6.1.10 AB Volvo