

Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market Assessment, By Technology Type, By Grid Type, By Deployment, By Region, Opportunities and Forecast, FY2018-FY2032F

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Xcel - Markets and Data | 英文 125 Pages | 商品交期: 3-5個工作天內


日本屋頂太陽能光電安裝市場預計將從 2024 財年的 38.1 億美元增長到 2032 財年的 71.1 億美元,在預測期內(2025 財年 - 2032 財年)的複合年增長率為 8.11%。多種因素推動了市場的成長,包括政府的支持性政策、經濟誘因、技術進步以及國家減少碳排放的動力。屋頂太陽能裝置減少了對化石燃料的依賴,並以低成本支持再生能源的自發電,使其成為住宅領域的一個有吸引力的選擇。此外,該國正在透過使用屋頂太陽能光電裝置探索工業領域的能源轉型。透過太陽能光電技術生產的再生能源與傳統能源相比越來越具有競爭力,這推動了住宅領域對屋頂太陽能光電裝置的需求。


例如,日本政府的第六個戰略能源計畫決定將太陽能發電裝置容量從2022年的79吉瓦(GW)提高到2030年的108吉瓦。這些措施包括在 50% 的政府大樓(6GW)、企業大樓和停車場(10GW)、公共土地和開發區(4GW)安裝太陽能光電發電設施。這一發展凸顯了該國對屋頂太陽能裝置日益增長的需求。


第1章 計劃的範圍和定義

第2章 調查手法

第3章 摘要整理

第4章 客戶的迴響

  • 產品與市場資訊
  • 品牌認知度
  • 決定是否購買時考慮的要素
    • 安裝時間
    • 太陽能板的效率
    • 技術營業及服務
    • 產品效率
  • 政府的配合措施與政策

第5章 日本屋頂太陽能光伏發電安裝市場預測,2018~2032年

  • 市場規模的分析與預測
    • 各金額
    • 各數量
  • 市場佔有率分析與預測
    • 各技術類型
      • 單結晶
      • 多結晶
      • 薄膜
    • 各電網類型
      • 並聯型
      • 離網
    • 各部署
      • 住宅
      • 商業
      • 產業
    • 各地區
      • 北部(北海道·東北)
      • 中部(關東·中部)
      • 南部(關西,中國,四國,九州·沖繩)
    • 市場佔有率分析(前五名公司以及其他- 各金額,2024年度),各企業
  • 市場地圖分析,2024年
    • 各技術類型
    • 各電網類型
    • 各部署
    • 各地區


第6章 波特的五力分析

第7章 大環境分析

第8章 市場動態

  • 推動市場要素
  • 市場課題

第9章 市場趨勢與發展

第10章 競爭情形

  • 市場領導前五名公司的競爭矩陣
  • 前五大企業的SWOT分析
  • 市場前十大企業的主要企業的形勢
    • Trina Solar Japan Energy KK
      • 公司概要
      • 主要經營團隊
      • 產品和服務
      • 財務狀況(報告那樣)
      • 主要市場焦點和地理存在感
      • 最近的趨勢/合作/夥伴關係/合併和收購
    • LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
    • KYOCERA Corporation
    • Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
    • Leapton Energy Co., Ltd.
    • Sharp Energy Solutions Corporation(SESJ)
    • Suzhou ShareSun Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Jinko Solar Japan KK
    • Canadian Solar Japan KK
    • Yingli Energy Japan Company Limited


第11章 策略性建議

第12章 關於查公司·免責聲明

Product Code: MX12738

Japan rooftop solar PV installation market is projected to witness a CAGR of 8.11% during the forecast period FY2025- FY2032, growing from USD 3.81 billion in FY2024 to USD 7.11 billion in FY2032. Several factors contribute to the growth of the market such as supportive government policies, economic incentives, technological advancements, and a push towards lowering the carbon footprint in the country. The rooftop solar PV installation helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and support onsite renewable energy production at low cost, becoming an attractive option for the residential sector. Furthermore, the country is looking for an energy transition in the industrial sector by enabling the use of rooftop solar PV installation. The production of renewable energy from solar PV technology is becoming competitive compared with traditional energy sources which drives the demand for rooftop solar PV installation in the residential sector.

Moreover, local manufacturers of solar panels are adopting improved technology which is leading to higher efficiency rates for panels and making rooftop installations more viable even in limited spaces. The government is introducing mandatory mandates for the adoption of rooftop solar PV installations which creates the opportunity for the market. Even, the country is aiming for carbon neutrality and set various targets for renewable energy production which drives the demand for the technology in the market.

For instance, according to Japan's government 6th Strategic Energy Plan decided to increase the installation of solar capacity from 79 gigawatts (GW) in 2022 to 108 GW by 2030. Initiatives include installing solar capacity on 50% of government buildings (6 GW), on corporate buildings and parking garages (10 GW), and on public land and promotion areas (4 GW). This development highlights the rising demand for rooftop solar PV installation in the country.

Adoption of Self-Consumption, Business Model, and Energy Storage Solutions Drive Market Growth

In Japan, residential and commercial sectors are adopting the self-consumption model which allows sectors to generate onsite renewable electricity by using rooftop solar systems. The production of onsite renewable energy reduces reliance on grid electricity. Furthermore, the Japanese government has increasingly supported self-consumption models for different applications through various incentives and subsidies, which encourage the installation of solar PV systems. Companies are installing on-site PV systems to take advantage of low-cost solar energy compared to retail prices.

The growing trend of self-consumption along with efficient energy storage systems among commercial and industrial users is a significant factor for the growth of rooftop solar PV installations. Energy storage solutions improve the overall efficiency of solar PV systems by enabling better management of energy consumption. Sectors are able to optimize and analyze the energy usage patterns and ensure to utilize stored solar energy.

Moreover, the combination of a self-consumption business model and effective energy storage solutions is transforming the landscape for rooftop solar PV installations in Japan. By enabling users to generate and manage the power usage more efficiently. The innovative models provide economic benefits also align with Japan's ambitious renewable energy targets and commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

For instance, in January 2023, the Japanese government came up with a new policy such as FIT (feed-in tariffs) to promote the installation of rooftop solar in residential and industrial applications. The government will pay higher prices for the building which has already installed rooftop solar systems. The development will drive the demand for rooftop solar products in the market.

Rise in Efficiency and Technological Advancement in Solar Panels Augment Market Growth

Manufacturers are adopting advanced technologies related to production processes and high-quality materials to produce solar panels. Solar panels with new materials are highly efficient which results in higher energy conversion. The panels are able to generate the same amount of electricity with less surface area, which makes rooftop installations more feasible even in space-constrained environments. Moreover, the advanced solar panels are highly flexible, lightweight, and durable in nature due to which panels are able to generate electricity in harsh conditions. The adaptability features of panels increase the market potential for rooftop solar installations, especially in urban areas.

Lower cost panels lead to more competitive pricing for consumers which makes rooftop solar installations more attractive in the country. Furthermore, with the improvement in efficiency of solar panels, the output per watt increases which makes rooftop solar installations a more economically viable option for residential and industrial applications.

For instance, in May 2024, Japan's Trade and Industry Ministry (Meti) launched a public-private joint council with 150 organizations with the aim of expanding solar power generation with new solar panel technologies perovskite, which is highly efficient, durable, and could be deployed on any nature of rooftop. According to the current policy, Japan plans to increase solar output to 129-146TWh by 2030, up from 92.6TWh in the April 2022-March 2023.

Government Incentives and Policy Support Creates Opportunity

The country is coming up the new renewable energy policies with the focus on high-efficiency technologies which help in achieving the emission reduction targets. The Japanese government supporting the technological innovation through funding programs and tax incentives aimed at renewable energy technologies, including rooftop solar PV installation.

The Japanese government introducing the wide range of policies which significantly support the growth of rooftop solar PV installations in the country. The financial benefits measures create opportunities for residential and industrial to adopt solar energy production technologies, which contributes to Japan's renewable energy goals.

The local government and higher authorities offer additional subsidies, grants, and low-interest loans to encourage the adoption of solar PV systems in residential sector. The subsidies significantly reduce upfront installation costs of the system, which makes the adoption of rooftop solar PV installation easily accessible. Furthermore, the government is also promoting the integration of energy storage systems with rooftop solar installations which will foster the demand for technology in different applications.

For instance, in November 2024, as per the Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) report country is planning to deploy around 20 GW of new PV systems based on perovskite solar cell technology by 2040. Moreover, Japan ministry also have the intends to support Japanese manufacturers in producing perovskite solar module technologies in the future. This development highlight government is also taking initiatives to bring the technology in the country for rooftop installation.

Mono Crystalline to Dominate the Japan Market Share

Monocrystalline panels experience a high adoption rate, which makes the segment dominate the market. They come with several advantages, such as a high efficiency rate and cost-effectiveness, which drive their demand in the country. The panels perform better in low-light conditions than other solar cells in the market.

Moreover, advancements are coming in the manufacturing processes and technologies have led to improvements in the performance of monocrystalline panels. Innovations such as passivated emitter rear cell (PERC) technology enhance the efficiency and energy output of the panels which makes product attractive for different applications.

The Japanese government has been actively promoting the production of solar panels locally and providing various subsidies, incentives, and policies which create a favorable environment for the manufacturers. The local government support measures make investing in high-efficiency technologies and produce high quality monocrystalline solar panels in the market.

Central Region is the Fastest Growing Region for Rooftop Solar PV installation Market

Central region is the fastest growing region in Japan rooftop solar PV installation market and is expected to continue during the forecast period. Several factors such as policy mandates, rising electricity prices, urbanization challenges, and heightened public awareness are creating a robust demand for the growth of rooftop solar PV installations in the region. The rooftop solar installations technology is becoming an attractive option to boosts the production of renewable energy generation within densely populated cities.

Government is introducing policies for residential sector to invest more in the technology. The system reduces the dependency on grid sources of energy due to which both commercial and industrial sectors are looking to adopt the system in the region. Moreover, the local government is introducing various subsidies and financial incentives to encourage rooftop solar adoption.

For instance, in December 2022, Tokyo Metropolitan Government is a Japanese local government is implementing mandates for new buildings to include rooftop PV systems by 2025, which will be applicable for places having total floor space of less than 2,000 sq. meter excluding total floor space of less than 20 sq. meter. The new regulatory push is expected to significantly expand the residential rooftop market as similar policies may spread across other municipalities in the forecast period.

Furthermore, introducing new frameworks like the Feed-in Premium (FIP) scheme aims to enhance market-driven growth in solar installations.

Future Market Scenario (FY2025 - FY2032F)

Japan is expected to implement policies which favour the adoption of high-efficiency solar technologies in different end users which fosters the demand for rooftop solar PV installation in coming years.

Japan aims to increase the share of renewable energy to 36-38% of its energy mix by 2030 which boosts the demand for rooftop solar PV installation market in coming years.

Continuous research and development (R&D) in rooftop solar PV installation technology will improve panel efficiency and durability, driving the technology demand in several projects.

Japanese companies are committing to sustainability goals and carbon reduction targets which driving demand for on-site renewable energy solutions in the country.

Key Players Landscape and Outlook

In rooftop solar PV installation market, companies compete to outperform one another in terms of production and distribution of rooftop solar PV installation products. Rooftop solar PV installation manufacturers are focusing on technological development with an aim to increase the efficiency of solar panels which will help in increasing the energy production through solar panels. Further, Production expansion, collaborations, agreement and developing technologies are projected to increase competition in this fast-paced market.

For instance, in November 2023, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. installed and utilized its Hi-MO X6 modules in Japan market which are designed specifically for the rooftop market. This installation took place at a recycling centre of Sanko company, Japan having 260 panels with combined capacity of 109.2 kW installed at rooftop. This development helped the company to increase its presence in the country.

Table of Contents

1. Project Scope and Definitions

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Voice of Customer

  • 4.1. Product and Market Intelligence
  • 4.2. Brand Awareness
  • 4.3. Factors Considered in Purchase Decisions
    • 4.3.1. Installation Time
    • 4.3.2. Solar Panel Efficiency
    • 4.3.3. Technical Sales and Service
    • 4.3.4. Product Efficiency
  • 4.4. Government Initiative and Policies

5. Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market Outlook, FY2018-FY2032F

  • 5.1. Market Size Analysis & Forecast
    • 5.1.1. By Value
    • 5.1.2. By Volume
  • 5.2. Market Share Analysis & Forecast
    • 5.2.1. By Technology Type
      • Mono Crystalline
      • Poly Crystalline
      • Thin film
    • 5.2.2. By Grid Type
      • On Grid
      • Off Grid
    • 5.2.3. By Deployment
      • Residential
      • Commercial
      • Industrial
    • 5.2.4. By Region
      • North [Hokkaido and Tohoku]
      • Central [Kanto and Chubu]
      • South [Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu & Okinawa]
    • 5.2.5. By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies and Others - By Value, FY2024)
  • 5.3. Market Map Analysis, FY2024
    • 5.3.1. By Technology Type
    • 5.3.2. By Grid Type
    • 5.3.3. By Deployment
    • 5.3.4. By Region

All segments will be provided for all regions covered

6. Porter's Five Forces Analysis

7. PESTLE Analysis

8. Market Dynamics

  • 8.1. Market Drivers
  • 8.2. Market Challenges

9. Market Trends and Developments

10. Competitive Landscape

  • 10.1. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • 10.2. SWOT Analysis for Top 5 Players
  • 10.3. Key Players Landscape for Top 10 Market Players
    • 10.3.1. Trina Solar Japan Energy K.K.
      • Company Details
      • Key Management Personnel
      • Products and Services
      • Financials (As Reported)
      • Key Market Focus and Geographical Presence
      • Recent Developments/Collaborations/Partnerships/Mergers and Acquisition
    • 10.3.2. LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
    • 10.3.3. KYOCERA Corporation
    • 10.3.4. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
    • 10.3.5. Leapton Energy Co., Ltd.
    • 10.3.6. Sharp Energy Solutions Corporation (SESJ)
    • 10.3.7. Suzhou ShareSun Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd.
    • 10.3.8. Jinko Solar Japan K.K.
    • 10.3.9. Canadian Solar Japan K.K.
    • 10.3.10. Yingli Energy Japan Company Limited

Companies mentioned above DO NOT hold any order as per market share and can be changed as per information available during research work

11. Strategic Recommendations

12. About Us and Disclaimer

List of Tables

  • Table 1. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • Table 2. Mergers & Acquisitions/ Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • Table 3. About Us - Regions and Countries Where We Have Executed Client Projects

List of Figures

  • Figure 1. Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market, By Value, In USD Billion, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 2. Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market, By Volume, In Gigawatt (GW), FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 3. Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market Share (%), By Technology Type, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 4. Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market Share (%), By Grid Type, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 5. Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market Share (%), By Deployment, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 6. Japan Rooftop Solar PV Installation Market Share (%), By Region, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 7. By Technology Type Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 8. By Grid Type Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 9. By Deployment Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 10. By Region Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024