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到 2028 年紅花種子市場預測 - 按類型(單不飽和脂肪酸、多不飽和脂肪酸)、按性質、按應用和按地區分類的全球分析Safflower Seeds Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type (Monounsaturated Fatty Acid and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids ), Nature, Application and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC,全球紅花種子市場預計在預測期內以 7.7% 的複合年增長率增長。
紅花的種植最初是因為它的花可用於食用和著色衣物。 然而,最近,它的種子已被用於工業和食用油以及鳥類飼料中。 紅花籽在營養補充劑、化妝品和藥品領域也受到關注。 該物種的種子用於製造人造黃油和色拉油等食用油產品。 紅花籽油用作乾性或半乾性油,用於工業應用和其他類型的表面塗層。 腳是石油製造過程中產生的另一種產品,用於製作肥皂。 使用由紅花籽製成的油可以避免心臟問題。 此外,它還可用於治療呼吸問題、身體疼痛、咳嗽和發燒。 因此,紅花種子具有多種優勢,應用領域廣泛,預計市場將保持穩定增長。
根據 FAO(聯合國糧食及農業組織)的數據,哈薩克斯坦、印度、美國、墨西哥、阿根廷和澳大利亞是輪花紅花種子的主要生產國,主要用於搾油,此外還有水稻、小麥和玉米島
在紅花籽市場,消費者對紅花油的健康益處的認識有所提高。 據農業營銷資源中心 (AgMRC) 稱,單不飽和和多不飽和紅花油用於嬰兒奶粉、化妝品、色拉油和食用油中。 紅花已成為生產植物油的主要作物,這兩種油現在都被認為是“優質”食用油,因為這兩種油的健康益處已得到普遍認可。 與傳統提取的油相比,使用超臨界 CO2 的提取方法的最新創新傾向於產生更高質量的油。
有些人可能會對攝入這種油產生不良反應,例如胃痛、嘔吐和痙攣。 這種反應可能會阻礙整個市場的增長。 近年來,全球注重健康的消費者數量迅速增加。 隨著越來越多的人追求積極健康的生活方式,對促進健康的食品的需求也在增加。 肥胖、食物過敏和其他疾病仍在增加,健康的生活方式正在成為常態。
隨著人們生活方式和對低脂食品偏好的改變,紅花油越來越受歡迎。 紅花油用於各種非烹飪過程,例如在使用動物脂肪的行業中製造油漆。 紅花油的消費也受到快速擴張的化妝品業務、對有機食品日益增長的需求以及世界日益增長的健康意識的影響。
紅花是一種在寒冷季節(Rabi 季節)種植的作物。 理想的發芽溫度約為15.5度。 在開花期間,白天溫度在 24 到 32°C 之間是提高產量的理想溫度。 它生長在海平面和海拔1000米之間。 隨著海拔高度的增加,含油量和種子產量也會增加。 然而,在幼苗階段,作物可以耐受更低的溫度(-12 至 -10°C)。 開花期間的高溫會損害作物。 過度的濕度和降雨會促進所有生長階段的真菌病害侵擾。 它是一種矛盾的植物。 然而,在紅花中,溫度比光週期更重要。 白天時間越短,玫瑰花結期越長。 這種作物不適合降雨量大的地區。 此外,霜凍對作物有害,尤其是在種子形成期間。
2020 年第一季度,毀滅性的 COVID-19 疫情導致全球消費品生產陷入停頓。 即使在某些地區放鬆封鎖後,生產商仍在努力簡化生產。 全球供應鏈的意外中斷導致許多產品的貿易暫時停止。 由於大流行,許多紅花種子細分市場預計將面臨運營困難。 紅花種子市場將繼續在靜態軌道上發展,根據最好的情況預計會緩慢復甦。
藥物是由花油和種子油製成的。 紅花籽油用於阻止“動脈硬化”(動脈粥樣硬化),這是心髒病和中風的主要原因。 它還用於治療外傷、發燒、腫瘤、咳嗽、呼吸問題、血栓問題和疼痛。 也有人將其用作祛痰、瀉藥、興奮劑、止汗劑、祛痰止汗劑。 女性也可以使用紅花油治療月經來潮和月經不調。
一種健康的膳食脂肪是單不飽和脂肪酸(油酸)。 吃更好的脂肪會改善你的健康。 在室溫下,飽和脂肪酸和反式脂肪酸是固體。 食用這些壞脂肪會增加患心髒病和其他健康問題的風險。 堅果、鱷梨和植物油是含有單不飽和脂肪酸的植物性食物的例子。 適量食用單不飽和脂肪而不是飽和脂肪和反式脂肪可能對健康有益。 脂肪為每克 9 大卡。 這是蛋白質和碳水化合物中發現的卡路裡的兩倍多。 在已經含有大量有害食物和脂肪的飲食中添加含有大量不飽和脂肪酸的食物是不夠的。 相反,我們用更健康的不飽和脂肪代替了飽和脂肪和反式脂肪。 這些因素正在推動該行業的發展。
在預測期內的全球市場中,中東和非洲預計將產生最大的收入。 提高消費者對紅花油健康益處的認識。 由於向低脂食品消費的轉變和個人生活方式的改變,紅花油的規模越來越大,預計這將有助於市場的預期收入增長。 推動紅花油需求的主要因素是化妝品行業的快速增長、對有機食品的需求增加以及健康意識的增強,這些都促進了紅花籽市場在收入方面的發展。我在這裡.
預計北美市場在預測期內將穩步上漲,因為紅花籽中的亞油酸含量高達 75% 以上,明顯高於橄欖油、大豆、棉籽和玉米。 由於對紅花種子的藥用和膳食補充劑特性的興趣,預計它將成為增長最快的市場。 因此,紅花種子具有多種優勢,應用領域廣泛,預計市場將保持穩定增長。
2021 年 3 月,Connoyles 宣布與一家公司合作,幫助生產適用於各種產品的食品級和藥妝級油和油粉。 微囊化技術可以控制釋放特定於產品功能的活性劑。
2020 年 4 月,加拿大寵物產品製造和分銷的領導者 Rolf C. Hagen Inc. 增加了消耗品庫存,並宣布將向加拿大所有寵物父母和愛好者開放電話熱線尋找信息、資料或簡單的幫助。
2018 年 4 月,油籽加工和精煉設施的所有者和運營商 Louis-Dreyfus Company 被特種植物油製造商和供應商 Oil Seeds International Inc. 收購。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Safflower Seeds Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.7% during the forecast period. Safflower was originally grown for its blooms, which were used to make colours for food and clothes. More recently, though, the crop's seeds have been used to make industrial oil, culinary oils, and bird feed. Safflower seeds are also sprouting in the nutraceutical, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. These kinds of seeds are used to produce margarine and salad oils, which are edible oil products. Safflower seed oil is used in industrial applications and other kinds of surface coatings as a drying or semi-drying oil. The foot, a byproduct of the oil production process, is used to make soap. Heart problems can be avoided by using the oil made from safflower seeds. Additionally, it can be used to treat breathing issues, body aches, coughs, and fevers. Thus, owing to the seeds' multiple benefits and application in different fields, the market is expected to project a steady growth trajectory.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Kazakhstan, India, the United States of America, Mexico, Argentina, and Australia are the primary producers of safflower seed mainly for oil extraction rotational crops along with rice, wheat, and corn.
The safflower seeds market is increased awareness regarding the health benefits of safflower oil among consumers. Safflower oil, which is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, is used in baby formula, cosmetics, salad and cooking oils, according to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Centre (AgMRC). Safflower has become a crucial crop for the production of vegetable oil, and both types of oil are regarded as "high-quality" food oils thanks to growing public knowledge of their health advantages. When compared to conventionally extracted oil, a recent innovation in the oil extraction method that uses supercritical CO2 tends to produce oil of higher quality.
Some people's ingestion of this oil may result in negative reactions such stomach pain, vomiting, and cramps. These responses are probably going to prevent the overall market from growing. There has been an upsurge in the number of health-conscious consumers worldwide during the last several years. The demand for food products that promote good health has increased as more people pursue active, healthy lifestyles. Obesity, food sensitivity, and other ailments are still on the rise, thus living a healthy lifestyle is becoming a traditional way of life.
Safflower oil is becoming more and more popular as people's lifestyles and preferences for low-fat foods change. Safflower oil is used in a variety of non-cooking procedures, including as the production of paints in the industrial sector using animal oil. Safflower oil consumption is also significantly influenced by the fast expanding cosmetic business, rising demand for organic foods, and a rise in global health consciousness.
Safflower is a crop grown in the frigid (rabi) season. The ideal germination temperature is approximately 15.5 degree Celsius. When the plant is in the flowering stage, daytime temperatures between 24 and 32 degree Celsius are favorable for better yields. Between sea level and 1000 meters above sea level, it is grown. As elevation rises, so do the oil content and seed output. However, during the seedling stage, the crop can withstand even lower temperatures (between -12 and -10 degree C). The crop is harmed by high temperatures when it is flowering. Excessive humidity or rainfall boosts the invasion of fungal diseases at all growth stages. It is an ambivalent plant. However, in safflower, temperatures matter more than photoperiod. Short days lengthen the rosette phase. The crop is not fit for tracts of heavy rainfall. Frost is also harmful to the crop, especially at seed formation.
Global production of consumer products had been halted in the first trimester of 2020 due to the devastating COVID-19 epidemic. The producers were having trouble streamlining their manufacturing even after the lockdown was loosened in some places. The trade of numerous products was temporarily halted due to the unfavourable disruption of the global supply chain. Many safflower seed market segments are anticipated to experience operations difficulties as a result of the pandemic. The safflower seed market will continue to develop at a static trajectory despite the delayed recovery that is anticipated, according to the best-case scenario.
Medicine is made from the flower and seed oil. Safflower seed oil is used to stop the "hardening of the arteries" (atherosclerosis), which is a major cause of heart disease, as well as stroke. Additionally, it is used to treat traumatic injuries, fever, tumors, coughing, breathing issues, clotting issues, and pain. Some individuals take it as an expectorant to assist loosen phlegm, a laxative, a stimulant, an antiperspirant, and to induce sweating. Women occasionally use safflower oil for painful or irregular periods; they also use safflower flowers to induce abortions, which could be a major contributor in this segment's revenue growth.
One of the healthier types of dietary fat is monounsaturated fat (oleic acid). Your health will benefit from eating better fats. At room temperature, saturated and Trans fats are solid. Your risk of heart disease and other health issues may rise as a result of these bad fats. Nuts, avocados, and vegetable oils are examples of plant foods that include monounsaturated fats. Your health may benefit from substituting monounsaturated fats for saturated and Trans fats in moderation. Every gram of fat contains 9 calories. This is more than twice as much as what is present in protein and carbs. Adding foods high in unsaturated fats to a diet that is already loaded with harmful foods and fats is insufficient. Instead, replace saturated or Trans fats with healthier, unsaturated fats. These factors are fuelling the segment's growth.
In the global market over the forecast period, the Middle East and Africa are anticipated to have the greatest revenue share. Increased awareness regarding the health benefits of safflower oil among consumers. Safflower oil is experiencing an increasingly growing shift toward the consumption of low-fat foods and the changing lifestyles of individuals, which is anticipated to contribute to the market's expected revenue growth. Major factors driving the demand for safflower oil are a rapidly growing cosmetic industry, increased demand for organic food, and rising health consciousness, which help the market for safflower seeds develop in terms of revenue.
The market in North America is anticipated to rise steadily over the course of the forecast period as a result of safflower seeds with a high concentration of linoleic acid containing over 75% linoleic acid, which is considerably higher than olive oils, soybeans, cottonseed, or corn. It is expected to be the fastest-growing market owing to its interest in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical properties of safflower seeds. Thus, owing to the seeds' multiple benefits and applications in different fields, the market is expected to project a steady growth trajectory.
Some of the key players in Safflower Seeds market include: Adams Group, Aktivv LLP, Asa Agrotech Pv Ltd, BioNutrition, Ciaberia International Inc., Connoils, Deve Herbes, GalpDistribuicion Oil Espana, Greenwood Essential, Henry Lamotte OILS GmbH, Los Charitos, Louis Dreyfus Company, Oil Seeds International Inc., Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Spectrum Culinary and Wagner's
In March 2021, Connoils announced collaborations with companies that help create food and cosmeceutical grade oils and oil powders for a variety of products. And microencapsulation techniques that allow for the controlled release of active agents specific to product function.
In April 2020, Rolf C. Hagen Inc., a Canadian leader in pet product manufacturing and distribution, announced that it is increasing inventory of its consumables to satisfy the surge in demand for essential food amid COVID-19, and opening its phone lines to all Canadian pet parents and hobbyist looking for product, information, or a simple helping hand.
In April 2018, Louis Dreyfus Company, which owns and runs oilseeds crushing and refining facilities, was acquired by Oil Seeds International Inc., a manufacturer, and supplier of specialty vegetable oil.
Benchmarking of key players based on product portfolio, geographical presence, and strategic alliances