

Rethink Energy

出版日期: 52 Issues/Year | 出版商: Rethink Technology Research Ltd | 英文


隨著從傳統化石燃料向可再生能源的轉變開始,Rethink Energy 預測了不斷變化的能源格局及其投資潛力。


Rethink Energy 旨在在全球範圍內重新定義發電。 我們專注於用電量高和可再生能源潛力高的國家,並將它們結合到一份年度主要電力預測中。 每個組件都是單獨提供的,包括太陽能、風能、水力和核能預測、煤炭和天然氣下降,以及新興氫市場(包括鋼鐵和水泥)的各種應用。


我們相信,這種模式將展示許多需要投資並帶來卓越回報的新市場的出現。 其中許多以超級工廠的興起為標誌。 Gigafactory 每年將生產超過 1 GW 的產能,包括電池、先進的儲能、電解槽、燃料電池、熱泵等,隨著能源變得越來越不以項目為導向、越來越商品化,製造環境已經準備就緒。

Rethink Energy 還提供了有關化石燃料市場消失速度的指標和線索。


Rethink Energy 提供每週分析和 12 次年度預測,包括到 2050 年的可再生能源預測和全球電力預測。 我們還有十幾個網絡研討會和 50 個播客。 所有這些都可以單獨使用或支付一次訂閱費。


Rethink Energy forecasts the changing energy landscape and its investment possibilities as renewables begin to take over from conventional fossil fuels.

Rethink Energy Subscription

Rethink Energy is about rethinking the generation of electricity on a global scale. We focus on the countries which are the largest users of electricity or which have the greatest possibilities in renewable energy, and blend these together into a single Annual Primary Electricity forecast. Its components are each available separately and include projections for solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear, the decline of coal and gas, and the multiple uses of the emerging hydrogen marketplace including making steel and cement.

We have also modeled any fresh use of electricity such as charging Electric Vehicles, producing Ammonia to fuel shipping, and the transition from gas to electricity in home heating.

We believe that our model shows the rise of many new markets which will require investment and which will yield extraordinary returns. Many of these are represented in the rise of Gigafactories - manufacturing environments within which 1GW or more of capacity are made each year in batteries, novel energy storage, electrolyzers, fuel cells and heat pumps, as energy ceases to be quite so project oriented, and becomes more commoditized.

Rethink Energy will also give indicators and clues of the speed at which fossil fuel markets will evaporate.

Subscription Content

Rethink Energy offers weekly analysis, and 12 forecasts a year including forecasts to 2050 for every source of renewable energy and a global electricity forecast. We also deliver a dozen or so webinars and 50 podcasts. These are all available separately or for a single subscription price.