

Augmented Reality Software and Services

出版日期: | 出版商: ABI Research | 英文 8 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告研究了 AR(擴增實境)軟體和服務市場,並總結了 AR 軟體和服務收入的趨勢和預測,並按地區、細分市場和行業等各個細分市場提供了詳細信息,並對主要影響因素進行了分析。


  • 獲得擴增實境 (AR) 和混合實境 (MR) 軟體和服務價值鏈的定量知識
  • 確定推動收入成長和機會的關鍵細分市場,包括軟體和內容、專業服務和許可
  • 了解當前和未來的市場規模和影響趨勢,以及它們如何影響市場的量化成分
  • 直觀地了解硬體採用向無顯示器眼鏡的重大轉變將如何影響各行業的消費者收入和整體業務收入


  • 整個 AR 和 MR 軟體和服務市場的當前和未來規模是多少?
  • 不同地區與價值鏈之間的市場規模有何變化?
  • 哪些趨勢促使了這些差異以及它們如何滲透到整個市場?


  • 按地區、部門、行業和年份顯示軟體和服務收入的互動式儀表板
  • 包含每個資料點的資料透視表和原始數據,方便使用者操作和分析
  • 詳細的方法和定義使人們能夠清晰地了解資料庫和整個市場的分類和細分




  • 各部門 AR 軟體與服務總收入 各地區 AR 軟體和服務總收入:
Product Code: MD-ARS-102

Actionable Benefits:

  • Acquire quantitative knowledge of the Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) software and services value chain.
  • Identify key market segments for revenue growth and opportunity, including software and content, professional services, licensing, and more.
  • Understand present day and forward-looking market size and impactful trends, and how that shapes quantitative elements of the market.
  • Visualize how a major shift in hardware adoption to "no display" glasses affects consumer revenue, and revenue of enterprise verticals overall.

Critical Questions Answered:

  • What is the overall size of the AR and MR software and services market today and in the future?
  • How does this size differ by region and value chain segment?
  • What are the driving trends of these differences and how do they permeate throughout the market?

Research Highlights:

  • Interactive dashboard for software and service revenue segments by region, segment, vertical, and year.
  • Pivot tables and raw data included for all data points to allow for user manipulation and analysis.
  • Granular methodology and definitions to clearly understand segmentation and differentiation used within the database, as well as the wider market.

Who Should Read This?

  • Decision makers for those actively implementing AR or looking to in the future, especially for content and network enablers, tech suppliers, and potential AR customers.
  • Product managers wanting quantitative backup for AR/MR devices, partnerships, or implementation roadmaps.
  • Innovation leaders invested in the overall digitization space wanting to understand intra-market AR/MR software and service dynamics.



  • Table 1 Total Augmented Reality Software and Service Revenue by Segment
  • Table 2 Total Augmented Reality Software and Service Revenue by Region
  • Table 3 AR Advertising Revenue by Region
  • Table 4 Connectivity Revenue by Region
  • Table 5 Consumer Software and Content Revenue by Region
  • Table 6 Enterprise Software and Content Revenue by Region
  • Table 7 Internal IT Spending Revenue by Region
  • Table 8 Platform and Licensing Revenue by Region
  • Table 9 Systems Integration Revenue by Region
  • Table 10 Other Software and Services Revenue by Region


  • Chart 1 Total Augmented Reality Software and Service Revenue by Segment
  • Chart 2 Total Augmented Reality Software and Service Revenue by Region